It is important to remember the day you first felt your baby moving in the tummy. The doctor will definitely ask you about this, and then, based on this parameter, he will calculate the expected date of birth. If the pregnancy is the first, 20 weeks are added to the date. When a woman bears a second, the period increases by 14 days.

By the way the fetus moves, you can determine its position. Where you feel the most energetic movements are the limbs of the child. If the activity is closer to the diaphragm, the baby lies head down.

It is important to keep track of how your child is moving. If his condition is disturbed, the movements will be strong and erratic. One of the reasons for this activity may be the increased content of carbon dioxide in your blood. A decrease or lack of activity of the child may be a sign of hypoxia, when the fetus lacks oxygen and nutrients.

fetal movement test

Only some gynecologists practice the fetal movement test, because sometimes it is easier for the expectant mother to do an ultrasound or cardiotocography. But filling out a movement diary is quite simple. This does not affect the baby in any way, and if there are any deviations, the expectant mother will immediately notice it.

This test was developed by George Pearson, physician at St. George's Hospital. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is indicated in the official documents of pregnancy management. It can be used by any pregnant woman from the 28th week of pregnancy.

In order to keep a diary of movements, you will need a special one, which you can draw yourself, or take it from a gynecologist. On the left, vertically, the time is from 9:00 to 21:00, at intervals of half an hour. The number of the week of pregnancy is marked horizontally at the top.

This table is filled in as follows. The expectant mother counts the baby's pushes, starting at nine in the morning. Any movement, even the weakest, counts. When she counts ten movements, she makes a mark in the table, based on the time of the last one. And then, until the end of the day, the activity of the fetus can no longer be monitored.

If the baby moves in episodes, they are considered as a single push. For example, when a child pushed, followed immediately by , counts as one point.

As a rule, women count ten movements by lunchtime. The norm is at least three movements per hour. You should not sound the alarm if the baby, and the required number of shocks is counted in an hour. The reason for concern should be the lack of movement.

Each baby moves in an individual schedule, but not always very strongly or too actively. Previously, in all Women's consultations, it was customary to insist on a regular calculation of the movement of the child in the womb.

Now in Ukraine they have abandoned this practice, taking as a basis the experience of advanced countries, where such a study has not been carried out for a long time, so as not to disturb pregnant women once again.

But if you really want to make sure that everything is in order with the crumbs, try to fix his movements. How to do this will be described in this article.

How to count fetal movements, tests

To do this, use one of the following options:

  • Count 10 movements of the baby within one hour. Record everything you feel: pushing, wiggling, rolling, hitting or jumping.
  • Note 10 episodes of the child's movement within 10 hours. Count not every push, movement, etc., but a complex of movements - this will be “one movement”, once an hour.

Keep in mind that there may be hours when the baby is sleeping, which means that he practically does not move.

One of our readers asked us what the movement counting scheme looks like, which was recommended to her in Women's consultation, and we her . If you wish, you can also use it. But, as we said earlier, counting the movements of the child in many progressive countries of the world is considered a completely unnecessary measure of reinsurance, which, on the contrary, unnerves and, in case of insufficient movements, frightens the expectant mother. Our experts agree with this. The main thing is that the movements are periodic and the mother feels them.

Important! All these are simplified schemes for counting fetal movements.

Under certain conditions, the doctor may still recommend that the woman count the fetal movements. This is due to the fact that the process of stirring reflects the well-being of the fetus inside the uterus. I repeat if the process pregnancy is coming normal and there are no concerns, you don’t need to specifically count the movements.

Several methods have been developed to calculate fetal movements:

Pearson method

This technique involves monitoring the process of fetal movement for 12 hours, starting from 9.00 in the morning until 21.00. at this time, a woman needs to limit as much as possible physical exercise so that it does not reduce motor activity fetus.

The woman enters the data into a special table, sets the counting time and the time of every tenth fetal movement. Also, any of his movements are recorded in it. If less than an hour has passed from the first to the tenth movement, this is quite normal fetal activity. If more than an hour has passed, the woman needs to provoke increased fetal movements - lie on her back, walk up the stairs, eat sweets. Then the counting must be continued. If the movements are rare throughout the day, you need to see a doctor for an additional examination.

