TO PARTICIPATE in partner birth: any pregnant woman who is registered in antenatal clinic.

MANDATORY CONDITIONS for partner childbirth: the desire and consent of the future mother and father, joint preparation for childbirth (at the school of future parents or independently), medical examination of the future father (list of tests and examinations - see below), the presence of special clothes (see below).

REGISTRATION OF DOCUMENTS for partner childbirth: a pregnant woman and her husband (partner) at 37-38 weeks of gestation must come to an appointment with the Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics and Gynecology (the appointment is held on Mondays from 14.00 to 17.00). Have an exchange card with you, the results of additional studies, and your husband's tests. After conducting an interview and receiving a conclusion on the possibility of childbirth in our maternity hospital, we are waiting for you for childbirth.

EXAMINATION OF THE HUSBAND: tests for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C (valid for 3 months), fluorography (valid for 1 year), a certificate from a therapist about the state of health. Analyzes are given in any medical facility.

SPECIAL CLOTHING: the husband needs to bring washable rubber slippers from home, a change of clothes - he will be given a surgical suit in maternity hospital.

PARTNER DELIVERY is carried out: by the doctors of the duty team in individual birth boxes in the presence of the husband. The transfer and stay in the postpartum department occurs without the husband's accompaniment.

If you arrive for childbirth from home (antenatal clinic, etc.), the husband comes to the maternity hospital with you (to the emergency department).

If you are transferred for childbirth from the department of pathology of pregnant women of the maternity hospital No. 17, you inform your husband about this and he comes to you for childbirth on his own (to the emergency department).

List of required documents and permitted items during hospitalization for childbirth (in the maternity ward):

1. Passport.

2. Medical insurance policy.

3. Exchange card (issued by a antenatal clinic or a medical center at the place of observation at 30 weeks of pregnancy).

4. The birth certificate is issued by the antenatal clinic at the place of observation. In the absence of a birth certificate, the maternity hospital independently issues birth certificate coupons for the observation of the child in the children's clinic (it is issued to the puerperal on her arm upon discharge). The absence of a birth certificate cannot be a reason for refusing hospitalization.

5. Copy sick leave(if you have already been given it in the antenatal clinic).

6. The results of analyzes and studies not included in the exchange card (for example, protocols for ultrasound studies, expert advice, etc.).

7. Washable slippers (rubber or leather).

8. A small bottle of mineral water without gas, a bar of chocolate or bananas - if you cannot go without food for a long time, a mobile phone.

9 . For a child, you can take 2 hats and 1 socks.

Childbirth Preparation School

We remind you that due to the limited number of seats in the conference hall, pre-registration is carried out by calling 8-499-9060131 (on the 20-21st day of each month from 10-00 to 17-00).

The purpose of our work is to help future parents find answers to numerous questions that arise during the period child's expectations, to acquaint with the features of the course of normal and pathological pregnancy, to acquire mental attitude childbirth, dispel the fears associated with staying in the maternity hospital, familiarize with the features of the course of childbirth, the postpartum period and early childhood. And of course, you will be able to ask any questions to the doctors who work directly in the maternity hospital, daily deliveries and perform surgeries.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The tradition during the birth process to be next to the woman in labor to one of the people close to her came to Russia from the West. Partner birth is the joint presence of a pregnant wife with her husband during the release from the burden. Judging by the reviews, the procedure is gaining momentum in popularity. You need to think about who will provide psychological support to a pregnant woman during childbirth in order to have time to conclude an agreement in the obstetrics department.

What is partnership

Modern concept family birth is a burden relief process that takes place in the presence of any loved one for the woman in labor or her relative. All procedures for the preparation of a pregnant woman and obstetric care are performed in the standard mode, with the only difference being that the father of the unborn child or someone from the family circle is with the woman giving birth.

Pros and cons

Partner joint births bring the newly-made father and mother very close, as most psychologists and couples who met the birth of a baby together think. Joint childbirth with her husband allows a woman to feel his moral support. But not all representatives of the stronger sex are able to dare to be present during the resolution of the burden of their wife. And for some, the psyche is so unprepared that at the sight of the process of the birth of a child, they may faint. And the medical staff will have to pump out the faint-hearted father-to-be.

Who can attend the birth

Not only the pope is allowed to be present during family births. A woman in labor may need the support of her mother, sister, mother-in-law or any other relative and even a friend. The advantage of women, especially adults, is that they have given birth and are familiar with the process natural childbirth firsthand. Therefore, if the future dad is too impressionable, and the woman in labor needs psychological help during the birth of the child, then you should invite experienced woman from a close circle.

