There is so much unnecessary fuss, stress and constant intense "races" in the life of a modern person that there is absolutely no free time left to communicate with loved ones. However, no matter how much life “drives” us, and no matter how responsible the work is, it is imperative to find time to communicate with loved ones.

In order to have a pleasant time, you don't need much, you can just arrange a pleasant evening for two.

To do this, you do not need to come up with any special occasion, wait for a holiday, weekend or anniversary of an important event, because you can please your beloved or beloved at any time.

How to make a romantic evening for your loved one? The most important thing is that the preparation goes in secret, and in the end you get a very pleasant surprise that will be remembered by your partner for a long time.

Periodically spending romantic evenings together will bring partners closer together, will allow you to re-experience a vivid feeling of falling in love as at the very beginning of a relationship, and will bring a sparkle to the relationship.

How to make a beautiful romantic evening: preparation

Not sure how to make a romantic evening for a boyfriend or girlfriend?

It is recommended to start preparing a romantic evening for two by planning this important event in advance.

So, planning should take place in this order:

We choose the time and day, and at the same time we decide what kind of event it will be - a full dinner, a light dinner before bed, or maybe just a dessert.

Of course, it is best to plan a romantic dinner for a Friday or Saturday evening, so that besides the question of how to make a romantic evening at home, you do not have to puzzle over how to get through the next working day in a state of lack of sleep.

Next, you should decide on the basic concept of the event, choose a theme and present the desired atmosphere in all colors and details. At the same time, it is important whether there is generally a reason for an evening of the chosen theme, and whether it will be appropriate at this particular moment in the life of your loved one.

In accordance with the chosen concept of the event, we determine where exactly everything will take place.

You can make a romantic evening, both at home and outside.

For example, it can be a romantic meeting in the courtyard of a house, on the roof of a high-rise building, in a clearing in the forest, or in a hotel suite.

However, the easiest way, of course, is to organize everything at home: in the living room, bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.

We prepare the entourage corresponding to the theme of the evening

How to make a beautiful romantic evening that will be remembered for a lifetime? Find the right surroundings!

Decor, lighting, candles, table setting, your outfit - everything must be thought out to the smallest detail.

Let's move on to compiling a romantic menu. It is important to consider that the time chosen for a romantic pastime should be light, so the menu should contain as little fat and starchy foods as possible.

When preparing meals on your own, you should give preference to those that are prepared as easily and quickly as possible.

If your plans include an intimate continuation of the evening that can smoothly turn into breakfast, include aphrodisiac products in the menu - strawberries, spices, shrimps, asparagus, anise, oysters, dates, vanilla, etc.

How to make a romantic evening unforgettable and as relaxed as possible? After preparing the menu, you need to start choosing the right drinks. Strong drinks are highly undesirable.

Delicious liquor is an acceptable drink, but wines, including champagnes, are most preferred. If you wish, you can make your own low-alcohol cocktails.

We choose music for a romantic evening in accordance with what kind of atmosphere you want to create. It is recommended to prepare two sets of music at once, i.e. create two different playlists - one for the dinner itself, and the other for its intimate continuation.

How to make a romantic evening is shown in the photos below:

Guided by such tips, everyone can make a pleasant surprise for a loved one.

In addition, in the process of carefully thinking about how to make a romantic evening for your beloved at home, you must definitely remember about preparing your outfit. So that later, at the last minute, when the table has already been laid, the room is decorated appropriately not to rush around the house in search of suitable clothes.

By adhering to this standard plan, everyone will be able to make a pleasant romantic surprise to their loved one. By bringing something new, individual and original to this plan, you can make every romantic date unforgettable and bright.

To better understand how to make a romantic evening, the video below will help:

How to make a romantic evening for a boyfriend or husband at home: ideas

How to make a guy a romantic evening that you will remember for a very long time? There are many ideas for a romantic getaway at home.

The most popular ones are:

It can be a so-called classic romantic dinner, with a beautifully romantic table in the living room (bedroom, kitchen), traditional light snacks, a hot dish and dessert.

Among the drinks, preference is given to wine and champagne. The room should be twilight and pleasant and relaxing music should sound, which can become exciting at the right time.

