Methodical materials "Pedagogical conditions for the organization of independent activities of preschool children"

Bykova Lyudmila Anatolyevna, musical director of MADOU DS No. 464

In Federal Law "On education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ declares that preschool education is the first level of general education. Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children .

Educational program for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) should include a number of activities, such as play, including role-playing game, game with rules and other types of play, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive and research (researching objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them)as well as perception fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household labor (indoors and outdoors), construction from various materials, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials, fine (drawing, modeling, applique), musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastering basic movements) forms of child activity. .

In accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter FSES of preschool education) pedagogical tasks should be solved by teachers:

  • during security moments
  • in joint activities of children with a teacher
  • in the independent activity of children
  • in joint activities with the family.

One of the main forms of organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution is the independent activity of children. The study of the problem of independence of preschool children today is carried out in various aspects. Explore: the essence of independence, its nature (G. A. Ball, A. G. Khripkova); structure and ratio of components of independence (Yu.N. Dmitrieva, G.N. Godina, T.G. Guskova); stages, conditions and methods of development of independence (Z. V. Eliseeva, N.S. Krivova, K. P. Kuzovkova); the importance and role of independence as a factor of adaptation to a preschool institution

(T.N. Filyutina)... Therefore, the research topic we have chosen is relevant.

Based on the relevance of the problem, we determined the purpose of the study: to theoretically study and practically check the pedagogical conditions for organizing the independent activity of children in the older group of preschool educational institutions.

Object of research: the process of organizing the independent activity of preschool children.

Subject of research: pedagogical conditions conducive to the organization of independent activity of older preschoolers.

Research hypothesis: the process of forming independent activity of preschoolers may be successful if the following pedagogical conditions are created:

  • support by the teacher of children's initiative and independence;
  • organization of a developing subject-spatial environment for the self-development of a senior preschool child;
  • the use in the educational process of independent search and research activities of older preschool children.

In accordance with the purpose, object, subject of research, we have identified the following tasks.

  1. To analyze the current state of the problem of organizing independent activity among preschoolers in the psychological and pedagogical literature.
  2. Determine the pedagogical conditions that are necessary for organizing the independent activity of older preschoolers.
  3. To check the effectiveness of the identified pedagogical conditions in cognitive and research independent activity in children of the older group of preschool educational institutions.

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters (1 theoretical and 1 practical), conclusion, list of references.


1. 1. Modern approaches to organize an independent

activities of preschool children in pedagogical

theory and practice

In modern preschool pedagogy, the problem of organizing educational work in preschool institutions takes a special place. Because today the question of the need to design educational work focused on the principles of humanity, non-violence, subjectivity, integrity and integrativity arises with all the urgency. .

It is the humane attitude towards the child as a subject of the educational process and the need to develop his inner potential with the aim of a more successful and less painful passage of active socialization that are considered as the leading trends at the present stage of development of preschool education.

Preschool didactics is based on the assumption that the full development of a child should be carried out in an interesting, meaningful activity for him. Therefore, the teacher constructing the educational process needs to provide the child with the opportunity to engage in various types of children's activities, pedagogically competently coordinating and integrating them with each other.

The modern educational strategy orients preschool workers towards purposeful design and building of education based on the unity of the processes of socialization and individualization of the developing personality. The main requirement for the organization of educational work is the confirmation of the child's subjective position in the system of his life. In this regard, in the theory of preschool education, as well as in the practice of modern preschool institutions, it is a priori recognized that the process of teaching preschoolers is one of the most undeveloped and laborious in educational work.

This is explained, firstly, by the fact that in the history of formation and development preschool education at various historical stages, various and often directly opposite methodological approaches prevailed and the most contradictory author's concepts and theories of teaching preschoolers were proposed; secondly, by the idea of \u200b\u200bpractitioners that teaching preschoolers should be based on school didactics and approach the classroom-lesson, subject-informative teaching model.

Independence - independence, freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support, help. Independence - the ability for independent action, judgment, initiative, decisiveness. In pedagogy, this is one of the volitional spheres of the personality. This is the ability to resist the influence of various factors, to act on the basis of their views and motives.

Independent activity is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions, at a specially provided time for this, while the child consciously strives to achieve the set goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical (or both together) action.

According to A.I. In winter, independent activity is presented as purposeful, internally motivated, structured by the object itself in the totality of actions performed and corrected by the process and result of the activity. Its implementation requires a sufficiently high level of self-awareness, reflectivity, self-discipline, personal responsibility, gives the child satisfaction as a process of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Preschool age is the most important stage of childhood. High sensitivity of this age period determines the great potential for the versatile development of the child.

In the Friedrich Froebel system (1782-1852) the main emphasis is on the activity of the child himself, on the need to motivate and organize his own activities. Therefore, in the upbringing of preschool children, the enormous educational and educational value of play is emphasized. Teaching children in F. Frebel's kindergartens is based on a system of games with specific didactic material. An important place in F. Frebel's system is occupied by the artistic activity of children: drawing, modeling, applique, music and poetry.

Play in the forms in which it existed in preschool childhood is gradually being replaced by learning and work, the essence of which is that these types of activities, in contrast to play, which are simply fun, have a specific purpose. Games in the learning process are of great interest for preschoolers. These are games that make you think, provide an opportunity for the child to test and develop his abilities, including him in competition with other children. The participation of preschoolers in such games contributes to their self-affirmation, develops perseverance, desire for success, and various motivational qualities. In such games, thinking is improved, including actions of planning, forecasting, weighing the chances of success, choosing alternatives.

The question of the nature and essence of the game worried and continues to attract the attention of many researchers, such as P.Ya. Galperin, V.L. Danilova, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin. Different approaches to children's play are reflected in many works. Among these approaches, one can single out the explanation of the nature of the essence of children's play as a form of communication (M.I. Lisina.), or as a form of activity, including the assimilation of the activity of adults (D. B. Elkonin) either as a manifestation and condition mental development (J. Piaget)... Each of these approaches, highlighting some aspect of play, ultimately turns out to be insufficient to explain the essence and specificity of children's play in general.

