- One of the forms of unbearable fetus, characterized by a complete cessation of the development of the embryo and its death. There is such a pathological condition in 1-2 trimester and is manifested by the cessation of toxicosis, the appearance of blood blood, hyperthermia. In the period 18-28 weeks the main symptom of frozen pregnancy is the complete cessation of the motor activity of the fetus. The diagnosis is set on the basis of an objective inspection and ultrasound data. The treatment is to provoke an artificial abortion with the help of medicines or cleaning the uterine cavity from the fetal egg and its shells.

In the two trimester of the manifestation of the obstetric anomaly will be exactly the same. An additional feature that appears in patients after 18-20 weeks is the lack of motor activity of the fetus. With an objective examination of a woman and carrying out auscultation to a frasonal pregnancy, it may indicate the impossibility of listening to the baby's heartbeat. To confirm the diagnosis and definition of medical tactics when at least one appears anxiety symptom The patient should immediately turn to the akuster-gynecologist.

Diagnosis and treatment of frozen pregnancy

To confirm the frozen pregnancy, an objective examination of the patient is carried out. It is possible to establish a lack of increasing the uterus. Also the patient is prescribed a blood test for the content of hormone hCG. When pregnancy fading, its level is reduced and does not correspond to the indicators that are characteristic of this period of embryogenesis. Instrumental diagnosis is to carry out ultrasonic scan of the uterine cavity. With a frozen pregnancy, there are no signs of the fetus life ( physical activity, heartbeat).

A frozen pregnancy requires immediate medical care, as the dead fruit, being in the womb, begins to decompose, and toxic substances are absorbed into the blood of the mother, leading to the deterioration of its state until the occurrence of death. First of all, the embryo is removed from the uterine cavity. When measuring pregnancy in the first 2 months of embryogenesis, artificial abortion is most often carried out with medication drugs. For this purpose, a combination of an analog of prostaglandin E1 and progesterone antagonist is used. As a result of the reception of these funds, the fruit is expelled from the uterus of the uterus due to its reduction (that is, there is a miscarriage).

Also, when measuring pregnancy can be carried out operational removal of a fetal egg. For this purpose, vacuum aspiration or scraping is used. The first method is the name of the mini-abortion and is a "suction" of the embryo using a special vacuum aspirator. With such interference, local or general anesthesia is shown depending on the psychological state of the patient. Vacuum Aspiration is a quick and painless way to treat frozen pregnancy, to apply which can be used only in the first trimester of the tooth.

A frozen pregnancy in the first trimester can also be interrupted by scraping the uterine cavity. This operational intervention implies a curethip (cleaning) of the uterus in order to remove a dead embryo and the fetal shells. This procedure is also carried out under anesthesia, is painless, however, it may be the cause of thinning myometrium, which will further lead to the impossibility of implantation of a fetal egg with the development of infertility. When measuring pregnancy, scraping is carried out in cases where other methods are contraindicated. If pathology is diagnosed in the second trimester, dead fruit is removed by conducting artificial clans.

After surgical treatment Measuring pregnancy is prescribed by medication therapy. In order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and the infection in the uterine cavity of the patient, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In addition, after the elimination of frozen pregnancy important role It is paid to the restoration of the functionality of the endometry so that the patient will subsequently endure the child. This uses hormonal and immunocorrorizing therapy.

As symptomatic treatment, instant pregnancy, antispasmodics are prescribed, drugs that contribute to a speedy reduction in the uterus. In parallel with medication therapy, it is important to provide a woman psychological assistance. Many patients who have suffered a frasonal pregnancy need to work with a psychologist who helps to accept faster with what happened and restore the normal psycho emotional condition.

Forecast and prevention of frozen pregnancy

It is impossible to save the fetus when measuring pregnancy, however, for a woman, this pathology is usually prognostically favorable. After removing a dead embryo and conduct medical treatment The patient can return to the usual way of life. Plan the following conception after frozen pregnancy is permitted no earlier than six months. At the same time, it is desirable to establish the possible causes of the fetal death in order to subsequently eliminate the influence of these factors on the woman's body.

Prevention of frozen pregnancy is, first of all, in the planning of conception. Both partners must pass a full medical examination and massacre all identified diseases that can provoke the intrauterine fetal death. It may be necessary to consult genetics to diagnose hidden chromosomal anomalies in one or both spouses. The patient to prevent the development of frozen pregnancy after conception should be strictly followed by the prescriptions of the doctor, abandon the bad habits, to avoid stress, to normalize the diet, labor and recreation regime. It is important to be less in places of mass clusters of people to reduce the risk of infectious diseases.