Cardiff method

The essence of this technique also lies in counting the movements of the fetus for 12 hours, but the woman chooses the time to start counting for herself. In the table, the time of the beginning of the calculations and the time when the child moved for the 10th time are noted. If the tenth fetal movement occurs before the 12-hour interval, then you can stop counting. If during these 12 hours the fetus moves less than 10 times, you need to consult a doctor.

Sadowski method

With this method, movements are considered after eating in the evening from 19.00 to 23.00. at this time, fetal movements always increase in the norm. The woman writes down the start time of counting and lies on her left side, which enhances the motor activity of the fetus. If the baby makes more than 10 movements within an hour, then you can stop counting. If he moves less than ten times, you need to continue counting.

A bad sign with this method is the slowing of the movements of the fetus, if there are less than ten of them in a two-hour count. In this case, additional examinations will be required.

  • It is important to listen to the movements of the fetus every day, if the fetus does not move for 12 hours in a row or more, this is a very alarming sign, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital.
  • For the fetus, periods of calm are permissible, if he sleeps, lasting up to 3-4 hours. But then he should move again actively. If the motor activity of the fetus has changed dramatically in one or two days - it has slowed down or sharply increased - this is also a reason to see a doctor.
  • Sometimes the fetus is restless in an uncomfortable position - if the mother is sitting cross-legged or lying on her back. He receives less oxygen, he can push harder. Change position, if the fetus does not rest, it is worth lying down, and if this does not help, consult a doctor.
  • Strong and active movements throughout the abdomen can give twins. It is more difficult to judge their condition by movements, it is difficult to understand which of them is active.

If the movements have changed?

If the nature of the movements changes dramatically, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor, first of all, will ask you in detail and listen to the fetal heartbeats with the help of an obstetric stethoscope. It should be in the range of 120-160 beats per minute.

If, during a normal examination and auscultation, the heartbeats are normal, a CTG study will also be shown, which will detect both the cardiac activity of the fetus and the reaction of the uterus, movements. According to CTG, it will be clear whether the fetus has signs of hypoxia and suffering in utero.

Also, in case of poor fetal movement, ultrasound and dopplerometry of the fetus will be performed. They will show how blood circulation is carried out in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and fetus, and whether there are signs of fetal suffering from hypoxia.

Causes of unusual movements

If problems are identified in the motor activity of the fetus, what manifestations of intrauterine suffering of the fetus can they talk about?

First of all, the fetus can change its motor activity during the development of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). The main causes of this condition are diseases of a woman in the form of anemia, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes and complications during pregnancy. Hypoxia also leads to various kinds of bleeding, placental insufficiency, pressing the umbilical cord loops by the fetus or their prolapse during childbirth, problems with the fetus - Rhesus conflict or malformations of its development.

Acute hypoxia is detected by abrupt changes in the movement of the fetus and drying of heart sounds, in chronic it will be more indicative carrying out CTG. Under normal conditions, the fetal movements increase the heart rate in the range of 10-15 beats, with hypoxia these data change.

The initial stages of hypoxia lead to anxiety of the fetus, which gives an increase and increase in its motor activity.

Progressive hypoxia leads to a weakening or complete cessation of movement. Therefore, expectant mothers from the first obvious movements of the fetus should always observe how the baby behaves and inform the doctor about this at each appointment.

If fetal movements have stopped

A prolonged lack of movement or a sudden cessation or change in activity can certainly be a cause for concern, so if the baby does not stop hiding from you, it is better to play it safe with an ultrasound.

This is a fairly quick, safe and informative way to make sure that the baby is in perfect order.

In the process of waiting for the study, you need to try to force the naughty to be active.

  • Move around, eat something sweet, hold your breath.
  • Take a warm shower or bath (not very hot!).
  • Drink a glass of warm milk or weak tea and lie down in bed on the barrels.
  • Wrap up warmly and warm your tummy with your hands.
  • Open windows to provide good access to oxygen.