L.S. Vygotsky noted that in preschool age play and occupation, play and work form two main channels along which the activity of preschoolers proceeds. L.S. Vygotsky saw in the game inexhaustible source personality development, the defining sphere "Zone of proximal development" .

In the works of N.E. Verax is said to be one of effective methods working with older preschool children in organizing independent activities is a method of project activity, which is based on understanding the role of the child's personality in the preschool education system.

There are three main types of project activities: creative, research and normative - each of which has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. Design is an important area of \u200b\u200bchildren's cognitive activity, which is not compensated by the development of other forms of activity of preschoolers. Project activity has a number of characteristics that have a positive impact on the development of a preschooler.

A.S. Mikerina points out in her dissertation research "Cognitive development of preschool children" that in the practice of modern preschool organizations the following types of projects are used:

  • research projects (they require a well-thought-out structure, are completely subordinate to the logic of research, imply the advancement of an assumption of a solution to the indicated problem, the development of ways to solve it, including experimental, experimental ones. Children experiment, conduct experiments, discuss the results obtained, draw conclusions, draw up the results of the research)
  • creative projects (as a rule, these types of projects do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of the participants, it is only outlined and further develops, obeying the genre end result, which can be designed as a script for a video film, dramatization, holiday program, album. The presentation of the results can take place in the form of a holiday, video film, dramatization, sports game, entertainment)
  • play (role-playing) projects (The structure of these projects is also only outlined and remains open until the completion of the work. Children take on certain roles due to the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional heroes imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. For example, children enter the image of the characters of the fairy tale and solve the problem posed in their own way)

Information-practice-oriented projects (they are initially aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon; it is supposed to familiarize the project participants with this information, analyze it and generalize the facts)... Moreover, the result of the project is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. Children collect information, discuss it and implement it, focusing on social interests; the results are presented in the form of stands, newspapers, stained-glass windows.

Cognitive - research activity of preschool children, in its full expanded form, involves the following:

  • the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be solved
  • offers possible solutions
  • checks these possible solutions against the data
  • draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the audit
  • applies inferences to new data
  • makes generalizations.

Great opportunities for cognitive development preschoolers presents experimentation. As H.H. Poddyakov, deprivation of the opportunity to experiment, constant restrictions on independent activity at an early and preschool age lead to serious mental disorders that persist for life, negatively affect intellectual and creative development children, on the ability to learn in the future.

Thus, we can conclude that the problem of organizing the independent activity of preschoolers is presented in sufficient detail in the theory of preschool pedagogy.

I began the morning with the admission of children to the group, the teacher watched my actions. After all the children were in the group, I did the morning exercises with the children, then I appointed the attendants for table setting, and with the rest of the children I put things in order in the group. After the children sat down at the tables, I wished the children a bon appetit. During breakfast, I made sure that all the children were sitting correctly, not stooping, holding the spoon in their hand correctly.

After breakfast, I helped the teacher conduct classes (drawing, literacy, physical Culture), after class, we dress with the children and go for a walk, while reminding the children how to behave

walking up the stairs. During the walk I spent with the children the games "At the Bear in the Forest", "Owls". We also watched the grass with children, what it became. After returning from a walk, the children undress, I appoint two attendants, the children wash their hands and set the tables, play with the rest of the children, then the children wash their hands and sit down at the tables to eat, I wish the children a bon appetite. During lunch, I watch how children sit at the table, how to use a spoon and fork. Then the children undress, flatten their clothes on the highchair, brush their teeth, and lie down on their beds.

After all the children are in their beds and have calmed down, I read the tale of P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse", the children fall asleep.

Having carried out independent activities in the first half of the day, I can conclude that the educator plays a large role in the child's life, since the educator spends most of the time with the children. And the knowledge of the child depends on the knowledge and skills of the educator. After all, the teacher helps the child guide him, gives him the knowledge that he needs.

Independent organization of children's activities in the afternoon

I started the afternoon by lifting the children from their beds, we did exercises with the children, the children washed, then began to dress, I combed and braided the girls, appointed two children to be on duty, they served the table under the supervision of the assistant teacher. After that, all the children sat down to eat, and the assistant teacher wished you bon appetit.

After an afternoon snack, the children have independent activities where the children themselves choose what to do, the boys played construction sets, some of the girls played theatrical games, two children drew, the rest of the children played in the store. I watched the actions of children, the nature of their games, how children find a way out of the situation. Then I offered the children a new didactic game "Find the unnecessary", told the rules of the game, lost with the children 2-3 times, and the children began to play on their own but under my supervision.

I can conclude from the past day that the independent activity of children takes a very important place in the development of the child. In independent games, the child solves all the problems that concern him, plays the situations in which he finds himself, posing for the actions of adults.

According to the FSES of preschool education, educational activities are carried out in the process of independent children's activities. It requires creation special conditions... First, the organization of a subject-developing environment that stimulates the manifestation of independence and creativity by children, the development of children's interests. Secondly, the teacher's use of special methods and techniques that encourage children to show independence and creativity in various types of activity, to the manifestation of individual interests and inclinations. All activities of the child in kindergarten can be carried out in the form of independent activity: independent role-playing, directorial and theatrical games; educational and logic games; music games and improvisation; speech games, games with letters, sounds and syllables; independent activity in the book corner; independent visual activity at the choice of children independent experiments and experiments, etc.

To organize the child's independent activity in the group, various activity centers are created, for example:

- "Center of Cognition", which ensures the solution of problems of cognitive and research activities of children (developmental and logical games, speech games, games with letters, sounds and syllables; experiments and experiments);

- "Creativity Center", which provides solutions to the tasks of enhancing the creativity of children (directing and theatrical, musical games and improvisations, artistic speech and visual activity);

- "Game Center", which provides the organization of independent role-playing games;

- "Literary Center", which ensures the literary development of preschoolers;

- "Sports Center", which provides physical activity and organization of health-preserving activities for children.

Depending on the age group the subject matter and occupancy of activity centers will be different. A separate consultation will be devoted to this issue.

