Taking care of yourself before pregnancy sometimes requires adjustment when it occurs. It is about the epilation procedure. You need to take care of yourself, but hormonal changes provoke increased hair growth. Sometimes the hairs on the legs become stiffer and grow faster. How to be? Is it possible to deal with excess hair in the old ways or ...

Is epilation possible during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman will have to forget about epilation until better times when she has skin diseases. It is about aggravated during pregnancy.

Also, contraindications to performing the epilation procedure are acute forms and infectious diseases of a woman, the presence of keloid scars, diabetes, hypertension.

Is it possible to do laser hair removal during pregnancy

Laser hair removal is the destruction of a hair follicle by the action of a laser flash on it. It heats up the follicle and thus causes its death.

The advantages of this type of hair removal are that it is effective, carried out promptly, and suitable for any area of ​​the body. The procedure is not painful, but rather uncomfortable. The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is that it is selective. This means that it is effective for people with fair skin and dark hair. And the cost of laser hair removal is quite high. The laser also acts on the duct sebaceous gland that connects to the hair follicle. Cessation of hair growth leads to dryness and early aging skin. Usually, dry skin of a woman dries up even more during pregnancy. Therefore, laser hair removal for pregnant women with dry skin is prohibited. This procedure is not recommended for other pregnant women either.

Can waxing be done during pregnancy?

Bioepilation, that is waxing, was used in the days of ancient Egypt. Not so long ago, it became popular again due to its excellent performance. The skin after such epilation becomes very smooth. Phytoresins are also used for bioepilation today.

With waxing during pregnancy, everything is individual. An interesting position in itself is not a contraindication to the waxing procedure, provided that used to be a woman applied this form of self-care. Trying this procedure for the first time during pregnancy is not worth it! Pain can cause more than just discomfort. Keep in mind that in this position, the skin is more sensitive to pain and the effects of various substances on it.

A woman needs to pay attention to whether varicose veins have appeared on her legs. Indeed, in this case, waxing is prohibited.

What do doctors say about hair removal during pregnancy?

Surely everyone knows that while carrying a child, a woman's immunity decreases - and the risk of developing allergies increases. This should be considered when using waxes and depilatory creams.

Psychologists say that every day of a pregnant woman should be joyful, comfortable, stress-free and pain-free. They advise giving up any painful procedures. After all, such manipulations (and epilation among them) are dangerous in that they contribute to the production of female body hormone. It negatively affects the fetus and can even lead to the threat of miscarriage.

A tendency to allergies or the presence of skin rashes are taboo for hair removal and depilation.

There is an opinion that the safest and most modern procedure today is the photoepilation procedure. If you decide on photoepilation during pregnancy, then keep in mind that the harm of this procedure has not been proven. However, even loyal doctors do not recommend doing it for expectant mothers in the bikini and abdomen area.

Women need to understand that excess hair during pregnancy is only temporary. The most effective techniques getting rid of excess hair (photo-, electro-, laser hair removal) during pregnancy are risky methods. So maybe it makes sense to be patient? Or temporarily apply only depilation methods to fix the problem.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

The bikini area during pregnancy is a question that interests many women who are expecting a baby. Let's look at all the pros and cons and try to figure out if this procedure is suitable for pregnant women.

Why epilate the bikini area during pregnancy?

Actually, the reasons why pregnant women need to do intimate hair removal, the same as are relevant for non-pregnant women. However, during pregnancy, some of these reasons take on even greater relevance.

  • For example, many pregnant women experience more intense hair growth due to changes in hormonal levels. Thus, the effect of shaving and depilatory creams will only last for a very short time: literally a few hours.
  • Also during pregnancy, the skin is more prone to itching. This itching gets worse when the hairs grow back after shaving and irritate the skin. With waxing, this problem can be alleviated.
  • Sweat glands also increase in intensity during pregnancy. This way, if you regularly remove hair from your bikini area, your skin will sweat less and your hair will not collect and absorb sweat, which encourages bacteria and infections to proliferate.
  • And, of course, pregnancy is not a reason why you should forget about your own sexuality and attractiveness.

So the case for bikini hair removal during pregnancy sounds pretty compelling. But let's look at a few possible reasons, for which you may be afraid to do intimate hair removal during pregnancy.

