Unfortunately, only a few women nowadays think about how to build a relationship with a man correctly. Basically, the current generation hopes "at random", creating relationships on the principle of "how it will turn out" - we fall in love, do something, try to create strong bonds, but everything falls apart and breaks down.

Why is this happening to most men and women, and why relationships so often end not “and they lived happily ever after”, but a complete fiasco? Perhaps the main reason that we do not learn to build relationships and masculine and female psychology, and because of this we wander in the fog, not understanding what is happening.

If you do not want to be blind in your relationship, you need to start from scratch, with some basic stages and stages through which the relationship must go in order to strengthen and become very strong. Plus, you should know some general rules on building relationships, which we will talk about.

Gradual and long-term plans

Before building any relationship - think about what is your goal? Where do you want to come, what to achieve and how to feel in the end?

Initial love and vivid feelings are great and pleasant (if you are not rejected), but there is no guarantee that after a while your feelings will also glow. And probably few women dream of staying at the first stage of courtship - when the relationship does not develop anywhere, and remains in the embryo.

Chances are, you want your crush and initial steps to grow into something more. Into a real serious relationship, then an engagement, and then marriage. Well, then children, a happy family, and harmony.

And why are families created? Just to make it? Or is there still some sacred meaning in our efforts? Of course, we create and build relationships in order to become happy in the future. We believe that we will feel much better than now, when we have a family and close people, good and faithful husband, obedient and healthy children

Real goals and their achievement

If our task is long-term happiness and family, then is there a reason to think about it, and to come to it, to this family happiness? After all, to grow family happiness of the initial courtship is not an easy task.

Do you know what is your compatibility with a man?

To find out, click on the button just below.

The main thing to understand here is that building a happy relationship the right way Is a long-term project that will require diligence and diligence from us, and actions according to a certain plan.

Like anything really worthwhile in life, relationships require our regular long-term actions.

Short-term efforts can play a role, but if we want to create something really strong, then we need to act differently. Your happiness is being built brick by brick, day after day - for years. And either you are building a beautiful magnificent castle, or you are doing something like a hog, a shack or a pile of rubbish - which will fly in different directions at the first breath of the wind.

Stages of relationship building

If you nevertheless decide to create strong long-term relationships, you need to go through several stages, step by step, and at each stage your task as a woman is to make sure that the man next to you is exactly your chosen one, you can trust him and be with him as for stone wall.

Of course, at the first stage - dating and courtship - it is quite difficult to do. But this is not required. For now, you just take courtship from different men, and watch them, how they behave. Someone will manifest themselves with better side, and you will send someone to hell (and you will do the right thing).

Then - when one of the candidates is at the finish line, and you realize that this is a promising man for marriage - the engagement stage is underway... The man is still not your husband, although you have a closer and closer relationship. But here, too, a woman should not lose her vigilance - and carefully monitor her betrothed. It may happen that you feel anxiety and uncertainty - in this case, it is better to slow down the wedding process.

A woman should only marry if she is completely confident in her choice and has no doubts. She knows - yes, it's mine future husband, my man, and I am ready to marry only him.

Many, falling into initial passion and love, are ready to rush into the arms of a man in the first days of a relationship - but this is not the best way to build something long-term. But if a man diligently courted you for half a year, a year, or even more - and all this time he behaved himself with dignity, and you became more and more imbued with feelings for him - and you can be absolutely sure of him - then you can agree to a wedding.

Wedding and everything that happens after

It is said that relationships are not built before the wedding, but only begin to build after you sign. That is, before that - this is a candy-bouquet period, a kind of fairy tale, and preparation for a real relationship.

After all, as soon as the wedding trip takes place, the routine begins, everyday life and everything that can greatly affect your couple for the worse. And here already it comes about real trials, when you see a person not on holidays and only in pleasant, beautiful places, but see him every day, and begin to get to know him better.