Independent activity leaves the child the right to choose its content, time, partners. It can be conventionally divided into two types:

Independent activity, guided and supported by adults, during which educational tasks are solved;

Free independent activity of children according to their choice and interests, meeting the needs of children for self-realization and leisure. A common feature educational situations, designed in independent children's activities, is the orientation of the teacher's activities to stimulate and support the interests of children, manifestations of independence and creativity. The educational situation acts as a short fragment of the children's activities carried out independently.

How to organize independent activities, guided and supported by a teacher?

It is in independent children's activity that children's interest in the current topic of the educational process is traced. The independent activity of children, as a rule, relies on the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of joint activity with an adult, provides practice in the acquired skills, the transition to creative solution of the tasks of activity. For example, the independent activity of children is facilitated by the transformation of a corner of nature into a "laboratory", where conditions are created for independent repetition of experiments and experiments performed jointly with the teacher, the possibility of their expansion and addition. The teacher in this case clarifies the purpose of the experiment with the child, but does not interfere in its course. Then the children gather at a round table and talk about who did what, which of them did what. The role of the educator is to prepare questions, contradictions, aimed at the formulation of independent judgments and conclusions by children. After the discussion, the children again have a desire to repeat the experience, there is a mutual learning of children - the experience of communication and cooperation in joint activities. Thus, children gradually become involved in independent research activities.

The organization of independent activities of children is facilitated by problem-playing questions and tasks. For example, test boats made by children from different materials, and determine how they float on the water, which of them gets to the shore faster.

The independent activity of children can be organized on the basis of filling out workbooks, diaries containing tasks for the child to complete. For example, filling out the "Ecological Diary" orients children towards completing independent tasks: "Draw a poem", "Look closely", etc.

The organization of independent activity of children is facilitated by situations of communication that arise in the natural activity of children. For example, situations of communication in which the practical consolidation of the mastered speech forms by children takes place. It is important for the educator, without disrupting the activities of the children, to direct it to the solution of speech problems. Communication situations can be lexical, verbal-evaluative, predictive, collisional, descriptive - depending on the set speech task. When organizing them, most often the teacher "comes from children", that is, he finds these situations in children's activities and uses them to develop the child's speech. For example, the arrival of a new child in a group can be the content for organizing numerous communication situations that are significant for the development of speech. This is an exercise for children in ways to meet and greet, and an exercise in composing stories about their group, toys, games and activities, in the ability to ask questions and listen to the answers of other children.

Communication situations are planned by the teacher during walks, during games, in the process of working on the development of cultural and hygienic skills. Independent activities of children can be organized through problem situations created in a subject-developing environment. For example, through the creation of a plot situation for further playing with children; through the introduction of a model or a step-by-step scheme for creating a toy and building; through the appearance of new books in the book corner, etc. In this case, the task of the educator is to interest children in changes in the environment, to direct their activity.

The organization of independent activities of children is facilitated by the positioning "we are the eldest in kindergarten." For example: “We play outdoor games with kids”, “We teach kids to make buildings out of sand”, “We help to transfer new sand to the sandboxes”, etc. How to contribute to the development of the children's community in the conditions of independent activities of children? In middle and senior preschool age, creativity as a process of group and individual self-realization is the source of the dynamic development of children's society.

The development of a children's creative community is a process of organizing successively replacing types of joint activities to be solved in a collective way, having a collective and individually significant result (TI Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze). A draft solution by the children's community (that is, collectively) to a common problem may have the following sequence.

1. Joint advancement of the idea of \u200b\u200bcollective action. It is important to arouse in children a desire to engage in collective activity, an emotional uplift. The idea can be put forward by brainstorming, leading to the accumulation of a bank of collective ideas.

2. Joint planning and finding ways to achieve a common goal. Organization of children's discussion of the content of upcoming activities, forecasting intermediate and final results: mutual exchange of opinions, distribution of roles, taking into account the desires and capabilities of each (for example, in a situation of staging a performance - costumers, artists, actors, etc.). The teacher communicates with children "on equal terms" - this simulates children's creativity, promotes the organization of a collective dialogue. Possible interrogative style of communication with the group, the creation of problematic situations (for example, how best and more interesting to spend the Day of the birthday boy, the Evening of surprises for kids, etc.).

3. Choosing a way to organize cooperation. The simplest thing is to unite children with a common goal and a common result: each child performs planning and performance of actions individually (for example, the general goal is to make invitation cards for parents, each child develops and performs his own version of such a ticket; the result is that all parents will receive tickets, feeling joy of all children). Another option is that the overall goal of the activity is carried out by several subgroups, and the final result depends on the quality of the work of each subgroup. This organization creates a closer cooperative relationship between children, which strengthens friendly relations... This type of activity evokes a feeling of satisfaction in each participant, a feeling of usefulness arises (for example, when creating a common panel “ Wonderland", Divided into subgroups by on their own, children independently decide who will do what story).

4. Joint independent activity of children. The task of the educator is to organize mutual support and assistance in the process of performing activities, positive reinforcement, which emphasizes the importance of intermediate results. Interacting with children, the educator acts as a director and takes different positions depending on the degree of development of activities by children and the development of collective relations: organizer (studies children, regulates their relationships, plans content and proposes tasks, demonstrates ways of cooperation, helps to organize joint actions), participant (discusses and finds solutions with children, involves "isolated" children, emphasizes their merits, stimulates the desire for cooperation), a consultant (helps children to resolve controversial problems, stimulates co-creation). It is important to correctly unite children in activities, taking into account their behavioral characteristics. TV Senko singled out several types of children, depending on their ability for friendly communication and interaction: sociable-friendly, sociable-hostile, unsociable-friendly and unsociable-hostile. Sociable-friendly can be combined with all children. The sociable-hostile cannot be united with each other and with the uncommunicative-hostile. The last two types cannot be combined with each other.

5. Achievement, awareness and assessment of the significance of the result. The teacher focuses on the personal contribution of each participant to the common cause, emphasizes the importance of joint efforts. Involves in the assessment of other people who are significant for children - parents. The topics of joint affairs can be different: "Getting ready to meet a friend after an illness", "We will make an exhibition of drawings for our parents", "We will please the kids with gifts made by our own hands", "Farewell to winter", "Preparing for the fair", etc. How to organize a free independent activity of children of choice and interests? The teacher provides the child with the opportunity to engage in such activities in the morning, on a walk and in the afternoon. The ability to play, draw, design, compose, and more in accordance with their own interests is the most important source of emotional well-being for a child in kindergarten.