There are many pathologies affecting the female organism while tooling the fetus. Among them, it is often common for a frozen pregnancy, when the development of the fetus stops, and he dies. Such a state may arise for many reasons under the action of various negative factors.

What is a frozen pregnancy

In the case of underdeveloped or frozen pregnancy, the growth and development of the fetus suddenly ceases, which leads to his death. This phenomenon is not accompanied by symptoms. spontaneous abortion, and the embryo does not leave the uterine cavity. This pathology is also known as the failed miscarriage. Most often, fading pregnancy falls on the first trimester. A special danger represents the timing of 3-4, 8-10 and 16-18 weeks.

The appearance of a failed miscarriage and other types spontaneous interrupt Pregnancy, refers to the category of unbearable. This condition is defined as usual if the interruption of pregnancy occurred twice and more.

The emergence and development of frozen pregnancy occurs in a certain order. Initially, the egg fell is fertilized, then it is transported to the uterus, implanted and develops for some time. Then, the development of the embryo unexpectedly stops. One of the reasons for such a state is the empty fruit egg, in which the development of fruit shells and synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin occurs. In this case, there is a lack of embryo, although a pregnancy test gives positive results. Sometimes this syndrome occurs due to chromosomal pathologies.

The culprit of frozen pregnancy often appears not only to a woman, but also a man. Therefore, both partners are recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning to undergo a full examination and move to a healthy lifestyle. According to medical statistics, this pathology is found in 15-20% of cases from the total number of coming pregnancies.

Signs of frozen pregnancy

The symptoms of this pathology are rather pronounced, and make it easy to put an accurate diagnosis. First of all, the complete disappearance of signs of pregnancy occurs. However, you should refrain from self-diagnosis And do not give in to panic. In case of doubt, a gynecologist should be visited without delay. On early time to determine the pathology is possible only by ultrasound.

At the earlier, the main signs of pathology are:

  • The disappearance of toxicosis. If a woman is observed strong toxicosis, His absence immediately becomes a reason for excitement. After bad well-being, it is unexpectedly normalizer, although in terms of time, this should not be.
  • Paga in lactic glands, breasts become softer. As a rule, such a state occurs after the fetal death is 3-5 days. Women immediately pay attention to such a discrepancy.
  • Availability blood discharge Serves explicit sign miscarriage. They appear approximately a few weeks after the fetal death occurs. In some cases, minor discharge is possible. brown colorwhich then quickly disappear. Many women believe that the situation has normalized, but by this time the development of the fetus is already stopped.
  • Symptoms of toxicosis may appear in the form of headaches, temperature of light nausea and weakness. In some women, they are observed even after 3-4 weeks after the pregnancy of pregnancy. This is due to the hit in the blood of the decay of the embryo.
  • The final diagnosis is established by a gynecologist after the examination and detection of the lack of heartbeat in the fetus, not corresponding to the size of the uterus for this period and the reduction in the blood in the blood of the HCG level.

Causes of frozen pregnancy

Until now, gynecologists are not definitely not established why fetal fetus comes in certain situations. In the first weeks, at the earliest stage, the embryo stops developing and dies under the action of severe malformations of non-compatible with life. In 70% of cases of fading, the influence of genetic disorders is noted.

If the fruit dies after the 14th week, this may turn out to be the result of infectious and viral diseases in initial stage pregnancy. In some cases, the death of the fetus occurs due to the injury of the belly, obtained by the mother when hit or fall. There are situations when the fading occurs without any visible reasons, with normally developing pregnancy. Sometimes this condition may occur several times in a row. In any case, you need to visit the gynecologist and find out the causes of what happened.

In many cases, the termination of the development of the fetus occurs under the influence of negative factors. First of all, it is smoking when planning pregnancy, alcohol and drugs used by a woman at an early stage of pregnancy. Negative effects have infections in the form of herpes, rubella, cytomegalovirus and others, as well as sex infections represented by gonorrhea, syphilis or trichomoniasis.

The development of pregnancy may cease due to serious, diseases of the endocrine system, for example, the presence of diabetes mellitus. A negative role is played by the rhesv conflict between the mother and the fruit, when the pregnancy is perceived by a female organism, as an alien condition, from which you need to get rid of as soon as possible. In addition, risk factors are considered to rise in early gravity, exposure to constant stress, numerous abortions made earlier, congenital abnormal development of the uterus.