The outfits for such an evening must certainly be classic, for a woman a dress, and for a man a shirt and trousers.

If your life is full of stress, relaxing in the bathroom is an excellent option for a romantic evening.

How to make your husband a romantic evening at home in the bathroom? To do this, you need to create perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, stock up on floating candles in glassware (they need to be placed on the floor), small flower bouquets decorating all kinds of shelves.

To add to the water, you need rose petals and aromatic oils (aphrodisiacs can be used). Thick candles should be placed directly near the bathroom. In addition, not far from the bathroom, you need to place a small table with snacks on skewers and drinks, preferably champagne.

If you want to diversify your diet, you can arrange an ethnic romantic evening, such as a Japanese romantic dinner.

To better understand how to make an ethnic romantic evening for your beloved, the photos below will help:

You need to pick up beautiful Japanese music, decorate the room with Japanese fans or sakura branches, light incense sticks. Sushi and light sandwiches with caviar will be an ideal snack option; baked fish can be used as a hot dish.

These ethnic evenings can be done in any style - Indian, Arabic, Spanish or even Mexican.

Thinking about how you can make a romantic evening for a guy and worry that you will not succeed?

The tips below will help you get it right:

  • If you have doubts about your culinary abilities or simply do not like to cook, it is better to order food in a restaurant. It will be much safer than regaling your loved one with something incomprehensible as rolled rolls or a raw chop cooked on your own;
  • In order to sprinkle the entire apartment with rose petals, it is not at all necessary to buy a large bouquet and gut it on the petals. The flower shops sell rose petals that have already begun to fade;
  • Of course, you can simply invite your loved one to the appointed hour to your home, but if this is a girl, then it is best to send a taxi for her;
  • If you decide to have a themed evening and do not want to reveal all the cards, just tell your loved one that today you would like to see him in one or another clothes.

An important point! If a romantic dinner is arranged by a man, then upon its completion or in the process, he simply oblige to make the girl even a small and not particularly expensive present.

How to make a pleasant romantic evening for your beloved at home, you can look at the photos below:

Creating a romantic environment requires a lot of preparation. Creating a romantic atmosphere helps to express your feelings for your significant other. Where it will be: a restaurant, a roof, an apartment, a summer residence, nature, a resort, a yacht, a boat, an embankment - you decide.

A romantic atmosphere can bring people closer together, recall past relationships, and bring something new into intimate relationships.

For what occasions romance is created - you ask ... Everything is simple here - any event (wedding anniversary, first kiss, 2 months of relationship, etc.), holiday (birthday, Valentine's Day, Kissing Day, etc.) ) or just an ordinary day that you would like to turn into a romantic evening.

So how do you create a romantic setting?

If you decide to have a romantic evening at home, you need to prepare everything carefully. You will need to buy candles, flowers, choose the right music (it can be just classic, beautiful or associated with some kind of memory), a movie. You will also need to prepare an apartment for the upcoming meeting:

Naturally, you will have to put things in order so that nothing spoils the romantic mood;

Make sure that no one except you two will be present in the apartment. Warn in advance all friends and relatives so that they do not want to come to visit you;

You can fill a hot bath, scatter rose petals on the floor, light scented candles. You can add some essential oil, salt and foam to the bath - to relax as much as possible;

If you are not comfortable with a romantic bath, prepare a room for such an event. You can also scatter rose petals on the floor, light candles, turn on music, prepare an interesting film for viewing.

Prepare (or order at a restaurant) a delicious dinner. Wine (champagne, liqueur, cognac), fruits, light salads, cold cuts, sweets, a hot dish - here you should take into account your partner's culinary preferences. If you are not sure if you can cook delicious Mexican or Italian food, order ready-made meals at the respective restaurants. Just do not try to give your soul mate beer or vodka, but offer pickled cucumbers, boiled potatoes, herring and cutlets for a snack. I don't think anyone will appreciate this.

You can surprise your soul mate and perform some kind of dance in front of her. The dance should be beautiful and inviting. What will it be - striptease, go-go, belly dance, salsa, etc. look at the romantic setting and taste preferences of your partner.