The independent activity of children takes place mainly in the morning and in the afternoon every day. Depending on the age of the children, its total duration during the day is from 15 to 45 minutes. The basis of interaction between the teacher and the children is the support of the independence and creativity of children.

What are the features of interaction with families of children in the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education?

The main forms of joint activities of teachers and parents in the implementation of the main general educational program are:

Preparation and holding of joint holidays and leisure activities, involving joint performances of children with their parents, participation in competitions;

Conducting various meetings with parents and representatives of the older generation of families (“I love my grandmother, my mother’s mother,” - in connection with the celebration of the Day of the Elderly; “Dad can do anything!” - in connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.);

Involvement of parents in participation in children's cognitive research and creative projects, collection of information, selection and design together with the child of visual material (album, collage, etc.).

Organization of independent activities of children

in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, taking into account the federal state educational standard

Savchenko Lyubov Alexandrovna,

senior educator MBDOU d / s "Joy",


In the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the independent activity of children is emphasized less vividly than the joint activity of adults and children. Nonetheless, in targets independence, the ability to choose your occupation is paramount. The need for the formation and development of independence is dictated by the needs of society for non-standard people who are able to think creatively, make discoveries for the benefit of humanity. And the solution to this issue is reflected in the development of independence, which allows a person to pose new problems, find new solutions.

In the scientific pedagogical literature, there are different points of view on the definition the concept of "independence":

  1. This is the ability to not succumb to the influence of various factors, to act on the basis of their views and beliefs.
  2. This is a general characteristic of the regulation (management) of a person's activities, relationships and behavior.
  3. This is a gradually developing quality, a high degree of which is characterized by the desire to solve the tasks of activity without the help of other people, the ability to set a goal for the activity, carry out elementary planning, implement the plan and get a result adequate to the set goal, as well as contribute to the manifestation of initiative and creativity in solving emerging problems.

Scientific research shows that in conditions of optimal education and training children can reach a certain level of development of independence in different types of activity: play, communication, motor, cognitive - research, productive (drawing, modeling, art work), work, music and art, reading.

The development of independence is facilitated by the development by children of the ability to put target (or accept it from the teacher), ponder the path to achieving it, implement your design, evaluate the received result from the position of the goal.

The development of independence is an important indicator of a child's readiness for school, especially an emotional and volitional one. The child develops the ability to act arbitrarily, regulating and subordinating his behavior to the achievement of a certain goal, which is set for him by an adult, a group of children, and then he himself. By the end of preschool age, a child of 6-7 years old sets a goal for himself, performs certain sequential actions to achieve it, and brings the work started to the end.

Thus, an independent activity of a preschooler is a work that is performed without the direct participation of the teacher, on his instructions, at a specially provided time for this, while the child consciously strives to achieve the set goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions ...

So: the independent activity of children - one of the main models of the organization of the educational process preschool children:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of a subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities according to interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) the activity of pupils organized by the educator, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

Independence does not mean complete freedom of action and deeds, it is always enclosed in the framework of norms accepted in society, that is, there must be a rule for every need. We, adults, live by the rules, for children there are also certain rules (one in kindergarten, another at school). What are the rules for your groups? (what you took - put it back; do not shout or run in the group; do not interfere with others; fold clothes neatly in the locker, greet everyone who comes to the group, etc.).

FSES DO implies creation of conditions for the free choice of activities by children, in this sense it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the subject-developing environment. Let us recall what a developing subject-spatial environment is? Developing subject-spatial environmentis a set of conditions that have a direct and indirect impact on the all-round development of the child in kindergarten, on the state of his physical and mental health, on the success of his further education, as well as on the activities of all participants in the educational process in preschool... According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, the developing subject-spatial environment should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Development scheme for any type of activity in accordance with Vygodsky's concept is as follows: first, it is carried out jointly with adults, then in joint activity with peers, and, finally, it becomes an independent activity of the child. In this case, a special role is assigned to the educator. The teacher must create a diverse play environment (we are talking about a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution), which must provide the child with cognitive activity, must correspond to his interests and have a developing character. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities. The teacher can connect to the activities of children in cases conflict situations, requiring the intervention of an adult, or, if necessary, help a particular child enter a peer group.

Subject-developing environment should be organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment should correspond to the individual and age characteristics of children, their leading type of activity - play. At the same time, it should contribute to the development of creative abilities, awaken imagination, activity of actions, teach communication, a vivid expression of one's feelings.

Kindergarten play should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between a teacher and children, where an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a bearer of a specific “language” of play. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where the world of childhood, to a certain extent, independent of adults, is ensured.

Along with the game, a significant place in the life of a child takes free productive activitychildren (constructive, pictorial, etc.) As well as in the game, the possibilities of the child's development are enriched here.

To organize independent artistic activity the child must have an artistic experience that the child acquires in the classroom. Systematic teaching allows you to gradually accumulate and increase the volume of skills and abilities, and already on their own initiative, children can manifest themselves in various types of artistic activity: musical, artistic and speech, visual, theatrical and play.

Maths for a preschooler should be fun and entertaining. For independent cognitive mathematical activity to be effective, it is necessary:

- to create a special subject-developing environment;

- to offer children a complex of entertaining play mathematical material in independent cognitive and playful activities;

- to use special techniques for guiding independent cognitive and game mathematical activities.

The effectiveness of independent cognitive mathematical activity can be tracked by the level of children's independence; cognitive activity of children; level of motivation.

Thus, the teacher should devote a large amount of time during the day to organizing the independent activities of children in a preschool educational institution, at a time specially presented for this, where the child consciously strives to achieve the set goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions. And if in joint activities with children the teacher is an equal partner, then in independent activities the teacher is only an observer.