Your calmness will probably invigorate, or wake up the baby if he was sleeping and make him “crawl” from his familiar place. Usually it is when the mother is relaxed that the baby begins the most active phase.

Believe me, the majority of expectant mothers experience the fear of a temporary lack of movement, and in the vast majority of cases, we are unconsciously frightened by our beloved children playing “hide and seek” with us.

But if the situation continues to worry you, be sure to contact your doctor and go to the nearest ultrasound room or hospital.

Baby's movements are one of the main events of pregnancy. It is difficult to describe the whole gamut of feelings that a pregnant woman experiences, for the first time, “really” feeling the presence of a baby. Be sure to enjoy this moment, keep these weightless tremors in your memory so that you can remember them with tenderness later.

What determines the intensity of fetal movements

The activity of the child is always different, it is influenced by:

  • The time of day, more often children are active in the evening and at night.
  • Mother's condition. If the mother is nervous or stressed, the baby may become quiet or move more than usual.
  • Physical activity of the mother. The fetus prefers to move when the mother is at rest or sleeping.
  • Woman nutrition. The fetus moves more actively after eating, especially if it is sweets.
  • Harsh sounds. The fetus may freeze from loud and sharp sounds, or move more actively in response to them.
  • Prolonged uncomfortable posture of a woman. The fetus, in order for the mother to change position, begins to move strongly and sharply.

Under any circumstances and problems, it is necessary to eat properly and efficiently throughout pregnancy and try to play sports (even just walking). To do this, in the Mom's Store you should pay attention to those specialized for pregnant and lactating women, as well as buy comfortable ones, or for traveling or moderate sports.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics possible only with undamaged packaging.

The maximum sensations of perturbations are noted from 24 to 32 weeks. Then the activity of the fetus decreases, while its movements become stronger and more distinct. The mother can understand which part of the body the baby is moving. By the end of pregnancy, the fetus moves its limbs and head most actively.

If the presentation is cephalic, the greatest movements are felt under the ribs and at the navel. At breech presentation movements are most active in the pelvic area. By evening, the child always moves more actively than it happens in the mornings and afternoons.

On average, an expectant mother can feel 10-20 jolts or movements per hour. There may be periods of no movement up to 3-4 hours if the fetus is asleep.

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Until approximately the 18th to 20th week of pregnancy, a woman knows that a new man is growing inside her, but does not feel it. The weight of the baby is not so great (only 200–300 g), and the mother practically does not feel his movements. A woman will find out about what is happening to him and whether everything is in order with him during a visit to a gynecologist or a planned ultrasound. From the second half of gestation, the situation changes. The movements of the fetus become quite palpable, and now future mother can determine his condition by his movements.

How does the child move?

Women who are carrying their first child feel the movements of the baby precisely at the 18-20th week of pregnancy. Multi-pregnant women for the first time notice movements earlier by about 2 weeks. The first movements are felt as light tremors, flutters, and less romantic women compare them with intestinal peristalsis.

What exactly is considered one movement?

When a pregnant woman is faced with the need to record the movements of her baby (this happens at a period of 28–30 weeks), she faces the question of what exactly is considered such a movement? All children are different, their physical activity also differs. One and the same child either pushes once and calms down, or several times in a row performs movements of various nature.

Gynecologists unanimously believe that it is correct to consider both a single movement of the fetus and a series of shocks as one movement. In other words, if for several minutes (15–30) the baby continuously or at short intervals made different or identical movements, they are all considered one movement.

How much should a baby move normally?

There are various approaches to determining the rate of fetal movements. It is generally accepted that healthy baby must make at least 3 movements in 60 minutes or more than 10 movements in 12 hours. The situation is worse with the upper limit of the norm: the number of movements, the excess of which goes beyond its limits, is not defined, so it is difficult for a woman to understand herself that the child is too active.

What does an increase or decrease in fetal motor activity indicate?

By the 28-30th week of pregnancy, each expectant mother gets used to a certain rhythm of her baby's life. She knows how much he moves and when, so most women notice changes in the motor activity of the fetus and are able to keep them under control.

