The soft toy made by your own hands can be a good gift for the child, since in the manufacture you can take into account the preferences of the kid. It is not so difficult to make it, as it may seem. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions of the manufacture, rules, and prepare the materials that will be needed for this.

Necessary materials

To create a children's toy, you need to use only safe materials. For children under 5, it is better to choose solid natural fabrics, without a pile or added synthetics. It is also recommended to do without accessories in the form of buttons, glitter and other things. If a toy is manufactured for an older child, then the fantasy is limitless, like the choice of material.

Fabrics for soft toys

For sewing toys for the smallest, knitwear is perfect. This is an elastic and practical material, from which it is very easy to make a toy, it is safe. It is easily erased and does not lose its form, does not require additional processing, and thanks to the color variety, the toy will be very spectacular.

Another fabric, which is often used for sewing - Silk. This is a capricious material, when working with it, patience will be needed and accuracy. But products made from Silka are very beautiful, durable. It is also used for the decor, but can be used and solid cloth. Requires delicate washing and gentle drying.

And the most popular material for tailoring toys for the smallest, it is a cotton fabric.

It is very diverse, inexpensive and used everywhere. It is very easy to work with it, it has increased resistance and durability, besides, it is safe, and stains and pollution are displayed quickly.

For older children, you can use other fabrics, it is an artificial fur, wool, for sewing a bear perfect option, give the toy realism, and with a gentle handling will last long. Other fabrics, such as velvet, velor, felt, are also suitable.

Other materials

To make a soft toy with your own hands, you will need not only fabric, you need to have other materials, such as:

  • Pattern and template for which toys details will be created;
  • Soft filler, you can use wool, but it is recommended to take pieces of foam rubber, it will help longer to keep the shape;
  • Threads and needle, scissors;
  • Dense paper;
  • If the decor is conceived (in the manufacture of toys for children over 5 years), you can use buttons, sequins, ribbons.

Important nuances

To sew a soft toy, you need to make sure to make a pattern from the fabric using the template. This is an exact copy of the details of the future product depicted on paper, which is then translated into material. For each toy, there is a set of templates, but you can paint and own it. Then you should cut them and with the help of the portno needle fasten on the fabric.

Before making toys, wet the selected fabric and dry it. This will help check if he will not sit at the first wash and will not lose a toy shape. If it happened, it is recommended before sewing to wash the material, dry and only then start working.

Pattern toys Bear

Make a soft toy teddy bear quite simple and independently. For this is enough to use any popular pattern.

Several tips, how to choose it:

  1. All patterns can be divided into simple (with a minimum number of parts) and complex (where additional design is required in the form of accessories and decor, these are dresses, ribbons, seam processing).
  2. Newcomers should be started with more lungs, such belongs: Barney bear (or a simple bear from the fabric), a bear of a sock, a tilde teddy bear.
  3. Other popular, but complex patterns for sewing it: Teddy bear, Bar Ballerina, Polar Bear, Bear with kids.

Master classes for the manufacture of soft toys

Teddy bear

One of the most simple outfits is Barney Teddy Barney, translated directly on the fabric, without using templates.

How to make a soft toy with your own hands without a template:

  1. Take a small piece of fabric and fold it in half exactly in the middle side inside;
  2. Using a pencil draw several rounded lines;
  3. You should start from the head - describe a small semicircle, then ear, rounded cheek, slightly elongated paw, a little rounded belly and an elongated one leg;
  4. Cut strictly by contour;
  5. Expand the material - the geometry pattern without the use of the template is ready;
  6. Exactly repeat all manipulations, thus getting his back;
  7. Sew among themselves two halves from the wrong side;
  8. Leave a small gap, turn out the product and fill the filler.

There are other interesting patterns of a soft toy bear.

Bear from fetra

For the manufacture of toys from felt you will need:


  1. Select and translate to the tracing pattern of parts of bears from felt, scale must be observed and be 1: 1. Also, everyone can show fantasy and draw parts of the body of the Bears alone.
  2. After the drawing was translated into a traction, it is transferred to dense paper, accurately observing the scale and every item. Thus, the template is ready.
  3. Then, from a dense sheet, all components are cut out, and with the help of portor pins is fixed on the tissue. Gently driven by a simple pencil or chalk, remove the pattern and cut out - the pattern is ready. Tip! All manipulations are performed on the wrong side.
  4. Next 2, the same parts are superimposed by one to another and stitch together, leaving a small gap for filler. They turn on the front side, the toy is evenly filled with foam rubber, cotton, syntheps (to choose from) and sutures to the end of neat stitches.
  5. After all parts of the body of the bears are made, they are stitched together, and depending on the fantasy, eyes, nose, mouth are made.

One of the options for creating a face is to use buttons or sew purchased sequins. Many craftswomen embroider them from multicolored threads Moulin, using stitches. You can also cut out of the felt of another color nose, eyes and mouth and sew their threads, for this most often use tambourines.

The last stroke in the manufacture of bears from felt is to decorate the product. You can seize several multi-colored ribbons, bows, sequins and a very bright and beautiful toy is ready.

Teddy bear

Make a soft bear sock very simple.