Get yourself in order - makeup, heels, hairstyle, erotic lingerie, beautiful dress. And don't forget to shave your legs (and other romantic places too).

If you don't want banal home meetings, you can think of something else - a roof, I think, will do. So, a romantic date on the rooftop. What is needed for this?

First, find a suitable roof. Once you've found the roof, you need to prepare it for a romantic meeting. Candles will be appropriate here if there is no strong wind. Better to use some kind of lights or lamps.

Second, you need to find a table and comfortable chairs. If it's cold outside, take care of the warmth - blankets will do.

Music. You can turn it on on the player, or you can order live music (only you must understand that it will not cost cheap);

Dinner. The same option is suitable here as a romantic dinner at home.

Fireworks - it can be arranged at the end of a romantic evening before heading home.

In general, show your imagination - where and how you can spend a romantic evening. You can rent a clown for the evening so that he will amuse you all evening, you can rent a pool with dolphins, you can fly in a hot air balloon, etc. The main thing is concern, initiative and love!

It is quite possible to give your beloved man a surprise and organize an unforgettable evening without leaving your home. Take advantage of tips and suggested romantic scenarios for intrigue, passion, and magical moments. Perhaps dinner will be in the bathroom or on the balcony.

Falling in love, women want to pamper their chosen ones, hoping for retaliatory actions. Romanticism is often inherent in the female sex, but in order not to suffer, expecting surprises from a loved one, it is worth setting an example and arranging an unforgettable romantic evening. Perhaps not everyone is given a well-developed fantasy, so the article offers ideas for scenarios for an unforgettable date and gives effective advice on how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home.

The types of men are different, so there is no single example of the perfect evening. When planning a romantic dinner with a continuation, one should take into account the taste and musical preferences of a loved one, desires, intellect, and sexual fantasies.

However, there are a number of mandatory points:

  1. Time. Saturday evening is considered the best time for a romantic dinner. You can choose any convenient day, the main thing is to avoid the visit of unexpected guests so that your loved one does not have to urgently leave.
  2. Subject. The meeting can be dedicated to an important date, then it is worth starting from the theory of the holiday. If there is no special reason, you need to come up with it, mentally outline the details, the desired atmosphere.
  3. A place. The article is devoted to describing how to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one at home, but this does not mean that you need to set the table exclusively in the dining room or hall. A bath, balcony, bedroom can serve as a romantic place.
  4. Creation of entourage. Decor, lighting, beautiful table setting, bed linen, pillows and other little things that create a general atmosphere.
  5. Evening menu. Drinks, delicious food, dessert. Dishes should be easy to prepare and for the stomach, so that the woman does not feel like she is falling off her feet after the kitchen, and the man does not fall to sleep with a full stomach. When choosing alcohol, it is preferable to buy champagne, liqueur, wine, because the goal is not to get drunk, but to cheer up the mood.
  6. Music. It is not bad to prepare two song folders: to create the necessary atmosphere, for further musical accompaniment of love pleasures. When choosing music, you must first of all build on the individual preferences of a loved one, then on the subject.
  7. Appearance. Take time to your image, especially if the date has a specific theme. A woman should look sexy, have an unusual image that is different from the everyday look. Looks perfect from hair roots to toes, even if you only wear his shirt. Remember, good perfume is part of the dress.

This is the basis for a romantic evening at home. The template is suitable for any scenario, no matter what daring ideas visit a woman's head in love.

Choice of topics

A usual romantic evening is the classic - beautiful outfits, a white tablecloth, gourmet dishes, candles, slow music, quiet conversation. Some lovers do not deviate from tradition, preferring such a pastime. But many couples, especially in the first stage of falling in love, feel crazy with happiness and peaceful calmness is sickening.

The direction of the beloved man's personality plays a major role, choosing the theme of the evening. Play "Scrabble" or a quiz with an erudite person, encouraging correct answers with a languid kiss, if the dancer - together to make a passionate production. A sports man will be carried away by darts competitions, make him a personal trainer. Strong couples who have lived together for years will be refreshed by the embodiment of erotic fantasies. Play out an RPG backstory.