Preparation for partner childbirth

In order to properly prepare for a joint meeting of a newborn, a family-oriented couple can attend family birth preparation courses, read literature or watch video material on this topic. Some gynecologists advise modeling and discussing possible scenarios and unforeseen situations during contractions, attempts and the very birth of a baby. It is desirable to start preparing for family childbirth already in the first trimester of a woman's pregnancy.

In addition to informational preparatory activities, the future father or other member of the mother's support group will be required to prepare a uniform for the maternity hospital. Of the things that you need for a partner birth, to be present in the delivery room? It is advisable to prepare a bag with clothes in advance, in which you need to put: comfortable T-shirt and trousers, washable slippers, disposable gown, cap and mask.


A pregnant woman, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, while she is registered with the antenatal clinic, takes the tests prescribed for her. Mandatory research is aimed at caring for the health of the expectant mother and child. Therefore, one should not be surprised that the partner present at the family birth will also have to pass the necessary minimum of laboratory tests. Each clinic has its own requirements regarding its list for presence in the sterile conditions of the delivery room. But basically, the list of required studies includes a standard enumeration.

What tests for partner childbirth should be passed to the accompanying person:

  • Get tested for HIV and syphilis.
  • Donate blood for hepatitis C and B.
  • Make a fluoroscopy.
  • Provide a health certificate from the district clinic.

What a partner needs to know

Partner joint childbirth requires the accompanying moral restraint and readiness for unexpected situations when labor activity. In any circumstances, whether it is a husband or one of the relatives, the partner must strictly comply with the conditions prescribed in the contract and strictly comply with the requirements of the medical staff. Even with an unplanned caesarean section (if the woman in labor is under local anesthesia, the partner can be left in the delivery room), the accompanying calmness can significantly improve psychological condition women.

How are partnerships going?

Family childbirth begins at home, when the first contractions appear. Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, a woman undergoes a standard examination and sanitization procedure. The assistant at this time should also disinfect exposed areas of the body with an antiseptic and change clothes. If the expectant mother does not have an opening of the uterus, the couple is sent to the prenatal ward, where the partner provides all the necessary assistance to the woman during labor. And after the opening of the uterus, the woman in labor and her partner are transferred to the delivery room, where, with the assistance of doctors, they meet the birth of their child.

How a partner can help

Family joint childbirth requires a loved one who will morally help a woman at the birth of a child to remain calm. If the partner radiates confidence, he will thereby positively affect emotional condition women in labor. It is useful to hold her hand, you may need to wipe sweat from your forehead, give water, do a light massage of the sacral area for pain relief. And in addition to help the woman in labor breathe correctly, calculate the time stages of contractions and the intervals between them.

Price for partner childbirth

As soon as the decision to meet the birth of a child together is made, you need to find out how much it costs for the presence of a husband during childbirth in the clinic where it is planned to give birth. The price in different hospitals can vary significantly. The cost of family births under a contract in Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, varies from 30 to 150,000 rubles. You should always ask if the stay in the family room is included in the price. Many maternity hospitals provide the opportunity for free partner births in the presence of individual maternity wards.

Your baby will be born very soon.

Every day your meeting with the baby is getting closer, you are more and more worried and more carefully preparing for childbirth.

What is the best way to give birth: on your own or with a partner? How can a husband help during childbirth? What tests should be taken by the husband before partner childbirth? All these questions, of course, concern you. Therefore, we propose today to talk about partner childbirth in more detail and try to answer important questions on this occasion.

Pros and cons of partnerships

Partner births - this is childbirth with a partner: husband, girlfriend, sister, mother, and so on. But, as, it is preferable to give birth all the same with her husband.

According to experts, in most cases, partner childbirth is a blessing for the woman and the baby, as well as for family relations after childbirth, if the future dad went to the birth.

Natalya Dankovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, reproductologist, laureate of the National Medical Prize, CEO of the Mother and Child clinic network: “I believe that any touch of a beloved man in childbirth, it already helps. There's a share here psychological support, and also everyone knows that there are techniques when there is a distracting massage of the lower back, and this makes it easier for a woman to endure the fight itself. The presence of a partner already psychologically removes a lot. A woman is most often afraid not only for herself, she is afraid for the child, the partner helps to cope with this. Partner births are very good, I welcome them. When a husband sees how a child is born, he can appreciate it to a greater extent than when he comes to the hospital, and the child has already appeared. I believe that when a husband sees how much effort a woman puts in to make this all happen, he treats her with deep respect.