What can be scary bikini hair removal during pregnancy

In fact, there is no objective reason to be afraid to do intimate hair removal during pregnancy. The fears that women may have about bikini hair removal are actually far-fetched. Here are some of them.

  • During pregnancy, the body of women is more vulnerable to various infections due to weakened immunity. Therefore, during waxing, there is a high risk of contracting some kind of infectious or viral disease. Yes it is. But this risk is reduced to zero if you do your hair removal in a salon with a good reputation and from a qualified professional with a medical education.
  • Many women are afraid that due to pregnancy, the sensitivity of their skin increases, which means that the procedure will be very painful.
  • Another of the most common fears is that blood rushes to the surface of the skin more strongly during pregnancy. This means that waxing can cause bleeding and hemorrhage.

These fears are absolutely unfounded if you do your hair removal in a good salon, and trust in the hands of a highly qualified professional, because ...

By doing intimate hair removal in a good salon, you:

  • Avoid the danger of catching any infection.
  • Trust a highly qualified specialist who knows what to do to minimize pain even for the most sensitive skin.
  • A master with a medical degree knows perfectly well what happens to your body during pregnancy. Therefore, he will do everything so as not to harm either you or your child.
  • A good professional also knows how to care for your skin after epilation, so he will give you all the necessary recommendations, thanks to which your skin will be perfectly smooth, beautiful and healthy.

What's more, you can make your epilation session more comfortable yourself by following a few simple tips.

Tips for those who do intimate hair removal during pregnancy

  • Do hair removal only in a good salon, where only highly qualified specialists with special education work.
  • Be sure to inform your master about your pregnancy before the session. This will help him choose the materials and methods of hair removal that are most suitable and safe for you and the child.
  • For longer periods, support your tummy with your hands when the master tears wax strip... This will facilitate both your sensations and the work of the master.
  • Always tell the master for how long you are and what temperature of wax is optimal for you.
  • Don't ignore your master's advice. Believe me, a good master has a medical education, as well as experience working with pregnant women. Therefore, he knows well what will be best for you. Read more about the benefits of bikini hair removal in the salon in our article: Waxing: why the salon is better.

Based on all of the above, it's safe to say that you have nothing to worry about. Feel free to trust the professionals and be the sexiest and most well-groomed mom in the world!

Pregnancy does not exclude the possibility body care... But before any manipulations, young mothers try to find out if they will be harmful to the child. Epilation is considered one of the main regular grooming procedures. Women think about the possibility of its implementation in the first place.

    Can I epilate during pregnancy?

    Epilation undesirable during pregnancy. During this period, the woman's sensitivity increases. They are more sensitive to procedures that cause pain and discomfort. During the session, the woman is in tension, which negatively affects the child. Muscle spasm occurs, which is capable of provoke a threat of miscarriage.

    Despite the risks involved, many pregnant women epilate. They choose the most suitable for themselves types of procedure... There are the following types of hair removal:

    • laser;
    • wax;
    • sugar;
    • electrolysis;
    • epilator hair removal;
    • photoepilation.

    The possibility of epilation depends on how high a woman's pain threshold is. Based on this, a suitable hair removal method... Particular attention should be paid to epilation in the bikini area and underarms. They are considered the most sensitive.

    Epilation is also questionable because of the risk of infection. Hair removal process involves injury skin... If you do not properly care for your skin after the procedure, inflammatory process.

    IMPORTANT! When carrying out the procedure in the salon, it is necessary to give preference to a qualified specialist. The quality of the result directly depends on this.

    On the early dates the risk of negative effects on the fetus increases. For more later dates sessions accompanied by pain are capable of induce premature labor... Most optimal time for such procedures - the second trimester of pregnancy.


    Laser hair removal is a relatively new practice. The effect of the procedure on the fetus is not fully understood. Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of hair for a long period of time. But how the pregnant body will react cannot be predicted.

    There is a risk of age spots on the skin. There is also a possibility that the procedure will be ineffective. Laser exposure is accompanied by pain. It hurts the baby. Despite the listed disadvantages, there is no direct prohibition on conducting a session.