A noticeable decrease or, conversely, an increase in the number and intensity of movements can signal problems with the development and vital activity of the child, most often hypoxia (acute or chronic lack of oxygen). In any case, it is worth consulting with your doctor, it is better to be safe than to miss the moment and lose the child.

In order not to panic in vain, it is worth considering the conditions under which an increase in fetal motor activity is not considered an alarm signal:

  • evening and night time;
  • excited emotional condition mothers;
  • consumption of sweet foods by the expectant mother;
  • loud and unexpected sounds;
  • a woman's stay in an uncomfortable position for the fetus.

How to correctly count movements?

Gynecologists offer patients to keep a kind of diary of movements. These can be different tests, as a rule, the doctor explains the rules for filling out the table that is contained in the pregnant woman's exchange card or attached to it. However, a woman who is not always preoccupied with many questions during a short appointment can understand everything and remember from the first time how to fill out the table, especially when other patients are waiting for her in the corridor. How to correctly count perturbations?

"Count to ten" - the Cardiff method (an example of filling out a table)

According to the Cardiff test, you need to start recording fetal movements at 9 o'clock in the morning. The technique requires the woman to do this in a sitting or lying position, that is, at rest, without provoking the motor activity of the fetus. The table should record the time of the 10th stirring.

For example, a woman felt the 10th fetal movement at half past one, then a mark is made in the column “13.30”. If there are less than ten perceptible movements before nine in the evening, only their number is noted at the bottom of the table (see the example below).

28 week29 week30 week
12.30 X
13.30 X
14.00 X X
14.30 X
15.00 X X
16.00 X X
17.00 X X X X
17.30 X X
18.00 X
18.30 X
19.00 X
20.30 X
Number of movements (< 10) 9 X
8 X

Sadowski counting method

Sadowski's technique is based, on the contrary, on a kind of provocation of fetal activity. A woman should start counting movements after eating - the intake of nutrients normally activates the baby's vital activity. It is advisable to carry out the test in a prone position, fully concentrating on your feelings. If within an hour there are 4 or more movements, the result is considered positive - the baby feels good. When the required number of movements was not felt, continue counting for another hour. Fixation of 4 perturbations for two hours is considered normal.

Subjective control: “today is better/worse than yesterday”

Not all future mothers are so disciplined as to scrupulously count and record every movement of the crumbs every day. In addition, today many women continue to work even after thirty weeks, if their health allows, and therefore they are physically unable to do this. For this reason, most gynecologists limit themselves to asking the patient at the appointment how the child moves.

For 10 weeks from the moment of the first stirring, a woman gets used to the rhythm of life of her future son or daughter and is quite capable of noticing that there are more or less movements, the baby will introduce himself calmly or overly mobile. The subjective feelings of the mother are also taken into account by the gynecologist when assessing the condition of the fetus.

Why count baby's movements and when to see a doctor?

Keeping a count of fetal movements and analyzing the results of such observations is additional tool a gynecologist who helps to suspect the presence of problems in the unborn child in time. By providing her doctor with a completed table at the next appointment, a woman contributes to caring for the health of her child.

In the event of a decrease or increase in motor activity, the doctor, without waiting for the due date, will refer the pregnant woman to a CTG or ultrasound to ensure the well-being of the fetus or diagnose any disorders. Timely detected problems are easier to correct than neglected pathologies.

There is another event during pregnancy, besides childbirth, which not only mothers, but also fathers are looking forward to. These are the first movements of the baby, which confirm that everything is in order with him and that he will be born soon. For a specialist observing a woman, fetal movement during pregnancy also has great importance, because it indicates that the first half of the pregnancy has passed and exactly twenty weeks later the baby will be born.

When does fetal movement begin?

The first movements of the fetus begin approximately from the twenty-first day after conception and are marked by the beating of the little one's heart. From now on, when you visit a gynecologist, the doctor will listen to your baby's heartbeat every time. The muscle tissue of the fetus begins to interact with the nervous system around the eighth week, and at the tenth week the baby begins to make weak movements that the mother cannot yet feel, but they are clearly visible on the ultrasound.

