Kudri is one of the most feminine and beautiful styling. Wavy curls make hair visually more dense and voluminous, and simplicity of creating such hairstyles makes it the most popular. But not everyone knows how to put hair on the hair curlers correctly. Therefore, it makes sense to consider laying methods with different devices and for different lengths of strands.

Preparation for laying

The success of the creation process hairstyles depend on hair purity. Therefore, before making a perm. It is necessary to wash your hair with shampoo, use the usual air conditioning or balm.

To work with hot curlers or stylets, hair must be pre-dry, better - naturally. For curling on soft curlers, curls should be pre-trough.


It is possible to use it in front of the hanging agent - the question is individual. Thin hair need extra volume. Therefore, it is worth a foam on wet strands and evenly distribute it.

It is important to use the right amount of mousse for styling, since an excessive amount of means will take off the hair, and the hairstyle will be short-lived. For cocoons of medium length (to shoulders), the amount of foam is commensurate with the size of the mean mandarin. Distribute mousse with fingers or brine with rare teeth.

For thick and heavy hair, the use of stamping tools before curling is optional. In addition, it is important to use a foam taking into account the type of scalp.

Short hair curling

How to turn hair on hair curlers with a short haircut - the easiest question. First, it will take a small amount of the devices themselves for screwing strands, and secondly, the laying on short hair holds longer.

But the complexity is dangerous to make strands naughty. Therefore, most of the winners of short hair prefer not to small curls, and smooth waves that smooth their hair give them shine and volume. For laying it is better to use curlers on velcro of medium or large diameter.

  • the hair is divided into uniform strands using combat;
  • each strand winds strictly from the roots to the surface of the curlers;
  • for the best fixation, the tip of each strand can be pixels.

Curling will be more resistant to wet hair. Therefore, they can be strained with water from the spray or sprinkle with varnish. Laying duration - about 30 minutes. It is important to make sure that the hair is completely dried.

After removing the curlers, you need to comb and put your hair with a brush, and then fix with varnish. For the root volume, you can use a special spray, dry shampoo or powder for laying.

Curler on middle-length

According to statistics, most women prefer to wear hairstyles of medium length. Therefore, the question is how to quickly wind the hair curlers on medium hair, more than relevant.

Stylists advise to curl hair from the face, so that the strands do not fall on the face, and wearing a hairstyle was comfortable. In order to quickly make beautiful and natural curls, you need to buy long curlers or boomerangs.

Long curiosity are tubes from spiral flat rubber. The assortment has various sizes of boomerangs. You need to choose them, based on the desired hairstyle. For soft and light curls, big-diameter curves are suitable for elastic curls - small.

Using boomerangs are very simple:

  • hair over the entire length is uniformly wetted by water from a spray or a special means of water-based laying;
  • flat strand, the width of which should not exceed the width of the curiosity, is separated using a comb;
  • boomerang straightens to a smooth rubber strip;
  • strand at the root pressed to the edge of the boomeranga;
  • strand along the entire length is distributed over the entire length of the curlers;
  • biguchi is released, and strand remains twisted.

Curl time is 20-30 minutes. The final stage of the instruction, how to put long curlers correctly, is removal of hair curlers, hair combing and fixation with varnish.

Curling long hair

Happy winners of long hair often face the problem of the complexity of the installation of styling. Complicated hairstyles require a large amount of time, while the curvage takes out a minimum of time and makes it possible to get a beautiful result.

Before touching the hair on the hair curlers correctly, you need to choose good curling fixtures.

Papillary - Biguchi, which are a long foam tube, inside of which the wire is located. The advantage of such products is a variety of possible ways to use.

As an example, it is worth considering the classic way how to properly shook hair curlers.

  1. Hair must be carefully combed over the entire length and moisten with the help of water from the spray. Freshly made strands can not be moisturized, but simply wait until the hair is dried almost completely naturally.
  2. Start twigs need from hair from face. The strand must be separated from the total mass, combing upwards and gently turn the strand along the entire length of the papillotch.
  3. Papillary is bent for the best fixation.
  4. The curling is carried out in the direction of the forehead to the nape, after that the hair is roaming on the parietal part, and at the end - strands on the side parts of the head.