    Hair removal using wax is called bioepilation. This method can be practiced only if the woman has performed it earlier. Bioepilation is considered quite painful. During pregnancy et should not be carried out with a tendency to varicose veins.


    Sugar hair removal called shugaring. The hair removal technique is similar to waxing. The difference lies in the material used. For shugaring you will need sugar paste heated to a certain temperature.

    Shugaring is not recommended at the beginning of pregnancy, especially if there are contraindications. Before the procedure, it is important to exclude the presence of skin diseases and an allergic reaction to the components of the paste. Most often, et is made on the basis of natural ingredients.


    The process of hair removal using electric current during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated. To achieve the desired result, alkali and high temperatures are used. The procedure has high level of efficiency... It allows you to get rid of hair almost completely. But prolonged exposure to electrical impulses can lead to miscarriage.

    ON A NOTE! According to statistics, shaving is the most common during pregnancy. It is less efficient but safer and available method hair removal.


    An epilator is a tweezers-like device. He pulls out several hairs at once by the root. Using an epilator helps to long time get rid of hair by avoiding skin cuts. During pregnancy, the device can be used if the procedure has been previously practiced and safely tolerated.


    Photoepilation is categorically not suitable women in position... The method is not fully understood. Its influence on the development of the child is impossible to predict. Photoepilation is based on the use of flash units. They are aimed directly at hair follicle located under the skin.


    Before doing epilation, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. If they are available, it is better to postpone the session. Epilation should not be done in the following cases:

    • exacerbation of herpes;
    • uterine tone;
    • diabetes;
    • diseases of the nervous system;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • skin diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • allergy.


    Negative consequences after hair removal during pregnancy can be avoided if you adhere to the rules for its implementation. It is necessary to give up product use containing chemical fragrances and dyes. This helps prevent an allergic reaction.

    After the procedure, it is very important to carry out the processing sensitive areas. The healing process in this case will be less problematic. Neglect of the rules for hair removal is fraught with the following consequences:

    • abortion:
    • development of pathology;
    • probability decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure.

Pregnancy brings so many changes to a woman's life that inevitably she asks a thousand questions. How? Why? Is it possible to do this and that? You won't go to the doctor every time for an answer, ask your mother - you will hear "no" for everything, friends do not know everything either.

One of these questions - can pregnant women do hair removal? It would seem why not, and yet each procedure has its own side effects. But you have to take care of yourself somehow! Moreover, hormonal changes during pregnancy often provoke increased hair growth: hair becomes stiffer, darker, and grows faster.

It happens that it is easier for a woman to go to a salon: even if she previously removed unwanted hair without any problems on her own, now it is difficult for her to do this simply because the grown tummy does not allow her to reach certain parts of the body. The only question that arises is whether it is possible to carry out such procedures? And if so, what are the removal methods unwanted hair prefer?

Epilation and depilation: what is the difference

Depilation is the removal of only that part of the hair that is above the skin, while epilation involves the removal of hair along with the root. Depilation is quick and painless (although modern methods epilation also does not imply pain), but the effect of it does not last long, while with epilation, the skin remains smooth for up to several weeks.

Types of depilation

Shaving. Simple and cheap way the fight against excess hairs, moreover, fast. True, there are also disadvantages - cuts, irritation, and hair grows back rapidly. Shaving is not contraindicated for pregnant women, just exclude the possibility of infection: always use a personal razor. Before your procedure, take a warm shower and scrub your skin well with a washcloth to help open pores and make shaving less traumatic. Use a variety of shaving creams and gels to help reduce irritation.

The use of special creams for depilation. This method is also sometimes called gentle shaving, because the skin is not injured at all with this method of depilation. But many expectant mothers have doubts whether they can use such creams - their smell is quite specific and not too pleasant.

But, as it turned out, it is still possible: we keep the depilatory cream on the skin not long enough for it to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Although there are some specific precautions for pregnant women. Before applying the cream, test on a small area of ​​the skin - during pregnancy, the skin becomes much more sensitive, so the likelihood of irritation increases.

Perform this procedure in a well-ventilated area, and after it it is better to go out into fresh air. Try not to do depilation of all parts of the body in one day, it is better this way: one day - legs, the second - armpits, etc. It happens that when the hairs grow back, folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles) occurs. Don't worry, this happens to everyone, not just pregnant women. Try to temporarily stop the procedure and wipe the skin with some kind of antiseptic (for example, salicylic alcohol). During this period, pay particular attention to skin hygiene.

