Feeling daily morning malaise, changing taste addiction and stubborn nausea, any woman will suspect the presence of an "interesting situation". And if all these signs are accompanied by a delay regular menstruation, Doubts in the coming pregnancy becomes even less.

How the gynecologist defines pregnancy, from what time and, most importantly, can the doctor be wrong? We will answer all these exciting questions.

Everyone knows the emotional female susceptibility, when the body often "issues" so much desired results for valid. Therefore, such eloquent, but still indirect signs require more accurate confirmation. It can be achieved in two ways: buy a home test for pregnancy or visit the gynecologist.

Since the tests are sometimes mistaken, the visit to the doctor will be a more reliable source of necessary information. Moreover, it will need to be done in any case to register female consultation. Yes, and just to make sure that you are fine with your baby.

Feeling the first signs of pregnancy, a woman in a hurry to confirm them or disprove. A visit to the doctor, as a rule, is scheduled a few days after the menstruation delay. Especially impatient patients are found with a gynecologist and before delay based on the positive result of highly sensitive tests. Let's figure it out if the gynecologist will see the conceiving conception in the earliest rates.

The doctor's reception begins with a patient survey. From the conversation, he needs to learn about the timing last menstruation, its features, regularity and duration of menstruation. Then the gynecologist finds out the presence of symptoms that indicate the development of the child's mother's womb on the early period of pregnancy.

All signs of the coming conception from a medical point of view are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • Presumptive;
  • Possible;
  • Reliable.

The first signs of pregnancy are called supposed, as their presence does not guarantee that the conception took place. These include the symptoms that the patient diagnoses at home:

  • Morning nausea;
  • Changing taste addictions;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Sharp change of mood and psycho-emotional background;
  • Excessive susceptibility to smells;
  • Painful sensations in the field of chest;
  • Frequent urges for urination;
  • Change the skin shade in the form of spots.

Those features for which the doctor can determine pregnancy belong to possible symptoms. Their presence with a greater probability indicates a possible conception:

  • Filled with blood uterine walls and vagina;
  • External sex lips swell and slightly increase in size;
  • The uterine cavity increases and its shape changes;
  • No menstrual bleeding;
  • Revealed positive result conducted home dough for pregnancy;
  • The presence in the blood of the exceeded HCG values \u200b\u200bis diagnosed.

You can see the features of the fetus on the ultrasound on the 11-13 week of pregnancy. At this time, you can already obtain a lot of data on the development and intrauterine vital activity of the kid. But sometimes the doctor appoints an ultrasound examination earlier to make sure that the fruit is and that he attached in the right place - in the uterus, and not in the uterine tube.

On what time a gynecologist can determine pregnancy

If manufacturers of highly sensitive home tests on the definition of pregnancy claim that their fixtures will easily show a reliable result after 10 days after conception, then doctors such statements do not. The fact is that it will not be able to determine the pregnancy before the delay by inspection on the gynecological chair will not be able to do not be the highest quality doctor. Explain why.

As soon as the conception was held, the fertilized egg begins his thorny path to the uterine cavity, to reach it, to be implanted reliably. It takes time: to achieve the set goal, the egg will need about a week. And considering the fact that the conception occurs during the period of ovulation (this is about the middle of the cycle), the introduction of the zygota in the uterine cavity will take place shortly before the start of the expected monthly. At this time, the hormonal restructuring just begins, it is too insignificant so that it was noticeable.

From the moment the implantation took place, the entire reproductive system of the woman begins to "work" in the changed mode: gradually changes the shape, size and color of the germ lip, uterus, etc.

According to these features, the gynecologist and determines the occurring conception, this usually occurs after the delay. Accordingly, the longer the term of pregnancy, the big changes can see the doctor. A delicate inspection on the chair on the early period of pregnancy, contrary to popular belief, can not harm the future embryo. But before the inspection you need to tell the doctor about my suspicions so that it is extremely careful!

What methods use the doctor when inspecting

The doctor can determine pregnancy using several techniques:

  • Vaginal inspection;
  • Laboratory analysis of blood to the level of hCG;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.

Each technique has its own characteristics that allow you to "recognize" not only the presence of conception, but also its term. Thus, the exceedable HCG indicators in the blood will indicate the presence in the child's uterus on an early term when it does not "see" or test or examination of the doctor. That is, before the delay.

Vaginal inspection will confirm the conception of 3-5 weeks from the moment of fertilization by changes that occurred in the uterine cavity. BUT Uzi diagnosis Will all doubts about the formulation of the diagnosis. This hardware method allows you to observe the development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy. Moreover, it is thanks to him that the timing of the development of the embryo from the second trimester is exhibited.