If at the same time the couple is ready to continue to make efforts to create their own happy world, and you continue to delight each other, treat with attention, affection and tenderness, bring surprises, and satisfy the desires of your betrothed, and feel that your desires are fulfilled willingly and joy - then every day of marriage will strengthen the strength of your relationship.

Of course, in any relationship there will be ups and downs, crises and stages are wonderful, but the main thing is the vector along which you are going. If you feel that with this person you are growing, developing and getting better every day, that your relationship is getting stronger and becoming more reliable and stronger, then everything is fine.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is highly desirable to find out the exact compatibility of your particular zodiac sign with a man's sign. This can be done by clicking on the button just below:

If every day you experience anxiety, stress, and anguish, a painful experience that destroys you, then this is unlikely to change with the wave of a magic wand. Most likely it happens, because you "skipped" some of the stages, you decided that you can fish out of the pond without difficulty. Think at what stage the failure occurred - and try to change the situation by correcting the vector of development (or degradation) of your relationship.


Remember - the main thing in correct construction relations, do not rush anywhere, do not drive the locomotive forward, but calmly and thoughtfully - first choose your narrowed one, and then, step by step, create a strong alliance with him.

A lot of girls are very worried about their fate, because they really want to get married, they want to be protected, they want to have a caring and wonderful husband and children. And women are afraid that 20-30-40-50 and so on will come, and no one will marry them.

As soon as a woman begins to think in such categories - sooner rather than later - she finds herself in a very dangerous situation.

Decide which is better, wait a little longer, and then be happy in marriage all your life, live in happy family with a wonderful man, just yours, or hurry up (and, as they say, make people laugh), and as a result, with a high probability, get into a destructive relationship, which will take several years, and which will end in a painful breakup and destruction of all plans and dreams - every woman decides for herself.

Time is the main judge, and if you have enough patience and endurance, and at the same time you act in the right way, your love will undoubtedly find you, and everything will be fine.

If you want to be with your beloved man, you need to figure out if you are compatible by your zodiac sign?

Find out the exact compatibility with a man - by clicking on the button just below.

We are always tempted to build life according to a certain plan. In life together, meetings and first dates, the question is always tormented by the question of how to build a relationship. Most often Life is going my own way, and not the way we plan. If we understand in time what is changing and how, then it is possible that we can avoid disappointment and mistakes.

How to build a relationship with a man - women's secrets

The state of falling in love allows us to soar in the clouds, build castles in the air and not notice the obvious. We can even endow a loved one with features that he never had. This is one of the common pitfalls that lie in wait for us on the path of becoming a serious relationship.

The relationship between two people is a combination of certain qualities, skills, opinions, worldviews, mutual understanding of each person, which, when combined, can give, as positive result and negative.

It all depends on the ability to build relationships correctly. And if all this coincides, then we can say with confidence - they will only be successful.

Naturally, the similarity in outlooks on life only has a positive effect on the relationship between two people. However, knowledge of all the qualities of a person's personality is simply necessary for normal communication and building a future family. After all, knowing only interests, one cannot even think about further relationships.

But we will not go deeper into the jungle of psychology, but we will try to reveal to you the essence of how to build a relationship.

How to build strong relationships with a man

It is impossible to say unequivocally how to do this. The right relationship with a man is the one that will lead in the future to happy life and strong family... How to build harmonious relationship+ with a man? How not to make the mistake of choosing a life partner?

So that the relationship between a woman and a man does not bring disappointment, a woman first of all needs to understand what exactly she wants from him.

Undoubtedly, most women around the world dream that her relationship with a man would be ideal, correct. Everyone dreams, but not everyone succeeds in achieving this. And then many decide to come to terms with the shortcomings of a partner, just not to be lonely.

If in your relationship you want harmony, do not forget, take care of each other and support not only in joyful, but also in sorrowful moments. Be honest with your lover!

If you dream of building the right relationship with your beloved, then start working on yourself first, try to become better.

