p\u003e Decoration of the dwelling for the new year is a pleasant and joyful process in which children can attract. Of course, it includes the installation of a Christmas tree, hanging out Christmas tree toys, snowflakes and garlands. We offer to supplement the festive decor with a handicraft - a Christmas tree made of napkins.

Tree from napkins with your own hands: Materials

For creativity you will need:

  • three-layer paper napkins (large packaging of one color or several packages, if you want a multi-colored Christmas tree);
  • stapler;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pen or pencil;
  • scissors.

Well, naturally, do not forget to stock patience and the desire to create!

Christmas tree from napkins: master class

So, when all materials are in your presence, it's time to proceed to the manufacture of the most important Christmas symbol - an unusual Christmas tree made of paper napkins.

Let's start making a Christmas tree with the manufacture of blanks from napkins. To do this, take a napkin, scissors and any item of a rounded form that can be bought. We apply it to the napkin, we supply the contour with a pencil, and then cut out with scissors. The diameter of the shape can vary from 3 to 6 cm.

As a result, we turn out an unusual Christmas tree made of napkins with your own hands: minimum cost, but as original! Yes, and the child will like to participate in the joint process of creating such a craft. You can decorate the Christmas tree with beads or garlands, sequins or even sweets to the pleasure of children.

What only new year symbols are not manufactured from the new year! Made, looks like a work of art. Not everyone guess, from which you made a forest beauty. Moreover, there are several ways to manufacture New Year's trees from this material, choose anyone you like and proceed to work.

Tree of fabric napkin

Slender beauty

For the manufacture of paper chips you will need napkins with a pattern and a sheet of cardboard. Attach a large plate to him, circle it, cut the resulting circle. You can use for drawing a circle circle. Now reap the resulting figure on a radius - that is, from the edge of the circle to its center. Mix one incision on the reverse side with glue, turn the circle to make a cone. Wait until the glue will dry up. After that, the Christmas tree from the napkins is done on.

Couuls turn into a tree

Take the same napkins, they will be needed for the design of the first lower tier of the tree. Lubricate the glue one side of the napkin (where the fold is there), impose the second side on it, with which these two are connected by an angle. Press the connection to your fingers - you have got a kulek. Lubricate the flap of the fold line, attach this item to the bottom of the cone. Next to glue the second napkin, rolled in the same way. At the same time, their free corners should be directed down.

After you made the first lower tier, proceed to the second. It is also better to do from the napkins of one drawing or suitable in color. Thus, build a Christmas tree consisting of six or more rows of napkins, rolled curtains. The top can be decorated with a star cut from cardboard, or tie a satin bow on it. If you want to make a big christmas tree, put on a stick on a stick and stick her lower edge into a flower pot.

Jewelry work

Also (gluing on the cone of the blanks) there is another Christmas tree made of paper napkins. First, they need to cut squares with a side of 1 cm, then minimize each in a certain way.

Take the first square, attach the rod from the ballpoint handles into its center, wrap this piece of napkins on it. Then bring this design to the PVA glue, poured into the cover from the bottle. Lubricate the center of the rolled square with a small amount of glue, attach the workpiece to the bottom of the cone. In the same way, glue the remaining details - first to the first, then to the subsequent tiers. Decorate the Christmas tree beads from paper, after that you can admire the finished work.

Fluffy fir - start to create

The cardboard cone will serve as the basis for the next beauty. Tell me how such a tree is made from the napkins, the master class. If you are mastery as a child, now this technique will come in handy. Managed to make money, how is it done? Looking at the drawing below, you can quickly remember.

First, expand the green napkin. If it is too soft and large, then do not unfold it. Now remove all 4 corners to the center, at this point they should meet. To make it easier to do, first find the middle: To do this, bend the napkin one by one, and then by the second diagonal. The location of the intersection of these lines is the center of the square. This is how the tree is made from the napkins with your own hands, but the process is not yet completed.

Creativity continues

Carefully turn the napkin to the opposite direction and do the same manipulations - remove the four corners to the center. Do not forget to stroke the fold of the folds of the folds. Turn over the napkin again, repent 4 of the resulting petal, give them the volume, rounded them. Apply glue into the reverse side of the workpiece, take it to the bottom tier of the cone. In the same way, roll the second napkin, stick it. After that, go to filling the second and subsequent tiers.