For this you do not need a pattern, it is enough to have materials:

Work algorithm:

  1. remove the sock inside out, put the heel up;
  2. the head is a nasal part, draw them to the marker;
  3. cut down the contour and sew;
  4. leave a small hole, fill the product by filler;
  5. sock nose form in the ball;
  6. evenly distribute and sew to the end, tightening edges with threads;
  7. it turns out the round head;
  8. next, the heel and part of the sock to the gum is a torso and foot;
  9. the heel is the future rear legs, it must be cut it strictly in half and form two limbs, sew among themselves, stuffing the filler;
  10. the front legs are created from the gum, simply cut out, crosslinks and sewn to the body.
  11. then the ears are created, they can be made from the residue of the sock or take a new one.
  12. They can be made from the gum - just draw two semicircles and cut, stinging the filler and simply sewing to the head.
  13. For decor you can use ribbons, buttons, sequins, thus create eyes, mouth, nose.
  14. From another sock you can make a color to the bear, for this you need to cut small round fragments and sew on the paws, muzzle and even the stomach - thus get an unusual coloring.

Bear pillow

To create such a bears you will need cotton fabric, soft filler, sewing machine, scissors. To get a more realistic product, it is recommended to take a weave of different colors.

First of all, it is necessary to create a pattern, it must be quite large, rounded shape. The head and ears are depicted, then cut off, the seam is passed on the car, the product is turned and stuffed with a soft filler, it is sinking to the end. The role of decor performs material, it will be convenient to sleep on it and so a man will create a bear face.

Two round appliqués are cut out of dark color - it's eyes. They are sewn to the cushion by secret seams or are involved in the typewriter.

The muzzle is better to make bright, it is any color to choose from, in the form of a large oval form of cutting fabric. It is sewn with a small round shape of the mouth.

For realistic, you can sew small front legs. They are made from the same color of the fabric as the pillow itself and are addicted to its lower part, pre-stuffing the filler.

Tilde Bear

This bear bottle is distinguished by extended body proportions and legs, lately he scored a lot of fans. To make a tilde bear, you need to take a bright cotton fabric with a sprint, a pattern on which the pattern will be created, scissors, threads, a needle, ribbons, bows often appear in the role of decor.

Translate the template on a folded doubly cloth, leave a small battery on the seam. Sewing among themselves and twist on the front side, then stitching a secret seam.

A feature of this soft toy is that the paws are attached to the body with a button, it gives them the opportunity to move, creating a different position of the body of the bear. The ears are sewn to the head, and the nose, eyes and mouth are created from threads, without the use of any decor. The obligatory decoration of the tilde tilde is ribbons or bows, you can also make the original embroidery manually.

Teddy bear

Teddy's soft toy toy with their own hands is a difficult task, so before starting work, you should carefully examine the algorithm.

How and where to start:

Work algorithm:

  • Translate patterns of parts to fabric from a pile, they must be in mirror mapping;
  • Cut them for paw leave punctures to create fasteners;
  • Ears and legs are created from two different materials, the outer side of the pile, inner cotton;
  • Sew them together;
  • Turn out and then fill with the filler;
  • The next step of fastening cases;
  • They are inserted into a predetermined space, these are cardboard discs with a hole with a mounted bolt (a bear torso);
  • In the limb, the nut is also sewn, and then stuffed with foam rubber;
  • Carefully sews fastening in the limb and torso, making them imperceptible;
  • Next, you should fasten the limb to the body, this mount gives mobility toilet;
  • By analogy, this manipulation should be done on all legs;
  • After the body of the bear is ready, follow the threads to embroider eyes, mouth, nose;
  • On the neck tie a bow or tape;
  • Teddy's bear is ready.

Bear ballerina

To sew a bear - a ballerina, it is necessary to take a tight material, best of all from a short pile. For the heels, palms and the inside of the ears, you need to choose a soft cloth, for example, silk, cotton.

Patterns need to be done in templates, there will be many details here, because Foot, palm, knees and shoulders - mobile, they are sewn separately. In order for the pile lying in one direction, all fragments of the bears are made in the mirror image, and then stitched with each other. Out on the front side, stuffed with foam rubber and sewned by a secret seam.

Ankles, legs, shoulders and palm toys are movable, it is brought with a buttoning attachment. There are 2 options for design, it is hidden (when stitches and buttons are embedded in the details from the wrong side) and the external (they are sewn on the front side and look pretty cute, only the color of the fabric and the color of the buttons must coincide).

The loop is done on the torso, and the button is sewn on his paws. Further, the loop is done on hand or leg, and the mount is sewn on the palm or ankle. For the design of the face of the bear - the ballerina most often use beads or multi-colored sequins. The ribbon is obsessed with the neck, the same is attached to one ear.

An obligatory accessory for this toy is a little bundle, it is created by hand and transparent bright fabric, for example, chiffon, veil, batista.

The cut should be short, it should be put on the thread evenly distribute so that there are beautiful volumetric waves. The skirt is to pull the bear at the waist, to sew a secret seam, you can also insert a narrow gum, it will give the opportunity to change clothes from the bears - ballerina.

Polar bear

In order to understand how to make a soft toy with your own hands, you will definitely need a polarity of a bear with the number of necessary details.

This soft toy is different from all the previous ones not only with color, but also the fact that the teddy bear stands on four paws. Therefore, the sewing of a polar bear differs from the rest. The fabric should choose a dense with a long rigid pile, the pattern to make strictly by the template by performing in the mirror image. Sended fragments among themselves, fill the filler through a small hole.