Epilation types

Plucking hairs with tweezers. The easiest way to remove hairs from the root. Ideal for shaping eyebrows. As for the body, only a few hairs can be removed in this way, and for large areas of skin you will have to look for another method. For pregnant women, it is safe, especially if you follow the precautions. Before plucking something, treat your tweezers and skin with an antiseptic - miramistin, for example.

Household electric epilator. Almost the same procedure, only using a special device. Hair is pulled out not one by one, but several at once. As for pregnancy, in the instructions for household epilators, it is indicated as a contraindication to the use of this device. In fact, its minus is only in the painfulness of this procedure, which not everyone can tolerate. However, if before pregnancy you calmly epilated with this method, then you can try it now (if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy). True, in " interesting position»The skin is usually more sensitive. But it is better to postpone the first acquaintance with electric epilators until you give birth.

Salon electrolysis. While this is not the newest method, it is considered one of the most effective. Each hair follicle is treated with a thin needle - an electrode that delivers a weak electric current. Cons: you can't spend it at home, only in the salon; besides, it is very painful. And bad news for pregnant women: the use of electrolysis is strictly prohibited for them - no one knows how your body will react to the effects of an electric current.

Bioepilation , in other words - waxing. It has been known since the times of ancient Egypt, but has recently come into fashion again and has become very popular due to its excellent result - the skin becomes really very smooth. Phyto-resin is also used for bioepilation, it is especially common in bikini design.

With pregnancy, everything, again, is very individual. In general, it is not a contraindication to bioepilation, but only if you have used this method before and you know that your body reacts to such "execution" normally.

You should not try waxing for the first time while waiting for the baby, the pain may be too strong. Also pay attention to whether you have developed varicose veins during pregnancy, because waxing cannot be done on the affected skin areas.

Laser hair removal - destruction of the hair follicle by exposure to a laser flash. Regarding its use during pregnancy, everything is quite complicated: whatever one may say, we are the first generation of women using this method of hair removal, and its effect has not yet been fully studied.

Opinions differ, and even doctors have not come to a common point of view. But still, although there is no direct threat to the fetus, laser hair removal can cause pain, and your skin, due to the surge of hormones, can behave very unpredictably - for example, cover age spots or refuse to "accept" the laser.

Photoepilation ... The action is based on a flash of light that seals the vessels around the hair follicle, as a result of which it atrophies without nutrients, which means that old hair falls out, new hair does not grow. Regarding pregnancy - it is better not to do photoepilation while carrying a baby. The reasons are the same: this procedure appeared in salons about 10 years ago, and the effect of the device on the child's body and future mother not really studied. This is understandable, would anyone start to conduct experiments on pregnant women? So you do not risk it.

  • during pregnancy, the risk of allergic reactions increases significantly - keep this in mind when using depilatory creams or wax.
  • give up any painful procedures - they are dangerous in that they provoke the production of stress hormones in the body, which negatively affects the fetus and can even cause a miscarriage.
  • if you have any skin diseases in addition to pregnancy, epilation is contraindicated for you.
  • if you nevertheless decide on photoepilation while carrying a child, remember that its harm has not been proven by anyone, but even the most loyal doctors do not advise pregnant women to do it in the deep bikini area and abdomen.
  • excess hair during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon that will pass in 6-9 months. Maybe it makes sense to be patient?

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman. The mother-to-be tries to avoid anything that can harm the baby's health or endanger the pregnancy itself. It is no coincidence that the question of the possibility of epilation during pregnancy is being vigorously discussed by gynecologists. The opinion of experts on this issue, as well as recommendations for carrying out hair removal procedures in pregnant women, you will learn from this article.

The desire to look well-groomed and beautiful is especially great when a woman is waiting for the birth of a child. For many years, gynecologists have prohibited any manipulation of their appearance during pregnancy. You couldn't dye your hair, do perm and a number of other procedures. These prohibitions still have good reasons.

Care products often contain chemical elements that can cause allergies or toxicosis. Therefore, pregnant women can only use those care products that will not cause complications and side effects.