It's time to decorate your creation. Cut from the napkin of a red or pink color with a width of 2 cm. Starting on the low side, turn the napkin, giving it a circle form. Apply a little glue to the resulting ball, put a paper toy into the center of the napkin, which is already glued to the cone. Thus make several balls and decorate with them a paper tree.

A Christmas tree made from the napkins with your own hands. You can put it on the table in the office or leave at home. Every time looking at her, you will remember how you made such beauty, and be proud of yourself. But these are not all the ways with which it is also born about one will be described further.

Once a circle, two circle - there will be a Christmas tree

To make this you need cardboard or dense paper. Lubricate any of these bases with a small amount of glue, attach a napkin.

When the workpieces are dried, cut them out in a circle, make the edge wave. First make big circles, then smaller. Now in the center of each workpiece you need to do the hole. Carefully do it with a knife or scissors. Put the workpiece made from cardboard on the table. Lubricate the edge of the wooden stick with glue, attach it to this part to the hole of the first mug, wait until the glue dries. Next, ride the prepared blanks on the stick so that the largest, and at the top - small ones. Stick to the top of the village star carved from a parlor-cardboard blank. So one more Christmas tree is ready.

Christmas tree - the main symbol of the new year, the efforts of professional designers in recent years appears before us in the variety of forms, structures and colors. If the traditional green tree for any reason does not trip out, make the original decoration made of soft and militant material - napkins or paper towels.

How to make a Christmas tree made of paper napkins

For the manufacture of an unusual Christmas tree, you will need a pack of three-layer monophonic napkins. When choosing a color should be guided by its own preferences - the Christmas tree can be traditional green, two-color, etc.

Each napkin is folded twice in half, fasten in the center of the stapler and cut the round blank. From each workpiece, a separate element of the future Christmas tree is formed: the top layer of napkins is lifted with your fingers, carefully twisted towards the center. The same actions repeat with the rest of the layers of the workpiece until it turns out the similar flower. The number of "flowers" will depend on the size of the Christmas tree.

Further molding the basis for the New Year's tree: a cone is folded from dense cardboard, fix its edges with a glue, transparent tape or stapler. In an arbitrary or thoughtful order on the cone alternately glue blanks from the napkins, moving from the base to the "trunk" top - the blanks can be alternating in color, placed on a spiral or around the circle, have different sizes in diameter.

The finished New Year tree from the napkins is decorated with beads, ribbons, garlands or any other decorative elements. If desired, paper napkins can be replaced with dense fatin - such a tree will look very lush, light and air.

How to make a Christmas tree out of openwork napkins

Round openwork wipes used to serving a table or decorating boxes with confectionery products can serve as excellent material for the manufacture of a stylish Christmas tree. The paper can use both white and painted in silver, gold or any other color of the napkin.

The most beautiful Christmas trees are obtained using napkins of various sizes: each of them is caught on one side, turning into a pointed cone, the edges of which are fixed with glue and leave the blanks to completely dry.

Then, on a wooden barbecue barbecue or any other pointed wand, lubricated with glue, on the principle of children's pyramids cone-shaped blanks, fixing them on the "trunk" by large beads. The finished Christmas tree made of lace napkins is placed on the stand or placed in a small flower pot and decorated with decorative elements.

DIY COLOR MATERIAL - this is a separate direction of needlework. What is especially nice, this type of creativity is available to everyone and is not limited to anything other than the fancy of the master. We bring to your attention an interesting idea. The Christmas tree made to make it quite simple) can be made even a child for the minimum amount of time and from materials that will be in any house.

Christmas tree of openwork napkins

If you have randomly round openwork wipes for desserts and baking, you can make an interesting Christmas tree. From the cardboard, build a cone of a suitable size, glue it or secure the stapler. Take the napkins and cut out in their center of the circle in such a way that they can easily put on the workpiece. If desired, decorative "skirts" can paint paint or leave in original white color. Interesting your Christmas tree made of paper wipes will look if you take a blank of different sizes and place the largest bottom, and the smallest on top. Carefully glue paper lace to the base cone. How many napkins will need for the manufacture of a Christmas tree? It all depends on how lush you want to do it. It will be enough for 3-5 pieces depending on the height of the cone. But you can stick and much more, having them close to each other.

