Since the lower back is also the back, you can read about it in the article: "". However, here we still try to supplement the topic with facts relating to pain in the lower back.

Why does lower back hurt during pregnancy?

Well, let's start with the fact that lower back pain is a very common occurrence, observed in a good half of all women in position. There are many factors that naturally cause such pain and explain everything logically. They do not differ from the causes of back pain in general.

However, it should be added that among the list of diseases that cause back pain, special attention should be paid to diseases of the genitourinary system. In such cases, pain is felt specifically in the lumbar region. And exacerbation of kidney disease often occurs just in the background of pregnancy. Kidney disease is indicated by lumbar pain, accompanied by fever, the appearance of edema, increased and increased urination. In this case, the urine becomes cloudy and changes color. This condition adversely affects the course of pregnancy, the condition of the fetus and, of course, the health of the woman and requires inpatient treatment. Often pregnant women find pyelonephritis. And if the back pain takes on a sharp intense cramping character, then we are talking about renal colic with urolithiasis. Therefore, it is better not to start the situation, but to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

But, fortunately, things are not always gaining a serious turn. Still, more often, the lower back hurts precisely because of changes in the body during pregnancy. Pain in the lower back can “give” to the leg, intensifying after physical exertion, prolonged walking, prolonged standing, sitting in an uncomfortable position. And it can also be the result of false Braxton-Hicks contractions - in this case, the tension of the uterus and, consequently, pain in the lower back are felt. Such training contractions in late pregnancy prepare the body for childbirth. However, if you observe something like this for a period earlier than 37 weeks, and at the same time there are discharge from the genital tract, pain is felt in the lower abdomen, and the intervals between contractions are reduced, you need to urgently seek medical help. Such symptoms may indicate a threat of abortion.

What to do if lower back hurts during pregnancy?

In general, “normal” back pain appears, as a rule, after the 5th month, and completely disappears only after childbirth. And although this condition does not provide for special treatment (except for pain caused by specific diseases), and doctors advise just to endure this period, you can still correct the situation, adhering to some recommendations for relieving back pain:

  1. Avoid prolonged standing, especially standing. If you have to stand for a long time, then change the position of the body, walk back and forth.
  2. Do not sit for a long time in one pose, get up from time to time, walk around.
  3. Wear comfortable shoes, preferably orthopedic, with a low heel of no more than 5 cm (a completely solid sole also contributes to more tired legs and the whole body, as well as a high heel).
  4. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress.
  5. Avoid heavy exercise and carrying heavy bags.
  6. Talk to your doctor about wearing a prenatal brace: it reduces stress on the lower back and spine, reducing and even eliminating the feeling of heaviness and pain.
  7. Eat foods rich in calcium: cottage cheese, yogurt, meat, greens.
  8. Keep your weight under control: excessive weight gain will also cause pain due to increased load on the musculoskeletal system.
  9. Go out daily (this is important for the formation of vitamin D).
  10. Use various pads and rollers to fit under your lower back and back - it’s very convenient!

An excellent effective way to relieve stress from the back is swimming. If you do not have any contraindications to this type of exercise, then by all means sign up for water aerobics, but remember the increased risk of infection during pregnancy and take all safety measures. Gymnastic exercises for pregnant women can also alleviate fatigue and reduce pain, as well as prevent its occurrence.

But if the pain becomes simply unbearable and does not stop, causes tangible discomfort and acquires a constant intense character, then you need to discuss the situation with your gynecologist. When lower back pain accompanies a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and, possibly, spotting from the vagina is observed, then most likely the pregnancy is at risk: you need to go to the hospital!

It is obvious that lower back pain arising from a specific disease or health condition should be treated by a specialist. You may need medication, in particular, symptomatic, aimed at eliminating pain. For this purpose, during pregnancy, gels and ointments for external use are usually prescribed to minimize the harmful effects on the fetus: If it becomes necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs internally, the choice will be made in favor of paracetamol-based drugs. Also, the doctor will almost certainly advise taking a vitamin complex of group B. A back massage (and even feet) or physiotherapy exercises can be prescribed. At home, you can practice on a special ball - fitball.

Let nothing hurt you!

Especially for  - Elena Kichak

In this article we will talk about why the back hurts during pregnancy and how to deal with it.