To the toy is stable, it is necessary to firmly fill the paws.

In one embodiment, the polar bear is performed in a stationary state, the limbs are sewn to the body, and in the other you can make a hidden buttoning attachment.

Major with kids

To make a soft toy of this type, there are many options for the patterns, it can be a bear in the position of the lying, and there is someone around it with a lot of it. And also sitting with sibling on the knees, or even standing. The complexity of this composition is that it will have to work with small details. The fabric can be diverse, ranging from artificial fur or ordinary cotton.

For the sewing of the family, moving fasteners are not used, all limbs are sewn tightly to the body. For the creation of a face of the mother, buttons are selected, for kids most often mouth, nose and eyes are made up with threads Moulin or glued with small sparkles.

What seams use when sewing a soft toy?

Threads for sewing toys should be strong and necessarily in the tone of the product. The exception is only when it makes a petula decorative seam, it is used as a finishing and not only stitches the parts, but processes the edges of the fabric.

To create a soft toy, we usually use the following types of seams:

How to connect soft toys details

If the details of the toys are stitched without fasteners, they usually use docking seams. To do this, form each of them, then simply attach the workpiece to the place of the joint and the needle with a thread neatly small stitches on the front side to sew them among themselves.

If there are moving mounts, then sew their secret seam into the part and pre-connecting them also to apply a secret seam.

What is better to make eyes and the nose of the bear

Most often buttons are used or glittered, but sometimes it is possible to take a thread moulin to design a face. To do this, master the embroidery method. The most common of them, it is smooth, stitches are made smooth, tightly adjacent to each other. Also used crossing the cross, this is the easiest way.

For some toys, appliqué method applies.

Here it is necessary to cut a small blank from the tissue of another color and use the pattern to sew the pattern.

How to fill a stitched toy

In the role of filler, the foam rubber is most often used, this material is dense, it does not fall apart and perfectly holds any form. It is also easy to remove if the toy needs to be wrapped. You can take ordinary wool, but it is quickly knocked down, and the product may lose your original appearance.

Also used synthepsong - it is easy to purchase it, and one pleasure work with it. With him the toy will hold a long time, it is easy to dry and does not get down. Alternative option is also a holofiber - this material is durable and easy to use.

Natural fillers are used as a filler, it is wool. It is environmentally friendly, allow the product to keep the form and even highlights heat, with such a toy the child will be very pleasant to sleep.

How to insert a wire frame

The wire frame is used in soft toys quite often, it allows you to keep shape and gives it flexibility. It will take some wires to create it, for the safety of its ends should be beatened with the help of round-ups. Wire must be copper or floral, along the entire length of the toy.

Then, when the desired workpiece is made, it is slightly cooked with glue and is wounded by the selected filler. It will not let her get out during the operation of the toy. Next, the filler is evenly distributed around it and the frame is obtained, which is then placed in the tissue pattern. The fragment is stitched.

Thus, the wire frame is inserted both in the body and to the limb or even in the ears and the tail toy.

How to decorate a soft toy

There is a huge selection of accessories for decorating toys. Most often beads, buttons, blasting, ribbons and bows. They are sewn to the product using a secret seam or special glue. You can also take small pieces of fabric, for example, velvet, batter, silk, chiffon, they are superimposed, and then sewn with a looping seam.

Sometimes the original embroidery is in the form of decoration, as it helps to make a soft toy unusual. Such an option was increasingly used when the product is created with your own hands.

Another option to create a unique image can be specially stitched clothing, such as dress, skirt or jumpsuit. It is created from a beautiful lightweight fabric.

Video: how to make a soft toy with your own hands. Picture of Medveda

How to make a bear with your own hands, look in a video clip:

Draw the pattern for soft toys:

    On the Internet there are plenty of master classes over the sewing of a meal bear. But I wanted to find such a lesson that I would like the most impossible to seek such a sympathy. So, I found here such patterns:

    It is clear that if you want a larger bear, then when printing simply, you simply increase the pattern on the computer by correcting the scale.

    Cut from the fabric (you can take the fleece) our items:

    We sew them and turn on the front side:

    Starting to form a toy, carefully fill with the filler, paying special attention to the head:

    and legs:

    We sew our items secret stitch:

    What with more care you come to the sewing of such a bear, the more expressive and sweet it will work out. Good luck!

    You need to solve what a bear you want to create, from which materials, because there are a lot of patterns. For example, I sew from the fleece is very comfortable, soft, warm material, not bulk, not allergenic, very suitable for needlework. Chose the material, print the pattern - if required increased or decreased, took threads, needle, scissors and ahead!

    It is easy and easy to sew a bear, from torn female pantyhose ..)) Give the pantyms a second life, this is the cheapest way to sew a soft toy, but of course you can smoke your bear, for example, to sew a hat and shorts from some unusual fabric ..)

    Such mini Mishk Teddy, You can sew houses yourself.

    The main thing is to choose the material, it can be an artificial fur, MiniShtoff, plush, it is desirable that it does not lure. For beads, synthepus or cotton filler. Here is our dress

    and how to sew, and all tips on sewing, here.

    It all depends on what a bear you want and your experience. Many soft toys are sewed very easily. I really like this option toy-bears:

    I believe that it is best to sew a bear from artificial fur, so that the bear has a gorgeous fur coat!