Fluffy Christmas tree made of napkins with her own hands: Learning to make paper flowers

Very beautiful and interesting Christmas tree can be made of paper flower. For the manufacture of such a craft, napkins are suitable for table serving, as well as toilet or corrugated paper. Find a round item of a suitable size, the standard cup is ideal for juice or a cream jar. Once the template is selected, it's time to prepare paper. If you have multi-layer napkins for serving the table, you can start cutting out. Corrugated or toilet paper fold in 8-12 layers. Flower napkins? Everything is quite simple - we will supply the chosen circumference on the paper, its center is bonding the stapler, then cut out in a circle. Then the most real magic begins. You have to carefully flush each layer of paper. As a result, you should get a flower ball, similar to the carnation. Now take patience and make many such blanks.

How to assemble the Christmas tree from flowers?

As soon as you do enough flower balls, you can start assembling the Christmas tree. Make a cone from cardboard or tight paper and start to shock it with paper blanks. Try to place the balls-flowers as close as possible to each other, so so that the base is not visible. Useful advice: more beautiful and original Christmas tree will look if the elements from the napkin rows in a checker order.

Accordingly, the closer you are selected to the top, the less paper flowers you will have in one row. The Christmas tree made of napkins, with your own hands made in such a technique, can be additionally decorated with sparkles and miniature toys. Do not forget to make a beautiful tip for the Christmas tree, and if you wish, you can make a cradle on a beautiful stand.

Christmas tree from napkins for the smallest

Crafts of the Christmas tree made of paper napkins can become a great idea for children's creativity. Very small kids are unlikely to be able to assemble a tree from flower blanks. Offer the child to puncture a cone from paper strips arbitrarily. Also, no less interesting and original Christmas tree can be made, if you cut a paper fringe from the napkin and glue it with smooth rows. In addition, it is possible to shook the workpiece with whole large pieces of paper, forming folds and interesting drapery to your taste.

How to decorate a homemade Christmas tree?

The christmas tree should be smart and festively decorated. If your Christmas tree (from the napkins you can build a real masterpiece, you only need to show a little patience and give the will of fantasy) is made of paper colors, you can do without an additional decor. Just make balls multicolored and alternate them when assembling crafts. Very gentle on table homemade Christmas trees look small beads. They can be glued with scattering or arrange garlands. Take foil or shiny paper, cut out small stars and mugs and stick such "toys" to your Christmas fir.

Crafts "Christmas tree" from napkins, assembled from individual paper flowers, can be made on the basis of a large cone. If you wish such balls, it can even be punished with a blank of 1-1.5 meters high, just make sure that the structure is stable. Such a big christmas tree can be decorated with new year toys and a brilliant rain or tinsel. Try to make several different experiments with decor and size, and decorate the entire apartment.

An article on how quickly and unusually make a Christmas tree with your own hands. Such a drawing will become an excellent decoration of the house or a gift to your beloved person.

An increasingly relevant is a gift made by hand. With a huge interest, parents make crafts in a kindergarten, school with their children, give unique things to relatives, colleagues and friends. Naturally, the most optimal New Year's decoration of the house is the tree of paper, candies, tinsel glasses or napkins.

Today we will get acquainted with some ways with which you can not make an ordinary, but very beautiful Christmas tree with your own hands. We will use the most simple and inexpensive materials.

Christmas tree made of sweets and girlfriend with their own hands: photo

List of materials:

  1. Base (cone)
  2. Candy,
  3. Tinsel,
  4. Glue,
  5. Scissors,
  6. Decorations (bows, balls, asterisks).

For the foundation, you can take everything that the cone will keep:

  • special foam figures
  • cardboard
  • colored paper
  • empty box from the same candies that are planned to be used as decoration
  • Everything that comes to mind and fall under the hands

Option Christmas tree with cone from ordinary paper and candy: Scheme, description

  1. We take any color sheet, turn it out to get a cone, fasten the edge with glue and remove excess with scissors. The base is ready.
  2. Go to Mishur. Starting from the ground, we pass by glue by dotted movements and on top, we wake the tinsel to the top of the top of the Mushur. If there is an asterisk in dimensions suitable, then you can fix it.
  3. Candies are attached to the Christmas tree around, with the help of glue or thread. It is advisable to use 1-3 colors of sweets to be harmonious and not naryapily.
  4. If there are some balls, bows or other decorations, they attach them at the very end. Specially fixing in those places where space visually formed.