What time does the deadly pregnancy occur

Failure to pregnancy, most often, falls on the first trimester of pregnancy, but this phenomenon meets on more late time. This pathology can manifest itself at any age, but, as a rule, it affects women older than forty years. An embryo is considered one of the forms of the fading, when the embryo does not occur after fertilization, although its arrogant shells are formed.

The risk of pregnancy is increasing, and the fruit becomes the most vulnerable to 3,4,8,9,11,16 and the 18th week of pregnancy. The period of the 8th week is especially dangerous, during which vital organs are laid. Thus, the 1st trimester represents the greatest danger, on the 8th week inclusive, during which the undeveloped pregnancy leave 70%. The deadlines for the appearance of measurement pregnancy are most closely connected with the causes of its occurrence.


The basis for the diagnosis of this pathology is certain deviations identified when examining a gynecologist. As a rule, the dimensions of the uterus remain unchanged and do not increase. There is a discrepancy between the beta-hgch level of a specific period of pregnancy. This indicator does not double for 72 hours, which is also a noticeable deviation. The most accurate diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound.

Among the main criteria for which the diagnosis is established:

The definition of the last two symptoms occurs with the help of a transvaginal ultrasound. In addition, diagnostic measures suggest a genetic analysis of parents subject to habitual unbearable. Anti-kardolypin antibodies, anti-therapos of antibodies and anticoagulant to antibiet 2 and glycoprotein 1. The level of thyrotropic hormone is checked, an ovarian reserve is established using measurements of the level of the follicularity fluid hormone conducted on the third day of the cycle.

Structural anomalies of the uterus are diagnosed by conducting hysterosalpingography or son-systemography. There are other methods to supplement the picture and establish the final diagnosis.

Pregnancy after frozen pregnancy

After the woman moved fetal fetus, the subsequent attempts to get pregnant are conjugate with certain difficulties. Before planning a new pregnancy, it is necessary to withstand the term, usually at least a year. The fact is that when removing the dead fetus, scraping was made, which violated the normal state of tissues. Therefore, permission to a new pregnancy gynecologist can only be given after inspection, during which the state of the uterine cavity and cervix, the degree of their recovery after intervention is estimated. New pregnancy must be planned and cook to avoid re-fogging.

Planned activities include histological research of the fetus and chromosomal analysis, conducting gynecological ultrasound and blood tests. Often, the fading of pregnancy occurs under the action of sex infections, so before conception, antibacterial therapy can be appointed. When identifying sexually transmitted diseases, the partner also passes the course of treatment.

If only two fetal fetuses occurred, then the subsequent pregnancy should be planned with special care. In this case, the list of studies and analyzes is significantly expanding. First of all, a general blood test and a clinical analysis of urine is surrendered. Hormonal and immunological research is carried out. Antibodies are determined against the simplest and viruses, bacteriological sowing is prescribed. The diagnosis of genital infections is performed and blood clotting characteristics. To both partners are recommended to receive vitamin complexes and preparations containing folic acid. This tool prevents the emergence intrauterine pathologies, negatively affecting the viability of the fetus.

What to do when measuring pregnancy

As a rule, a frozen pregnancy ends with spontaneous miscarriage that occurs within 14 days after the termination of the development of the fetus. The reason is the reduced level of placenta hormones. But if the fruit continues to stay in the womb, it is necessary to urgently interrupt pregnancy medical methods. Otherwise, necrosis of tissues occurs, the products of which cause inflammation and subsequent intoxication of the body.

The drug method is applied on early pregnancy, up to 8 weeks. To this end, the reception of progesterone antagonists tablets are appointed. In addition, a vaginal introduction of an analog of prostaglandin E1 is carried out. After some time, the effect of these drugs leads to miscarriage.

In the later period, the pregnancy is interrupted by the operational way, the method of scraping the uterus. This operation is performed under general anesthesia. In the case of a negative rhesus factor, a woman after the procedure is prescribed to the introduction of anti -usus immunoglobulin. Fabrics obtained during scraping are sent for histological examination. In some cases, antibiotics and preparations are prescribed to reduce the uterus. After 1-2 weeks, the state of the uterus is estimated by ultrasound control.


Each woman after interrupted pregnancy thinks about possible consequences, difficulties and problems. Most of them believe that this unsuccessful attempt will negatively affect the ability to get pregnant again. According to experts, fetal fetus very rarely leads to. These cases are considered to be single, due to late and improper treatment.

