Since natural beauty came into vogue, many women have begun to abandon the extension of long nails. After all, building up is one thing, but showing off your own beautiful, long and well-groomed nails is quite another. To achieve the effect, women are ready to use any methods. In the race for long nails, you need to understand - you can grow healthy nails only if your lifestyle is healthy and your emotional background is stable.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for nail growth

The first step to growing healthy nails without signs of brittleness and delamination is a healthy, nutritious diet. Got a vitamin deficiency? There are no healthy nails, hair and other attributes of female beauty. Let's take a look at the vitamins you need to create strong nail plates.

  • Vitamin A

Responsible for the growth of nails. Pure vitamin A enters the body with foods of animal origin: beef liver, cod liver, egg yolk or natural oil.

  • Vitamin B

Serves to strengthen nails and again - for growth. Found in oats, asparagus, potatoes, cabbage and almonds.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin activates the immune properties of the human system, thereby reducing the separation of nails. Also, the nail plate ceases to turn yellow. This trace mineral is found in any citrus fruit, fresh potato peel, sauerkraut and rose hips.

  • Vitamin E

Improves blood flow in the body. Nails that have a good supply of nutrients grow 2 times faster. Available in soybean oil, margarine, sea buckthorn, broccoli.

In addition to essential vitamins, the body constantly needs minerals. Zinc helps to renew epidermal tissue. It can be obtained by eating pumpkin seeds, cocoa powder, or walnuts. Calcium contained in goat or cow's milk is the main building material for keratinized epithelial cells. Fat? lentils and rye bread will give the body the much needed Fe

Nail shape for faster growth

By itself, the shape of the nails does not in any way affect the growth rate of the plate. However, its correct shape can protect nails from deformation: a broken nail must be filed constantly. The most reliable form of nails is a thickened semicircular one. The square shape of nails with sawn sharp corners is also less prone to fracture.

Use a fine-grained nail file made from materials that will not damage the plate. It can be glass, plastic, or a sprayed paper file. File your nails from the edges towards the center.

Baths for nail growth

  • Butter with iodine

Mix 30 g of any heated oil with 2 drops of iodine and glycerin. Procedure time - 12 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the bath every other day.

  • Sea salt bath

In 400 ml of water at room temperature, dilute 1 tablespoon of salt without additives. If desired, add 2-3 drops of iodine. Perform the procedure for a quarter of an hour at least three times a week.

  • Soda bath

Stir 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 200 ml of water. Procedure time - 12 minutes. It is recommended to lubricate your hands with coconut or flaxseed oil. Baths can be done at will, but not more often than after 1 day.

  • Herbal baths

Fees can be made by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. The herbs of St. John's wort, burdock or chamomile are best suited for nails. After the broth is ready, it needs to be infused for at least 1 hour. Add 100g to the cooled broth. dry white wine and stir. The procedure takes 20 minutes or more. The procedure is carried out daily.

  • Lemon bath

Squeeze the juice from a whole lemon and dip your fingers into it. Keep for a maximum of 3 minutes. The bath can be done if there are no wounds on the fingers. Another bath can be done by stirring 20 g of lemon juice in 200 ml of water, and adding 3 drops of iodine there. Use every day for 15 minutes.

Effect of finger massage on the cuticle

Finger massage is performed both generally and specifically at the base of the nail. Go down in a circular motion from the base of the finger to the nails, then massage around the nail plate. Give each finger at least 2 minutes. The massage will improve blood circulation, which will speed up nail growth.

You can massage your nails either dry or using a lubricant made from vegetable oils or creams.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is a simple procedure that can be done at home. You can buy cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy, or you can use molten wax from a candle, without additives. The procedure involves applying wax around the nail plate. On the cuticle.

Compresses are made from beeswax. To do this, the wax is heated to a viscous state, and then fingers are dipped into it. When the wax hardens, it must be protected from external influences. Gloves will help with this. Leave the wax caps for 7-8 hours, or for a minimum period of 2-3 hours.

The action of paraffin is similar to that of massage: it improves blood circulation and stimulates blood flow to the upper layers of the epithelium.

Together with paraffin therapy, you should use professional cosmetics. Good nail polish products can be found at Sally Hansen, Artdeco, and Vivienne Sabo.

Prevention of nail health means:

  1. Daily lubrication of hands and nails with creams with your favorite composition is a prerequisite for the prevention of nail health
  2. Wearing gloves during the cold season
  3. Use of household gloves when in contact with chemicals
  4. Using acetone-free nail polish remover
  5. Rest for nails between courses of coating with gel polish or regular nail lag.