Accept your loved one for who he is with all his advantages and disadvantages. To build a harmonious relationship, never try to remake it, adjust it for yourself, because ideal people can not be.

Do not be afraid to take the initiative - there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, it is much better than waiting for something for a long time, and in the end be left with nothing. Long gone are the days when the initiative was offered exclusively by individuals of the opposite sex.

Do you want to build a relationship with a man? Never interfere in your joint problems with your mother and your girlfriends, since these are only your personal problems and only you can make the final correct decisions.

Try to spend time together more often: go to the cinema, theater, walk in the park more often, because all this brings people together very well. And you can also find some common hobby that you can do together.

Make your man sometimes pleasant romantic gifts, souvenirs and surprises. Men love it no less than women.

To build a warm relationship, compliment your boyfriend more often, pleasant words, words of love.

Do not quarrel or scandal with your loved one. But if a quarrel still happened, then try to make peace as soon as possible: just go to him, hug him, and everything will be settled.

Be sure to show your loved one what a wonderful hostess you are, because a man certainly looks at you as a potential future wife and mother of his children.

And most importantly, always remember that in the relationship between a man and a woman, the main thing is understanding, respect and love. Always remember this, and the question of how to build the right relationship with a man will no longer bother you.

How relationships are built between a man and a woman

Do not hurry!

You shouldn't see the guy you are dating as a potential groom. Your inquiries about his plans for life, and other provocative questions may simply scare him away and you will not be able to build a relationship with a man. And the point is not at all that you are not a “bridegroom hunter”.

Frightened by your violent onslaught, the guy simply will not be able to see your true qualities. Sincerity, kindness, tenderness and other virtues. Just try to communicate, get to know each other better. It is possible that in the future you will have a strong and reliable family with a bunch of children. Do not hurry. Everything has its time.

In a more mature age, the concept of how to build a relationship has a completely different meaning. Priorities, tastes and habits change. Each of the partners has their own views on life, their past and present.

You should not strive headlong to start living together. Perhaps knowing each other's habits better will make you reluctant to do so. And the irritation that has arisen can be replaced by disappointment that "all the men are good ...". And the haste and desire to prove something is to blame for this.

You shouldn't meet and call often. Especially at the beginning of your relationship. This can quickly get bored (it all depends on the personal qualities of the person himself). Better rare but productive. Meetings should be no more than 2 times a week. This is how you test your feelings for each other;

To build the right relationship, you should not rush things. Rapid and drastic changes in your life can be detrimental. The reason is that it is impossible to get to know each other well in a short period of time. And this is the most important thing for further life together.

The second is the feelings that overwhelm you for another person, do not allow you to work normally and adequately look at everything that happens. Things are abandoned, they accumulate more and more, and after that it is very difficult to rake it all out.

Third, it is very exhausting, both mentally and physically. Such a quick turn of events can completely destroy all your senses. As they say, a person burns out.

Be prepared to compromise

You don't need to bare your soul with lamentations about past failures and a broken life. Losers are pitied, but not loved. Remain a secret for your chosen one. The more you dump negativity on your partner, the less likely you are to build a reliable relationship.

Do not allow quarrels over trifles. Try to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. Never lie and make it clear that you will never understand or accept deception. Spend more time in sexual intercourse.

Try not to criticize or try to remake each other. If you feel the support in your partner, for you this is the most the best sign the seriousness of your relationship.

To build a relationship with a man, it is very important to behave respectfully towards your partner, not only in communicating with him, but also in communicating with other people. Attempts to humiliate and insult your partner should always be resolutely resisted. With this behavior, you can not only raise your authority, but also the authority of your chosen one. Stay away from gossip and evil tongues. Take care of your happiness and do not let anyone destroy it.

Do right choice

You shouldn't build a relationship with someone who is burdened with bigger problems than you. This is especially true of such a moment when one of the people is older than the other. After all, you may not solve the accumulated problems with different reasons(these can be serious health problems, etc.) And if you are able to change something, this is not a reason for a person to appreciate your aspirations.