Nevertheless, pathology has its own negative influence on the women HealthFirst of all, on mental and emotional state. In addition, the physical condition is definitely violated. All the consequences are largely dependent on how frozen pregnancy was eliminated.

Often, the pathological condition is eliminated without cleaning. The main condition for this is the treatment timely treatment, depending on the period of pregnancy. At the earliest stage, there is an observation in standby mode. In this case, the body should cope with the frightened fruit and bring it out. Such a path is considered the easiest for a woman.

If the time is large enough, but does not exceed 8 weeks, the removal of the embryo is practiced using a special medical drug. Such a solution can lead to strong hormonal failures and impaired menstrual cycle. This is due to a sharp drop in the level of hormones during the abortion of pregnancy. There are others side effectsTherefore, drug abortions are recommended not to all women.

Of great importance is timely medical care. The foundation of dead tissues in the uterine cavity can lead to numerous complications and the strongest intoxication of the body. Uterine bleeding can be opened, infectious inflammation and sepsis are developing, reproductive functions are disturbed.

The consequences of scraping are much more serious and more dangerous. Fercent shells may not be completely removed from the uterine cavity. The operation often causes bleeding. As a result, infections are developing inflammatory processes. The reception of antibiotics appointed after the scraping leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora. On the surface of the uterus, scars are formed, which may impede the fetal egg attachment in the future.


With the final diagnosis of fetal fetal diagnosis, it is necessary to get rid of pregnancy as soon as possible. As already noted, in the early deadlines, the interruption of fright pregnancy occurs by drug abortion using special preparations. The liberation of the uterus from the deceased embryo occurs just as with normal pregnancy. About two weeks later, the control ultrasound is made, determining the state of the uterus and the possible presence of residues of the fetal egg. In addition to basic treatment, antibacterial therapy is often assigned.

In the later dates, the frozen fruit is removed by scraping. During the operation, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is applied. In the postoperative period, mandatory antibiotics therapy is carried out. After the operation, the succulent allocations ongoing for several days are observed.

After the release of the uterus from the residues of the endometrium, its mucous membrane is gradually restored. In case of abundant bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. After extracting from the hospital for recovery good well-being Required several days. Treatment after scraping is carried out individually. At the same time, a survey is carried out to identify the causes of pathology. If during the examination a disease was identified, which caused the fetal death, it is necessary to treat it.

As in the future, avoid pregnancy fading

Every woman who suffered this pathology is thinking about how to avoid this further. During the diagnosis, the troubled pregnancy doctors recommend to undergo a survey individually, at the stage of planning a new conception. At the same time, the personal features of the female organism and the history of the disease should be taken into account.

Conducting a comprehensive survey reduces the risk of re-occurring pathology and increases the chances of happy motherhood.

Sometimes pregnancy ends due to fetal fetuses. The death of a long-awaited child may occur on different timing pregnancy. What to do in this case?

One of the most severe tragedies in the life of a woman is a frozen pregnancy. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens, despite the observance of the woman of all the recommendations of the gynecologist. Awareness of the fact that the life of the long-awaited child was cut before the appearance of the baby in this world, it could cause serious depression from both parents.

Most often, a frozen pregnancy is found in the first trimester

It is the risk of fret of a fruit egg makes the first 12 weeks pregnancy most critical. Such pathology occurs approximately 13% of women. As a rule, a woman does not immediately find that the heart of her baby ceased to beat. The first signs of fret of the fetal egg can manifest only in 2-3 weeks after the tragedy. It is after this period of time that the non-developing fruit egg begins to turn back from the mucous membrane of the uterus. A fruit egg can independently leave the body of a woman, but in some cases part of the fetal shells remains in the uterus.

Measuring pregnancy can happen in women of any age. Such a tragedy is due to the impact on the body of a pregnant woman of multiple circumstances. To reduce the risk of the death of the fetal egg in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary even before the occurrence of conception is fully examined by the gynecologist.

Signs of fetal fetal at a later date differ significantly from the symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the first trimester.

One of the varieties of frozen pregnancy is an embryonium - a state when conception occurs, but due to the impact on the body of environmental factors and the inner medium, the embryo does not develop, that is, a woman is diagnosed with an empty fruit egg in the uterus.

Causes of frozen pregnancy

Gynecologists still can not accurately call the cause of fetal fetal. In the early stages of development, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the cause of stopping the development and dying of the embryo are heavy defects that are not compatible with life. Genetic disorders are found in 70% of cases of all measurement pregnancies.