On the eve of the holidays, women often ask themselves the question - how to quickly grow nails? A neat and beautiful manicure emphasizes the elegance, sophistication and chic of the fair sex. There are many reasons for brittle nails: a lot of chemicals are used, women are often fond of diets, newfangled cosmetic procedures, do their homework without gloves and protective equipment.

All this leads to the fact that the nails become dull, brittle, spots and cracks appear on them. They are deformed and exfoliate, and a poor-quality manicure can even "give" a woman a fungus of the nail plate.

In order for nails to be strong, long and healthy, they must constantly experience self-care and grooming. To do this, you need to do hand baths, massage, apply a nourishing cream, and feed the nail plate.

To grow nails quickly, use our tips


  • Make a finger bath. You will need: 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 5-6 drops of iodine. Fingers should be immersed in this solution for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be done daily for a month. In addition, during this period, you need to lubricate the nail plate with iodine at night. At first, the nails will be yellow, but by morning this effect will disappear;
  • A bath of salt and iodine helps to grow long nails well. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt without a slide in 200 ml of water and also add 5-6 drops of iodine. At night, you need to lubricate your fingers with cream. Carry out such procedures within 2 weeks;
  • Sea salt is more concentrated, so for a bath with one tablespoon of sea salt, you should take 500 ml of water and iodine. You can use this method for two weeks.

Growth stimulants

Ready-made cosmetics from pharmacies or stores, or cuticle massages with the addition of vitamins A and E will also help to quickly grow nails.

Take any ready-made hand cream and add the contents of one capsule of vitamins A and E. Thoroughly apply the cream to the skin of the hands and cuticles with light massage movements.

Healing herbs

A nourishing herbal tea will also help you grow long nails quickly.

For one glass of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of dry herbs of chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.

Strain the infused broth and dip your fingers into it for 15-20 minutes.

Repeat herbal baths 2-3 times a week for two months.


To grow nails in a week, add a massage based on olive or almond oil with the addition of essential oils to the above procedures. You will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of base oil and 2-3 drops of essential oil.

High quality manicure

In order to avoid infection with the fungus and receive a quality service, you must remember that only a competent manicure, done by a professional and neat master, will allow you to grow long nails, as well as preserve their beauty and health.

In the salon, you can also take advantage of services such as hand masks and paraffin therapy. These treatments have a nourishing and rejuvenating effect.


Take specific targeted vitamins. This mainly concerns complexes containing vitamins A and E. These components improve the condition of not only nails, but also hair and skin.

This is especially important in the autumn-spring period. You can also use dietary supplements, but you need to be sure that they are safe and effective.


Vitamins that enter the body from natural food are absorbed much better. To grow long nails, add liver, herbs, dairy products, butter, fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese and eggs to your diet.

Eat jelly and aspic more often. Since iodine and vitamin D play an important role in the formation of the skeletal system, include seafood, broccoli, nuts and figs in your diet. Good nutrition will help you

Girls often wonder how to quickly grow nails, especially on the eve of some events. Most of them, having not achieved the desired result, resort to artificial lengthening of nails - extension. But this procedure will give a temporary result, and after it you will have to restore your nails for a long time. To become the owner of a beautiful manicure, you need to take a whole range of measures that will not only accelerate the growth of the nail plate, but also make it stronger in just 2 weeks.

Effect of nutrition on nail growth

Interested in how to quickly grow nails at home, you should first pay attention to your diet. If the marigolds are thin, often exfoliate and break, it means that they do not receive all the necessary nutrients. Since it is possible to grow long nails only on condition that vitamins A, E, C and B enter the body in the right amount, it means that you need to include those foods that contain them in your daily diet.

  1. Vitamin E accelerates the growth of the nail plate by improving blood circulation. It is found in eggs, vegetable oil, meat and herbs.
  2. Vitamin B is responsible for the strength of the marigold structure. It is found in greatest quantities in cereals, eggs, yeast and milk.
  3. Vitamin A is the main element due to which nails grow quickly. Its reserves in the body can be replenished by consuming peaches, butter, carrots and liver. It should be noted that vitamin A is destroyed by drinking caffeine and alcohol.
  4. Vitamin C prevents lamination, brittleness and yellowing of the nail plate. It is found in sufficient quantities in greens, citrus fruits, raspberries and currants.

In addition to vitamins, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of iron, calcium and zinc, since it is impossible to quickly grow nails without them.

