If you want to date a Chinese woman and are trying to get her attention, you will have to resort to special methods. Girls in China are not as straightforward as those in the West and are less quick-witted in romantic situations. Therefore, many methods of flirting that work with girls in the West are most likely doomed to failure with Chinese women.

ChinaWhisper has compiled the top 10 tips to help you melt the heart of almost any Chinese woman. Some points seem to be universal for all girls in the world, but, one way or another, there are some peculiarities in communicating with the opposite sex in China.

1. Pay attention to some small detail and give a compliment

Don't say that the girl is just beautiful, rather find something special about her and focus on it. For example, you can say that she looks good in this dress, or that this hair color really suits her. This will give your words honesty and give the impression that you do not say such compliments to every girl.

2. Express your admiration for China

If you don't know anything about Chinese culture, be sure to memorize a few facts and use them in your attempts to win over a Chinese woman. Admiring the history or culture of China will certainly make her smile. And if you already live in China, tell her that you want to settle here and ask her to help you learn more about local life.

3. Feel free to exaggerate

Simple compliments like "I like your hair" can be seen as polite. Therefore, exaggerate to let the girl know that you are doing a compliment. For example, if she wears high heels tell her that these heels really lengthen her legs.

4. Be persistent

Many Chinese girls are shy and will always try to deny your compliment. A very common response to a compliment from Chinese women is “Well, what are you, what are you!” (Nǎli, Nǎli/哪里, 哪里), which literally means "Where? Where?". Now you know that if she says something like that, you don't need to turn around looking for something.

5. Focus on her personality

Compliments about the personality of girls, and Chinese women in particular, are usually more successful than compliments about appearance. Try to find out what she does and what her education is. Show her how smart you think she is, and even if she messes up or says something stupid, don't forget to tell her that it's really cute. Chinese girls are all about cute and they will do anything to appear that way.

6. Start learning Chinese

Chinese women are crazy about foreigners who speak Chinese well. If you flirt with a girl in her native language, you can become a living legend. Especially if you are in a small town.

7. Learn Chinese Beauty Standards

Remember that beauty standards differ across cultures, and China is no exception. Before complimenting a girl's appearance, you should know what is considered beautiful in China. In general, all Chinese women want to appear tall, have long legs, very light color face, narrowed, almost triangular, face with a dimple in the chin and eyes with long eyelashes. Compliments directed at one of these moments will undoubtedly be successful.

8. Try to avoid ready-made flirting schemes.

The problem with all ready-made flirting schemes is that they never work. Someone invented them 100 years ago and some men are sure that they still work. Using these schemes with women of a different culture is more than pointless and ridiculous, as it will seem even more ridiculous to them. In general, avoid ready-made flirting schemes, jokes, and sarcasm. Chinese women are not used to such communication and most likely will not understand you.

9. Don't call her funny

Never call her funny (huájī/滑稽), the word has a negative connotation in Chinese. If she's acting funny, it's best to go to tip #5 and call her cute.

10. Avoid talking about past relationships

When she asks how many girls you had before her, lie. Usually Chinese women are not looking for a partner for a frivolous relationship, they are looking for a husband. Even what may seem like a minor date to you will be an opportunity for her to evaluate you and see if you are a good partner for a long-term relationship. If you are also looking for a wife, tell her that you want to start a family and would be happy to have a couple of mestizo children someday. It will definitely melt her heart.

translatedMaria Aleshkina

The heroines of our rating of subscribers in social networks have no less than Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber. And all because they come from China: billions of fans of these beauties create a hype around them that Hollywood stars never dreamed of. Let's get to know the most beautiful and discussed girls in China.

Angelababy is the most popular person in the world. Don't believe? The "Chinese Kim Kardashian", as the media calls her, has about 60 million followers in social network Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter. The records do not end there: the wedding of the most talked about Chinese beauty has become the most expensive in history - according to the most conservative estimates, almost $ 45 million was spent on the wedding ceremony of Angela Baby and actor Huayan Xiaoming. The Chaumet ring alone with a six-carat diamond cost one and a half million, and the newlyweds preferred not to advertise the price of the brooch and tiara of the same brand. 2,000 guests were invited to the wedding - the elite of Chinese show business, influential businessmen and politicians. Angela and Juan are called the Asian version of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for a reason: all of Asia is following the development of their romance, and local paparazzi follow them day and night.