Pregnant women often experience back pain. Back pain appears both in the early stages of pregnancy and in later ones. Consider how to relieve pain and when to panic.

Can my back hurt during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman’s back can hurt for several reasons:

  • Firstly, a woman undergoes a restructuring, the level of hormones changes, the ligaments, including the intervertebral, are relaxed
  • Secondly, the center of gravity of the body shifts, the pressure on the spine increases, in the later stages the pelvic bones diverge
  • Thirdly, if you suffer from osteochondrosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, then pregnancy can also be accompanied by lower back pain

Why does my back hurt in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Back pain in the first trimester of pregnancy appears mainly due to hormonal changes. During this period, the hormone relaxin is produced, which relaxes the ligaments, and contributes to the divergence of the pelvic joints.

In addition, the cause of pain can be a genitourinary infection, inflammation of the kidneys, urolithiasis.

Important: Pregnant women in the early stages need to be especially attentive to health. The risk of miscarriage is great in the first trimester, so get registered as soon as possible so that a qualified specialist monitors the course of pregnancy.

Why does the back hurt in the second trimester of pregnancy?

As soon as a woman coped with toxicosis, other unpleasant symptoms come to replace it. Most pregnant women complain of back pain in the second trimester.

  • In the second trimester, back pain is caused by fetal growth and a shift in the center of gravity of the body. At about the fifth month, it becomes harder for pregnant women to walk. It is better to avoid physical exertion at this time, wear shoes with a small heel, sleep on an orthopedic mattress, do therapeutic exercises
  • The abdominal muscles in the second trimester are significantly stretched, the intervertebral ligaments relax. It can also cause pain.
  • Neurological diseases (hernia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis) cause back pain. In this situation, it is advisable to wear a supporting corset, exercise, rest more

Important: If you have a high fever together with back pain, swelling has appeared, urge to the toilet has increased, go to the hospital. Such symptoms are characteristic of kidney disease, which can adversely affect the health of the child and a positive pregnancy outcome.

  Most often, the pain appears in the second trimester

Why does the back hurt in the third trimester of pregnancy?

  • In the last trimester, the child increases significantly in size. All internal organs are compressed due to an increase in the uterus, including the kidneys. At this time, there is a chance of kidney disease, so you should be careful about your health
  • The pelvic bones diverge, preparing for the birth process, it can also affect unpleasant pain
  • Another cause of back pain is training fights. These are false contractions, they prepare the uterus for childbirth. You can distinguish them from real ones by a short uterine compression time

Can pregnant women lie on their backs?

In the first stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers can sleep on their backs. However, at a later date, when there is already a large belly, doctors do not recommend this. The most optimal pose is on the side. It is advisable to purchase a pillow for pregnant women, it is much more convenient to sleep with it.

  Doctors do not recommend pregnant women sleep on their backs

Why can’t you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Under the influence of the weight of the fetus, pressure on the spine and blood vessels occurs. As a result, blood flows weakly to the heart, there is oxygen starvation in the fetus and a deterioration in the condition of the mother.

If you lay on your back and felt dizzy, increased heart rate, darkening in your eyes, change your position, your condition should improve.

What are the sharp back pains during pregnancy?

Sharp, cramping pains with body temperature, rapid or difficult urination, may indicate inflammation of the kidneys or urolithiasis.

Symphysiopathy may develop, this disease is treated in a hospital. This is a hereditary disease that occurs as a result of stretching of the cartilage of the pubic bones.

Important: You must tell your doctor about any severe and unbearable back pain.

Pregnancy exercises for the back

Simple exercise will help relieve back pain. In the absence of contraindications, you can do the following exercises:

Exercise 1.  Take a knee-elbow pose. Inhale, pull the stomach into you, bend your back in an arc. In this position, hold for a few seconds. As you exhale, relax the muscles of your back and abdomen, press your head to your chest.

  Back Pain Exercise

Exercise 2.  Get on all fours, your back should be straight. At the same time, stretch your right arm and left leg, in this position, hold for a few seconds. Then change your arm and leg. Repeat this exercise as much as you can, but do not overdo it.