Vaginal inspection

The gynecological examination begins with an assessment by the doctor's condition and mammary cover states. Considering the fact that after conception in the reproductive organs, blood flow increases, they look edema, increased in size. In case of inspection, the sealing of the outer sex lips is clearly visible, which acquire a bluish shade.

The doctor then diagnoses the vagina and cervix. For inspection of their state, a study is used using mirrors and a bimanual inspection.

Mirrors are called a gynecological device, which is introduced into the vagina to assess the condition of the internal genitals. If the cervix changes its location in relation to the central part of the organ and looks somewhat edema, the probability of pregnancy is very high. Changes in the color of the entire mucous membrane with pink on a blue or purple also testifies in favor of conception. During pregnancy, the mucus is changing, which is allocated by the cervical canal. It acquires viscosity and transparency. The uterus gradually increasing in size, put a circle. Inspection ends with mandatory misfortune to explore the flora.

The dimensions of the uterine gynecologist can determine the power with the help of a bimanual inspection. It is performed in such a sequence:

  • The doctor introduces two fingers into the vaginal hole;
  • The palm of the second hand puts the patient's abdomen;
  • Gently promoting his hands towards each other, the gynecologist explores the uterus on both sides.

Blood test

If a woman cannot wait for the specified period to learn about the presence or absence of conception, it can take advantage of a laboratory testing of blood for hormone hgch.

Since the development of conception, the amount of vital for fruit egg Hormone increases every day. That is why this laboratory analysis is the most reliable way Detection of pregnancy, because it recognizes the presence of conception in the earliest time: even before the menstruation delay.


Ultrasound - the second "fast" method of diagnosing pregnancy in early time. However, in contrast to laboratory research, it will only be effective by the third week after conception. Moreover, after 11 weeks, this study is included in the mandatory range of diagnostics, as it is possible to determine the developing ectopic pregnancy.

Email pregnancy in the early terms of its development is no different from the usual. It is not possible to determine it using a gynecological examination. But according to the results of the analysis of blood to the level of HCG, the doctor may suspect a non-carry: The hormone concentration will be significantly larger than it is necessary for the estimated period.

Ultrasound examination is completely safe for a woman and its future baby. It is not necessary to prepare on it, because the doctor will receive the necessary information using a special sensor. It is introduced into the vagina of a woman and through it are observed on the monitor, where the fruit is located, as it develops.

Can an obstetrician gynecologist not notice pregnancy

An impatient desire of women to learn about the presence of conception often leads it to a gynecologist a much earlier period. If the visit of the patient occurred at the moment when the fertilized egg was in the path to the uterine cavity or in the stage of introduction into it, the doctor will not be able to see the pregnancy. After all, factors that would indicate it, not yet!

If probable signs have not been confirmed, and the supplementary expressions are pronounced, then an experienced gynecologist will offer to undergo a laboratory study on the level of hormone hgch or pass the survey later. The results of blood analysis are considered reliable, therefore there is no point in doubting in their truthfulness.

In order to exclude the diagnostic error, contact for the survey to the gynecologist is better after 1-2 weeks after the delay. In this case, the fact of pregnancy is not able to remain not seen.

Pregnancy is considered the most important and amazing stage in the life of any woman. Many with trembling remember their pregnancy as the magical time of the birth of a new man. How to understand that you are pregnant? In our article we will see how doctors determine the term of pregnancy, what signs of pregnancy are taken into account, as well as what methods of confirmation / denial of pregnancy exist.

External signs of pregnancy

So, for what signs does the doctor can determine pregnancy? IN modern medicine The following symptoms are distinguished, the presence of which can talk about pregnancy:

  • lack of menstruation (after fertilization of the egg, the female organism begins to produce progesterone, thanks to which menstruation stops, and the uterus itself begins to prepare for having tooling and the birth of a child);
  • changes in taste addies (There may be a disgust to some products that you constantly ate, at the same time it will want to have something from all the time all the time it turns out; the appetite and salivation increases);
  • nausea (many women already in the first weeks of pregnancy feel constant nausea in the morning, as well as during meals);
  • changes in the chest (in the first weeks of pregnancy there may be strong swelling chest iron, as well as an increase in their sensitivity);
  • vaginal changes (during pregnancy release from the vagina strengthens, and some women may even even have thrush).

Data description of these features at the doctor's reception will help you understand whether you are pregnant. However, it is worth remembering that these signs are very conditional. So doctors determine pregnancy based on external signs.

Clinical Methods for Definition of Pregnancy

Nevertheless, the doctor will not be able to confirm with accuracy that you are pregnant, without conducting special research. So, how does the gynecologist define pregnancy using the methods available to the medicine?