A gambling man will 100% appreciate the strip card game. A lover of sushi or Chinese wisdom will be intrigued by the transformation of his beloved woman into a sexy geisha serving dishes of this cuisine. Eastern culture, belly dancing, delicious hookah smoke are no less interesting. Young modern guys will like the American style - pizza, Coca-Cola, fast food, watching an interesting movie.

To make the hearts of lovers less puzzled over the plot, the following are possible scenarios for spending a romantic evening at home.

Home cafeteria

Transform your home into a cozy cafe by playing the role of a seductive waitress. For the outfit, choose the American style - a top tied under the bust, a short skirt, shoes, preferably with heels. For a certain period of time, court the visitor, make your eyes, and effectively bend over, serving dishes. Soon the pulse of your loved one will increase, he will invite you to keep company. Feel free to develop events further.

Summer romance

Such a date is relevant in the cold season. Suitable for calm couples, it will help to relax, bring the loved one out of the blues. It will take effort and expense to bring the idea to life, but it's worth it.

You will need:

  • a soft green rug resembling a lawn or a grassy blanket;
  • fragrant candles with the smell of meadow herbs, flowers, fruits;
  • small bouquets of flowers;
  • table lamp;
  • sounds of nature, forest;
  • light picnic snacks, basket, tray.

The atmosphere should be created in stages:

  1. In the middle of the room, spread a carpet that acts as a summer grass. You can place the "grass" near the sofa to be able to comfortably lean back.
  2. Arrange candles and bouquets on the sides of the green bed.
  3. Install a lamp on the windowsill, turn on, close the windows with blackout curtains. You will get the effect of a sunset.
  4. Play music at the optimum volume.
  5. Prepare treats, a bottle of wine / cider, fruits, berries. Fold in a picnic basket, cover with a bright towel.
  6. Wear seductive summer clothes.

When meeting your beloved man, blindfold him to preserve the effect of unexpected movement into the atmosphere of summer. Prepare trays for a convenient meal process. After your meal, feed each other ice cream. If it is warm at home, take off your shoes, socks, and be barefoot. Offer your man a massage with citrus oils. Add your couple's summer traditions to the list.

There is hardly a man who remains indifferent to the summer fairy tale in winter.

Massage parlor

If you are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home, equip a massage parlor. Call him in the afternoon, announce that for such and such a time at such and such an address, he is registered for a massage session. Promisingly ask to come on time. The first thing to do with your beloved man upon arrival is to help to undress, preferably naked, then put on a man's robe. At the same time, behave either detachedly, as if you are a stranger or out of habit, caring.

Start pampering a man tired after work with a warm foot bath, gently massage your fingers and feet. If it tickles, stop. For extra relaxation, add a glass of wine and a tray of delicious food. Let your loved one feel like the navel of the earth.

Including in the image, first put on a white short robe. Match your hair with a few hairpins that are easy to pull out, letting the hair fall in a wave onto your shoulders. Sexy underwear is a must-have item of clothing. When choosing makeup, listen to your inner voice. You can be equally bright or, conversely, gentle.

When you have finished massaging your feet, blot them with a towel and place your precious half on the massage table. Anything can serve as a massage place, from the floor to the sofa, the main thing is to lie softly. Take care of massage oils, light aroma sticks, dim the lights.

Familiarize yourself with the educational literature in advance for conducting erotic massage. This massage is done with hands, lips, chest, hair. Watch the man, catch his mood. If something does not go according to plan, you can not dwell on failure, switch to the following movements. Everything will work out. The evening should end with unusual sex that will perfectly dilute the relationship.

When the weather is warm, the balcony is the perfect place for a romantic dinner. You can equip it with armchairs and a small table, or lay a lot of blankets on the floor, throw pillows, and eat from trays. Decorate with flowers. An obligatory props is a warm soft double blanket. It is not necessary to pervert over the sophistication of the dishes, order pizza or ask your beloved man to come urgently with pizza (let him work too hard), and create the right atmosphere yourself. It will be a surprise to him.

Embracing, admire the sunset, dream, write down desires, thoughts, goals. Take pictures of each other, look at common photos, remember the beginning of the relationship. Give your half a small present or arrange a lottery in which he will definitely win something related to you, for example, a morning cup of coffee in bed, sex three times in a row. Finish a romantic summer evening on a soft balcony bed, body cuddling, and make love at dawn.