Angela Baby became a star at the age of 14 - she was helped to achieve popularity in the modeling field by the connections of her father, one of the largest businessmen in Shanghai. At the age of 18, she acted in films, and today her filmography includes several dozen films. In 2016, her first Hollywood blockbuster "Independence Day 2: Resurgence" will also be released, where Liam Hemsworth will become a partner of the Chinese beauty.

The most piquant topic is the discussion in the media of the girl's numerous plastic surgeries. The Chinese are so indifferent to this topic that Angela had to prove in court that she received an atypical oval face and a cut in her eyes from her German grandmother.


Europe and America recognized this Chinese beauty thanks to how gracefully she walks couture on every red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival. " asian face"L" Oreal Fan Bing Bing became a real brand in Cannes - and each of her appearances was absolutely brilliant! In China, she is known mainly as an actress (films with her participation - "Princess Pearl", "The Last Night of Madam Jin", "Bodyguards and Killer", "East Wind, Rain", "Mountain of the Buddha", "My Way", etc.), but in the wake of crazy popularity in the cinema, she decided to become a singer as well, recording several music albums. Fan also does not leave the covers of magazines – The Chinese people adore her beauty and positive image.

Yu Wen Xia was born in Shangji, became a model in her youth, and then - a real national beauty queen of China. In 2012, she was overtaken by world fame - the girl won the title

We bring to your attention an article that reveals the details of the relationship between foreigners and Chinese women. The author of this material is a young student who lived for several years in.

“I'll start with the most important. Over the years of living in China, I have seen hundreds of couples "foreigner + Chinese", but they were ordinary couples. Before the wedding, it comes much less often. I myself met with several local girls, but, remembering them, I cannot single out the one with whom I would really like to link my fate.

You can meet - there is nothing wrong with that. But to marry a Chinese woman is not an easy question. The main problem for me is the language barrier. I can close my eyes to flaws in appearance or character, but I do not believe that it is possible to fully communicate with a girl who speaks and thinks in a foreign language. Moreover, plan to connect your life with her. It is even worse when you have to communicate with a friend in an intermediary language, for example, English. The quantity and quality of spoken words suffer. For marriage, I personally would choose a girl for whom Russian would be native. But this is solely my opinion.

A story about the features of Chinese girls would be incomplete without a description of their physical data. Alas, things are very bad with them. Someone highlights the types of figures of girls from the north and south of China, but every day on the city streets I see the same thing - the lack of attractive female figures. It is almost impossible to meet a curvy Chinese woman. Russian girls are much more lucky in this regard. I wonder why nature decided to rest on Chinese women?

Someone may ask - what about the models and stars of show business? First, it is a piece goods. Secondly, the queue for them is scheduled for years ahead and an ordinary guy without money and connections has nothing to do there. By the way, you can’t just drive up to real beauties from Shanghai or Beijing - girls know their own worth. Ordinary foreigners are of little interest to them. However, a wealthy foreigner still has a chance if he manages to break through the dense cordon of her Chinese fans.

In this regard, I was somehow more lucky, my friends were more interesting than those of many foreigners. They were not models, on a personal scale I would rate them at 7 points out of 10. Often I became an eyewitness of the situation - a normal foreign guy met with a nondescript Chinese woman, who barely reached 1 on the same scale. And there are many such couples. The Chinese themselves often laugh at such relationships - they say, they pick up horror stories for themselves.

Why do Chinese women attract foreigners? Everyone has their own reasons. To be honest, I personally reviewed anime as a child. Do not repeat my mistakes: sexy and passionate beauties from anime and live Chinese women have little in common. If you want Japanese flavor - go to Japan. It is possible that Chinese girls are attracted primarily by accessibility. What else to do for guys who were not lucky with female attention in their homeland? Do not flatter yourself, all attention will be artificial, not real.