After removing the cadet, you need to comb your hair with your fingers, fix the curls of lacquer, and after - combing the hair brush.

Curl tips

For quick and simple laying, it is not necessary to curl hair along the entire length, you can make the tips. Such styling makes hair visually more well-groomed, it does not take more than 20 minutes.

The technique of how to put hair on the hair curlers correctly, does not differ from the usual curling. But in order for hairstyle with straight hair on the root part and curly the tips looked naturally, you need to thoroughly combing curls and give the pricing part volume.

Bignevy volume with hair curlers

With the help of curlers, you can not only turn straight strands to the curls, but also give the chapelur beautiful and natural volume from the roots. Of course, it is easier to use the means for laying. For example, foam, spray for the root volume, dry shampoo or hair polish.

But the sensitive skin of the head or an allergic reaction to the components of the laying can prevent their use. And then the aids come to the rescue. But what needs to be done to get a luxurious result, like on an advertising photo? How to wind your hair on the curlers correctly, it will be interesting to each woman who is not indifferent to its appearance.

To create a borrowed volume, you need to use adaptations on velcro of medium or large volume. They are sprinkled from the roots with water, are divided into uniform areas, after which the curves are fixed on the roar zone, so that the tension of strands is felt.

In order to speed up the result and fix it, you need to use a hairdryer for drying hair. You need to process straight to complete drying. After it is recommended to dry 30-60 seconds with cold air.

After that, you need to carefully remove the curiosity, pulling a slightly for them, and comb your hair with a brush from the roots.

Often, women face a problem: despite the fact that the rules of how to properly wind soft curiosities are strictly observed, the spectacular laying does not work.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that it is necessary for creating a beautiful hairstyle. The first curling may turn out unsuccessful, but after several attempts, in the process of which their own techniques will be produced with hair, one can achieve a good result.

  1. Biguchi needs to be removed only after complete hair drying, otherwise, the laying quickly seam.
  2. The strand must be screwed on a curb with a light tension, and not just wrapped around their surface.
  3. Cannot wind wet hair on curlers.
  4. The amount of curling curlers should be sufficient: for long and thick hair, several packages are required for curling fixtures.
  5. Curl from the roots during sleep harms the blood circulation of the scalp, that is, as a result, it may lead to hair loss or their thinning.

Spectrum of advice, how to proper hair on the hair curlers, papillos or boomerangs, are selected individually. To do this, you need to try out different ways of curling and evaluate the result of each.

Bigual care

Curl devices require regular and careful care. After each use, the bills need to be cleaned from hairs and rinse with any hair shampoo. After that, the product must be dried and folded into a separate package until the next use.

Thus, curling is a quick and easy way to create any desired image: from tight and bulk curls, to light waves and elegant curls. Unlike styllers, bills do not cause harm hair, do not damage and do not overcame them. Therefore, you can use them often when the desire appears to look beautiful, well-maintained and modern.

Eternal Women's Problem: Crispy Hair We dream perfectly straighten, and straight, on the contrary, put a beautifully twist. But how to make neat curls, without harmful hairs, because special curls give an excellent result, but terribly dried tips? Today we will talk about how to use hair curlers.

Why big hair better?

Of course, hot hairdressers, such as iron, curls and tongs, make it much faster to arrange curls. But a significant disadvantage of such a curl method is that all these devices spoil their hair very much. Because of the effects of high temperature, the hair is losing their lively moisture and, as a result, become fragile, sequential, overwhelmed.

All this is impossible to hide any special silicone oils or hair masks - the hair loud will save only haircut. But we do not want to lose the tempered blood and then centimeters only because of the beautiful styling, right? That is why old good curiors are our best friends in creating romantic curls.

What is needed for hair curling with hair curlers?

In order for curls to be neat, elastic and withstand the minimum of 1 day, you should be secured by special fixing means. In the creation of the curls, mousses, foams, sprays for laying and lacquer for hair of medium or strong fixation will help you. Most of these cosmetics should be applied to wet hair, but there are exceptions, so carefully read the instructions.