This approach is especially relevant for the behavior of hair removal during pregnancy.

How long is it possible?

Epilation is removal different ways unwanted body hair. The procedure is designed to remove not only hair, but also its roots, which ensures the absence of vegetation for a sufficiently long period.

Doctors-gynecologists have long noted some of the features of the processes occurring in the body of the expectant mother:

  • increased hair growth associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman;
  • increased susceptibility to pain;
  • the occurrence of varicose veins and leg edema;
  • weakening of general immunity.

All these factors force to treat hair removal in pregnant women with extreme caution.

Of course, pregnant women should not completely abandon personal care. This is especially true for the bikini area. During pregnancy, hair removal with intimate places- a question not only of beauty and grooming, but also of personal hygiene.

Gynecologists point out that the possibility of carrying out the procedure without side effects is not the same for different dates pregnancy.

It has already been said above that many pregnant women feel pain more acutely. The pain can tone the uterus and jeopardize the pregnancy itself. This is especially dangerous in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, in the early stages, epilation should not be used. If you still need to remove excess body hair, use a more gentle depilation method.

The second trimester is a better time for manipulation. During these periods, the woman becomes less sensitive to pain and procedures can be carried out to remove unnecessary vegetation.

Epilation can be done at a later date, naturally, with caution and choosing gentle methods.

When is it forbidden?

There are strict contraindications for hair removal procedures in pregnant women. These include:

  • irritation and damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • allergic reactions, including to the components used in the compositions for manipulation;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders and stress;
  • toxicosis;
  • finding the uterus in good shape and the threat of miscarriage.

In these cases, manipulation is strictly prohibited. The expectant mother must remember that by violating this prohibition, she endangers the life and health of her baby.

Safe ways

So, to the question: “ Is epilation possible during pregnancy?? " many gynecologists give a positive answer. But, not all methods are suitable for the expectant mother. Let's consider the safest ones:

Bioepilation. This is a procedure for removing excess vegetation using wax, caramel (shugaring), phyto-resin. The procedure is quite painful, so it should not be used in the early stages. The most popular is hair removal with wax. This method gives lasting results for a long time.

The woman does not need to repeat the manipulations for several months. During pregnancy, waxing is suitable for the second and third trimester. With its help, you can get rid of hair on the legs, arms, armpits.

With large vegetation, the procedure is quite painful. The wax should be used with caution on the bikini area. At hypersensitivity to pain it is worth completely abandoning the use of wax in this area.

Manipulation with varicose veins is contraindicated. Epilation with caramel or phyto-resin can replace wax, as it is perceived by many women as less painful.

Epilator. Self-removal device unwanted vegetation on the body. Among the advantages of this method is the availability of the procedure. You can do it yourself at home.

For pregnant women, this method is dangerous in that it causes quite strong pain. Therefore, it should not be used if there is a threat of miscarriage or feeling unwell. It is also not suitable for epilation of a pregnant woman in the bikini area.

Methods that are not suitable for pregnant women

  • Electrolysis... One of the most effective ways removing excess vegetation. The hair follicles are destroyed by a mild electric shock. An auxiliary effect is given by using high temperature and alkalis. All this allows you to get rid of hair for a long time. The procedure is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. The reason is soreness and a long duration, as well as the effect of an electric current that can interrupt the bearing of a child;
  • Laser hair removal also contraindicated for expectant mothers. Although there are opinions that laser hair removal is acceptable during pregnancy, if you are very careful. With the relative painlessness of the method, it is fraught with some danger for the mother and the fetus. The destruction of the hair follicle is achieved by high temperature laser beam exposure. This can cause burns and stress in a woman, with all the ensuing negative consequences.
  • Photoepilation. A new method based on the destruction of follicles using a flash and preventing their further growth. It is not suitable for pregnant women because it has practically not been studied. Its effect on the mother and fetus is not known.


Hair removal with a razor or special creams. This method is the most gentle and has no contraindications for pregnant women. The pluses of depilation include: painlessness and affordability, no side effects and no threats to the baby.

It can be done at any stage of pregnancy. The inconveniences of the procedure include: rapid regrowth of shaved hairs, irritation in the bikini area.