Partnership childbirth will definitely benefit all participants in the process if:

  • you and your partner harmonious relationship and trust;
  • the partner sincerely wants to be present at the birth;
  • you are not shy about giving birth in front of a partner;
  • the partner was preparing for childbirth, knows the periods of childbirth, possible complications in childbirth, knows how to help a woman in labor;
  • the partner has a stable psyche, he is not afraid of blood.

Partnership childbirth can harm all participants in the process if:

  • the partner goes to childbirth under duress, after lengthy persuasion;
  • he is not familiar with the process of childbirth, does not know what he should do during childbirth;
  • he is squeamish, afraid of blood;
  • you and your partner complicated relationship and doubtful trust.

Mom Victoria says: “My husband and I decided to give birth together. When I was 30 weeks pregnant, we signed up for parent-to-be classes to prepare for childbirth. We really liked the courses, my husband learned a lot of details there and was even more convinced that he really wants to give birth with me. The birth went quickly and well, my husband helped me a lot, I don’t even know how I would have given birth without him! He helped as best he could: massages, talking, buying medicines, and so on. I highly recommend partnership childbirth to everyone, only the husband needs to be prepared, without preparation, do not drag him to the hospital, otherwise he will faint!

Why do you need a birth partner?

A detailed answer to this question can be obtained in preparation courses for or for. Childbirth is a rather lengthy and complex natural process, it is necessary to prepare for it not only for the mother, but also for the partner.

In short, a partner is needed in order to help a woman give birth.

Partner can:

  • support morally;
  • call a doctor when needed;
  • help relieve contractions: massage, comfortable posture, talking;
  • go to the pharmacy for the necessary medicines;
  • to see the first child and remember it for life;
  • help mother and baby settle in the ward after childbirth;
  • stay with mom on the first night with the baby and help her with baby care.

Both men and women have mixed opinions about partner births, although recently such births have begun to appear more and more often in maternity hospitals and perinatal centers. Most people are closer, of course, standard delivery, but there are women who want their husbands or mothers to not only be present at the birth, but also to help. Such births are called partnerships.

Both doctors and psychologists together say that it is very important for a pregnant woman to have the support of loved ones throughout her pregnancy, and even more so during childbirth. Especially the support of her husband.

Why does a pregnant woman want a partner birth? There is not one, but several reasons. Some women, especially first-borns, are very scared, others do not trust doctors, and believe that their husband will control them. Another reason - "upbringing" husband - in this way, women try to prove to their husbands how hard it is for them to get the joy of motherhood. Some expectant mothers believe that partner births will bring father and baby closer together, as well as the whole family. There are still women who simply decided to arrange a partner birth, "like a friend."

Partner births This is a very serious and responsible decision. It should be taken at the very beginning of pregnancy, and not spontaneously. And it will be very good if your husband is next to you throughout the pregnancy - go to see a doctor, attend various courses and lectures for pregnant women, consult a psychologist, read literature and watch videos on the topic of partner childbirth. Only in this case, he will be able to qualitatively prepare for such a crucial moment as partner childbirth.

The husband must understand that he is present at the birth of a child and must not only observe the process, but also provide assistance to the woman he loves.

Partner childbirth - what should a husband do during childbirth?

Firstly, a man is physically stronger than a woman, so a husband during contractions that can last for a long time - up to twelve hours - can help his wife move, give her a special massage, remind her how to breathe, cook and bring tea or water. He will also call a doctor or a midwife.

Secondly, morally support the woman you love. Comfort, caress, soothe, cheer up, remember with her some experienced situations, and just talk about the future baby. This is very important for a future mother.

Thirdly, the husband can act as an intermediary (or representative) of the pregnant woman in front of health workers. Not every medical worker responsibly approaches such an important process as childbirth. The attitude towards patients is also not always good. Therefore, the husband will control this, and the pregnant woman will be calmer from this.

Fourthly, during partnership childbirth, family relationships are not only tested for strength, but vice versa, they are greatly strengthened. And the man begins to understand how important it is for the first to meet the baby, to hold him in his arms immediately after birth. By the way, after caesarean section The newborn is placed on the father's chest if he is present at the birth. In this case, the baby better adapts to new conditions for him.

But there is also the other side of the coin. What can childbirth with a husband turn into?

For most men, even representatives "courageous" professions, childbirth is the strongest stress. Women are usually more mentally stable than men and are easier to tolerate stress. A man may at first be completely confident in his moral preparation, but when a woman begins to push, most faint or run away from the delivery room. In addition, they may be disturbed sexual relations between spouses, depression sets in.