Biguchi wear on wet hair, so if the head is clean, they can be moistened with the help of ordinary water or mineral in the spray. It is also helpful to moisturize the hair with scales of herbs - suitable, for example, nettle, a series, Air, hops, burdock, chamomile, a root of a chewing or oak. But it should be understood that there will be a rather specific smell on the hair.

If the hair is not clean, they should be washed with your beloved shampoo and balm. However, note that these funds should not be directed to hair straightening, otherwise the curls will not work.

After washing, dry the hair with a towel or hairdryer. You should not wear bills on too wet hair, because you have to wait for a very long time. And on almost dried strands, the likelihood is that the curls do not become at all. You need to choose something mean between these two stages of the hair.

Miscellaneous curves give different results:

  1. Classic curlers are of different volumes and allow you to adjust the size of the Kudrey.
  2. Biguchi-boomerangi give interesting spiral curls.
  3. Biguchi Velcro will suit girls with thin hair of medium length.

Go to twisting hair on hair curlers

Gently expect the hair of the comb with frequent teeth. Divide your hair into several sections with the help of the hairpins - the zone of the forehead, on the top, the back of the head and the temples. It follows from bangs, because it dries faster than the rest of the hair.

Take the small strand and wind on the curlers, keeping perpendicular to the head. After the bang, proceed to the top, then to the hair on the back of the head and at the end - on the temples. If the hair managed to dry, moisturize them with water or spray.

Remove billwords

Early bills should also be taken, following some nuances. Firstly, the hair must completely dry not only outside, but also inside the twisted strands. Accelerate the drying process will help the hairdryer.

Biguchi should be removed carefully, not in a hurry, so as not to damage the curls. Do not pull strands to not harm curls.

Do not rush to comb the curls, let them "get used to such a state for several minutes. Only after that you can carefully walk the comb with rare hair teeth. You can also safely play curls with your fingers.

He will secure the result of the hair lacquer. It is necessary to spray the tool from a distance of a minimum of 30 cm to not harm with humidity.

Spectacular curls are a dream of every girl. Among the ways to create a wavy laying one of the most popular curling curlers. Today we will discuss how to quickly wind your hair on different types of curlers and give delivel tips.

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Choose the right tools

On the shelves of shops you can find many types of curlers: boomerangs, velcro, thermodifiers, plastic and metal products. How not to make a mistake when choosing an assistant in creating curls and how to work with different types? Read more about it.


Such instruments are considered to be the most convenient to create chic lockers. They have a specific surface with small cloths, which allows you to hold hair without additional clamps.

It should be noted that there is a better bright hair on the hair curlers, since the long strands of these tools can be confused.

The principle of operation with such devices is quite simple. Divide the hair on thin strands and begin to curl them in turn. Then you can dry your hair with a hairdryer or leave strands twisted overnight. After removing the curlers, carefully disperse the curls with your fingers and lock the laying of varnish.


Such papilletes are made of soft dense foam rubber. Curl hair curve-boomerangi better for the night. Then the curls will be more resistant. In addition, the foam base does not interfere with sleep, and the smooth surface does not climb and does not damage strands. The undoubted advantage of such devices is that with their help you can curl short and long hair.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of such tools. To form small curls, you should choose a curle no more than 1.5 cm. To create spectacular Volumetric Locks Fit products with diameter from 3 cm.

So how to use Bigudah-boomerangs?

  1. Carefully discharge dry hair and apply gel and mousse mousse on them.
  2. Divide the movement on strands and start cheating. In order to correct the hair correctly, you should first put the strands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown, and then go to the back of the head.
  3. After sleep, remove the curlers and carefully disassemble the curls with your fingers.
  4. Secure the hairstyle with varnish.


Plastic curiors are the most popular types of squeeze. They are of different shapes and sizes, which allows experimenting, creating a new image every time. Such instruments are suitable for laying the hair any length. In addition, they are quite easy to use. Curvas technique for plastic tools is similar to stacking on other types of curlers.