Also I would like to add the following. Perhaps China is now demonstrating success in terms of economic development, but so far this has not had a very strong effect on its inhabitants. The local girls have an old-fashioned outlook on life. And they are frankly illegible in fashion. I think that Chinese women are significantly inferior to Japanese and Korean women in terms of style. Personally, I would highlight the following advantages of Chinese women - good hair, pretty face and beautiful teeth. The last statement is controversial, I know. But honestly, even without visiting the dentist's office, their teeth are very beautiful. Or maybe I just got lucky again?

We must not forget the atmosphere of something exotic, which usually appears after a couple of cocktails and meeting another cutie in the smoky twilight of the bar. That exciting atmosphere is main mistake foreigners. All the exotic quickly disappears, the very next morning. It is worth being extremely honest - there are no Chinese women in bed. And this is in the country that gave the world a treatise on love. In most cases, Chinese women build ideas about relationships based on frames from television series or Hollywood melodramas, so you should not expect enchanting oriental sex from them.

Building relationships according to serial patterns is a real fact. But a series is one thing, and ordinary life is quite another, and when the plot does not go along the knurled track, the Chinese woman begins to break into hysterics. By the way, Chinese women are incredibly hysterical and love to throw tantrums in public places. Forget the hackneyed stereotype about the obedience of oriental beauties, these are just fairy tales for naive tourists who have not yet seen how Chinese couples furiously beat each other in public.

You may have heard of the so-called Laowai Bonus. Yes, this really does happen. Chinese women continue to believe in fairy tales about beautiful white princes. English-speaking foreigners are the most preferred here. Citizens from the Russian Federation and the CIS countries are not in special demand, so you should not be surprised that some plump bespectacled man will be preferred just because he is from the USA. I recommend that you pay due attention to your appearance and manners. It is also desirable at least an average knowledge of English.

You should not waste time on rude show-offs, demonstrating expensive smartphones and puffy wallets. Do not be like rich sock merchants who feel like they are the true masters of life. But no one canceled the art of subtle show-offs. It is useless to explain here, you need certain skills and understanding of the process.

Lovers of relationships for one night will be able to organize adventures in Chinese clubs or bars without any problems. Here it is easier than ever. Even the most nondescript foreigners are valued here. Undoubtedly, dozens of Chinese women will not rush at a foreigner, but a little assertiveness and self-confidence are enough and the chances of having a pleasant evening increase significantly. In general, it is easy to “dissolve” a Chinese woman into sex, unless, of course, we are talking about some terribly insecure persons. But these are hard to find in clubs. In addition, Chinese women are always interested in how foreigners do it and whether it is true that all whites have huge penises. There is someone who is much into it, but, as noted above, one should not expect miracles from Chinese women in bed. And you shouldn’t forget about safety either, who knows whose hands the club girls managed to visit.

Many Chinese women sleep and dream about marriage with a wealthy foreign husband. Correct play on a given desire will always bring positive result. Do beautiful things, emphasize the seriousness of your intentions and everything will definitely work out. Don't be fooled by the behavior of impatience. No, it means no - let him look for another naive laova. Conquered, achieved, what to do next? Questions about marriage will come from her side more and more often. And don't forget the tantrums. If you were initially set up for an easy relationship and you got a hysterical Chinese woman, then it will not be easy to get rid of her. Be prepared for constant calls, spam in messengers, as well as unexpected visits and hysterical knocks on the door. In the event of a breakup, some kind of sophisticated revenge is possible on her part.

Miracles sometimes happen and maybe someone will be able to meet the same girl. It is not difficult to legitimize relations in China, it is enough to rely on the lady of the heart and she will organize everything. However, there is one bold but. Often a Chinese wife is accompanied by an impressive set of close and distant relatives. Ah and parents so at all deal sacred. Be prepared for serious expenses for the wedding and for further contributions to the benefit of your new family. Moreover, the poorer her family, the greater their appetites.

And finally, about Chinese wives. I heard a couple of stories, nothing special for myself from them. The usual family routine without frills - sometimes smaller hemorrhoids, sometimes more. If you want a meek and obedient slave, marry naive provincial women. City girls are more demanding and capable of high-quality brainwashing. They run the household well, but with Chinese characteristics. Children are loved and taken care of, but in accordance with their own concepts, therefore, certain disagreements are possible. In general, it is difficult for me to tell something about Chinese wives, since I myself have not been in such a situation and will not be.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you. I hope that some advice will be useful, but I repeat that I do not pretend to be a guru. This article is based on my personal experience and experience of my friends. Almost all foreigners who come here sooner or later succumb to the influence of "yellow fever". Some people get through it, some don't. Personally, I don't mind just dating a Chinese woman, but serious relationship I will build only with a Russian-speaking girl.”