  • Analysis of urine. This method is considered clinical and can identify pregnancy in 99% of cases. As a rule, the analysis is made for 10-14 days, since it is at this point that a hormone of chorionic gonadotropin reaches an indicator that confirms pregnancy. Such a study can be initially carried out on its own, and in this you will help you tests for pregnancy. They also react to a concentration in the urine of chorionic gonadotropin (as a rule, above its indicator in the morning hours).
  • Ultrasound. The ultrasound research method allows you to confirm the pregnancy on the 3-6 day of menstruation delay. Ultrasound is considered the most reliable way, since at this stage it will even be possible to see rhythmic reductions of the embryo, as well as the work of the child's formed heart.
  • Blood test. This method is able to confirm the pregnancy only in 90% of cases. The doctor can assign it after several days of latency of menstruation to make sure your pregnancy.
  • Inspection. Almost all gynecologists working for more than one year with pregnant women can determine pregnancy with a vaginal inspection, as well as a chest inspection. So, by direct tacking, the doctors note that the uterus increases in size, becomes soft, its neck is painted in purple color, and the haloes of the nipples chest darkens.

Any girl who suspects the onset of pregnancy should visit the gynecologist to confirm or disprove their assumptions. Many changes in B. women's bodyRelated or not related to pregnancy can be found out by passing certain types of analyzes and passing various examination methods. But, first of all, it is better to get advice experienced doctorwhich can determine if there is a pregnancy in fact.

It must be remembered that to make a reliable diagnosis, to the doctor with any characteristic symptoms it is better not immediately, but after some time. Even without analyzes, the method of gynecological examination and visual changes in the body of a woman, you can make a diagnosis - pregnancy.

Sometimes, even on a small gestation period (about the third or fourth week), the doctor when inspection can determine it. The thing is that to achieve its goal - egg cells, spermatozooms need to approximately a day. Then, already fertilized eggs moves in the uterine pipes about seven calendar days. The next step, this egg reaches the bodies of the uterus and is formed the embryo. After the second sevenneve, the embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus, it is at that time a female childbody himself begins to change. These changes can be determined by a number of changes, the uterus becomes a softer state, the cervix changes in color, namely, it gets color in blue-violet tones. These signs can help a specialist to establish a pregnancy even before delay.

Matter increases in size. All these features are taken into account by a gynecologist when inspection.

It is necessary to be notified that without additional analyzes and surveys on the early period of pregnancy, the gynecologist can give an accurate answer to the question of pregnancy, but not always.

As the pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist - the calculation of the period of pregnancy

As the pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist. Inspection on the gynecological chair

In the early weeks it is possible to determine the true term of pregnancy. Conclusion depends on the size of the increased uterus. For example, at four weeks its volume is similar to the size of a chicken egg, and at eight weeks the uterus increases to the size of the goose egg. The gynecologist with experience by inspection through the vagina will be able to put a valid period of pregnancy.

After eight weeks from the occurrence of pregnancy, taking into account only the increased size of the uterus, to put a certain period of pregnancy will be extremely difficult. It depends on the fact that in the second trimester in two pregnant women with the same period, the sizes of the childbearing authority may differ.

How the pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist by ultrasound diagnostics

At first, as mentioned, the doctor conducts an inspection on the gynecological chair. Then, to be confident by 100%, prescribes the direction on the ultrasound.

This study can be carried out by an intravaginal sensor, and maybe by applying a gel to the surface of the abdomen. Thus, all information about the status of organs and fetus, deviation or compliance of the norms is reproduced on the screen. On early time you can already hear the heartset of the fetus. So the process of developing the fetus in the early deadlines is monitored, everything is in order with a fruit egg.

After confirmation of pregnancy, the future mother is obliged to pass a number of analyzes. These are various blood tests for obtaining information on the state of the hormonal background, indicating the normal course of pregnancy, general analysis blood. It is also a common urine analysis, urine analysis for hormone gonadotropin. This hormone contributes to the stimulation of the robots of the genital glands.

How pregnancy is determined by a gynecologist - blood analysis

This method is to pass the blood test to the female hong hong hormone - chorionic gonadotropin man. Blood fence is possible already seven days later from the date of the last sexual intercourse, where there was a conception. But it is better to spend this procedure when there is already a delay of three, five days. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, this hormone level is somewhat lower than a woman who is being prepared to become a mother. Approximately this principle works and a pregnancy test, only instead of blood uses urine, well, and the percentage of reliability below.

Such a hormonal analysis is formed strictly on an empty stomach by fence venous bloodif a woman takes any medications, you need to inform your gynecologist about it.