Love yourself

There should be no one-sided dedication. This can only worsen your relationship. Interest disappears and that's all. Don't be jealous. After all, you have not yet sworn to each other in anything. On the contrary, if the person is flirting with someone, do the same. If your flirting actions are not confirmed by anything, then you should not worry. This will bring you closer together.

It is always necessary to sincerely dream of how to build a relationship. If you learn to go through distrust, then everything in your life will turn out in the best way. But never forget about your dignity and remember that life is one.

Interacting with a member of the opposite sex is not easy. We are different, so we often don't understand each other. But everyone wants happiness, and this unites.

Loosen control
Girls consider male lack of punctuality a sign of irresponsibility. However, men perceive it differently. They think so: they call and warn that they are late, only henpecked people. Men don't want to fall under female control. Tell the young man, “You are free, I have no control over you. But I ask you to respect my time too. "

Don't compliment him.
When a man says nice words to you, say thank you in return. Don't waste compliments in return. If you want to please him, constantly thank for the actions that he does for you.

Do not complain about his efforts.
Do not express censure, even indirectly, if you want to build a relationship with a man. Didn't like a gift, a joint dinner at a restaurant (not tasty food) or a movie he invited? Be silent. A man will hear in your negative words only an insult: "You are bad", although you will mean something completely different. Remember: when a man does things for a girl and she appreciates it, he gains wings.

Be unpredictable
Sometimes a man leaves a woman abruptly, without explaining anything. Reason: he got bored. Every man looks for lightness, spontaneity in a girl, a desire to try new things. If she constantly expresses dissatisfaction, demonstrates excessive conservatism, he can quickly get tired of it.

Letting Take Care of You
Many women either constantly demand help from a man, or consider themselves unworthy to receive it and do everything themselves. Let the man help, take care of you. But do not demand, but ask.

Show interest in his motives.
If a girl tells a man that she is offended at him, he hears only a reproach. Erase the displeased grimace from your face and ask: "Why did you do this?" This will show respect for the man and clarify confusion. In response to a reproach, it is difficult to apologize, but after such a clarification question, it is easy. This is the peculiarity of the male psyche.

Get ready to receive gifts
Give a man gifts only for his birthday and New Year. The rest of the time, it is the man who should give the girl. When a man does this, he feels at his best. But a man will never understand a girl's hint: “I give you gifts, because I also want to receive them from you.

How to build a relationship with a man? Give more!
If two people only want to enjoy each other, they will not build a relationship. Love is a desire not so much to receive as to give - warmth, attention, energy, care. When everyone pulls the blanket over himself, there is no place for feelings, and selfishness wins.

Don't sacrifice yourself
If you make sacrifices for the sake of a man, keep in mind that he may not understand this. And if after a certain time you tell him: "But I endured for the sake of love for you!" - get ready to hear: "I did not ask."

Maintain your dignity
If a man says bluntly: “I don’t like you,” you should not answer in his spirit. The best way to react to such a situation - calmly agree: “I see, I don’t like me”, get up and leave. After that, the man often begins to try to conquer this girl. And she already decides whether to continue communication or not.

Part with the unworthy
Do not think about how to build a relationship with a man unworthy of you. If you are not respected, do not tolerate it. Take a chance and move on, in new life... But after a breakup, do not despair. The "holy place" will surely be taken by another: a neighbor, a work colleague, a casual passer-by, a companion on an airplane ... One of the new meetings will certainly turn out to be fateful for you, believe it!

The search for a soul mate sometimes drags on for many years because a woman is looking for an already established man with a set of certain qualities for herself. But even if there is one, then he also makes certain requirements for his chosen one. How to build a relationship with a man so that both parties only benefit from it? There is only one answer to this question. Ideal families does not happen, but each partner invests in life together a certain bit of their labor. For a deeper understanding of partners, it also recommends that you familiarize yourself with the article on.

