Soon after the end of the winter holidays, the guys, their parents and teachers are puzzled - what congratulations for the boys on February 23 should they choose this year. In addition to festive concerts dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, funny competitions are held in schools and kindergartens. Schoolgirls of the middle classes give the boys of the class gifts made at labor lessons - scarves, napkins, coasters. High school girls often prepare gifts for their classmates that they bought together - mugs with logos, cool military-style T-shirts, and stationery sets. In addition to gifts on Men's Day, boys also receive postcards from funny congratulations in verse and prose. We decided to collect for you the simplest, but at the same time, original ideas congratulations and gifts for February 23 to schoolchildren and kindergarten children.

Cheerful congratulations to boys on February 23 from girls at school - Dance and flash mob in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

Coming up with congratulations to the boys on February 23 at school, the girls of the class can agree in advance and prepare a flash mob for classmates. Such congratulations are no longer as rare as a few years ago, but, due to the surprise effect, the surprise will be especially pleasant. Girls can prepare a dance for the boys or some funny, funny scenes from army life. After the mini-concert, the future defenders of the Fatherland will need to be presented with holiday gifts - lanterns, pens, beautiful postcards with verses.

Ideas for funny and funny congratulations for boys from girls on the holiday of February 23 at school

A few days before February 23, girls can prepare and record a video message to the boys in their school. Turning to the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day, classmates may wish them health, excellent studies, friendly relations with peers. Another great idea holding Defender of the Fatherland Day at school can be an organized flash mob or a cool, pre-arranged dance. At the end of the performance, the boys are always given postcards and small gifts.

The boys have a holiday today
February twenty-three.
At school, every classmate
Not flipping through the calendar

Congratulations awaits
Right from early morning.
Sighs unobtrusively:
Where are you girls? Hooray!

So the lessons are over.
Soon to be congratulated
Songs to sing under karaoke
And give gifts!

Wrote a couple of lines
We are for each of you.
If you didn't guess,
Strictly do not judge us.

Congratulations to the boys on February 23 in kindergarten - Matinee in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 at kindergarten always organized by parents and educators. Of course, the main event on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day is the matinee. Children of kindergarten age cannot yet concentrate their attention on one thing for a long time, so the concert program of the matinee should not last more than twenty minutes.

Congratulations ideas for February 23 in kindergarten - Matinee for boys

When preparing a matinee on February 23 for boys in kindergarten, give the girls groups one at a time a short poem, dedicated to the Day defender of the Fatherland. Try to choose different verses - from serious to the most ridiculous. If there are girls in the kindergarten group attending dance classes, teach them a costume dance about the army and navy. A week before the holiday, give each girl " homework"- draw a homemade card for the boy in honor of the day of real men.

You are a young fighter, you are not afraid of obstacles
And you amaze everyone with courage.
Protector of the family, real soldier,
You know and know a lot.

I wish you this February day
Become stronger and wiser
So that dad and mom love you
And tears forgot eyelashes!

You will grow up the most courageous, believe me
And conquer all the oceans
And you will live life without shame and loss,
After all, all your plans will come true!

Every boy knows
On the big planet
Defender's Day -
The best day ever!

Girls give gifts
Pies are baked
Moms, dads on this holiday
They give us money!

That's why it's a February day
We love very much:
For gifts, surprises...
Really, guys?

number twenty third
You boys know
important holiday! All things
Drop it quickly!

We are working for you now
We will fulfill!
Forget your worries
And go for a walk!

number twenty third
It's time to rest!
Because all year round
You have a thousand troubles!

Best congratulations on February 23 to boys - Surprises and gifts for schoolchildren on Defender of the Fatherland Day

The best congratulations to schoolchildren on February 23 at all times were concerts and skits prepared for the boys by the girls of the class. Ideas for scenes for Defender of the Fatherland Day are today found on the Internet. The most creative schoolgirls, their teachers and parents come up with sketches themselves. February 23 is not complete without gifts - each of the boys of the class receives a pleasant surprise in the form of a disc with records, books, mugs or puzzles. The choice of a gift depends on the age of the children, on the budget of the parents and the school.