List of used literature:

  1. We bring up preschoolers to be independent: Collection of articles - Russian state. Ped. Herzina University, St. Petersburg: Childhood-PRESS 2000, 192 p.
  2. Kononova I., Ezhkova N. Preparing children for independent activity. // Preschool education, 1991 - No. 6. - P. 11-14
  3. Kuznetsova N.P., We create a developing environment step by step // Handbook of the senior educator No. 8 2016.
  4. Educational environment and organization of independent activity of senior preschool age [Text]: guidelines / ed. OV Dybina / -M .: center of pedagogical education, 2008.
  5. FSES DO.

The independent activity of older preschoolers is manifested in various forms of play, in conducting observations and experimentation. At the age of 5–6 years, the sphere of interests of children significantly expands, their curiosity goes beyond the study of objects in the immediate environment. In children's conversations, activities and games, reflections and fantasies about space flights, pirate adventures, the era of dinosaurs, travel to distant countries appear.

Organization of independent activities for older preschoolers

By the age of 5–6 years, important changes occur in the behavior and quality of mental and physical actions of children. This is due to the formation of the main processes nervous system, the development of various types of memory and thinking abilities. When preparing the conditions for independent activity and thinking through the methods of organizing children's activity, the educator of the older group takes into account age features wards:

  • In children 5-6 years old, attention is more stable than in younger preschoolers... At this age, the basic processes of the nervous system are improved, self-regulation of behavior occurs, children are less likely to overwork. Children are able to observe any object or process for a long time, create large-scale buildings from a designer, assemble a mosaic from a significant number of parts.
  • Children are capable of intentional memorization. Listening to the explanations and instructions of the teacher, the pupils fix in memory the stages and methods of action and reproduce them later in independent studies: for example, they conduct experiments in the corner of research or create crafts in the center of creativity.
  • The intellectual capabilities of children are being improved. At the age of 5-6 years, the child vividly puts forward assumptions, predicts the results of actions. He independently establishes causal relationships, navigates the temporal and spatial relationships of objects. Conscious experimentation, independently planned and performed, becomes possible. If a child wants to conduct an experiment with substances, he must first tell the teacher the safety rules. The teacher observes from the sidelines the independent experimentation of children in a mini-laboratory.
  • Cognitive interests expand, children study distant objects: planets, spaceships, the depths of the sea, dinosaurs; children create drawings based on new information. Game activity becomes more complicated: role-playing games are built according to the rules discussed in advance, roles are distributed among the participants.
  • Fine motor skills are developed, children work and play with small items: assemble a designer from small parts, make jewelry from beads and beads.
  • Children willingly collaborate within the group. They like to independently choose partners for experiments, games and conversations, discuss topics of interest to them.

Older preschoolers are able to cooperate with each other during research and play activities

The development of independence is one of the conditions of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, aimed at educating a comprehensively developed personality. Federal state educational standard (FSES) does not name the independent activity of children as a separate area of \u200b\u200bstudy and pays more attention to the joint work of the teacher and pupils. However, the target guideline for each developmental area (cognitive, physical, social and communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic) is to encourage initiative in children's activities (mental or practical), to stimulate independence in the choice of methods of activity and their implementation. The formation of a research type of thinking and the creation of positive motivation for creative solution of problem situations creates a solid foundation for successful schooling. The purpose of organizing independent activities in kindergarten is the development of an independent creator and researcher in the child.

The development of the skill of independent search for information is one of the target foundations of education in preschool educational institutions

Tasks of organizing independent activities in the senior group

  • Formation of strong-willed qualities: psychological resistance to the influence of external factors (noise of the street, voices of other children) and other people's opinions, the desire to bring what was conceived to the final result. In older preschoolers, the ability to self-analyze and evaluate the actions performed begins to form.
  • Improving self-regulation processes: the ability to calculate the expenditure of energy for the implementation of planned actions, to feel the need to change the type of activity or rest. At the age of 5–6 years, the processes of the nervous system are actively developing: the child has perseverance, responds positively to advice and constructive comments.
  • Development of the ability to independently build a game plan, observation, research, employment; the desire to fulfill ideas without the help of adults.
  • Consolidation of self-service skills. The implementation of actions for dressing and undressing, observing the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the room should be brought to automatism.
  • Development of independence through the implementation of labor assignments: duty in the dining room, play area, bedroom, etc.

When planning classes for the development of independent activity, age and individual characteristics children, their interests and preferences, consistency with thematic planning by GCD and creative activity, the material base for the game and child experimentation... The subject-spatial environment in the group room should be developing. Children receive positive emotions from independent activity and acquire new knowledge about the properties of objects and the connections between them. This environment is organized by the teacher, and the children are free to choose the methods of action in its conditions. The principles of functioning of children's activity centers: accessibility, safety, enrichment with temporary materials (for example, in the center of cognitive activity you can organize an exhibition for Cosmonautics Day, put boxes with hyacinth or tulip bulbs in a corner of nature in the spring, supplement the play area with a set of road signs while studying traffic rules on GCD classes and walks).

Duty scheduling - a technique for developing self-service skills through work orders

Forms of organization of the subject-spatial environment

  • Center for cognitive and research activity: center of science, corner of knowledge, experimental workshop, laboratory, experimentarium. Equipped with a selection of encyclopedias and albums with informative illustrations, diagrams, cards, models and figurines of objects for study, materials (including natural ones) and tools for conducting experiments. Before conducting any experiment on their own in the laboratory, pupils must apply for permission from the teacher and preliminarily pronounce the safety rules. For public holidays and events in the kindergarten, temporary exhibitions are organized in the corner of research activities: "Protecting the Planet", "Secrets of the Solar System", "The Structure of a Volcano", "How Primitive People Lived".

    At the center of cognitive and research activities, pupils participate in the search for new knowledge

  • Play center: areas with sets of toys and costumes for role-playing games ("Traffic controller and drivers", "Hospital", "Grocery store", "Kitchen"), a center for educational games (racks with board and didactic games, puzzles). To consolidate and improve self-service skills, play corners are supplemented with materials on relevant topics: clothing for toys with different kinds fasteners, items for playing out problem situations ("Who made a mess in the kitchen", "Katya doll, put things in order in the closet", "Teddy bear is going to kindergarten").