    Here are some more options for the bears:

    And very cute turbulent

    White Bear - Symbol of the Sochi Olympics! Sew with their own hands like this white cute teddy bear:

    a detailed master class will help you, look in the detailed master class as to sew a teddy bear.

    You can still sew a bear at such schemes:

    How to sew a bear? Well, let's start with the fact that Bear Mishke Return). It is necessary to first decide what we want to get in the end. If we need a cartoon bear, then the patterns are very much on such a topic. Start. We choose fabric. It is best to choose fabric terry. A toy from such a fabric will be very pleased to keep in your hands, and you can even fall asleep with it. I will tell one secret. If you sew a bear and put a few twigs of lavender with a syntheps, then such a bear will contribute to a good sleep. Put this bear in the crib to the baby and check the result).

    Now, go to our hero. I propose to go along the simple way. We will make our bear on the finished pattern and fill it with a synthetic tube. The pattern is as follows.

    We carry it on the fabric. And stitch on the machine. Let's leave a little place so that you can fill the Bear trungeon. And then you link with neat stitches. Eye can be made of beads. And your teddy bear can smile. But this is at your discretion. By the way, the photo below the Teddy bear in the apron. It can not sew it.

    First you need to choose a non-empty material. It is perfect for something like a velvet, just not bulk! It was already half an end. If you take the right material, even a child saves such a toy.

    If there is a desire to make a bear with your own hands, then you need to choose the cloth and the corresponding pattern. You can sew yourself as a teddy bear, such as this:

    so the flower bear from the fabric. For the latter, very simple molds and sample material can be chosen from inexpensive fabric to try their strength. You can fill such a bear with cotton, and syntheps, and trimming fabrics. And the pleasure will receive not only a child, but Imam Master! Good creations!

Sew a soft toy with your own hands is always more pleasant. You know for sure that it is made of safe materials and your child will be healthy and satisfied.

To date, the bearish is very popular toys. Children like them especially.

Let these toys do not speak and do not hear, but the kids still trust them with their secrets. In addition, the boys love to play with them, and no one laughs over them - this is not a doll. Therefore, even doctors try to have such bears that can calm the crying child in their cabinets.

From this article you will learn how to make soft toys do it yourself. How to sew a bear, what tools and material to use and even learn how to make a speaking bear with your own hands.

Now it is a very popular occupation worldwide. To everyone who sews a soft toy with her hands of bears, finds her style, mana. Everywhere there are many exhibitions, competitions, auctions.

The creators of bears communicate, share experiments and compete among themselves, and there are really a bear collectors, from which to choose.

Here you will learn, not only how to sew a soft toy, but thanks to the recommendations given to learn how to do different other animals - you just need to find patterns or develop them yourself. And we, in turn, advise how to figure it out and how to sew.

Before you get started, read the basic materials, devices and all the stages of the creative process.

Materials for soften toys "Bears" do it yourself

Fabric for soft toys "Bears"

The creators of the bears choose a 100 percent mohair fur. Its manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, directions and shapes of pile.

The work greatly facilitates the dense base of such fur (the basis of synthetic fur is most often stretched, it must be strengthened), and even more so the tenderness and quality of the pile!

Soles, palms, the inner side of the ears sew from suede, velor, cotton, felt. It is often used, the same fur, only cut and pluck the pile.

Clothes for soft toys "Bears"

Clothes for bears are preferable to sew from 100 percent cotton. You can use the old as a material - because it has a pile story, generates memories.

What to fill a soft toy "bear"

Most often, soft toys are styling with sinterations. Before stuffing, brush it into small pieces.

For these purposes, you can also choose natural unpacked cleaned wool. It is not necessary to grind it.

To bear the bear was heavier and embroidered, often inside throw some small or larger pebbles.

In addition, the bear can be fill with sawdust, dried plants with different odors, coffee beans, cherry bones, etc.

How to make a soft toy speaking

If you want to make a talking bear, insert him inside a cardboard or plastic vote.

It is stamped from all sides. Turning the bear, you will hear how he grieves.

Eyes Mishki

Collectors and other creators of bears, insert glass eyes. Cleaning with such eyes is not recommended to give, but still we recognize that glass eyes look more and more natural.

They have a thin metal leg through which the thread is stretched. Eyes are of different colors and sizes. Often, transparent eyes scrape from the back and paint in the right color.

Eyelashes Mishki.

You can use special eyelashes intended for the manufacture of toys (sold in the form of short ribbons), and overhead eyelashes from cosmetics stores. To the century they are glued with glue or any other transparent glue.

Threads for Soft Toys "Bears"

Creating soft toys with your own hands, choose a strong thread. Most often sew in one thread.

Especially strong threads will be needed for the formation of eyes and eye, orbits. For these purposes, special threads are offered.

For embroidery of the fingers and the nose, threads - Muline or Iris are used.


The glue will be required to glue the eyelashes, connect the heads of the head. Any glue for needlework is suitable.

The most important thing is that, drying, he remained transparent, not a jelly.

A special composition is also useful, which is sold in specialized stores, which prevents the edges of the edges, fabric.

They lubricate the edges of the details, especially the slots through which you will stuff them. Use a small amount, as this means is very liquid.