  Do simple exercises without straining your abdominal muscles

Exercise 3.  During pregnancy, it is convenient to deal with fitball. Get on your knees, chest and head rest on fitball, do not strain your stomach. Perform movements of the pelvis from side to side and figure eight.

  Convenient to do with fitball

Relieving back pain also helps:

  1. Swimming
  2. Comfortable sleep
  3. Walking in shoes with a moderate heel 3-4 cm

How to do back massage during pregnancy?

Back massage during pregnancy should be carried out by a specialist. But for starters, you should consult a doctor conducting a pregnancy. You may have contraindications.


  1. Asthma
  2. Severe back pain
  3. Toxicosis
  4. Skin diseases
  5. Swelling
  6. Heart diseases
  7. Phlebeurysm

You should remember the basic rules of massage for pregnant women:

  1. You can’t crush too much, rub the skin
  2. Do not massage the stomach, just stroke
  3. The movements are soft, gentle, smooth.
  4. Use essential oils with caution, many of them are contraindicated.
  5. Massage lasts no more than 30 minutes

Massage can be done by your loved one, for example, your husband. Massage helps not only get rid of back pain, but also relax, have fun.

How to eliminate back pain during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Yulia:  “Water aerobics helped me. After the first lesson I forgot about back pain, although before that I suffered. I went once a week. ”

Elena:  “My husband massaged my back and relieved pain well. The doctor also advised doing exercises. You get on all fours and lean on your elbows, did it in the evenings, it really helped. ”

Marina: “My back ached terribly since the second trimester. In the third trimester, the pain subsided, but other troubles began - pains of the pubic bones. Sleeping at night was unbearable. "I bought a pillow for pregnant women, wore a bandage, a light massage in the evening - that was the only thing that saved me."

More than half of pregnant women experience lower back pain, but this does not mean that pain should be tolerated. Try to get rid of the pain with the help of exercises, comfortable sleep, swimming. Pregnancy is a great time for a woman, let her pass easily and carefree.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women

The expectation of a baby for each mom is the happiest moment in life. But sometimes these joyful moments are clouded by pretty unpleasant sensations, such as, for example, back pain in pregnant women.

Approximately from the second half of pregnancy, when the baby in the womb begins to gain weight and grow actively, the female spine receives a huge additional load. The center of gravity of a pregnant woman begins to shift forward, which is the reason why the back hurts during pregnancy. At first, pain occurs occasionally, then more or less regularly with certain intervals of calm. If you do not learn how to give relief to your spine, back pain can develop into a constant problem that will drive you crazy.

Women who, despite their delicate position, continue to wear back pain during pregnancy are much more likely than those who prefer comfortable shoes with low heels. Therefore, if you do not want to become a hostage to this problem, give up a hairpin for a while, please your legs with comfortable sneakers, boots or shoes in a small, neat heel. This will allow you to significantly reduce the load on the spine and protect yourself from back pain.

Some women begin to complain that they have a backache during pregnancy already in the initial stages. This is due to the increased concentration of specific hormones in the blood, which relax the muscles of the uterus for a more comfortable finding of the embryo in it. But their relaxing effect extends not only to the uterus, but also to other muscles, including the limbs. In some cases, the action of these hormones can even lead to inflammation of muscle tissue, which causes back pain in the first trimester of pregnancy.

During pregnancy?

If your back hurts during pregnancy, you can perform a number of simple exercises to reduce this pain, and even learn how to get rid of it. The simplest exercise is to lie on a hard surface, bending your knees and lie in that position until the pain subsides and completely disappears.

Try to reduce physical activity as much as possible, reduce walking, do not load packages while shopping, because you just have to walk or stand longer, your back starts to make itself felt. Her muscles get tired from such loads, and as a result, her back hurts during pregnancy. You can shift part of household responsibilities to your loved ones - this will help reduce the amount of physical activity.

Stress on the back in the last months of pregnancy occurs even during sleep. Many women become uncomfortable when they try to lie on their backs. This is due to the fact that increasing in size the walls of the uterus, pinch the blood vessels on the back. As a result, blood flow is disturbed and pain immediately occurs. In such cases, it is necessary to choose a more comfortable posture for sleep. You can lie on your side by slipping a pillow between your knees.