In their properties they look like on batuals-velcro. Tools are quite easily attached on her hair and they fix them well. However, such products have many flaws. First, unlike soft analogues, it's inconvenient to sleep with them. Secondly, hair, curled on such curlers, you can not dry the hair dryer. In addition, frequent use of metal products can cause electricity hair and cross section tips.

Thermobigi is a simple way in minutes to create the desired laying on long or short hair. In order to properly wind the curls on the thermal vehicles, the devices before twenty should be placed for a few minutes in boiling water. Then you can screw the dry strands to thermalized. After 15-20 minutes, the bills should be carefully removed.

When using such devices, it should be remembered that with incorrect use they can greatly harm curls. Therefore, before twigging, the strands should be processed by protective sprays or mousse.

Features of the hair curling

How to wind hair on hair curlers so that the curls are resistant and spectacular? We will talk about it further.

  • Almost in all cases (with the exception of thermal vehicles) should be done on wet strands.
  • In order for hairstyle to be resistant, it is recommended to use auxiliary means For laying (gels, sprays, mousses).
  • Before laying, the hair should be perfectly perfect. To do this, it is recommended to use a comb with thin cloths or from a natural pile. Natural materials prevent the appearance of the effect of "electrifiedness".
  • In order to properly turn hair on the curlers, it is recommended to take strands corresponding to the width of the size of the squeeze.
  • First wrap should bang. Then they curl strands on the top, gradually moving towards the back of the head. The latter laid curls on the temples.
  • Soft batuts-velcro or boomerangs can be left overnight. Then the laying will turn out to be more resistant.
  • After the hair is dried, it is important to remove correctly Papillary. In order not to damage the curls of hair curlers, you need to spin carefully, holding strands. The first to remove products on the temples, and then on the back of the back and on the top.

Do you dream about curls, so that "go crazy from you" and even know how to masterfully form them with the catch? But there is better curlers, more economically and safer! If you know how to properly turn your hair on the curlers, then you will open a whole universe of curly opportunities ... intrigued?

The art of creating curls was known not to your grandmothers, but almost from time when the woman looked at his reflection in the water and decided: "No, it will not go." Wooden sticks, wax shelter, metal rods and just pieces of fabric were used. Today, curiors are very popular, because, in contrast to forceps, most of them do not injure their hair at all.

General rules for all alone!

Once you tried to make Hollywood curls with the help of hair curlers and it turned out ... nothing? So you missed something! Here are the basic principles of curly hairstyles:

  • Pick the diameter of the curlers according to hair length and its expectations. That is - want elastic curls? Then do not wait for them from the lipukek of the giant sizes, because they first give volume. But, for example, the spirals give megacudary hairstyle.
  • The smaller the diameter of round assistants, the smallest will be curls. And the thinner we take a strand, the more careful will be curl.
  • Cheat wet strands. Exception, if electric curves or thermal. Then the chapels must be dry.
  • Do not neglect the thermal protection. Future curls must necessarily sprinkle a special spray if you have a hair curlers "hot."
  • When washing the head shampoo, use without silicone in the composition, since it rectifies properties.
  • Pinks and mousses will give curls a long life. And even better to purchase a spray to create curls - sprinkle them already twisted curls.

Wrench! Kudryashka! How to wind hair on hair curlers: instruction for different lengths

Any length can be managed to burst with hair curlers. To begin with - general recommendation for all.

  • Curl better clean hair, because even a little nonstable curls will be bad to keep styling.
  • Pretty rushing your head towel to sleep straight. Wet will not be able to dry well and do not get started.
  • Apply a little foam or mourse on strands (it usually concerns long and naughty) and make sure that it is pretty.
  • Almost always, in addition to a set of hair curiors, hairdressers are needed.

On long hair

For thick hair, you will need a large number of big curlers. Length below the blades will additionally require the use of various clamps - plastic, rubber, metal. Well suited for long hair foam balls and spiral curlers.

On middle hair

The hair of medium length is easily screwed into papillos, plastic, medium-diameter thermal carms.

On short hair

For them, it is better suited for bills-velcro. Metal, wooden, plastic curbs with clamps choose a small diameter. At such a length, the hair is screwed to impoverish the volume.