Not all women manage to relax on. Some are shy, someone starts yelling at her husband and kicking him out of the delivery room, and someone begins to remember all the grievances accumulated during pregnancy.

Relationships after partner childbirth in some couples can go wrong both sexually and in everyday life. Only for families in which spouses trust each other, and partner births become available and strengthen relationships.

Partnerships - what you need to know

Usually at every antenatal clinic there are courses to prepare for childbirth. It is desirable to visit these courses for the husband together with the expectant mother. Different specialists give lectures and practical exercises once or twice a week. They will be shown and told how to care for a newborn, how to behave during childbirth, they will teach you how to massage during labor, how to breathe during labor, how to help a woman in labor relax, and they will also advise special literature and show documentaries about the birth process. .

In partner childbirth, you need to find out what tests are needed for the husband in the maternity hospital. Different maternity hospitals or perinatal centers have their own requirements for what tests a husband needs to take. Some maternity hospitals require tests for the husband for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, take swabs for staphylococcus aureus. In addition to these tests, the husband needs a fluorography and a certificate of the epidemiological environment. In others, tests for the husband are limited to fluorography only.

In some maternity hospitals or perinatal centers, individual maternity wards have been specially created for childbirth with a husband, medical personnel are specially trained, a woman after childbirth is placed with a newborn in a shared ward, where the husband is allowed to stay with his wife and child for as long as necessary. The only time when a ban on childbirth with a husband is possible is during an epidemic of a viral infection (during quarantine, even if the husband has been tested at the maternity hospital).

Partner birth - required documents

Each maternity hospital has its own list of required documents. But most often, only a passport, an insurance policy (just in case), tests for the husband at the maternity hospital, x-rays, the conclusion of a local therapist and a statement signed by the head doctor for partner childbirth are required from the husband.

In addition to documents and tests for the husband to the maternity hospital, you need to take slippers, a change of clothes, a medical disposable sterile kit - shoe covers, a cap and a gown. As well as drinking water, some food - sandwiches, cookies. Because childbirth can last quite a long time. Some couples want to add to the collection home video filming in the maternity hospital. It is very convenient that now for filming childbirth with her husband, one good cell phone is enough.

Judging by the experience of couples who have gone through partner birth, the husband may be present at different stages of childbirth. Support your wife during labor, or be there at the most difficult moment of attempts and take the baby in your arms, or spend the night with your family in the maternity hospital. Each family decides at what stage it is better for the husband to leave in order to avoid losses. And all this is revealed individually.

Every year, the presence of a husband during the birth of a child becomes more and more popular. This practice is relatively new and raises a lot of questions. However, there are a lot of supporters of partner births. Can my husband attend the birth? How to prepare for this process? How is the birth of a child with dad? The answers to these questions are later in the article.

What is a partner birth and how to get permission for it

Partner birth is the process of having a baby, which is accompanied by the presence of a partner in the delivery room.

As a rule, the husband most often acts as a partner, but you can take your mother, mother-in-law, sister and any other relative with whom you want to share this moment with a failure.

From a psychological point of view, partner births play important role in the rapprochement of spouses and in the relationship between the child and the father.

The birth of a child in the presence of relatives is a new phenomenon for maternity hospitals, therefore, in some provincial perinatal centers, this service is sometimes denied, because. there are no special rooms.

Modern legislation provides that this service should be free, but often it is included in the "paid package" of childbirth.

In order to obtain permission for partner childbirth, you must:

  • consent of the husband or other partner;
  • a statement from the expectant mother, which is certified by the signature of the chief physician or deputy of the perinatal center;
  • test results of a relative for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, fluorography.
  • the husband must have a set of clean change of clothes and shoes with him;
  • it is necessary to receive training in joint delivery in or on your own.

In order to get to the birth with the expectant mother, it is enough to provide Required documents about health and a statement addressed to the head physician.

Psychological preparation is not a mandatory step, but it is not recommended to skip it. The partner must be prepared for what he is about to see.

How to Prepare for Partner Birth

Preparation for partner childbirth consists of several stages:

  • mutual decision and consent;
  • psychological preparation;
  • health confirmation.

The consent of both parties to be present at the birth together is a fundamental issue. Be sure to discuss with your husband all the pros and cons of joint childbirth. And only after that make a decision and the possibility of his presence.

Sometimes women try to convince their husband to be with her at the time of the birth of the child through manipulation and pressure. This is clearly a wrong move. A man may be psychologically unprepared to see this process and this will be a serious test for him.