How determines the pregnancy of the gynecologist based on the last menstruation

It is this method that obstetrics are used in their medical practice. He is to count the number of weeks between the first day menstrual cycle and the date of the gynecological examination. This is the term of pregnancy.

Knowing the date of the beginning of the last menstruation, it is easy to determine the date of the estimated delivery, the so-called non-black formula is used. From the first day of the last month you need to subtract three months and add seven days.

This method of calculation is easy to use, but not enough accurate. It is about two weeks more than the present term.

The main signs indicating the occurrence of pregnancy

Here are a number of certain signs speaking about possible pregnancythat should push to gynecology visiting:

  • How nevertheless don't it go and distinguish so important moment In the life of a woman? It is worth listening to your body more closely and analyzing whether changes in the female body coincide with the main signs of pregnancy.
  • The most important and first sign, which should be forced to think - is the absence of menstruation.
  • But pretty often the absence of menstruation may indicate simply for malfunctions in the female body, wearing both hormonal and stressful character.
  • Toxicosis - as a result of the coming pregnancy. Often, nausea begins in the morning, it can become bad in the stuffy room.

  • Distortion of odors and taste.
  • The manifestation of increased appetite or its absence at all.
  • There are sharp mood changes, fatigue is present and I really want to sleep.

  • It can be felt sickness at the bottom of the abdomen, but this symptom should be closely drawing his attention so as not to miss the likelihood of the fetus.
  • Milk glands increase in volume.

As a doctor defines an ectopic pregnancy

With ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, the woman does not feel anything "suspicious", the symptoms are completely or partially coincided with signs of flow normal pregnancy. Only measuring basal temperature It can be noted that it is somewhat higher. When the doctor sends you to the surrender of the hong hong, it will definitely notice that the level of this hormone does not coincide with the period of pregnancy, this is one of the signs of ectopic pregnancy. If a doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy, he must be directed to an ultrasound - examination with a transvaginal sensor. This may also serve as a complaint of women on pain in the field of one of the ovaries.

If the diagnosis is confirmed - urgent surgical intervention is necessary. It is much better when such a pregnancy is detected in advance, then it is possible to save the uterine tube. If such a pregnancy lasts more than five, six weeks - the uterine pipe breaks and it becomes impossible to keep it. Here already we are talking On the preservation of life by stopping bleeding.

No woman is insured against ectopic pregnancy, but it is worth noting that such a phenomenon is due to existing chronic inflammatory processes In the female genital organs. Therefore, to prevent those, you need to visit your gynecologist more often.

Therefore, if you have found a number of signs talking about the occurrence of pregnancy, and a pregnancy test shows a positive result, it is worthwhile to consult a competent specialist who dispels your doubts.

"Did anyone settle in the tummy?" All women are concerned about this issue, noting timid signs of an interesting position. What are the symptoms that in the nine months the baby will appear in your life? How does the gynecologist define pregnancy?

Signs of pregnancy

Many women are capable even in early time to suspect the presence of a future man in the stomach. Although in most cases visible symptoms appear slightly later. So let's define what changes occur in the body future mom:

  1. The first and most accurate symptom of pregnancy is however, the delay of critical days may have many more reasons, starting with stress and ending with endocrine disorders.
  2. Toxicosis. In films, women learn about the occurrence of pregnancy according to the first vomit. Future mothers often feel no matter in the mornings, on an empty stomach or in a stuffy room.
  3. Sensitivity to smells.
  4. Lack of appetite or severe traction for food. Extreme in nutrition often indicate interesting position. Also, future mothers experience an acute need for certain products.
  5. Drowsiness, fatigue and whims and forever new desires - this is what pregnancy is associated with. Signs like this may indeed indicate the origin of a new life in the body of a woman.
  6. Painted pain at the bottom of the abdomen.
  7. Breast swelling.
  8. Damage of halo of nipples.

The test dispels doubt

The easiest way self-diagnosis Pregnancy is a pharmacy test. It is either a strip of paper, or a reagent placed in a plastic shell. When contacting with urine, a real chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which we can observe the long-awaited two strips.

However, the test is unlikely to cope with its task as accurately as a gynecologist. It determines the pregnancy with a probability of 80%, although manufacturers promise 99%. False negative, and false positive results are very often. Also note that the test must be carried out only after detecting menstruation delay, preferably in the morning and better several times.

How does the gynecologist define pregnancy when inspection?

If you have grown first thoughts about your position, it is better to visit the doctor. An experienced gynecologist with a conventional inspection can diagnose pregnancy with a large probability of probability on the following features:

  1. First, the cervical mucosa changes its color, becoming purple or purple.
  2. Secondly, the size of the uterus itself increases.
  3. Even with an ordinary doctor can feel the thickening of the walls of the uterus.