When your back hurts during pregnancy, you can start to attend. Being in the water will help all muscles and organs to relax. This will get rid of the obsessive pain in the lower back.

However, if back pain becomes systematic, and no relaxing techniques can help drown it out, then you should consult a doctor for help, because such pain should not seem normal to you. The minutes of waiting for the appearance of your crumbs should be remembered by you as the happiest, and should not become burdensome-painful.

From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the hormonal background of the female body changes. If without pregnancy, the production of female sex hormones occurs in a shift mode, now they are synthesized differently. Not one replaces the other, but both are developed simultaneously. Due to such a restructuring, a pregnant woman adapts to the successful bearing of a child. The load on the body increases, in connection with which some diseases that did not cause inconvenience before can be exacerbated. If your back hurts during pregnancy, it means that something is going wrong. Pregnancy itself should not be accompanied by pain and discomfort.

So why does the back hurt during pregnancy, what is the reason?

Lower back pain during pregnancy is observed in one third of women. Basically, this applies to those who had problems with the musculoskeletal system before pregnancy:

  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • osteochondrosis.

All women with these changes are at risk for developing back pain during pregnancy.

Causes of Back Pain During Pregnancy

  • The abdominal muscles are stretched, ensuring the growth of the abdomen. Maintain the balance of the body to the muscles of the back. Increased load leads to pain.
  • The change in posture during pregnancy is due to a shift in the center of gravity of the body. Therefore, pregnant women have the so-called "proud gait." When walking a pregnant woman, she has to protrude her stomach forward, straightening her shoulders back. The spine in this position is excessively tense.
  • The uterus enlarged several times puts pressure on the neurovascular bundle of the spine, which is manifested by pain in the supine position.
  • An increase in total body weight increases the load on the back muscles.
  • High-heeled shoes also contribute to back pain.
  • Long standing or sitting in one position increases the load on the spinal column. The pain reaction in this case is protective, because it forces you to change the position of the body.
  • A lack of calcium in the body leads to pain, the source of which is the pelvic bones.

Causes of Back Pain in Early Pregnancy

In what cases does the back hurt during pregnancy in the early stages, when the growth of the uterus is insignificant, the gait does not change, the load on the spine is not yet increased, and does the back pain appear? They have a pulling character and are very similar to pain before menstruation. What happens, can menstruation begin during pregnancy?

There is never a period during pregnancy. Any symptoms similar to the precursors of menstruation during pregnancy should be regarded only as a threat of abortion. The uterus is contracting, which is why the lower back hurts.

How to avoid back pain during pregnancy

In order not to hurt the back during pregnancy, those factors that lead to an increased load on the spine should be excluded.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Include calcium-rich foods in your diet. These are all dairy products, ranging from cottage cheese to cheese.
  • Do not lift weights. If you need to lift something off the floor, you should squat down, but do not tilt the body.
  • It is necessary to rise from the pregnant bed correctly, excluding the load on the flexor muscles of the back and the press. Before getting out of bed, you need to turn on your side, lower your legs to the floor and only then rise. That is, it turns out, the pregnant woman rises sideways. In this case, the muscles of the back and abdomen are not involved, but the femoral and gluteal muscles work.
  • You need to sit only on chairs with a back. Never sit on a grand scale, even on a soft bed.
  • It is necessary to wear a prenatal bandage that supports the stomach and reduces the load on the back muscles.

If, despite the measures taken, the back hurts during pregnancy, what should I do then?

First of all, you should contact your local obstetrician-gynecologist and undergo the necessary examination. The causes of pain can be different. It is very important to identify them at the very beginning.

Exercise that helps strengthen the muscles of the back, hips and abdomen is done in the absence of pain. Useful aerobics classes, swimming.

Back pain in late pregnancy

If the back hurts during pregnancy in the later stages, while throughout the pregnancy it did not hurt, this indicates the preparation of the body for labor. Similar pains can begin long before the expected date of birth. In this case, these pains should be regarded as a threat to premature birth.

Pain in the later stages is not continuous, they acquire a cramping nature. Harbingers of childbirth are manifested by irregular contractions of the uterus with back pain. To determine the tone of the uterus on your own, you need to put a palm on your stomach and determine the density of the uterus by touch.