    In a playful way, children reproduce what they have learned during classes

  • Sports section. The physical activity center can be equipped with special equipment: hoops, balls different sizes, skipping ropes, rubber band for jumping, sets for playing small towns, skittles.

    Physical activity center provides children with equipment for outdoor games and exercises

  • The center of ecological activity: a corner of nature, a living corner, a winter garden, a mini-vegetable garden (boxes with soil on the windowsill for growing greens and vegetables). Pupils of the senior group independently conduct long-term observations of plant growth, engage in labor activities with knowledge of the characteristics of the flora: they water, moisturize the leaves, loosen the soil, monitor the light and temperature conditions in a corner of nature.

    Older preschoolers take care of plants on their own in a group

  • Center for art / artistic and aesthetic activities: an art or folk craft corner (reproductions of paintings, small copies of architectural and sculptural objects; toys, dishes and interior items in folk style), a theater corner (scenery for staging fairy tales, puppet and finger theater, masks and costumes of characters for children, face painting), a zone of productive creativity (materials for sculpting, drawing, designing from paper, including for origami), a musical island (a collection of audio recordings - children's and holiday songs, sounds and voices of nature with instrumental accompaniment, musical instruments - xylophone, tambourine, children's synthesizer, castanets, balalaika, etc.).

    Dramatization of episodes of favorite stories and improvisation in playing out various plots is one of the forms of independent activity of preschoolers

  • Center for psychological comfort: a relaxation corner, a quiet zone, a magic room (tent, marquee, hammock, sofas where children can relax and chat quietly). Children independently choose ways of relaxation: looking at a book, quietly playing with a doll, calm conversation with each other.
  • In the group, it is necessary to organize a place where the child can stay a little in silence, relax

    Play activity remains one of the leading types of activity in older preschool age.

    Motivating start to class

    The independent activity of children manifests itself in various regime moments during the day: when arriving at the garden in the morning, on a walk, during leisure time in the afternoon. In order for the children to succeed with the help of imagination and a set of skills to occupy themselves in their free time in employment centers, the teacher must achieve the effectiveness of children's activity during educational activities... Interacting with pupils, the teacher by the method of direct display of verbal instructions forms and develops in the pupils the ability to highlight the main thing - a question or a problem. That activity will be the most interesting and productive, which was aimed at achieving a specific result (making crafts, experimenting, drawing up a complete story from pictures, performing a job assignment, conducting a sports game). Having mastered the algorithm of actions and methods of implementation, children transfer the forms of activity worked out with the teacher into individual activity.

    It is important not to waste the time allotted for children's games with other activities. For older preschoolers, play is still a way to consolidate practical skills, relieve mental strain, and interact with peers.

    A game for preschoolers is not only fun, but also a form of communication

    The structure of independent activity of preschoolers consists of three stages:

    • motive;
    • act;
    • result.

    The role of the educator is to create motivation for further action pupils in the conditions of the subject-spatial environment organized by the teacher. The emergence of the desire to work independently can be of a different nature: playful, cognitive, strong-willed, social and emotional. Creation of a friendly and trusting atmosphere is an indispensable condition for the successful activity of children. The teacher makes sure that each child is in a good mood before and during the lesson. The social orientation of motives to work is expressed in a positive attitude towards collective activity, a desire to discuss what is being studied or created, the ability to listen to the opinions and desires of classmates. Volitional motivation means the direction of the child's actions to achieve a specific goal, interest in the manifestation of their abilities. Play and cognitive motives often arise spontaneously, however, the teacher can initiate these types of motivation, predicting the independent activities of pupils within the framework of thematic planning.

    The teacher predicts, with the help of the motivational start of the lesson, the independent activity of children in games

    Motivating start to class Predicted independent activity of pupils
    Study of visual material.
    The teacher examines with the children a model of the earth in prehistoric times: dinosaurs reign on earth, in water and in the sky. The guys name the differences between the ancient lizards, determine the structural features (plates, thorns, partial plumage, powerful claws).
    Search for information, expanding ideas about dinosaurs in the cognitive center: viewing an illustrated encyclopedia.
    Dinosaur figurine game.
    Conducting a conversation.
    - Guys, what do we do before we sit down at the dinner table?
    - My hands.
    - Why are we doing this?
    - To wash off the dirt, to protect yourself from the ingress of germs from unwashed hands into the body while eating.
    - When else do you need to wash your hands and face during the day?
    - In the morning after waking up, upon returning from the street, after working with dirty materials or playing with pets, before going to bed.
    Playing with dolls and a washbasin stylized as Moidodyr from a poem by K.I. Chukovsky.
    Carrying out an experiment.
    The teacher demonstrates the ability of salt to dissolve in water.
    Research activities in an experimental laboratory to expand the understanding of the ability of substances to dissolve in water (sugar, food colors, sand, clay).
    Surprising moment.
    A package from a fairy-tale character comes to the group, in which the pupils find a set for creating a puppet theater.
    Dramatization in a playful form of fairy tales known by the pupil ("Teremok", "Kolobok", "Hare and Fox", "Fox and Wolf").
    Reading poems, riddles.
    The teacher makes children riddles about toys and for each correct answer reads out the corresponding poem by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle.
    Activity in the play area with artistic and speech activity.
    Attraction to the game.
    The teacher shows the children a rubber band and asks what they know how to jump over it and the options for the game ("Olympics, mother's lipstick", "Confusion", etc.).
    Instead of rubber bands, you can offer jump ropes for playing.
    Outdoor games with a rubber band.

    If you invite children to show how you can play with a familiar object, they are drawn into the game.

    Examples of independent activities in the senior group of kindergarten

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for the independent activity of older preschoolers in various regime moments.