Paints, emphasizing the individuality of the bears

The stitched bear is often toned, i.e. The paints slightly emphasize certain places. To do this, it is best to use oil or textile paints - dried, they do not make tissue solid.

Patterns for soft toys "Bears"

Perhaps, many of us admiring on the shelves of stores, they wanted to learn how to do the same, but as soon as they wanted to take up this work, then a lot of various issues immediately appeared.

Is not it? But they all go to the background, if it is unknown where to take patterns of soft toys and how to read them.

In this article, perhaps you will find answers to these questions. Also learn about the common symbols on the seams used for toys.

Bear is not sewn without cutting. They can be found on the Internet (some masters publish their patterns for shared access, offer free to use them), in special magazines and books. Everywhere shows certain conditional notation.

This article proposes a pattern of soft toys "Bear". How to read the pattern:

  • First of all, on each pattern of a soft toy you will find the arrow. It indicates the direction of the pile.
  • A large point indicates the connection place. Here it will be necessary to pierce the hole and insert a metal jumper. Remember that jumpers will be only in the inner details of the front and rear paws. The torso must be four pieces of compounds (two on the front and rear paws). Often, but not always, the place of joining the head and torso is marked. On the paper pattern, make a hole so that the connection site can be noted on the material.
  • Most often on patterns for soft toys marked places that do not need to sew. When you cross the details together, leave these places open, only here it is very firmly firmly fix the thread and edges necessarily lubricate the liquid that prevents the squeezing of tissues. In this place, you will turn the toy on the front side and knock it down, and then link the hole.
  • On some patterns of toys (and sometimes heads), triangles are marked. This is an extract. In such places it will be necessary to enter inserts, thanks to which the body (sometimes head) look more bloated, round. Often inserts are at the bottom and at the top of the body, sometimes there can be only one. Cutting all the details, do not rush to cut these triangles.
  • Also, the pattern of a soft toy bear or any other indicates how many parts you need. If you need two parts, it can be written 2 (1 pc.). This means that you all need two parts, one should be in mirror reflection. The same can be written and so: 1 \u003d 1 pc. Details do as much as the pieces indicated on the pattern.

Preparing Patterns for Soft Toys

Prepare all the details of the patterns of cardboard (which are shown in the previous article) or any thick paper cut out as many parts as indicated on each part (for example, a head - 2 pcs. Ear - 4 pcs.).

They note all the necessary marking signs, be sure to transfer them to fur. By choosing a fur in advance by posting and drying it.

Save fur, fold all the details as close as possible. Next to the pattern it is indicated whether it is already made with a 5-mm allowance on the seams around the edges.

This is a pattern without allowance for the seams! Therefore, leave between parts of the gaps of 1 cm.

Handle clearly outline all the details. Cross or dot, mark all the locations of the connections, as well as places that do not need to sew. Remove the parts and around them out the seams on the seams of approximately 5 mm.

What seams to use for soft toys

Most often, the pattern of a soft toy Teddy bear or other animals after cutting is stitched manually - only big toys are sewn. In this lesson, we will learn to make the following seams.

All the details are stitched by this seam. Pull the thread at the point 1. Then the needle stick to point 2, from it - to point 3. From point 3, stick to the needle to point 1, from it - to point 4, etc.

Such a seam will need to spend the ears and tail. From the inside, stick to the needle at point 1, from it on top of the colitis to the point 2. Then, then cast a bottom at point 3, etc.

This seam need to sew the places on the paws and the torso, through which the bear was stuffed. From the inside, stick the needle at the point T, from it on top - to the point 2. Then from the bottom, stick to the needle at point 3, etc. Making several stitches, pull the thread, and then go further.

How to connect soft toys details

Hands, legs and head of real soft toys of bears should move. Therefore, parts of the body are connected by special devices.

For connecting body parts, wooden disks or wheels made of thick compressed cardboard are used, as well as metal disks. They are of different sizes. Choose them according to the size of the pattern.

The disk must be attached at a distance of 5-10 mm from the edges of the pattern.

Wooden discs and wheels made of thick compressed cardboard basic is like a bear joints.

Metal discs are superimposed on wooden or cardboard. They are needed that the metal jumpers do not break the disc.

For small bears, special plastic discs are manufactured. They are small (can be only 6 mm in diameter), but very durable.

Metal jumpers

Metal jumpers are two types of shape and with a round head. All metal jumpers are several sizes.

With the help of t-form jumpers, arms are connected, legs, and sometimes a bear head. They are used for one-sided connection.

Metal jumpers with a round head are used for a two-way connection. In this way, most often attached head to the body.

Types of paws and heads:

One-sided connection

  • For such a compound, metal jumpers T-form, a wooden disk or a disk made of compressed cardboard and a metal disk are necessary.
  • First, on the jumper T-form, wear a metal disk, and then wooden or cardboard.
  • With the help of such fixtures to the torso, arms and legs are attached, and often head. Thus, a soft toy Bear will move with legs and handles.

  • For this attachment, two metal jumpers with round heads, two metal and one wooden (or cardboard) disk are required.
  • Discontinue the legs of the metal jumper.
  • Click together two jumpers, squeeze the legs.
  • Visit discs first metal, then wooden, or cardboard and metal again.
  • Special fixture Bend the legs of the metal jumper one leg is a bit longer than the other, so first bend it, and then the second. Press the legs strongly and the metal disk so that the jumper does not move.
  • So joins the head to the body.