Build correctly serious relationship with men you also need to be able to. Despite the fact that all representatives of the stronger sex have different temperaments and tastes, only a wise woman can attract and hold their attention for a long time. The fact is that a man is more inherent in physical activity... Modern society requires him to achieve success in his career and take place as a family man by a certain age. Therefore, he strives to achieve high results in many areas of life and to realize his ambitious plans.

It is generally accepted that it is the man who conquers the woman, seeking her attention and affection. By and large, this is how it is: usually the male part of the world's population takes the first step and asks for a date. But the beautiful half of humanity has its own advantages. An accidental glance, a fleeting touch or a smile can attract a man and gently push him towards acquaintance.

In order to build a relationship with a man you like, it is enough for a woman to use a few simple but effective tips:

Appearance and clothing

As you know, men love with their eyes. That is why a girl should pay special attention to her wardrobe. Shapeless jeans and a washed blouse are more likely to alienate the chosen one than to interest him. But in clothes you also need to know when to stop. The girl should look attractive, not provocative. Usual day makeup, a neat hairstyle and a pleasant scent of perfume will be an excellent completion of a woman's look.

Readiness and education

Smart women are always attracted to men, because they are able not only to intrigue a partner, but also to constantly keep him interested in their person. For this, the fair sex does not have to study stock reports or promising businesses. It is enough to simply determine the circle of interests of the applicant for the hand and heart, be interested in his affairs and engage in his own diversified development.

Confidence and support

A confident gait and demeanor indicate that a woman knows for sure what she wants. Create a promising relationship with a man it is possible only if the girl is firmly convinced of the correctness of her choice, and is ready to accept the chosen one as he is. Despite the fact that the stronger sex is most often the leader in relationships, its representatives need female support and approval. It is very important for them that their actions are positively assessed by the society.

Calm communication and unobtrusive attention

Annoying phone calls and daily persistent questioning is not an indicator of concern. Therefore, it is not surprising that young man such frank curiosity will only irritate. As for quarrels, scandals and insults, such a manner of communication is, in principle, unacceptable in relations between loved ones. Demonstrating respect for the words and deeds of her man, a woman thereby forms a certain opinion of society about him.

Openness in relationships and trust

Resentments, misunderstandings or unspoken claims lead to the fact that the feelings that connected the couple simply cease to exist. In order to prevent this from happening, each participant in the dialogue needs to pronounce all those moments that do not suit him. Moreover, this must be done immediately, otherwise it will be difficult later to understand the accumulated heap of problems.

Points of contact

Lack of reasons for jealousy and betrayal

Many women mistakenly believe that line up perfect relationship with a man it is possible with the help of other representatives of the strong half. However, by openly flirting with the opposite sex, a girl will only achieve disrespect for her person and outright neglect on the part of a loved one. As for the intimate relationship "on the side", it will bring nothing but pain and disappointment. Be careful with the man's feelings.

Patience and the ability to wait

An impatient and hot-tempered partner prevents a man from concentrating on the implementation of his plans. In expressing her opinion, a woman should take into account the interests and preferences of her spouse. Therefore, it makes no sense to insist on the immediate fulfillment of all requirements. Reckless actions and haste in making decisions will ultimately disappoint both.

About, how to build a relationship with a man correctly, can be found from married couples with solid life experience. Psychologists also recommend using some advice. Wise woman will allow his chosen one to show him best qualities and will make him always feel like the initiator of the situation. She will gently push him towards correct decision, and in the meantime she will inspire her man to new achievements. Image perfect wife consists of several components: a reliable life companion, a devoted friend and a passionate partner. It is such a woman that strong and independent men want to see next to them.

When a man and a woman meet, they involuntarily begin to consider each other as partners in life. This behavior is typical for many couples, but not everyone knows how to build relationships correctly. In most cases, a similar question is resorted to by girls who seek to keep a companion and make him happy. Experienced psychologists have developed a number of actionable recommendations, they must be taken into account.