Knowing which week the baby's movements begin, the expectant mother constantly listens to herself, hoping to feel the baby. The period at which the first sensations appear may differ depending on the complexion of the pregnant woman, the number amniotic fluid, baby size.

Experts believe that during the first pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the movements of her child at the twentieth week.

With the development of the baby in the womb, his movements become more active and seem conscious. Some parents claim that during the ultrasound, the baby turned his head towards his mother, when the doctor showed her the screen of the device, and the father waved his hand in greeting. In fact, the child gradually becomes a full-fledged resident of his house, he sorts out the umbilical cord with his hands, yawns when he wants to sleep, hides his face in his hands, moves his arms and legs, sucks his thumb and even hiccups in his mother's tummy.

At 21 weeks, the conscious nature of the movements of the child becomes noticeable to others. He develops a certain regime during which periods of sleep and activity alternate. He knows how to turn around to get into a more comfortable position. It is believed that loud noise annoys the baby, and he is able to turn away from him.

Sensations during fetal movements

Young mothers expecting their first child are worried about how to recognize the child's activity. The movements of the baby are gentle and timid only at first. Some poetic natures compare them with movement small fish or the gentle touch of a butterfly wing. More practical mothers offer a not very beautiful, but rather specific comparison with intestinal motility.

When the child grows up, gets stronger, his activity will resemble confident tremors, which are clearly felt by others. Mom will already know for sure that the baby has turned over, fits comfortably, moves his arm, leg or sleeps. Closer to childbirth, when the baby becomes large enough, you can clearly feel his movements and even see how the tummy moves.

The rate of fetal movements during the second pregnancy

Movement rates during the first pregnancy do not differ from the level of activity during subsequent ones and can be calculated using various techniques. Experts believe that the following factors influence the activity of the child:

  1. time of day - the child is most active in the evening;
  2. psychological condition future mother- if a woman experiences severe stress, then the baby also experiences its negative impact. If the mother is afraid of something, then the child may hide and be quiet. If the mother is happy, then the little one will share her happiness, supporting her with high activity;
  3. physical activity brings the fetus to a state of rest, but as soon as the mother begins to rest, the baby begins to actively move;
  4. nutrition - the baby reacts to the feeling of hunger of her mother, as well as eating, with high motor activity, especially if mother ate something sweet;
  5. ambient sounds can irritate the baby, to which he will actively react, or frighten him, then he will behave very quietly, hide;
  6. the baby will not endure the uncomfortable position of the mother for a long time, expressing his dissatisfaction with attempts to comfortably settle down, with strong jolts.

cramped house

You will feel the greater activity of the baby on time. During this period, it grows rapidly, develops, and there is still enough space in its "house". Later baby becomes crowded in the uterus, and its vigor decreases. Especially before childbirth. With growth, the nature of movements also changes. With the nervous system of the fetus already sufficiently developed, the formation of the "activity - rest" cycle takes place. The baby can move vigorously for an hour, and then calm down.

Many pregnant women complain about the obstinate nature of the baby. During the day, he behaves calmly, but as soon as he lies down to rest or fall asleep, the "dancing" begins. And the child just likes the pleasant swaying of the stomach when you go to the store, take care of the house. In addition, when you are in a relaxed state, blood circulation improves, and the baby has more strength to "play pranks." And with his energetic movements, he makes you get up, change the position of the body. Don't worry. In the long term of pregnancy, your rhythms of sleep and wakefulness will most likely coincide with him.

Do you feel rhythmic twitches in your stomach? This is your baby hiccuping. Don't worry. The relationship between the hiccuping processes of the fetus and the violation of its intrauterine state has not been established.

Monitor child's activity

What matters is the change in the motor activity of the child within a few days. Unusually strong, erratic, thrashing movements will speak of a violation of his condition. A possible reason for this increase in reflex activity is an increase in carbon dioxide in your blood. The doctor will prescribe an additional laboratory test and give recommendations.