Besides the fact that the doctor will answer main question, It will still be able to suspect various deviations, determine the presence of a tone, as well as conduct a survey, diagnosing sex infections.

This is quite popular and, in spite of the opinion, safe method Definitions of pregnancy. An ordinary sensor can notice a fruit egg on a period of 6 weeks. The vaginal sensor is able to recognize the emerging life and at all in 3-4 weeks.

How does the gynecologist determine pregnancy with ultrasound research? With the usual ultrasound, a special gel is applied to the surface of the abdomen, and the sensor displays the image of the tiny inhabitant of your rush on the screen. The doctor measures the embryo, listening to the heartbeat, which allows you to identify pathology.

Blood test

Method, similar to urine testing at home. It is also aimed at identifying hormone hCG. However, it is much easier to identify it in the blood, and the dynamics are easy to track.

Such a research method helps not only diagnose pregnancy, but also make some conclusions about its flow. The doctor may offer you to make several blood tests with a gap in a couple of days. It is necessary in order to analyze the dynamics of GGC growth (hormone, which is formed in the body of the future mother in large quantities). If you know what you have on this momentYou can compare your indicators with normal. In case of deviations, it is better to consult a doctor, because low level HCG may indicate ectopic or

Many weak sex representatives who have reached reproductive age and planning to become mothers wondered by the possible confirmation of pregnancy. Most often interests, on what time it is possible to determine that conception occurred. Interest in this is caused by no coincidence than previously a woman learns about his position, the more she will follow own healthAnd this will allow you to make the most and safely to endure all the pregnancy.

At what time a gynecologist can determine pregnancy?

The most visual for future mothers a sign of pregnancy is the menstruation delay. But not always its offensive indicates successful conception. In order to unambiguously answer the question about fertilization, it is recommended to go to a doctor for a female consultation.

The gynecologist conducts a survey and makes a verdict. Depending on the qualification of the doctor and the method used by it, the period on which the embryo is actually determined is three or four weeks. If a woman gives a blood test on a hCG (hormone, which is produced by an embryo shell), then the result can be noticeable even ten days after fertilization.

The doctor can inspect the woman on the gynecological chair to establish the accuracy of pregnancy. In this way, you can determine the presence of the embryo if the term is at least four weeks. At this time, the color of the vagina and cervix changes, the walls of the uterine cavity are softened and its size increases. But it should be understood that even on this period to see signs that testify that a woman in a position can be an exceptionally experienced qualified obstetrician-gynecologist.

In most cases, the inspection determine the pregnancy, the period of which has reached seven weeks. This method is not the most reliable to identify the fact of conception. There is an opinion that inspection by a woman's doctor, the period of pregnancy that does not exceed ten weeks, can provoke rejection of the embryo, since during this period there is a splicing with the uterus, and the impact on the stomach and internal genitals may entail unwanted consequences.

In order to be sure that you can prepare to become a mom, there are other, much more secure laboratory methods of examination.

How does the doctor define pregnancy?

In order to correctly determine the fact of conception, the obstetrician-gynecologist first asked the woman about well-being, about changes in perception, mood, taste preferences, sensations in lactic glands and other changes in the usual life. These signs can manifest itself before the advent of menstrual delay.

After the survey and the enhancing the necessary information in the exchange card, the doctor can start examining a woman in a special chair. It evaluates the condition of the mammary glands and external genital organs, especially the germ lips. If a woman is pregnant, then sexy lips swell, become cool, light swells and a bluish shade appears.

Then with the help of a gynecological mirror, an inspection is carried out. internal organs women. The uterus varies in size, form, by density, if it originates new life. The doctor also studies the state of the neck and vagina. When tugged with fingers, the gynecologist estimates the size of the uterus and the state of appendages.

At the discretion of the doctor, he may not conduct a manual examination, and immediately give a direction for passage vaginal ultrasound. This method of pregnancy detection does not carry a threat to a woman nor the future kid. He is much more reliable than the usual ultrasound. With it, it is possible to determine the ectopic pregnancy, the position of the fetal egg, to prevent a possible breakdown and evaluate the overall state of the reproductive system. The advantage of the procedure is painlessness, simplicity when the examination does not require any additional preparation.

In addition to surveys, the ultrasound may need a blood delivery for an increase hCG level - hormone, which begins to be produced in the body in the body early deadlines pregnancy. At first, the development of the fruit egg is the risk of not to notice its presence through an ultrasound. And the result of blood test results will definitely confirm or refute the presence of pregnancy.