Finally, I would like to wish you good luck, a pleasant romantic evening, a hot night, and long love. Remember that without special preparation, a bath filled with warm water, aromatic foam, candles, and champagne will be an ideal place for an unforgettable evening. The bathroom is an eternal classic of romance!


To diversify the course of family life, you can arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one at home. The daily hustle and bustle, duties and boredom kill the zest of the relationship between a man and a woman. Everything becomes too mundane and familiar. How to avoid these relationship costs? How to bring freshness and something new to your relationship? How and how to surprise your loved one? Especially on Valentine's Day ... Read more about this and more.

What to do when gentle looks and touches develop into a banal kiss on the cheek before leaving for work. and from hot nights there are only memories? Such symptoms in a union speak of a household routine, with which you need to fight, otherwise there is a risk of finally cooling off to each other.

One of the ideas for rekindling old passions can be a romantic dinner for two.

Home decoration for a romantic mood

Before arranging a gastronomic flight, you need to take care of the visual pleasure. Psychologists say that a person tunes in and perceives the situation based on external components. Therefore, it is important to prepare carefully in order to know how to romantically decorate a room for a loved one.

The room where a candlelight dinner will be arranged for a loved one should gently hint at the tender feelings of a woman who wants to convey them to a man.

The first thing that comes to mind is balloons. Everyone knows the idea, but it is still popular. You can use heart-shaped balloons with inscriptions. When choosing a palette, you should pay attention to blue, red and gold colors. By candlelight, this color scheme will look especially advantageous.

As an option, you can use the following photos of the romantic setting in the room as ideas:

Remember, using even familiar techniques, you can beautifully decorate a room.

Returning to candles, it is worth saying that they should not only be on the table when decorating a romantic dinner.

Candles placed in the shape of a heart in the center of the room will speak better than words about feelings. All lighting in the room should be reduced to semi-darkness. No bright lights.Do not forget about the pleasant aroma in the room, light the aroma lamp using aphrodisiac essential oils.

In order not to oversaturate the interior with candles, you can use them in conjunction with garlands. Those that are used for New Year's decor. Their beautiful blinking will complement the decor.

It should be noted that the dinner should take place in the room. A kitchen with dishes in the sink and pans on the stove will destroy the veil of mystery and passion.

An excellent option would be a dinner that smoothly moves into the bathroom with warm foam, candles and, of course, a bottle of champagne / wine for a romantic mood and relaxation for both men and women.

Romantic dinner and its subtleties

The main question that worries a woman in the process of preparing the evening: "What can you cook for a romantic dinner?" Here you should be guided by the rule called: let's say no routine!

How is a romantic dinner in a restaurant going? Immediately, a picture of beautiful dishes, a snow-white tablecloth and exquisite appliances is presented. About the same picture should be embodied in the ideas of a romantic dinner.

When considering the menu, you should opt for light and at the same time hearty dishes. What do you need for a romantic dinner that rarely happens? Originality! No olivier and crab salads. Let it be seafood platter and medallions in cranberry sauce. Or shrimp salad and charcoal saj.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two to surprise your loved one?

  • It is imperative to take into account the preferences of men and possible gastronomic prohibitions.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of alcohol. It should not be in excess, but its absence will be superfluous. Wine or champagne are two classic drinks for a pleasant evening.

The second question after choosing the dishes is: "How to prepare a romantic dinner for your beloved home and at the same time remain full of energy for it?" Cooking takes a long time, and a woman should not look tired and exhausted by evening, on the contrary, she should shine.

In this case, you can resort to using restaurant services. All necessary meals can be ordered by a certain time. The main thing is to choose a good restaurant with a responsible approach to the quality of cooking.

Yes, the food will be cooked by someone else's hands. But the man probably already knows about his wife's brilliant culinary skills. This evening the atmosphere of ease, lightness and intoxicating mood should reign, but not from alcohol, but from love.

Where to spend a romantic evening? Of course at home. Restaurants will not give that homely and cozy magic. And only the familiar, “own” territory will give you the opportunity to relax and get real pleasure from the evening together with your beloved.