Now - the process of creating curls ...

How to wind hair on plastic and metal bills

This species is suitable for any length, select only the right diameter. They are a classic plastic or metal cylinder with holes, and a rubber or plastic clamp does not allow curls to dismiss. Metal "Oldfagi" in those who appreciate the health of the chapelurs, not to honor, because they electrify strands and even because of them the tips shakes. But plastic is very easy and safe.

There is no difference between Soviet Bigudyushki and modern, so if your mom has a dozen, you can safely use them.

  1. Hair split the platform and separate the small part so that its width is slightly smaller on the curlers.
  2. Wrap the tip of the strand around the cylinder and wind it all over the entire length.
  3. When you get to the roots, you put the plastic clamp on top.
  4. If the hair is dry in the process, moisten them from the sprayer.
  5. Remove Papillary Caution. First, open the clamp, then release the curl without straightening it. Just give him to slip, and then the perfect curl will continue.

The video lesson will show the whole process in detail:

How to turn hair on the hair on the hair curlers

Velcro is convenient because they do not require additional attributes like clamps. The surface of the soft cylinders is covered with hooks, and the hair when screwing is clinging for them. First of all, they give the roar volume, so you can not dream of textured curls.

This species will not cope with very long and thick curls, since the weightless velcro will not hold the rigid structure. Yes, and they will be relieved problematic, long hair can tightly get confused in hooks. But for the volume of thin and short haircuts, the velcro is best suited.

So, for business:

  1. Start with strands from forehead. Separate it and pull it hard.
  2. Attach the "hedgehog" to the tips and with a strong tension, turn the strand on the curlers and secure the clip.
  3. Next, screw the homosexual and occipital zones. Hair from the sides dries very quickly, because they will be at the last turn.
  4. For a powerful volume, leave the velcro for about an hour. If you use a hairdryer, then time will accelerate.
  5. Remove the "hedgehogs" first from the sides of the head, and then from the top.

Stylish Laying with Velceks is shown on this video:

How to wind your hair on the curve boomerangi (Papillary)

Boomerangi, they are papillos. Flexible metallic or plastic rod is closed in soft foam. Having straightened on him, you can climb it into the ends and calmly go to bed. Kudri are obtained a bit flashed a bit, but if the hair is thick and heavy, it is not scary.

Papillary opens several possibilities at once. If you turn the head close to the skin, you will see cute doll curls. And screwing them up to the middle of the length, you will get a fashionable laying.

The process is element: you need to separate on a straight, screw it on the boomerang stick and then get the ends, thereby fixing the future curl.

Removing boomerangs, carefully sprinkle them and release already curly strands.

Another visual example is:

How to wind the hair on solid spirals

Spirals. There are from wood, plastic or in the form of soft covers. With the first two, which are also called Cockles, you will have to tinker, because to wind the curl on a kind of "screw" with grooves - it is necessary to try!

Wooden look like thin cylinders, in the main part of which spiral cutting is made. Locks will get small, they are better not combed. Plastic spiral curvatures are almost an equivalent of wooden, differ in the material and the fact that they have a small hook at the end for convenience, which will fix the tip of strands at the very beginning of the winding process. The scheme of action is the same:

  1. Hair divide on the head into four zones: dark, occipient and temporal.
  2. Separate with one zone fine strand.
  3. Bigs bring to the tip strands and gently lay it into the spiral grooves.
  4. Fixed everything with an applied elastic, which is stretched for the entire length of the curlers.
  5. Next, the hair is dried with a hairdryer or naturally, and strands carefully spinning, removing from the spirals.

How to use soft spiral curvature Magic Leverage (Majik Levuraj)

And now something interesting. Soft spirals, known as Magic Leverage, are easy to use and incredibly comfortable. They are very well guarded any length, especially suitable for a chic thick mace, which is not every classic view of the curlers will be able to tame.

Modern bumps first can be introduced into a stupor. Soft stripes and long hook - what to do with them?! But it turns out that they are very simple.