A decrease or cessation of the baby's movements after violent motor activity may be a sign of hypoxia, when the child lacks nutrients and oxygen. To provoke placental insufficiency can be an unsatisfactory state of both your health and the child. We will have to establish the degree of development of hypoxia. In an acute form, an emergency is necessary health care, in chronic - constant monitoring and treatment.

Baby movements: count to 10

This is the simplest and most common baby D. Pearson's movement test. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is indicated in official documents on the management of pregnancy in our country. It can be used by everyone at home to independently monitor the condition of the child. In a special table, every tenth movement is noted from 9:00 to 21:00. This is how the features of his motor activity are determined. Under normal conditions, the tenth perturbation is noted before 17:00. If the number of movements within 12 hours is less than 10, it is advisable to inform the doctor. If the baby does not make itself felt within 12 hours - an emergency, urgently see a doctor!

If the baby does not move for three hours, there is no cause for concern. He can just sleep.

Movement language

Sometimes the movements become especially intense in a short period of time. This baby "protests" because of your uncomfortable position. If you lie on your back for a long time, the large vessels of the uterus are squeezed, blood flow to the fetus is reduced. By his actions, he is trying to force you to change position.

The baby calms down during a cold snap, when you worry, worry, sit in one position for hours. Try to eat something sweet - he should respond to the treat. It is useful for him to walk in the fresh air for at least three hours a day, good food, long sleep, a reasonable alternation of work and rest.

Another child really wants you to communicate with him. On the recent weeks during pregnancy, his movements can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. Change body position, stroke your belly, say a few kind words prankster, and everything will be back to normal.

Irina Lebedeva,
gynecologist, head of antenatal clinic
at maternity hospital No. 32 in Moscow

The first lessons of natural education, or Childhood without diseases Boris Pavlovich Nikitin

Test D. Pearson "Count to 10"

Test D. Pearson "Count to 10"

I have long dreamed that there will be some way to objectively assess how the fetus is maturing and what the outcome of the pregnancy will be, in order to be sure before birth that everything is going well. One of the guesses has not left me for a long time. Here is its essence. Ilya Arkadyevich Arshavsky, from whom we have been studying for a quarter of a century, discovered a very important law: the leading system in the body of a newborn is the musculoskeletal system, and all the rest develop correlatively, that is, after it, depending on it: the muscular system gets stronger - gets stronger and the heart, and the lungs, and the digestive system, and all the others internal organs- improves health in general. And this law begins to operate even before birth. This means that by mobility, by the frequency of movements, one could judge the degree of development of the fetus.

There is a test by D. Pearson “Count to 10”, when at exactly 9 o’clock in the morning the mother begins to count (mark on paper with a dash or dot) each movement of the fetus, and the time of the 10th movement with a cross on the test card. "It has been established that the number of fetal movements less than 10 per 12 hours is threatening to the fetus and requires immediate medical attention."

As a rule, this test is still used only to detect unfavorable fetal development (rarely moves).

But this test, apparently, also shows the physiological maturity of the fetus. What if we connect the crosses with lines starting from the 28th week, when we began to conduct observations, and continue until the baby's birthday. - up to 35–45 weeks? Will this line show the level of physiological maturity? Maybe the higher it goes, the more mature the child is born? Or maybe there is some better option? All of this is speculation and speculation. But all expectant mothers can try to check the guess.

Therefore, I suggest that you fill out the “Count to 10” fetal movement test, not necessarily from the 28th week, but from the one when its movements began to be felt quite clearly. And in maternity hospital ask for an express diagnosis of the physiological maturity of the newborn on the Apgar-Arshavsky scale and write down its results.

A sample test is given in the book (p. 29). Please send the completed test to:

143900, Balashikha, Moscow region, communication center, P/O box 100 I. L. Kravchenko (for B. P. Nikitin).

If there are a sufficient number of completed tests, then I will try to calculate the correlation coefficient between the average number of fetal movements and the physiological maturity of the child. You might get an interesting result. Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to help me in this important matter.

Fetal movement test "Count to 10"

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