Zinc is responsible for the direct growth of the nail plate, which can be obtained from goat's milk and bananas. For proper formation, calcium is needed, which is found in fish, sesame, almonds and dairy products. If there is a lack of iron in the body, the nails will become brittle and exfoliate. To prevent this, you need to include pomegranates, buckwheat, meat, apples and rosehip broth in your diet.

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Read also: Professional nail masks

Medicinal bath recipes

In addition to proper nutrition, it is important to remember about cosmetic procedures that need to be done so that nails grow faster. The most effective are hand baths with the addition of beneficial ingredients in the form of oils, herbs, sea salt, etc. The procedures are recommended to be done 2-3 times a week, while their duration is usually no more than 10 minutes. To prepare the bath, you must use a small container and the ingredients indicated in the recipe.

  1. Heat a small amount of olive, sesame, castor or almond oil in a water bath and add 5 drops of glycerin and iodine. This solution affects not only the growth of the nail plate, but also its strengthening.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. herbal mixture of chamomile, burdock root and St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then add 4-5 tbsp. l. any white wine. With regular use of such a bath, the nails will become strong and will not exfoliate.
  3. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a small amount of warm water. You can also submerge your fingertips in half a lemon for 3 minutes. This recipe allows you to quickly strengthen the nail plate and whiten it.
  4. Dissolve 20 g of sea salt in 2 glasses of warm water. You can also use regular table salt, but then you should add a few drops of iodine to the bath. Such a solution is the most effective, since it can be used to grow nails in just a week.
  5. In a glass of warm water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and immerse your fingertips in the solution for 10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer to your hands, as the soda dries the skin.

The main condition for beautiful hair and nails is a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins. A deficiency of nutrients causes fragility, stratification and other troubles. Make sure that your diet contains foods containing these vitamins (if necessary, drink vitamin complexes):

  • Vitamin A is the main answer to the question of how to grow nails very quickly. This growth vitamin is found in carrots, pumpkin, and bell peppers.
  • Vitamin B - helps to strengthen nails. Surely you noticed white stripes on the nail plate? They arise precisely because of the deficiency of B vitamins. To prevent this, eat apples, cabbage and other types of fresh green vegetables.
  • Vitamin C - is responsible for the beautiful color and evenness of the nail plate. Add citrus fruits and berries to the diet.
  • Vitamin E - with a lack of it, the nails become dry and dull. You will find it in nuts, sprouts and vegetable oils.
  • Vitamin D - is responsible for the strength and normal absorption of calcium. To get this sun vitamin, be outdoors more often (just don't forget about the SPF cream!)

More care

It is very important to take care of your hands on time, do a manicure, remove sharp corners and burrs. In addition, in the fight for a beautiful manicure, you will be helped by a cream with vitamin E, which must be applied to hands and nails twice a day. Another prerequisite is the choice of the correct file that will not damage the nail plate and will allow it to be shaped without disturbing the structure. Instead of a metal nail file, you should give preference to a softer plastic or plastic-paper one.

Paraffin therapy

How to grow fingernails quickly? An effective procedure is paraffin therapy in the salon or at home. The easiest way to do it at home is with a paraffin mask. During the procedure, blood circulation improves, which stimulates the flow of oxygen to the nail plate. The effect will be visible very soon!

Baths for nail growth

For example, with sea salt. For this bath, you will need two glasses of room temperature water, 15 grams of sea salt and a couple of drops of iodine. Prepare a solution, dip your fingertips into it for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. You can repeat the procedure twice a week.

Short nails are practical, but they still cannot compete with long plates. It's no coincidence that girls are constantly looking for ways to increase their growth rate. There are many methods in the beauty industry to solve this problem. After reading our article, you will learn how to quickly grow nails without harming their health.

The theory of growth of the nail plate

The nail is an accumulation of epidermal horny cells in the form of plates located on the back of the fingers. They grow more slowly than hair. Complete plate renewal takes several months. On average, they grow on the hands at a rate of 1 mm / 10 days.

The shape and structure of the plates is determined genetically. Heredity does not affect the speed in any way. If your plates do not grow well, the reasons should be looked for elsewhere. Often, the main factors in slowing down are the following:

  • Mechanical damage.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Poor care.

For those who want to quickly grow their nails, it is important to understand that it is unrealistic to do this in one day. You can only increase the speed within natural limits.