This is the fastest way to make a Christmas tree with your own hands. Approximate manufacturing time - up to 10 minutes.

  • The base of the Christmas tree can be decorated with cotton wool, thus the "snow effect" will be created.
  • For lovers of American style, red bows are perfect on the entire perimeter.
  • Do not limit your imagination and do as our inner voice suggests.

This is a chic gift for the new year grandmother, teacher, tet, sister. These are the greatest demand such sweets like raffaello, ferryorosAlthough from ordinary caramel Also gets sweet, cute Christmas tree.

Christmas tree with your hands from colored paper: photo, description

Christmas tree with your hands from colored paper

For the manufacture of paper Christmas tree we will need:

  1. Paper (than there will be more paper, the better),
  2. Glue,
  3. Scissors,
  4. Pencil or pen,
  5. Decorative materials for decoration.
  • Cut the circle from paper, with which we make a cone for our Christmas tree.
  • The easiest option will paint the Christmas tree with any paints and
    For volume, add several beads, securing them with glue.

Tree is ready.

Also, after we made a cone, you can cut a huge number of small circles, each of which we attach glue to the Christmas tree, happing only half of it, and the second bit is flexing. As a result, we obtain the volumetric tree.

How to make a cute Christmas tree made of paper snowflakes and skewers for mini kebab: instruction, photo

Options Christmas tree made of paper snowflakes and wooden speakers for mini kebab.

  • Cut the snowflakes, as shown in the figure below, different diameters. The top is the smallest, and further increase the radius of the circle of 1.5 - 2 times. How do you like the puffy christmas tree more. The more we increase the diameter, the magnificent Christmas tree.
  • Cut the snowflake to the center of the circle. Cut the segment at the top snowflake 1/3 of the circle part. From the second snowflake (medium), cut out 1/4 of the circle and from the third (bottom) cut 1/5 part of the circle.
  • We glue the edges of the snowflakes so that there are cones, as in the figure below.
  • We ride snowflakes on a skeleton and get beautiful Christmas trees that are suitable for decorating a festive table and interior.
  • The sinking can be stuck in fruit, dishes, in a piece of foam, as in the figure below. It all depends on your imagination.

Christmas tree from paper palms: instruction, photo

Interesting and unusual, you can call the "Christmas tree from the palmus". It can be a handle of family members or school students, some separate class or group.

Many options. The ideological goal of such a Christmas tree is to combine some number of people.

In order to make the Christmas tree from the palms we will need:

  • glue,
  • flomaster,
  • scissors I.
  • several sheets of paper (quantity depends on what Christmas tree in the end we want to see). Small - up to 7 palms, medium - 12-15, large - more than 20.

We take the hand of a person, supply the outline, cut out and stick on the wall, Watman, cone or something else. So do it until the sizes of our Christmas tree are not satisfied as much as possible.

For top, you can cut a star, and all over the perimeter decorate with tinsel or small balls made of contrasting paper. Thus, we will create the Effect of the Elegant Christmas tree.

From these palms you can make various figures for decorating houses, kindergartens and schools.

Crafts - Christmas tree from page pages

Another of the unusual crafts is "Christmas tree from the magazine."

The magazine is ideal with the number of pages of at least 200 and glossy pages. Thick cover can be deleted. And now patience and time.

  • We begin every upper right corner of all pages to yourself under 45 degrees.
  • All lower corners going beyond the boundaries, wrap up.
  • Further journal pages add up the same.
  • It turns out the harmonica. When it comes to an end - we see an interesting Christmas tree that can decorate any office all year round.