Examples of congratulations to boys on February 23 - Surprises for Defender of the Fatherland Day at school

If the girls of the class decide to put on skits for the boys on February 23, they can use our ideas. For example, re-enactments of well-known jokes “About Vovochka”, “About the army”, “About paratroopers”, etc. will turn out to be very funny. Finding funny collections of funny jokes is easy - just spend half an hour looking for suitable funny ones. short stories in the Internet. Some smartphone apps offer tons of ready-made jokes. Choose the funniest, harmless stories and act out, based on them, skits on Defender of the Fatherland Day at school.

Twenty third of February
Special day for men
For guys like you -
Peak Conquerors.

They don't have the courage
Everyone is ready to fight
Fight for the Fatherland
Keeping her calm.

Maybe you too, my friend
Soon you will join the army
Many roads to choose
And you will sweep away enemies from the earth!

Guys, on such a brave day,
Believe me, it is very important for everyone,
We wish you kindness
In the hearts of goodness and beauty.

So that you grow worthy
And your souls to bloom
Kindness, love, mood,
And good luck to you all in life.

Funny congratulations for February 23 to boys - Funny songs and poems about Defender of the Fatherland Day at school

In order for the holiday dedicated to February 23 at school to be fun and memorable for a long time, preparations for it must begin in a few weeks, literally shortly after the end of the winter holidays. Depending on the age category for which the concert script is being written, it can include funny songs-alterations about the army and men, cool poems about Defender of the Fatherland Day, dance performances by children and a solemn part with the presentation of gifts.

Ideas for cool congratulations for boys on February 23 at school - Funny poems and songs

Today, alterations have gained great popularity. As you help the girls in the class prepare a surprise performance for the boys on February 23rd, offer them a selection of songs that have been adapted to popular tunes. The concert for the Defender's Day at school should not include more than two songs. Be sure to use our examples of funny army poems; put on a fun dance with the girls in honor of the men.

Our young men
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish you health
Friendship is strong, a lot of strength.

To in sports and studies
They have always been the best.
And in all matters from now on
It was a well-deserved success.

We wish you good luck
And wishes of fulfillment.
All girls don't hesitate
They send their congratulations to you.

Congratulations boys.
Everyone, I know, is a daredevil.
On men's day I wish you peace
To forget about the fist.

I wish you my strength
Show intelligence,
This will always give you the opportunity
It's hard to win in life.

To the motive of a song from the film "Three Musketeers". Remastered songs for February 23rd.

February again, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day according to the plan!
And we were brought back to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In your lifetime
Because there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Merci to the side!
men need money
- Se la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!

Preparing congratulations for the boys on February 23 , use our ideas for a flash mob for girls at school, staging dances for boys, including songs-alterations about the army dedicated to classmates in a school concert. Try not to make the congratulations and the concert boring for the boys. If you are collecting material for Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten, our sample poems and ideas for holding matinees will definitely help you.

Our young men
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish you health
Friendship is strong, a lot of strength.

To in sports and studies
Always been the best
So that in all matters from now on
It was a well-deserved success.

We wish you good luck
And wishes of fulfillment.
All girls don't hesitate
They send their congratulations to you.

To become protectors
No time to waste:
Do good deeds
And live in friendship with everyone!

Grow up quickly
And protect the girls
Be the best in everything
Have fun, but be smart.

May you be lucky every day
And lazy will be lazy
Let success inspire -
Since February 23!

Congratulations boys
Happy Defender's Day!
And we wish that in everything you
Were very good:

Only dozens were carried into the house,
Praise and your success
All the girls were conquered
So that your smiles, laughter.

Let dad be proud of you
Mom, aunt... The whole country!
Be happy guys
Since February 23!

Our best boys
We want to wish you
And excel in studies
And shine on vacation!

Do sports to
There were many strong forces.
So that every day of study
Only brought joy!

On February 23, all the girls wish you
Don't be sad, don't be sad
And a beautiful day in February
Celebrate with us!

I wish you boys
Be the characters in the book
Have a brave heart
Do a lot of things!

Our nice guys
You are always our pride
congratulations today
Happy twenty-third of February!

We wish you enthusiasm
Fighting mood for everyone,
And in business always success,
Positive, lots of laughter.

Achievements to you brilliant,
And only true friends
And girls don't be shy
They smile more!