The rating was compiled by one of the most authoritative websites in China. Tang Wei (1971)
Winner of Asian and European awards as the best actress. Finalist "Miss Universe" in 2004. Zhao Wei (1976)
Singer, actress, businesswoman and philanthropist. She is also known for her scandal when the actress appeared on the cover of a magazine with the Japanese flag. Her apology was played on 200 local TV channels and 100 radio stations. Feng Shaofeng (1978) Actor, mostly in TV shows. Yang Mi (1986) Actress and singer. Fan Bingbing (1981)
Also known as China's Monica Bellucci. The most famous Chinese actress abroad. Dou Xiao (1988) Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, but fate decreed otherwise. In 2007, he became the winner of the China Men's Beauty Contest (Sunshine Boy competition) and began his acting career. Gao Yuanyuan (1975)
One of the only actresses on this list has no acting education. Height - 167 cm, weight - 45 kg. Li Bingbing (1976) Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a teacher, but in the middle of her studies in pedagogy, she suddenly switched to theater. Winner of awards as the best actress. Shu Qi (1976)
Known for the fact that at the beginning of her career she starred in erotic films. Was the jury of the Berlinale in 2008, the Cannes Film Festival - in 2009. Takeshi Kaneshiro (1973)
His father is Japanese from Okinawa and his mother is a Polynesian native from Taiwan. Acts in Japanese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong and Chinese films. Han Geng (1984)
He made his debut in the Korean group Super Junior, but ended his contract, and continued his solo career in China. Huang Xiaoming (1977)
Known as China's Chief Heartbreaker))) Yao Chen (1979)
The actress with the most followers on Sina Weibo (Asian Twitter) is 16 million. Angelababy (1989) Known for her cute face and nasty sense of style. Here is her blog - http://angelababy.xanga.com/ Zhang Ziyi (1979)
Played in Memoirs of a Geisha. She has been nominated three times for BAFTA and Golden Globe awards. From myself: the list is, of course, good, but in my opinion it lacks my favorite - Chris)))

China is the largest country in the world by population. And its inhabitants are distinguished not only by their enviable diligence, but also by their extraordinary beauty. After all, it is not in vain that girls from the Middle Kingdom often win at many international beauty contests. This ranking contains the most beautiful Chinese women. Who are these girls and what do they do?

This Chinese woman can be called the most famous in the world, as she starred in Hollywood a lot, and is also a director and producer. And all thanks to the fact that her parents once decided to move to New York when she was still a little girl. Already in America, Lucy became interested in cinema and began to go to auditions. Her role in the film "Charlie's Angels" brought her worldwide fame, after which her career rapidly went uphill.

Another Chinese actress who conquered Hollywood with her beauty and talent. The film “Memoirs of a Geisha” brought her worldwide fame, after filming in which all the doors opened for her. And People magazine even included her name in the list of the most beautiful women planets.

After filming in the film "Lust", Tang was recognized all over the world. And in their homeland, the girl began to be condemned, and some producers even refused to cooperate with her, breaking the already signed contracts. Therefore, for several years she did not appear on the screens. Over time, she still managed to restore her reputation and continue her film career.

The girl was born in a simple family in the Chinese province. While studying at the university, she began to attend various auditions and take part in beauty contests. In 2012, she unexpectedly even for herself received the title of Miss World. But the victory in it did not turn the girl's head. Yu Wen Xia continued her studies at the university and will soon become a music teacher in one of the Chinese schools. She successfully combines her studies with filming a movie.

This beauty managed to work on the same platform with Jackie Chan. Her beauty and talent made Maggie the most popular Chinese actress of the 1980s. In addition to filming a movie, she tried herself as a model and took part in various beauty contests, but the maximum that she managed was to reach the semi-finals. But the girl was not upset, as she was able to focus more on her film career, thanks to which we were able to see her on the screens.