    Role-playing game "Clinic": video

    Senior game - free activity (outdoor play): video\u003dVGWJizeFsro Video can’t be loaded: Senior group. Free activity. (\u003dVGWJizeFsro)

    Game activities on the subject of traffic rules: video

    Conditions for organizing independent activities for a walk: video\u003dMmcGZcJuSvM Video can’t be loaded: Self-guided walking activities.avi (\u003dMmcGZcJuSvM)

    Theatrical activities: video\u003dSKKfsa5y6kI Video can’t be loaded: Kindergarten theatrical activities (\u003dSKKfsa5y6kI)

    Independent activity (didactic games): video\u003dvZcA9e5k7pE Video can’t be loaded: Children's independent activities (\u003dvZcA9e5k7pE)

    Seclusion corner in the senior group: video\u003d5UeNc-kax-s Video can’t be loaded: Senior Group Seclusion Corner (\u003d5UeNc-kax-s)

    Self-service lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

    Children 5–6 years old have well developed fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements. They have the skill of dressing and undressing, remember the sequence of actions. Children are familiar with the rules of personal hygiene. During meals, older preschoolers skillfully handle cutlery. At this age, more attention should be paid to the rules of behavior at the table, consolidating the skill to monitor your appearance, the state of the workplace and sleeping place.

    In the older preschool age, children understand the instructions of the teacher and follow the verbal instructions. Self-service is recognized by methodological research as the simplest and at the same time one of the main elements labor activity child. Examples of self-service work assignments: "Take away the dishes and tidy the table", "Please turn out the turtleneck and hang it up to dry", "Vova, your lace is untied, sit on a bench and tie a bow", "Katya, in front of with a dance lesson, you need to collect your hair with an elastic band / braid a pigtail. " The first self-service instructions should be presented visually, for example, in the form of mnemonic cards - a sequence of pictures on a specific topic.

    In the senior group, you can draw up a duty schedule in order to form the children’s ability to set the table, monitor the observance of order and cleanliness in the dining and playing areas, bedroom, locker room. Positive emotions are delivered by the watch in the corner of wildlife, where the children are instructed to monitor the condition of animals and plants, to take care of them.

    The guys are happy to watch the plants and animals, carry out assignments to care for them

    Card index of topics for the formation of self-service skills: table

    Self-service theme Educational and teaching tasks Methods of independent activities for children
    "Food intake" Strengthening the skills of cultural eating, handling cutlery.
    Fostering a sense of neatness: take the garbage to a specially designated place, check the cleanliness of the table at the end of the meal.
    Conscientiously fulfill the duties of the dining room attendants.
    Games with dolls and toys, didactic games for mastering the rules of cultural eating, performing work assignments while on duty.
    "Dressing and undressing" Generalization and consolidation of the skills of sequential dressing and undressing, neat hanging and folding of removed things.
    Improving the ability to cope with different types of fasteners and laces.
    Games for fine motor skills with fasteners, didactic games for memorizing the algorithm for the correct sequence of actions when dressing / undressing, games with doll clothes.
    "Personal hygiene rules" Strengthening cultural and hygienic skills: using the bathroom and toilet rooms, washbasin, handkerchief.
    Consolidation of dental care skills (algorithm for brushing teeth, use of dental floss).
    Conducting conversations about the importance of observing the rules of hygiene, the need to monitor your body, conducting training games like "Teach your baby how to ...".
    "Keeping shoes and clothes, sleeping place, work tools, etc. in order." Improving the skill of noticing and independently eliminating disorder in your appearance (to correct hairstyle, clothes, to clean shoes in a timely manner).
    Strengthening the skill of making the bed, keeping the bed clean and tidy.
    Fostering a respectful attitude towards things: articles of clothing and shoes, accessories, work tools (pencils, brushes, equipment for working on the street), toys, books.
    Involvement in the general cleaning of the premises.
    Conducting game trainings "Hairstyles", "Describe how a friend is dressed", didactic games "Name what is wrong in the character's appearance", "What is out of place", competitions for the neat workplace / locker.

    Older preschoolers need to be taught to conscientiously treat the duties of the person on duty

    Summary of a self-service lesson in the senior group on the topic "We are a good friend of water": table