Ideas for a romantic evening

To diversify your pastime, you can turn for ideas to a romantic photo for a loved one at home. But even without the help of experienced people, the first thing that comes to mind is a romantic evening in the bathroom by candlelight.

The idea is not the best, I must say it bluntly. Not always pictures from glossy spreads can be brought to life in small apartments with microscopic bathrooms. The idea is good for a jacuzzi. In the conditions of an average bathroom, this will look ridiculous.

Romantic evening in the bathroom - WAITING
A romantic evening in the bathroom - REALITY

But light music and a meeting of a loved one on the doorstep, these are the moments that require preparation. To add mystery, you can arrange a date for your loved one. And send a postcard with a home address to work. It doesn't matter that he knows it by heart.

When he appears on the doorstep, you can blindfold him and take him to a room decorated with romantic paraphernalia.

The image of a woman is another important detail. You should not stay in a bathrobe and slippers. Dress, shoes, makeup and hairstyle all need to be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, when they met, everything was different. The scent of her perfume drove me crazy, and her gaze forced me to be weightless.

A romantic evening for a loved one in oriental style ... Become a geisha for him

Themed romantic dinner will appeal to many men, you can become for him a charming geisha or an oriental beauty, like the girl in this video:

The described ideas for a romantic dinner for two at home will help to build the evening as comfortable as possible.

But the main thing that should be present is complete detachment from problems and worries. Only he and she, as before. Stars burn in the night sky and feelings that have died down in captivity of duties awaken under the cover of woven embraces.

Video with original ideas for romance with a loved one:

These romantic evenings will help the couple to appreciate each other again. They need to be arranged regularly. After all, there will always be problems and excuses about employment, and feelings can be lost without return. Do you need to lose your beloved man? It is worth closing your eyes and imagine that he is no longer there. He left. Feel your heart ache? It means that all is not lost and it is quite possible to revive the relationship.

2 (40%) 2 votes

Want to be romantic but think it costs a lot of money? We offer you 33 ways to be romantic without spending a lot of money. To please a loved one, you only need your desire.

Of course, there are various costly ways to spend time with your loved one - to drive around the city in a limousine, go to a French restaurant, visit a romantic resort. These are good ways to spend time together, too, but few people get to do it regularly, so you can use the following ideas to embellish your life together more often.

Before getting down to the list, let's take a look at some notes on how to use it:

2. Communicate. Communicate regularly, discuss your goals and dreams, your plans for the future, and do not forget to pay compliments.

3. Inspiration. This list contains a lot of obvious things - you can come up with twice as many good ideas on your own. However, the list does not claim to be originality - it aims to be a source of inspiration.

4. Forget Valentine's Day. People think they should be romantics on special days. You don't have to wait for special days to bring joy to yourself and those around you.

Okay, enough talking. Let's look at ways to be romantic:

1. Write a poem

2. Have a romantic dinner at home

3. Have a massage

4. Have a picnic at sunset

5. Collect flowers / yellow leaves on your way home

6. Burn a CD with love songs

7. Read poetry together

8. Write love notes or sms

9. Send a love letter by email

10. Take a moonlit walk in the park

11. Watch a romantic movie together

12. Take a joint bath

13. Walk around the places where you met in the early days of meeting

14. Make a beautiful dessert

15. Make an album with memorable photos, provide them with signatures and drawings

16. Kiss in the rain

17. Spend the evening by candlelight

18. Have a slow dance to romantic music

19. Kiss long and slow

20. Have an evening of shared dreams

21. Create together a list of everything that you like or would like to do and sometimes do something from the list

22. Go to a movie or an exhibition

23. Look good for your partner

24. Feed each other grapes / strawberries

25. Play together a romantic scene from a movie

26. Imagine that you are going on a first date - buy flowers, dress well, look after your partner, do everything as if it was the first time

27. Paint each other with scented paints

28. Throughout the day, remind with different words and actions that you love him / her

29. Have a rooftop dinner

30. Confess your love in different ways and in different words

31. Play blindfold, feathers

32. Confess your love in public

33. Order any song on the radio