This talented girl acts in films and plays on the theater stage. During the Olympics, which were held in 2008 in Beijing, she was an honorary torchbearer. The first film in which the young actress played was the tape "Spicy Soup of Love", released in 1997. Everyone who knows her notes that Gao is unusually attractive, kind and modest.

Incredibly, this beauty is over 50 years old. Today she actively acts in films, takes part in projects on television and is a popular model. And even young girls admire her appearance.

The girl works as a model, acts in films, at the same time being the author of a script for films. She is beautiful and impregnable. However, only those who are not familiar with it think so. In fact, the girl is very sociable and kind. As for her beauty, Qin never uses it, and says that there are a lot of girls in the world who are much more beautiful than her.

Qin is known for starring in Tears of Tea, Dangerous Liaisons, etc. In addition to acting in films, she also dabbles in singing, modeling women's clothing and draws pictures. By her example, she successfully proved that beauty may well be compatible with intelligence.

Shu Qi

Before getting on the set, the future actress starred in candid photo shoots. There she was found by directors who invited the beauty to act in films. At first, it was expected that there were melodramas with elements of eroticism. However, gradually the girl was able to prove that she is so talented that she can play in serious films. Today, thanks to her beauty, charm and talent, Shu is known all over the world.

From early childhood, the girl was seriously engaged in ballet. However, her dreams of becoming a world famous ballerina were not destined to come true. Michelle suffered a serious spinal injury that took a long time to recover. But the girl did not give up. At first, she became a choreographer, after which she was noticed and invited to appear in commercials.

One of her partners on the set was Jackie Chan, who managed to discern acting data in the girl. He then invited her to try herself as an actress. She turned out to be so talented that she was even entrusted with the role of James Bond's girlfriend.

For her acting talent and extraordinary beauty, Gon was nicknamed "Chinese Audrey Hepburn", because no matter what role she takes, she does it perfectly. Therefore, Gon is a multi-genre actress, she is equally good at roles in dramas, comedies and even thrillers. She does not have so many roles, but every film with her participation can be called a masterpiece.

Behind this beauty has more than 60 roles played. The most famous of them is the role in the film "The Armor of God." Today she is no longer filming and has completely devoted herself to her family, proving that she is not only a talented actress, but also a wonderful hostess.

Talented actress and designer fashion clothes known not only for its exotic beauty, but also for its good sense of taste. She managed to combine incompatible professions. However, for a talented person, this did not become difficult. At the same time, she is extremely hardworking. Before Ma became a model, she was engaged in rowing. But for the sake of the modeling business, she decided to sacrifice her sports future, which her coaches predicted.

From early childhood, she used to bathe in compliments, because she has always been a sweet girl. Growing up, Lee expectedly chose a career as an actress. In addition to beauty, she has a kind heart, so she actively protects animals.

The girl was born in a poor family, therefore, in order to help her parents, after school, she worked part-time in a bar, entertaining its visitors with her singing. She loved to sing so much that after graduating from high school, she decided to devote her life to it.

In 2005, Jane took part in a contest looking for young talents Super Girl, where she was noticed by the producers. Today she is the most popular singer in China, having managed to record 4 music albums.

Vanessa is Chinese only on her mother's side. Her father was Thai. However, there is still more Chinese in it. Therefore, she called one of her music albums "China Girl". The violinist is madly in love with dogs and her beloved pet is always with her on tour.

Liu's acting career began in 2002. Having played in the film called "The Forbidden Kingdom", she was awarded the Golden Lotus Prize and found world fame. Today she not only acts in films, but also records solo discs and works as a model.

After the film "Princess Pearl" was released, Fan became hugely popular. However, this seemed to her not enough, and in addition to the acting carter, she began to professionally engage in music. And, I must say, she succeeded. Today, Fan sings on stage, acts in films, takes part in photo shoots of fashion magazines, being the face of several well-known brands.

On the this moment the girl is the most popular and sought-after actress in China. She began her ascent by taking part in the television project "We are looking for talents." Here, several directors drew attention to her at once.

As a reporter, Patti began working for television in Taipei, where she is from. Over time, she worked her way up to a TV presenter. And today Patti, who is also called the most sexy girl on Chinese television, hosts the program "Entertainment of Asia". Several times she was the host of the Star Awards.