Tools for connecting units of soft toys:

  • Scissors. They must be pointed, sharp and necessarily straight. Scissors with curved blades will not fit, they are difficult to work.
  • Tweezers. He will be very useful when you fill a bear. With the help of a tweezers, you can easily shove a piece of synthesis even in the smallest part of the bear.
  • Kusachachi. Have a breech-several species with you. Some will be needed to twist the fasteners, others will push or pull out the needle, etc.
  • Special plugs will especially help when you make small beabling. They are with cloths. Take the pads for the fabric, twist the handles together and turn out. So you can remove even the smallest detail without the slightest difficulties.
  • Awl. It is necessary in order to pierce holes for connections.
  • Wand for packing. With it, it is much easier to fill the details of the bears, getting yes all bends. Comfortable handle will save your hands from corns and scuffs.
  • Needles and pins. You can use ordinary needles, but to form your fingers, eyes and eye orbits, be sure to purchase the needles of different lengths (approximately 8-18 cm). Do not hurt without buttons, they need to fit the details to more evenly sew them.
  • Fastening Tool. This metal tool with a slot in it is inserted with fastening and bends. The slots come in different sizes, depending on what fastening you need to bend.
  • Brush. During the sewing fur of the bears, dust and garbage sticks to it. Therefore, by finishing the work, spread the bear. For this, animal brushes are suitable.

How to sew a soft toy "bear"?

Cooking for sewing

Cut all the details on the lines already with letters on the seams. Do not cut down in the body. Also that the soft toy do with your own hands and her seams turned out beautiful, and the wool was not confused next to them, all the details are about 5 mm from the edge to cut a pile.

In places of compounds (they are designated on the involving side with crosses or dot) Curtain the thread of a different color. The nodule should be on the front side. In total, there will be eight such places two on the innermost sides of the front, paws, two on the inner sides of the hind paws, four on the body.

Fur edges Load special tools for fur. If the soles, palms and the inner sides of the ears you sew from the same fur, cut a pile on it. In order for the material to be smooth, the remaining villi shave or pull out the tweezers.

How to sew rear paws

You can start sewing a toy bear with your own hands with any detail. This time we start with the sewing of the hind legs.

Pins, scalp the details of the paw. Sew them with machine seam. Leave open spaces for stuffing and for soles. Then notice the soles face inside.

So that the paws do the same and the soles did not twist, first fasten them in the middle. Then notify the soles and on the sides. Remove the paws on the front side.

Putting the paws "Bears"

Start stuffing. First, small pieces of syntheps or wool push the soles.

If you embroider your fingers, gain pleasure. When it turns the queue before putting up the top of the paw, do not forget about one-sided connection.

First, in the place, which is noted by the nodules of the thread, do the hole with a sequel.

Insert the metal jumper, metallic and cardboard discs. Discs should remain inside the paw, and metal jumpers should turn through the hole.

Cunning to the disk tightly pressed to the material, and wool or pebbles did not get under it, put on the jumper the solid eraser.

Make a few stitches again and pull the thread again. If you want a soft toy with your own hands, it turned out neatly, and the seams were not visible at all, hein the threads of the same color as the fur.

Often, the seams or their segments are specially performed by the threads of another color - the bunch of guck looks more old.

Now you will learn to shape your fingers. The classic bear has four fingers. Mark your fingers at the top and in the middle of the foot. Do it immediately on both paws so that your fingers are equal, the same.

Prepare a long needle and cotton. Embroide them with double thread. A needle stack the sole side into the fur and take out the way it is shown in the photo. So that the fingers stand out more, the pile of rows with them shorten or do hardly.

To the inner sides of the paw with machine stitch, the trick of the palm. To sew exactly, scroll them before these pins.

Smealance both parts of the paw - external and internal. Details also sew machine seam. Do not forget to leave an open place for packing.

How to sew a soft toy "bear"

The head consists of three parts of two side in mirror reflection and insertion. In the first, queue, scalp the side parts, fold them face inside.

Sweep machine seam with small identical stitches. Scaliate inserts with its side parts and place the machine seam.

The head needs to be very strong and firmly fill. Therefore, all the seams are smeared with a thin layer of glue for needlework.

When the glue dries, turn the head and stuff - first the wool pieces are easier to push the tweezers, then use a special wand for packing.

Putting, constantly follow the shape of the head so that the wool is uniformly distributed. The head should be very solid, especially the face, because it will need to embroider nose.

Insert into the head insert the curved legs of the metal jumper. From the head should remain to stick out other not curved, the legs of the jumper. Pull the thread strong until the whole matter is hiding around the leaf legs.

If it does not work until the end to pull the fabric, cutting it with the same thread invisible seam and firmly firmly.

How to make a muzzle "Mishke"

Next, the most interesting and creative part of the work will begin - we will create a fruit of a bear, let us give him an expression and emotion. You can start either from the nose, or from the eye - as you wish. This time we will take the nose.

As you already understood the soft toys do it yourself manually, so even the nose will be made not from the button, but more in an artistic way. The nose of the traditional bears is embroidered, so we will demonstrate you this way.

First of all, cut a little a pile on the face, it will be better to see what form to do the nose. Just do not hurt and do not cut too much immediately, it is better to cut a little, until it is enough. Then, on paper, draw the nose of the desired shape and size.