Emergency solutions to the problem

What about those who want to grow fingernails quickly? If we cannot influence nature, then we are quite capable of deceiving it. The nail industry has long used such a technique as building. It allows you to increase the length of the plates, for which artificial materials are used.
Most often, modeling is carried out using a gel. Acrylic is used a little less often. Extensions are ideal for those looking to grow nails quickly.

If you have 1-2 weeks at your disposal, you can use the gel polish technique. A strong layer of this agent will protect the plates from mechanical damage, due to which the length will increase. This method is suitable for those who want to grow their nails in 1-2 weeks.

Ways to protect against brittleness

The main reason for poor growth is fragility. It is caused by various factors, which we have already described above. First of all, you should fight them. At the same time, you can carry out procedures to strengthen the plates, protect them from fragility.

To grow long nails at home without using artificial materials, carry out cosmetic procedures. We offer several effective recipes for baths:

  • Pour 200 ml of warm water into a small bowl and add 1 tbsp. l. soda. Stir the liquid thoroughly and dip your fingers into it. After 10 minutes, dry your hands and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Cut a fresh lemon in half. Alternately dip your fingertips into the pulp, soaking them in citrus for 1-2 minutes.
  • Mix 0.5 liters of water with 2 tbsp. coarse salt and 10-15 drops of iodine. Dip the plates in the resulting solution and hold for 15 minutes.

To grow nails quickly at home, do these treatments daily for a week. Do not forget to take care of the skin of the periungual rollers at this time.

Natural products for nail growth

Natural ingredients will help you grow nails at home in an extremely short time. Try these grooming methods:

  • Mix equal proportions of beeswax and honey. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture. Rub the mixture into the plates daily before bed for one month.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. gelatin with 4 tablespoons warm water. Wait until the particles swell and immerse your fingers in the mass. After 15 minutes, rinse your hands with warm water.
  • Apply a generous amount of olive oil to your fingers and wear medical gloves, then go to bed. In the morning, you will notice that the cuticle skin has acquired a healthy glow. The cells have already taken all the necessary trace elements, and soon you will notice an increase in the growth rate of the plates.

By getting used to doing nail care, you will automatically ensure rapid growth. You can enrich the baths with sea salt or cosmetic clay. These products contain only useful trace elements.

Requirements for a manicure

Hygienic treatment is essential for those who want to grow nails quickly. Masters advise to do a manicure according to all the rules:

  1. Sterilize instruments before each use. Keep all maintenance equipment clean.
  2. Move the cuticle closer to the base of the plate.
  3. File the free edge in one direction.
  4. Correct the length.
  5. Cover the plates with vitamin-fortified varnishes.
  6. Massage regularly with creams or oils.
  7. Only remove the varnish with an acetone-free liquid.

Be sure to use only proven cosmetics. It is very important for those who grow nails to observe all safety measures.

What foods should you eat?

It's not a secret for anyone that the basis of the rapid growth of nails is a correct, balanced diet. It is not necessary to use vitamin complexes, because everything useful is contained in ordinary products.

Eat more foods that contain calcium. This is cottage cheese, milk, cheese. Your nails will become strong and grow back very quickly.

Foods fortified with vitamin A will help with stratification. These are carrots, natural juices and fruits. Eat greens, vegetables, and seafood. Be sure to monitor the frequency of food intake. A balanced diet will help you not only quickly grow nails at home, but also make them healthy, strong and strong.

There are so many of those who are looking for ways to quickly grow nails at home, and there are few girls who follow the basic rules for preserving natural beauty! Some habits will help you make your plates attractive and not have to worry about strengthening them:

  • Wash the dishes with gloves. Refuse to use harmful advertised means. Mustard and soda work well with fat. These products do not harm the skin and plates.
  • Wear gloves in winter. Sudden changes in temperature contribute to the loss of the natural strength of living tissues. The plates become weak and brittle. Therefore, you need to protect your hands in the autumn-winter period.
  • Massage your fingers daily. Good blood circulation promotes the accumulation of all trace elements and minerals in cells necessary for rapid growth.
  • Rest the plates after building and gel polishing. The structure of the stratum corneum is disrupted under the influence of artificial materials. For three weeks you will enjoy a flawless manicure, but after removing the cover, take a break for 10-14 days.

Those who do not have their own experience on how to quickly grow beautiful nails have to use other people's advice. Fortunately, in most cases they are versatile and really helpful. The author of the video on YouTube will tell about his methods of accelerating the growth of plates on the hands:

As you can see, there are many safe ways to grow flawless fingernails. What do you think: is it possible to compare their effectiveness with salon procedures?