If the spouse at the first stage agreed to partner childbirth, then it is necessary to thoroughly study the process of delivery and prepare for it.

Currently, there are a large number of benefits for joint delivery. It could be a book, a brochure, a video, or a school for new parents.

It is advisable to study real stories those couples who have already gone through it.

It is worth paying special attention to what men say about childbirth, who were already together with their wife in the process of the birth of a child.

Confirmation of the state of health involves the passage of a mandatory medical examination. It includes tests for sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, fluorography.

Sometimes a physician's opinion on admission to the delivery room is required.

Required examination of a partner for admission

Each perinatal center provides its own list of tests that must be passed to the husband before being present at the birth of the baby.

As a rule, they include:

  • fluorography;
  • blood test for syphilis;
  • blood test for AIDS and HIV;
  • analysis for hepatitis B;
  • blood test for hepatitis C;
  • analysis for staphylococcus aureus;
  • therapist's conclusion.

This list can be more or less, so expectant mother be sure to check it in the hospital.

Benefits of Joint Birth

The presence of a husband at childbirth has a number of advantages over ordinary birth child:

  1. The expectant mother feels more confident and secure in the presence of her husband or other relatives. In turn, this relieves muscle tension, and they are easier to stretch.
  2. As a rule, in the presence of a husband, doctors behave more benevolently.
  3. The husband provides direct assistance to the woman in labor during the first stage of delivery. He detects the time between uterine contractions, makes massage, assists in organizing proper breathing.
  4. The father has the opportunity to be the first to hold a newborn child in his arms. Often this forms a very strong emotional bond between them.

Apart from good points, you should pay attention to the negative aspects of childbirth with your husband:

  1. The embarrassment of a woman due to her unaesthetic appearance during childbirth.
  2. Sometimes a man is not ready to see this process even after a joint decision. In such situations, a man can experience severe stress, lose consciousness, experience disgust.
  3. Sometimes partner births cause future problems in intimate life spouses.

The role of the husband in joint childbirth

Many argue that a man or other relatives should not be with a woman in labor, because. they will only interfere with the medical staff. This opinion is erroneous.

Helping a partner in childbirth:

  • moral support for a woman;
  • help maintain contact between the doctor and the woman giving birth;
  • protecting the interests of women and children;
  • providing natural anesthesia techniques in the form of massage and breathing;
  • assistance in caring for a newborn baby.

How are partnerships going?

To provide all the necessary assistance in full volume, you need to know how partner childbirth goes.

They include 3 periods:

  1. Start of fights. At this stage, it is recommended to actively change your position, choosing the one in which pain is less pronounced. It is not recommended to lie down for a long time, because. it slows down the process. During this period, the partner can provide active assistance in the form of massage, and moral support.
  2. Start of pushing. open the active phase of fetal expulsion. At this point, the woman should take a position so that it is convenient for the obstetricians to receive the child. If desired, during this period, the husband can leave the delivery room and return when the child is born. After the birth of the baby, the spouse can cut the umbilical cord and take the newborn in his arms.
  3. The birth of the afterbirth. At this point, the woman no longer feels severe pain. The process takes place under the supervision of doctors. Dad can go out or stay with the child.

In situations where there is a complication of the course of the delivery process or is required, the partner is asked to leave the delivery room.

Numerous psychological and medical studies have shown that it is better for some men to refrain from being present during the birth of a child. You should not go to childbirth with your wife if:

  1. There are bad or difficult relationships between spouses in the family. In such a situation, instead of the expected support, a woman may receive a surge of negativity and irritation.
  2. Spouses are not officially painted. In this case, a woman's sense of instability may be exacerbated and conflict may arise.
  3. A man does not perceive the sight of blood, does not tolerate pain and other medical situations that are devoid of aesthetics. In such a situation, the spouse may behave inappropriately and interfere with the process.
  4. The man is a dictator. Most likely, a woman in such a situation will not receive support, but instructions and instructions on what she is doing wrong.

If one of the listed phenomena is present in the family, then partner births are not the best solution. You should not count on bad relationship my husband and I will improve after his stay in childbirth. Most likely, a woman will be disappointed and the problem will worsen.

Partner birth is a modern trend in perinatal practice. They are quite an important aspect of building family relationships and strengthening the bond between father and child.

In order for the process to be successful and leave only trembling memories, you need to know well what is needed for partner childbirth and prepare for them.

If the spouse is not ready to participate in this event, you should not insist and put pressure on him. Only a joint decision and voluntary desire will make this process successful.

Useful video: partner childbirth - what exactly should a husband do during childbirth