Don't rush things

Don't rush, don't try to get everything at once. You won't be able to build a strong relationship in a week or a month, it will take more time. Otherwise, there is a risk of scaring off a man who thinks that you are too intrusive.

You can have boundless sympathy and passion, but not every partner is ready to plunge headlong into the maelstrom. This does not mean that the man does not want to make you a part of his life, by no means. It takes him more time to crawl out of the shell and reveal his potential. Take it like that, don't push it.

If you can say with confidence that you have not found a half, but your person, you will succeed. If the connection struck up quickly and thoughtlessly, there is a risk that the man will never open up under strong pressure or manifestation of feelings on your part.

Since the modern world is different from the Middle Ages, do not try to start talking about marriage after the first sex or a month of hanging out together. Do not interfere with the companion to receive true pleasure from the candy-bouquet period, relax and accept courtship.

There are often cases when only a girl is invested in the development of relations. The man, in turn, wants physical satisfaction and some fun. It is important to find out in time the true intentions of the gentleman, then to understand whether you need it or not. If a man is not serious, your attempts will be in vain.

Many girls are suspicious of their newly minted companion. In such cases, we recommend that you conduct an "investigation" at the initial stage of the relationship. However, you should not suffer from paranoid inclinations, by your actions you can provoke a breakup.

Know how to be weak

True masculine destiny is to protect and preserve his woman. Let your companion be strong, you may not always be able to win back your honor and respond to the offender. A man should get "rights" on you, show himself as the head of the family and protector.

The ability to be weak lies not only in the ability or impossibility to rebuff the offender. We are not talking about extreme situations, but about everyday issues. Do you feel uncomfortable having an argument with colleagues? Tell your partner about the situation, let him take you in his arms and calm you down.

Sometimes a strong hug and words of support are enough to make a girl feel protected. Do not try to solve pressing issues on your own, delegate some of the responsibilities to your partner.

Give up ideals

Women tend to invent the image of an ideal companion, and then try to remake a man to suit their ideals. If you consider yourself to be in a similar category of persons, stop. Learn to accept your partner for who they really are. Does the man snore loudly in his sleep or does not express himself correctly? Accept this, or direct him gently, without reproach, be tactful.

Take advantage of psychological trick which will prevent parsing. Take an album sheet, divide it into two columns, in the first write down the positive qualities, in the second - the negative ones (what you don't like). Try to understand which traits are prevalent. Can you tolerate cons with so many pros? If so, calm down and close your eyes to negative qualities.

Some girls argue that men do not change, but this misconception is extremely mistaken. Clever woman knows how to influence a partner in order to "mold" him for himself. It is important to remember forever that ideal people a priori do not exist. A man is not perfect, you are not perfect. It is much easier to build a serious relationship, if you do not find fault with yourself and others, try it.

A man who keeps in touch with an idealistic woman can never feel relaxed. After a certain period of time, the fair half will begin to suppress his manhood, as a result of which the companion will leave forever.

Let your partner provide you

Male destiny is to be a breadwinner and breadwinner. If a partner doubts his ability to feed his family and provide for a companion, his male ego suffers significantly. A man begins to doubt his strengths, often becomes isolated, becomes depressed. A woman needs to create all the conditions to prevent the development of such a state in a companion.

Of course, the modern world leaves its mark on society. More and more girls are achieving heights in their careers, driving a car, buying real estate and acquiring other benefits without the participation of a man. Gone are the days when girls were considered the weaker sex.

Your main task is to encourage a man to new achievements, to become a muse for him. The partner must understand that your future depends only on his ability to make money. Even though you are making good money, keep your femininity.