    Objectives 1. Consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene (hand care).
    2. Consolidate knowledge about hand care items.
    3. Consolidate knowledge of the hand washing algorithm.
    4. To acquaint children with the three "golden" rules for hand care: wash hands after using the toilet, after a walk, before eating.
    5. To activate and enrich the children's vocabulary through the use of nursery rhymes, poems, words: transparent, clean, calm.
    6. Strengthen the skills of differentiation of oral and nasal breathing (game "Time to get up").
    7. Develop communication skills.
    Preliminary work 1. Acquaintance with hand care items.
    2. Introduction and consideration of the algorithms "Hand washing" and "Three" golden "rules.
    3. Observations in nature for rain, snow.
    4. Carrying out experiments with snow, experiments confirming the need of plants for moisture.
    5. Work on onomatopoeia: a song of water - ss; rain - drip-drip-drip.
    6. Conducting breathing exercises.
    7. Memorizing nursery rhymes about water.
    8. Speech games: "What kind of water?", "What is water for?"
    9. Touch games on the development of thermal sensations: "What kind of water?"
    10. Games with water: "Take out the toy with a spoon, strainer"; "Find out what it is?" (from closed eyes).
    11. Reading fiction: V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?"; A. Barto. "The grimy girl"; K. Chukovsky. "Moidodyr".
    Material Hand washing items; strainer, spatula, watering can, bucket of water; doll, bunny and other toys; algorithms: "Hand washing" and "Three" golden "rules".
    Event progress Organizing time.
    The teacher enters the group with the children. Children sit on high chairs ("sleep").
    Game "Time to Get Up"
    Educator (speaking in a whisper).
    - My kids, my kids,
    My kids are fast asleep.
    My babies, my babies
    Little by little they sniff. Like this!
    The teacher makes a noisy breath in through his nose, then exhale through his mouth with the sound of ho-oh-oh-oh. Children imitate.
    Educator (loudly).
    - Sun is up!
    Stop sleeping!
    Stop sleeping!
    It's time to get up!
    Children "wake up" and, standing on their toes with their hands up, take a breath. Then, throwing your arms along the body and dropping to a full foot, exhale.
    - Oh, woke up!
    Hello! (drawn out)
    - Sun is up!
    Stop sleeping!
    Stop sleeping!
    It's time to get up!
    Hello! (drawn out)
    The game "Who knows how to wash clean?"
    - Today we are going to visit our toys. Let's see if they know how to be friends with some water. We know that ...
    It is necessary to wash without fail
    In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon
    Before every meal
    After sleep and before sleep.
    Knock, knock, who lives here? (Sima doll!)
    Slut Sima
    Life is unbearable:
    Sima doll walks
    Always in a dirty dress
    On brother Mishka
    Dirty pants
    Here is a stocking, and there is a shoe
    How is it possible?
    - Children, and which of you knows how to wash? Let's show toys how to do it right
    wash your face.
    The game is accompanied by the movements indicated in the text.
    Who can wash clean?
    Who is not afraid of water?
    Who doesn't want to be a mess
    Washes your ears well?
    This is us! This is us! This is us! Children raise their hands up.
    We know how to wash
    We wash my neck with a washcloth.
    Like this! Like this! And just like that! Children depict rubbing their necks with a washcloth.
    And then we will wash cleverly
    We are head over the basin.
    Like this! Like this! And just like that! Children depict washing their hair.
    To clean your feet
    We'll wash them a little.
    Like this! Like this! And just like that! Children depict washing their feet.
    We showered like big ones,
    Here we are clean.
    Look! Look! Look! Children clap their hands.
    4. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene.
    - And who lives here? (Bunny.) Yes, how white he is, but how clean he is, look:
    Bunny washes -
    Going to the kids:
    I washed my nose, washed my tail.
    I washed my ear, wiped it dry.
    - And now we will teach Sim how to wash. Let him take an example from a bunny.
    Sima, my face and neck
    I washed myself with soap well,
    Don't pour water
    Wipe your handles dry.
    - Look, guys, our Sima:
    I combed my hair and washed
    I bowed to all the guys,
    She wanted it again
    Have fun and dance.
    Well, guys, come out.
    Dance with Sima.
    Children performing the dance "Ay-yes, kids ...".
    Find the right items game.
    - Guys, find the items you need to wash your hands.
    Children are offered a choice of the following items: strainer, spatula, watering can, bucket of water, towel, soap.
    - To always be clean,
    All people need water!
    - What water is in the bucket? (Transparent, clean, calm).
    - Guys, what is it?
    White foam
    Flakes flew, -
    She took Mila into her hands
    Fragrant ... (soap).
    - Children, look what a fragrant soap. Why do we need soap?
    - And what's that?
    Soft, fluffy,
    Pure is pure.
    We wipe our hands on him
    And put it back in place. (Towel).
    - What do we need a towel for?
    7. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the algorithm of hand washing.
    - Guys, I suggest you make friends with some water - wash your hands.
    - Where are we going to wash our pens? (In the washroom, under the tap).
    Reading "Wash Song".
    Silver water
    Flowing from the tap.
    And the soap is fragrant,
    Like home in our bathroom.
    - Silver water,
    How did you get here?
    - Through dewy meadows
    I ran to kindergarten.
    - Silver water,
    Why did you run to us?
    - So that you are all clean,
    So that everything sparkles with you!
    A. Abelian
    - Children, what kind of water is pouring from the tap? (Clean, transparent, gurgling).
    - How is the water bubbling? What song is she singing? (S-s-s-s-s ...)
    Reading a nursery rhyme while washing your hands:
    Ay, frets, frets, frets,
    We are not afraid of water
    We wash cleanly
    We smile at all the kids!
    Pure water
    Will wash Lyona's face,
    Lida - palms,
    Fingers - Antoshka!
    - We washed our hands with soap and water.
    Didn't you forget to wipe them?
    - How are we going to wipe the pens? (With a fluffy, soft towel).
    Reading a nursery rhyme while drying your hands:
    One, two, three, four, five!
    We will wipe the pens.
    Your fingers will become dry -
    Like this, like this!
    - Well done, guys!
    Your handles are clean -
    So everything is all right!
    8. Game of low mobility "Round dance".
    Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher, together with the children, begins to move in a circle while reading the text.
    Take the hands of friends
    We will start a round dance.
    We tried, washed,
    They dried themselves, combed their hair.
    And now lunch awaits us:
    Borsch, compote and vinaigrette.
    Now everyone will go to bed
    On a cozy bed.
    Children stop, put their hands under the cheek, palm on palm ("fall asleep").
    9. The result of the lesson.
    - Well done, guys! I am very glad for you that you know so much useful information. When you come home in the evening, tell your mothers and fathers about a good friend - water, do not forget to show how you can cleanly wash and wipe your pens.

    Self-service sequence algorithms should hang in washroom, bedroom, dressing room, dining room

    Time plan for a self-help lesson: table

    Educational and educational tasks of the formation and consolidation of self-service skills are implemented in the lessons of GCD, the duration of which in the older group is no more than 20 minutes. Educational classes have a structure consisting of various forms of work to attract the interest of pupils and prevent fatigue.

    Lesson topic Organizing time Motivating start Development of thinking abilities Physical activity Independent activity Summarizing
    "Parsley Can't Clean Up" 1 minute Creation of a problematic situation.
    The character Petrushka comes to the group and reports that he was suspended from classes in an art circle, because he did not monitor his workplace. Parsley asks the guys for help.
    2-3 minutes
    Conversation about the importance of keeping clean.
    3 minutes
    An outdoor game "Parsley on the Bench".
    4 minutes
    Tidying up the art workshop.
    10-12 minutes
    2 minutes
    "Everything in a person should be fine" 2 minutes Surprising moment.
    A package from the director of the puppet theater comes to the group by mail. He put the dolls in the box so that the guys would help him to put their appearance in order.
    3 minutes
    A conversation about a person's appearance, when the appearance attracts the eye, and when it repels.
    4 minutes
    Finger gymnastics about dolls.
    3 minutes
    Play activities for dressing up and combing dolls.
    10-12 minutes
    2 minutes

    The senior preschooler manifests independence in all areas of the educational process. The task of the teacher is to be extremely attentive to the activities of the pupils, to identify difficulties in independent work and timely correction. Having a positive motivation to do research, play games and create crafts without the help of an adult is an important component of the personality of a future first grader.

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