Christmas tree of old unnecessary children's coloring: manufacturer description, photo

You should not hurry to throw out the already painted journals of your child, because a new year ahead and we will all come in handy. So,

  • we have already loved us, the usual cone from paper,
  • glue,
  • scissors I.
  • coloring, which is cut by as long as possible, width from 3 cm.

From it we will now make a garland. We fold our stripes and glued together with a horizontal form, after that the length of the entire garland we make vertical cuts in half the width and with a frequency of not more than 5 mm.

Create the effect of "combs", after which you just stick it around the cone of the entire Christmas tree. Thus, the "combs" teeth turn into the "necklacks" of our Christmas tree.

The methods of making a Christmas tree with their hands from paper a lot, we looked at the most unusual and the same queue.

Christmas tree-topiary with your own hands from napkins: instruction, photo

Immediately I want to say that the Christmas tree from the napkin is always different from other crafts with its visual air and tenderness. Some cannot immediately understand what material it is made.
Toopiaire lovers this version of the creation of the Christmas tree is very likely to do. In order to make the Terk-Topiarium We will need the following materials:

  1. Napkins,
  2. Foam cone,
  3. Adhesive gun
  4. The decorated rod that will keep our Christmas tree (often take the usual tree branch and mask it under the decorations),
  5. Small pot
  6. Gypsum (gypsum plaster is also suitable),
  7. Beads on a thread or other decorations.
  • Mix the gypsum with water, pour the mixture into the pot, we strengthen the Holder for the Christmas tree in it and put on it the cone of our Christmas tree.
  • With the help of templates, we draw circles on the napkins and flexing the edges, make it from each napkin "mini rosets".
  • Further, each decoration, with the help of the adhesive gun we apply to the cone, fill all the space.
  • You can make few of these "mini-roses" to put on the top of our pot to comply with the whole of our handicap by style.
  • All over the perimeter of our Christmas tree, we wake a tinsel (beads on the thread), everything is suitable for beautifully.

Our Christmas tree made from napkins with your own hands is ready.

Napkins for such e.lCAs can be one color or you can take 2 colors and combine them beautifully. The inclusion of your fantasy in this project will give excellent results.

If you are not an amateur to the topiary, then the Christmas tree from the napkins can be made on the usual cone from the cardboard, completely repeating the process described above. Another version of the Christmas tree from napkins.

Christmas tree from a bottle with champagne with her hands: Photo

New Year tree from a bottle with champagne with her hands

For the manufacture, we will need the following materials:

  1. Bottle of champagne
  2. Tinsel,
  3. Adhesive gun and glue itself.

A simple gift can be originally decorated if you take a bottle of champagne, sneak out the glue tinsel and decorate with additional accessories.

We turn out, inside which will be a surprise - a bottle of champagne.

Production of a Christmas tree made of plastic bottles: photo, scheme and manufacturer

At home, the most common is the method of making a Christmas tree made of plastic bottles. List of necessary:

Making a Christmas tree made of plastic bottles
  1. Plastic bottles of green
  2. Paper,
  3. Adhesive pistol and glue rod.

  • We turn the tube sheet to get a diameter of 1-2 centimeters.
  • The bottle is cutting on a strip of 2-5 centimeters wide and a length of no one that will turn our paper tube.
  • Plastic strips are cut perpendicular to the "Combs" effect.
  • Smooth edge swap glue and attach around a paper tube.
  • The longer the needles of our Christmas tree, the more beautiful.
  • It is desirable to calculate the bottom so that the bottom is wider than the top, keeping the proportions of the real Christmas tree.

The crawler can be left so, and you can decorate additional accessories from paper, cardboard or other materials.

You can hang real Christmas balls on this Christmas tree, just a small size, so our craft will look more realistic.

In conclusion I would like to say that there is a lot of ways to make a New Year tree with your own hands.

The main thing is to show fantasy and try.

Always gifts made with their own hands please many more ordinary figurines purchased in the store.

The manufacture of crafts together with children brings not just joy, but also real benefits, because during such classes, mutual understanding of the parent and child is being formed, tactile sensations are developing.

The ideas of creative Christmas trees do it yourself from progress materials: photo

Objects of the Christmas trees do it yourself with plastic bottles