Happy holiday boys
Serious and masculine -
Defenders of the fatherland
We want to congratulate.

We want you to study
Always top notch
Useful in service
Your competent fuse.

Still be friends with sports
And pump muscles -
Useful in the service
To protect the weak.

And courage, courage,
So that fear is unknown -
Useful in service
Control yourself!

We congratulate the boys
Happy Defenders Day!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Be true to your country.

And also on your glorious holiday
We guys are asking you
So that protection and protection
You were always there for us.

We will love you
Respect, worship!
Congratulations, friends
Since February 23!

The day is red-red
On a calendar page.
Congratulations boys
Since February 23.

Don't be sick, don't be bored
Smile you always.
And study well
So that neither a deuce nor a stake.

Boys, our pride!
We would like to wish you
Be strong, be brave
And protect the weak

Go through life boldly
Don't give up positions.
Do everything skillfully
Do everything on "five!"

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
The young boy is a student!
Get older - for the country once
Rise to death, formidable and great.
Only to any enemy in the sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
Girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

Congratulations for schoolchildren on February 23
Even though you haven't served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious
A vigilant eye and a firm hand,
Defender of the future Fatherland!
After all, if there is a war
Bring fire, devastation into our house,
You won't stand aside
Protect your mother, sister, friend!
And in order to win all the battles,
You be healthy, smart, vigorous:
Study diligently for five
And do more sports!

(I. G. Mukhin)

Poems for boys on February 23
We congratulate the boys
And we wish them good health!
Grow up fast and
Courage quickly!

A man, he is in any business - the head,
Everywhere he is senior in rank.
To all young men in life more than once or twice
Exam for a man.
Grow up, uproot every flaw,
Love your loved ones and school;
Always be a reliable support to friends,
Defender of the weaker sex.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Strong, noble friend!
The time will come- humanity
You will save from dirty hands.
For sister, friend, mother you
Soon you will rise as a solid mountain:
Orders, medals, certificates
Only you will be, hero!
In the meantime, brains and biceps
At school, in the section, download!
But don't forget about us girls!

While you are young ... But if the enemies
Suddenly they decide to go to war with us,
You put on a jacket and boots
And you will stand up for your country with a wall!
You send a rocket, a tank at the enemy,
Torpedo - will know how to attack ...
My dear boy, so be it,
You train and study for "five"!
And remember: only a smart, strong warrior
Worthy of victories in battles, love in hearts!

Congratulations to the whole family!
love, find yourself
And we wish you to be healthy!
May you keep
Photos in the demobilization album!
Will true friends,
Happiness and prosperity in the house!

It will take a lot school years,
And read a childhood fairy tale -
You wear body armor
Vest, boots and helmet.
If you have to defend the country -
His sister, girlfriend, mother, -
You have an answer to the enemy -
You can become a hero in no time!
In battle with the enemy, you be a giant -
Don't forget about the military glory of your ancestors!

On the twenty third of February
We have gathered here for a reason:
We celebrate our boys
We wish you more porridge
To grow strong
Save our Motherland
If the enemy comes to the border,
And also - to study "excellently"!

On the twenty third of February
We have gathered here for a reason:
We celebrate our boys
We wish you more porridge
To grow strong
Save our Motherland
If the enemy comes to the border.
And also - to study at the "OTL"!

Our pugnacious half
We send our congratulations.
There are reasons for congratulations:
Hurray for the defenders of the country!

Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave
And the treacherous enemy
Afraid to approach you.
And there is more in life
big things,
Where is your honor
I didn't call for myself
You boldly go
Get your spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness!

Scheme of extracurricular activities.

Today is not an easy day On a calendar sheet. The holiday for men came to us - February 23!

Congratulations to all the boys

Do not get sick and do not be bored, We wish you to live together, Do not offend girls. …

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your Fatherland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

The girls will sing ditties for you. And if you recognize yourself in them, then do not be offended.

1. In our class, you just can’t take your eyes off the boys!

We dedicate ditties to them,

Let them laugh heartily.

2. We love our boys,

Let's never forget!

If only they knew, in the same class

Then they wouldn't study.

3. Oh, girlfriend, don't swear!

Oh my friend, do not sin!

Other times they are

Even very good!