  1. Place one of the strips and impose inside the hook.
  2. Separate a small strand, hook it with a crochet and impose inside the cover, feeding the hook. When let's release the strip, it will spin in the spiral, and the curl inside is too.
  3. Similarly, act with the rest of the mass.
  4. It is necessary to remove bumps when you are sure that their contents are dry.
  5. Plus the fact that the multicolored stripes in the set are twisted each in their direction, and this means a more natural kind of hairstyle.

"Magic" video lesson:

How to wipe hair on the thermal car

Thermobigudi is heated before curling. This is the fastest way to get elastic curls, but it is not much different from the iron or flock, so do not abuse heating.

  • So that the thermal vessels "worked," put them in a deep container, and fill with water, put on fire. When the water boils, the wax inside is also heated, and the curios will be ready for use.
  • Termobugi are used only on dry hair.
  • Divide the mechanical to the sector and, getting a hair curlers from hot water, screw them off strands, fixing the plastic "grid".
  • Keep these fixtures need a maximum of 10-15 minutes, then remove. Locks will be natural and volumetric.

In this thermo video, the entire process is described in detail:

How to use electric hair curlers

The principle of operation is similar to the thermo, only it is not necessary to heat them. All will make the device itself, you just need to plug the cord into the outlet.

The scheme of winding electric helpers is the same as the thermal cargy, and they save time. Bigudyushki is heated in a special bed in a couple of minutes without anything with saucepans.

How to wind hair on the foam balls

Foam round curries are similar to liver pasta. Perfect for long hair and due to their softness give a lot of advantages.

Madly cute "macarows" are suitable for natural curls. You can sleep in them, because they are so munomaging and cozy!

  • Screw, as always, on wet and mousse-treated hair.
  • Separate one strand, pull it into the "cookie" and screw the roots to the tips on the root.
  • And so, while the whole head is not lettered by balls.
  • When make sure that future curls dried, you can shoot "cookie". Just slide the edges and pull the strand, or stretch the foam rubber through the ring of hair.

Here is a video describing the work:

African curls, Hollywood curls and tender waves ... If you know how to use the curiosity, you have access to a lot of opportunities to change the image! Choose your faithful assistants and be a charming curly princess!

How to crush perky curls and elegant curls, give the volume short haircut, make fast laying and while keeping healthy hair. Such a difficult task has a simple solution - it is hair curlers (boomerangi).


Methods for creating irresistible curls there are many. BUT the history of Papilotok has several centuries for several centuries. With their help, there were adorable curls of the young lady from famous novels. Only then it was long harnesses.

Papilets call curlers in the form of multi-colored chopsticks from foam rubber, velor or soft rubber. They are easily bent and take the necessary form due to a wire basis. The sticks may differ in diameter to produce large and small curls. Papilotok has a second name - curve-boomerangi.

Thanks to the properties of the material of the Papilet, they are securely fixed and not slipped. Foamwound curves do not bother at night, if you wind them overnight. A denser rubber texture will deliver inconvenience during sleep.

Council. Create natural and volumetric styling will help a set of dialing sets of various sizes.

To whom fit

Apply boomerangs can be used for hair of any length and type.It is only necessary to choose the appropriate laying.

An option hairstyles with curls is selected in the form of a face:

  • Girls with soft features and face oval or rhombic form are suitable long and short curls.

  • To the face of a square or triangular shape, a short haircut with curls will not fit. Short strands will leave the face open and neck, which visually dries the features and chin. With a successful such form, a wide forehead and protruding cheeks will become more expressive.
  • Short hair is better to curl with small curlsBecause they will win more advantageous compared to large. Small curls will decorate any haircut with straight lines.

  • Soft and structured curls will give the necessary amount of haircut.To lay a short length of a small length easier and faster, and to consolidate adorable curls will help tools for laying.

Bigual-boomerangi make it possible to create natural curly curls and elegant curls:

  • To give the effect of climbing hair, boomerangs screw on dry strands without applying fixing compositions. To withstand about two hours and carefully remove.
  • To create elegant curls Slightly wet hair is treated with a fixing agent. Papillary withstand for a long time, you can leave for the night. After exemption from curlers, the curls are separated by fingers, the laying is sprayed with varnish.