To make it easier to draw the desired shape, cut it out and soft material. Cut from fabric detail attached to the muzzle. Secure the shape of the pins. Make sure it is located in the center. After that, the sprocket is nailed with threads.

To start, play with your eyes. Apply them to different places and see what location is the most successful. Next, cut the fur around the eyes.

In order for the eyes to look more alive, you can make a socket, for this thread thread and strongly tighten to the hole formed. Then glue the eyes.

First of all, fold the part of the ear face, side inside and scalp them with pins. Sew the machine seam. Remove.

Pins pin your ears to the head, but first attach them in different, places until you decide that the teddy bear looks prettier. Sew details.

The mouth of such soft toys do it yourself by the bears, embroidered the same threads as the nose. Also with the help of a pin, make your mouth bear.

How to sew a torso with a soft toy "Bears"

Details of the body, like all the others, fold the front side inside, secure the pins, sweep. Then sew machine seam. Leave an unimposed gap at the top, in the place where the seams of the cuttings are, - there will be a blind head.

Also not sewing places for packing. Remove. All parts (front and rear paws and head) are joined to the body, so do not hurry to stuff it.

Punch the selection of space for connecting to the body (two on the front and rear paws). In the hole, stick the leg of the metal jumper of the front or rear paw. On the leg of the jumper from the inside of the abdomen, put on wooden and metal discs.

Using a screwdriver, start the legs of the jumper. Press them tightly to the metal disk. In this way, attach the front and rear paws and head to the body. This looks all the connections inside.

When connecting all parts, climb the tummy with small pieces of wool. It is very important to be good to ravage the packing around the legs of the jumpers, so that, pressing the bear, they could not be forgiven. Pour several spoons of small pebbles.

If you want, now is the time to insert a box with a voice of a bear. It is surrounded by wool so that it does not fit. Spin squeeze the same way as the paws were sewn.

The parts of the tail are scaling with pins, sweep and sew the machine seam. Remove. Since the tail is very small, it will be much easier to turn it with special nipples - tickle tick the tip of the tail and pull. Tailing edges Wrap inside and wash, like ears.

Mix the place for the tail and the trick of it.

During sewing a bear, a bear is descended, garbage, dust pierce. Therefore, by finishing the work, tested the bear.

Decoration of soft toys "Bears" with their own hands

Very often, bears and other animals are toned, i.e. Certain places are brighter with the help of oil or textile paints. Coloring and by those and other paints, use soft brushes with a thickness of several millimeters.

Put the brush into the paint, remove it over, and gently climb the soft bear. Most often toned the face around the nose, mouth, around the eyes, ears. Mix the fingers of the front and rear paws, soles, palms, fur around them.

That's how our teddy girl looked before toning and here as after him.

Thus, we made a plush toy with your own hands, and the master class with the photo, we hope you helped in its creation. There is still quite a bit.

Nose can either wear or lacquer. It is often covered with acrylic varnish, several layers. The nose of the traditional bear is screwed.

For these purposes, natural bee or intended for batik wax is suitable. Melt a little wax and tassel spread it on the nose.

Immediately, using hair dryer, let the shine of hot air on the wax - it will melt and get absorbed into the thread. Turn one side of the nose first, then another, while watching the melt wax not stack on the face.

When it melts and cools the first layer, the same procedure will repeat at least once again.

When the wax is well absorbed into the nose and cool, bring it to shine with a woolen cloth.

Such a soft toy "Mishke" stitched with her own hands will be pleased with even the most harmful child!

You probably probably met the Maaleny Teddy Bears, sprout to 10 cm. How to sew such mini bears? It will tell us in detail the Panekina Irina (Tomar), a wonderful master Teddist.

So, let's begin...

1) We will need to a bear up to 10 cm. The material is not more than 25x25 cm (everyone will choose at will, whether it is an artificial fur, MiniStoff, plush, etc., the main thing is that this material is not lined), the filler of the syntheluch and metal is loaded ( Groilly can be replaced with large sand either fine glass granulate), 5-hopps, 5 mm discs, eyes, scissors, taps, wooden stick (I use sticks from sushi)

2) Pattern

We take our piece of material. We determine the direction of the pile (the pile must go down)

We fold our piece in half.

We estimate it that it would be more convenient to sew our details.

We carry the pattern on the fabric

We take a thread in the color of the fabric. We sew the item backs back (see the scheme). We leave not stitched places marked with color.

Now cut out our details, leaving about 2 mm on the allowances.

We sew the sole in the paw.

We sew the details of the head.

Also, we need to sew a dyeing on the Bear Taurus (thereby we will create more rounded forms)

Before turning out our details, in the places of fastening, we sell the approximate thread. Since the bear is small, and it will be difficult for us later to see the place fastening the paws, this thread will be a tip.
As for the ears, I used another fabric. What would our ears have more funny.
We sew fur detail with a companion cloth.

Soak our details. In this, the wand from sushi will help us very well)))) it has a stupid and thin end that it will help to turn out small details without damaging them.

Now we will need T-shaped glues and discs.

I use two disks on each side. One little less than the other.

We take our foot and together for the attachment neatly cone-shaped seer increase the distance between the weaves of the threads, so that our pinch could pass without damaging the fabric.
Insert our spop through the inner side.
It turns out the discs and the head of the pin in our paws.