If the surface of the abdomen is hard as a stone, then the uterus is in an increased tone. And lower back pains are reflected. In addition, the fetal head exerts pressure on the pelvic floor, which may be accompanied by urges to urinate frequently. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance, regardless of the time of day.

Other causes of acute back pain during pregnancy

Acute back pain can occur at any stage of pregnancy. They are associated with diseases of the kidneys or pancreas.

  • For pain associated with urolithiasis, an acute onset is characteristic. The pains increase instantly to such an intensity that it is not possible to calm them in any position of the body. These pains are caused by the movement of the stone along the urinary tract. With inflammation of the kidneys, the pain is not so intense, a hot warmer under the lower back helps. In both cases, urination becomes more frequent.
  • With pancreatitis, the pain is girdle-like and begins in a clear relationship with nutritional errors.
It is important for a woman in an interesting position to pay attention to any changes in her health status. The appearance of pain should not be considered something normal. Pain is a signal that the pregnancy proceeds with some kind of disturbance. It is important to report this to your doctor.

The well-being of pregnant women is constantly changing. On some days, nothing worries them, and on others, pleasant thoughts about the future of motherhood are overshadowed by severe back pain.

The expectant mother is in no hurry to take painkillers, fearing to harm the baby's health.

But what about when your back hurts greatly during pregnancy, and there is no longer any strength and patience to endure this torment? Competent recommendations of specialists will help in this difficult situation.


Starting from 21-23 weeks of pregnancy, an actively growing fetus, reaching a weight of about 500 g, begins motor activity in the womb.

She feels these movements, rejoicing that the baby is developing as it should and everything is in order with him. The child forms the vestibular apparatus, and every day the tremors become stronger and more frequent.

But the fast-growing belly changes the center of gravity in the body of the future mother - he pulls the body down. A woman is forced to strain her back muscles to maintain normal posture. This happens involuntarily.

The lumbar spine bends inward, the stomach protrudes, the chin is slightly forward. The tension of muscle fibers in the lumbar region often becomes the cause of their spasm.

The situation is complicated if a girl was detected or before pregnancy.

Due to the increase in weight, compression on the intervertebral discs increases — pinching of the nerve roots passing near the spinal canal can occur. At the same time, my back hurts.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is actively producing the hormone relaxin.

It helps to stretch the ligaments of the pelvic floor, makes the joints more "loose" so that the child can pass through the birth canal without injuries and damage.

Even performing simple housework, a woman may feel that her back and stomach hurt. This phenomenon is also not uncommon.

But if in a healthy woman these symptoms can report the first small contractions (in this way the body prepares the woman for the upcoming birth) and tension of the back muscles, then with diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity the situation is complicated by the fact that the growing fetus makes it difficult to conduct diagnostic examinations.

And yet, with such signs, you need to contact a doctor immediately, because not only health, but also the life of the child depends on the state of the mother.

What can be done to reduce pain?

  1. Despite the fact that the girl constantly wants to eat something salty, spicy, sour, you need to monitor the diet, in which it is desirable to exclude foods that promote fluid retention in the body and contribute to weight gain. During pregnancy, it is worth giving preference to foods rich in vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals and at the same time having low or medium calorie content.
  2. Even in this difficult period, girls want to remain attractive and beautiful, and some of them manage to walk in high heels. This creates a big load on the back muscles, in addition to the fact that the woman “wears” her stomach, and injuring the joints of the legs when walking in such shoes is easier than the lung. Therefore, it is advisable to wear solid orthopedic shoes, to use shoes with wide and low heels.
  3. You can not stay in one static position for a long time. Even if a girl sits in a comfortable chair with an orthopedic back, several hours of such sitting can make themselves felt with back pain, numbness and "goose bumps" in her legs. Every half hour it is recommended to get up, move a little. These are not sudden movements, not inclines, but unhurried walking in place, movements with a small amplitude with arms, etc.
  4. Despite the fact that during a night's rest with a big belly, you have to toss and turn to find a position in which the back does not ache - you need to sleep on a semi-rigid mattress with a small roller under the neck.

Depression is a common occurrence during pregnancy. In addition to the fact that physiological changes constantly occur in the female body, a girl can experience negative emotions in relation to herself, feeling ugly, inferior, unnecessary.