4. Oh, really, it's true,

We won't argue here

We have more fun with them.

Okay, let them live!

5. Maxim and Andrey have no patience at all,

Half-four received

For half a poem.

    Egor runs faster than everyone

And goes down the hill.

On the control he trembles,

Like a mouse in a hole.

    Our Sema forgets everything,

Even put on shoes.

Our Sema opens his mouth,

Forgets to close.

    Although the ratings are not very

Our Gennady is famous

Because, by the way,

He moves his ears.

    Lazy in the morning Sasha

comb through,

A cow approached him -

She combed her tongue.

5. Igor walks like a cat,

He doesn't eat soup or cabbage soup.

Falling down from weakness

And he loves only sweets.

6. Like tears, drops from the roof

On a clear day they dripped

Because Vladik writes

Doodles on the wall.

7. Being late reason

Vova and Max will compose

Then they got into the web,

The snow covered them up.


1. What is the name of the famous poem

K.I. Chukovsky?

"Labyrinth" "Confusion"

"Confusion" "Disgrace"

2. What will kill the one who comes to us with


from the cold from the brick

from hunger from the sword

3. What is the name of the solemn procedure

assuming the office of head of state?

intervention inauguration

implantation impeachment

4. What was the name of the accomplice of Karabas Barabas

In A. Tolstoy's fairy tale

"The Adventures of Pinocchio"?

Durolom Duralei

Foolslap Duremar

5. Exercises with which subject is not in

rhythmic gymnastics?

mace jump rope

ball racket

6. Which of these monsters had only one


Cerberus Cyclops

Minotaur Argus

7. What flower name do I call boys and

young men who admire and are proud


Peony Tulip

Narcissus lily of the valley

8. Who cooked porridge from an ax in Russian

folk tale?

Grandfather Grandmother

Cock Soldier

Competition No. 2 "Cooks on duty"

Two players are called from each team. They must quickly put on the uniform of the kitchen attendants (apron and cap) and prepare the vinaigrette. Players receive a dish and an envelope with inscriptions of various ingredients. Cooks need to select and put in the dish only those that are included in the vinaigrette recipe.

Ingredients : sunflower oil, fish,

pickled cucumber, meat,

boiled carrots, boiled

beetroot, apple, boiled

potato, banana, onion,

sauerkraut, jam,

a tomato.

Competition No. 3 "Crossing"

Two players per team are selected. It is necessary to go the distance, shifting the sheets of cardboard in front of you and alternately stepping either with your left or with your right foot. Return back running, holding sheets of cardboard in your hand. If the participant stumbles on the floor, then the team is awarded a penalty point. The winner is the team whose player completes the entire path faster and does not score a single penalty point.


Girls sing the song "Salute"

Competition No. 4

"Save a comrade from thirst"

Competition No. 5

Captains competition


It's no secret what a needle is for. A soldier in the army has to sew on loose buttons or collars himself. The task of your department is to thread the needle, then take a button and sew it to the patch. The jury looks and checks the quality of your work.

Competition No. 6

"Make Words"

A, R, M, I, Z

Make up as many words as you can from these letters.

You are the pride of your mothers, girlfriends, friends, teachers. Our bets are on you today, Go forward, down with the resignation!

Now the task is to win, In a career, in life, keep up. Protect relatives and friends, Honor to give to your Fatherland!

Song "Russia is a huge country"

As you know, celebrate not only in the families of veterans. And the circle of those who receive congratulations on this day is far from being limited to those who served in the army. To some extent, this is true. A real man will be a man in everything to the end and every day. Why not express your gratitude to the defenders of small fortresses?!

Starting congratulations with family members and close friends on February 23, it is also important not to forget about those people with whom you involuntarily spend most of your time - your classmates or classmates. And even though some of them are still quite boys - congratulations on this day, perhaps, will make them think about the further development of their personality.

They can be very different, ranging from banal postcards, chocolates and ending with the organization of a full-fledged holiday! Scenarios of such events can be easily found on the Internet. Your men will be very pleased with such attention, and they will definitely pay you back with the same coin on March 8th! Do not forget that ahead and your holiday. Congratulate the defenders sincerely from the bottom of your heart, and you will be rewarded in due time!