We begin to fill the upper and lower legs.

We take a small piece of syntapuha and helping myself pushing the wand at the very end. Do not try to push it right away, thereby you will have emptiness and have to fill everything. Tamper your syntputs that would not be emptiness.
When the leg is filled to the heel, add some granules.

Since the granulate is small and the detail of the foot is also small, for the convenience of filling, I am using a slim tip with a thin tip.
We add granules only to the lower ending and toy taurus.
In the upper legs and head we add only syntputs.

We close the paws secret seam.

Insert a pin with discs, tighten and sew.

Ears sewing secret seam and tighten in the form of a dumplings

Pins try on the location of the eyes. From the various arrangement of the eyes, there will be a different expression of the muffin of the Bears.

We form our eyes with a tint.

Elets toned the bed. This will add the depth to our eyes.

Take the eye and reinforced thread. Fix the thread on the loop of the eye.
The eye loop gently squeeze. (Be careful when squeezed, since the glaze eyes can burst)

We make a seer in the orphanage hole (not very big, but to the eye eye into the eye)
Insert eyes. The end of the threads are deposited in the neck area.

Tighten your eyes, whatever they deepen in the orphanage. Ends fasten and hide the head inener.

With the help of pins We are looking for the location of the ears.

We sew the ears with a secret seam.
Now all our items must be collected.

Insert the legs and head in the caller, we set the disks, and the ends of the plots are spinning (two options for closing the ends of the pin is presented in the diagram)

Now it remains to fill the Taurus. First we put the synthempus, then a bit of granulate, and the rest of the space fill in syntheph.

Close the secret seam.

Our kid is ready. If you wish, you can add brings.

This popular soft toy in the form of a cute gray bear is unlikely to leave someone indifferent. Everyone who saw the Teddy Bear once would certainly want such a cute teddy pet settled his house. Many people have a fairly high cost of such a toy, but this is not a reason to give up the dream. We offer an alternative option - to sew teddy teddy bear with their own hands.

How to sew a teddy bear with their own hands?

In the master class, we will show how to sew a teddy bear from the plush tissue with movable legs and head at home, without special fixtures and fittings. So, we need this:

  • teddy gray fabric:
  • light brown or beige fleece;
  • black large beads and flap artificial light brown suede for peels;
  • threads Mulina;
  • filler synthetone;
  • wooden coils from threads;
  • needle and threads.

Now we can start work.

Teddy Bears do it yourself - master class

  1. First of all, we will build Teddy Bears pattern, detailed in the figure.
  2. Now we cut the parts-blanks of Teddy Bears from the fabric, marking the seams.
  3. Before sewing, we cut the pile from points on the seams. This will greatly facilitate our work. Let's start sewing our bear with palms.
  4. Next, sew the details of the handle, sew palms to the handle, leaving a small hole for filling with Sinyprun. Soak on the front.
  5. Now we will deal with the legs of our Mishutka. We sew the details of the legs, leaving the feet open and small hole on the socks for turning and filling.
  6. Now we sew the feet and turn the legs on the front side.
  7. Next, we sew two halves of the tummy, leaving the cervical hole. The same Saama is making a teddy bear. Turn the details of the toy on the front side.
  8. Then we will take the head of the bear. We fold two parts and sear the chin line.
  9. Now you enjoy the ears. Before this, we sew their details, not filling with Sinteplion.
  10. We continue to sew the head on the outlined allowance.
  11. Finished head turn on the front side.
  12. Now fill all the details of our teddy bear sintepsum. Special attention is paid to the nose and legs, so that the toy is stable.
  13. Then the threads of Muline are killed by fingers on the legs and palms of Teddy's bear.
  14. Secret seam hide all holes.
  15. And now we will deal with the Merdashka Mishutki. First of all, the Moulin Noste and Rotik is eliminated. Then we enjoy two black beads as an eye. From the artificial suede cut two small loskutka.
  16. Now neatly brushing the sense of the age of the eyelve with glue and extremely neatly with the toothpicks will refuel the flaps for the eye. Now the eyes have become more realistic, even as if alive.
  17. Next, we will engage in hinting heads. Take for this a wooden coil and a small cut of a plush tissue.
  18. Fracting the coil with glue, we glue the flaps in a circle of the cloth, for reliability, also be asleep. It turned out the neck for a teddy bear.
  19. Now, with the help of a neck, we connect your head with a torso: Holes cover with a durable thread in a circle, insert the coil hinge and fill firmly tighten. For reliability, fix the design by threads.
  20. It turned out we have a turning head.
  21. Now proceed to the legs. Break them with the help of the so-called rope compound: we take a thick and durable rope, we make it in one leg and the wrong side, that is, the sides adjacent to the body, then we carry the rope through the torso and cling the second leg. Then we return to the first leg and tighten the rope firmly on the knot.
  22. We check the target for stability - it should be able to stand alone.
  23. Similarly, fastening the handle to the body.
  24. And lastly sew tail.
  25. Now beautifully combing our ready-made Teddy bear.
  26. And for beauty, we will cover the bow of a bow. If you wish, you can also wear a bearboard, sewing his shirt, trousers and so on.
  27. Here is such a beautiful teddy bear you can sew your own hands. He will certainly like you and your babies.