Types of Papilotok.

In the era of the appearance of Papilotchok, women made them on their own from the girlfriend materials like ribbons, trimming fabrics, paper tubes. And now they can be made independently.

Ready-made curlers differ in thickness and length.Boomerangs can be completely thin and sufficiently large diameter. Long bumps are needed for curling long and thick hair.

Also the curiosity are of different designs. A simple design provides for the bending ends to consolidate. In difficult versions, there is a fixing velcro and a wand for fixing the ring with a curler.

Choice and cost

When choosing boomerangs, you should consider the length and type of your hair, which curls would like to get.

For each purpose, a certain type of papillotch.

  1. For curling short strands and small curls On the hair of any length choose small and thin curlers. Thick and long papillos are needed when screwing the thunderstorms of large and medium lengths.
  2. Middle Bigs There will be a necessary amount of short haircuts and accelerate the coolant procedure. The arsenal of different diameter boomerangs will allow experimenting and create the effect of natural curly curls.

You need to pay attention to the material from which boomerangs are made. Cheap options are used foam rubber. The material should be as close as possible, better rubberized. Curls from dense material will serve longer.

The wire base is selected as softer. It must be militant, otherwise there is a hair damage. From hard curlers on the curls there are faces.

Council. It is more convenient to use papillotes with small clasps.

The range of outlets offers products of various price categories and quality. Affordable price attracts Chinese goods. The low price corresponds to low quality, curlers quickly crack and scattered. For the sample for the first time this option is suitable.

The high-quality and professional series is represented by European manufacturers.Products of German companies are represented COMAIR and DEWAL brands. The manufacturer from Belgium offers accessories for hairdressing salons Sibel. The price policy for professional products is approximately the same, within 200-400 rubles per pack of 10 pieces.

Terms and features of use

A simple and convenient biguch design involves the same simple application. However, especially when first use, The following rules should be followed:

  1. Before winding the hair should be washed and dried. You can leave them slightly wet.
  2. For fixing to each strand, it is necessary to apply a small amount of mousse or foam.
  3. Screw short hair on dump trucks is also possible if you take the smallest bumps.
  4. Curl short and long curls should be operating on behalf.
  5. Rides should be separated by approximately the same so that the curls are uniform.
  6. Locks, curled on very thin boomerangs, will look terrain, but the length will be reduced at least twice.
  7. Protect strands from spinning while sleeping can help the cap.
  8. Not always after winding the papillotocks at night it turns out beautiful laying. From long exposure, hair is very curled.Especially short or medium length.
  9. The size of the bills affects the volume hairstyle. Small curls are obtained on thin coughs. Too thin division of strands adds volume.
  10. Combing curled strands will create a sap on the head.
  11. Homemade tools can be suitable for fixing: beer or sweet water.
  12. To scroll bulk curls on long and medium hair will need 2-3 battery packs. When creating large curls, you can do with one packaging of large diameter.

Council. Interesting and original laying will turn out if you do different probes: oblique, vertical, broken. And still try twisting your hair in one or the other side.

Screwing technique

Pros and cons

The popularity of "boomerangs" eclipsed all other hair curlers. But, yet doubts remained. To figure out, it is worth examining the arguments for and against.

Papilotok has significant advantages:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • easy and reliable fixation;
  • you can wrap your hair before bedtime and go to bed;
  • with a hair dryer, the curls will be ready for an hour;
  • anywhere and at any time you can make a beautiful laying, if you replace the papillos of paper strips or ribbons;
  • do not spoil your hair.Luxury curls without split tips;
  • affordable price.

Note,hair is not exposed to thermal exposure, which retains their structure.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • it is often necessary to buy a new set with regular use;
  • not everyone gets used to such a form of curlers and can not wind beautiful curls.

Bigual-boomerangi have a long history due to availability and always excellent results. Papillary capable in a short time to give a hairstyle volume, form wavy and structural curls without damage to hair. It is indisputable that each woman should have such a reincarnation tool.

Useful videos

How to wind hair on hair curlers.

Fast laying using Biguery-Papilotch.