Learn to be happy

No man wants to spend his life with a depressed person who does not see a happy future. Stop complaining about your appearance, circumstances, colleagues, friends. Love yourself and enjoy life, no matter the situation. Stop talking with your partner about your trip to the dentist and a broken nail, look for happiness in simple things.

It is no secret that the inner state of a person directly depends on material wealth. If you are going through a difficult period of lack of money, try not to emphasize it. Work, but don't work. Strive for more, while always encouraging your partner. Say "We will succeed!" More often, give the man an incentive to live.

The most beautiful things happen unexpectedly. If you enjoy every day, the satellite will begin to adopt good mood from you. In the end, you form a happy, cheerful couple who went through everything and did not break.

Find a hobby that you enjoy. Sign up for a gym or pool, start dancing, consider activities such as stretching, pilates, yoga. If it is not possible to attend specialized sections, read books, listen to relaxing music. Such a position in life will greatly expand the horizons. Remember how long you have been trying to start playing sports, but do not find time for it? It's time to act!

Eliminate Scheduled Sex

The beauty of sex is that it doesn't have to be on schedule. In a relationship between a man and a woman important role not only spiritual closeness plays, but also physical. During lovemaking, partners get closer, open up to each other, say out loud what they would never have spoken about under normal circumstances.

Try not to dose sex, make love whenever and wherever you want, be it the kitchen table, washing machine, the roof of a skyscraper or a fitting room in a lingerie boutique. Do not put frames, otherwise the man will find another lady to play a supporting role.

In relationships, it is important that companions satisfy their sexual desire, embody fantasies and discuss possible difficulties in the intimate sphere. Try to be as open and sexy as possible, but at the same time moderately approachable.

Don't skimp on words of praise

In order for a man to maintain self-esteem at the proper level, it is necessary to recognize his authority as the head of the family. Do not skimp on words of praise, even if it seems to you that your partner has done ordinary things (washed the dishes, went to the store, etc.).

For you, such manipulations are routine, but for him it is a reason for pride. It is important to clarify that you must express your admiration when it comes to more serious things (buying an apartment, raising the career ladder, obtaining a new specialty, etc.).

Talk about whatever comes to mind. “Darling, thank you for taking care of us. You perfect man! " or "You get such delicious chicken in the oven, I love it!" Do not wait for your partner to start asking for compliments, give them often and from the heart.

This tactic works many times more effectively if you raise male authority in the presence of family and friends. It is not necessary to use hackneyed phrases, speak sincerely. Find what you really like, focus on that quality.

Stay faithful

As trite as it sounds, many couples forget about simple things. Girls demand loyalty from men, although they themselves regularly glance to the left. If you want to build a strong relationship, be faithful in any situation. It doesn't matter if you have a fight or lack of attention, do not stoop to such meanness as cheating.

Faithfulness must be kept not only in the intimate sphere, but also in life situations... For example, you know for sure that your partner is wrong. There is no need to "ring" about this to friends and relatives, do not put the cavalier's shortcomings on public display.

Always stay close, no matter the situation. Support the man even when it seems that he will not succeed. True love overcome all obstacles, become a support for your partner. You will notice how a man begins to blossom before our eyes, this will be a signal that the direction is chosen correctly.

Listen to your intuition

To build a strong bond, you need to listen to your inner voice. If the relationship between a man and a woman develops correctly, you will begin to experience an uplift, flutter and rejoice every day. It turns out that a strong bond inspires, energizes, and not vice versa.

Frequent quarrels and misunderstandings that sometimes happen during grinding take all the energy. The manifestation of tenderness, joint pastime and sex will help to fill it.

If you feel that you do not have enough strength for ordinary things that were previously enjoyable, run from the man and do not look back. Near loving partner a woman should blossom, not fade.

It is not difficult to build a relationship with a man if you show attentiveness and dedication. Don't rush things, let your partner open up. Do not idealize your companion, learn to be weak, let the man provide and protect you. Enjoy every day that you pass, find a hobby that will make you happy.

Video: how to competently build relationships with men