The dying of the fetus at the later deadlines (after 14 weeks) often provoke transferring viral and infectious diseases transferred to the woman at the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes the cause of the death of the fetus is the belly injury obtained by the mother, due to a drop or impact.

In gynecology there are cases where normally developing pregnancy freezes without any visible reasons. Some women may have several such cases in a row. In any case, it is not necessary to fall in spirit and put up with the problems of unbearable. To understand the cause of the tragedy, a woman must be examined by a gynecologist.

Failure to pregnancy in early terms can happen due to the impact on the body of such factors:

  • Father smoking during pregnancy planning;
  • Consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances by a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • The presence of such infections in the body of such infections as cytomegalovirus, rubella, ureaplasmosis, herpes, papilloma virus, mycoplasmosis and others;
  • Infection of a woman with sexual infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • Serious hormonal failures;
  • Endocrine system diseases ( diabetes mother);
  • The presence of rhesv conflict (when negative rhesus factor The mother and positive fetus) - the body of the woman perceives the pregnancy, as something alien and tries to get rid of the fetus with all their might;
  • Lifting weights in early pregnancy;
  • Permanent stress pregnant.

In the risk group there are women after 35 years, patients who have made a lot of abortions in the past, women with congenital anomalies for the development of the uterus.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy early?

The most accurate and reliable way to diagnose fetal fetal fetal is to conduct ultrasound research of the uterus. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine the presence or absence of heartfrancity in the growing embryo. Fine developing pregnancy It can also be diagnosed according to the results of blood test on the level of hormone hgch, each day the indicators of chorionic gonadotropin increase in the blood.

I can determine the fetal fetal using ultrasound

The future mother and herself can suspect the threat of miscarriage and the possible fetalty of the fetus for the emergence of separating bleeding of outdoor genital organs. This feature is characteristic of stopping the fetal heartbeat in the early period of pregnancy. In the late dates, in the second and third trimester, a woman can suspect that something is wrong with her baby in the absence of movements for several hours.

When fetal fetal, in the early period of pregnancy, women besides bloody secretions may appear strong grazing pain at the bottom of the abdomen. If the woman suffered from toxicosis before that, then when pregnant, all the symptoms of unrearly disappear sharply.

If a woman ignores the above signs and does not turn to the gynecologist, then the symptoms of the strongest intoxication of the body are soon developing - nausea, vomiting, increasing body temperature up to 39 degrees, increasing weakness and pallor skin Pokrov. Blood pressure drops, and the pulse becomes filamentous. In the absence of emergency medical care, a woman develops sepsis and a fatal outcome.

As a rule, when the fetal egg is frozen on the first weeks of pregnancy, the body independently gets rid of the embryo. The uterus begins to cut intotensively, removing the fruit egg and its shell from the body. The cuts of the uterus provoke pain in the woman below the abdomen and in the lower back, as well as intensive bleeding and bunches from the genital tract.

A woman in any case should seem gynecologist. It happens that the fruit egg is not completely removed from the uterus, then the woman is prescribed surgical "cleaning", during which the scraping of the remains of the embryo and its shells are made.

Signs of frozen pregnancy at the later date

Alas, sometimes it happens that the woman passes through the tragedy of the child's loss in the late pregnancy. The cause of the fetal death is infectious diseases, abdominal injuries or child suffocation with their own umbilical umbilical cord.

In the Late term, the fruit can measure from infection or injury

Recognize the symptoms of the cessation of the baby in the late period of pregnancy can be in the absence of chapels for more than 5 hours.

The first movements of the fetus Woman can feel since the 17th week of pregnancy. As the child grows, the intensity of the chapels of the baby only increases. Future mom It can accurately determine when her child sleeps, and when it is awake. Of course, it all depends on the activity of kids, some kids pushed often and intensively, and some develop more calmly. However, if the baby's movements are missing for more than 4 hours, and at various conversations with the child and stroking the abdomen there are no movements on his side, the woman should urgently apply to the departments of the maternity hospital. No need to wait time, believing that the baby just sleeps. The lack of stirring may indicate a strong oxygen starvation of a baby, for example, as a result of a tight cord cord around the neck or body. If the future mother immediately consult a doctor, then the life of the kid may be able to save.

One of the clinical symptoms of frozen pregnancy at the later date is the change in the mammary glands. If the fetal death came up to 25 weeks of pregnancy, then the chest in most cases returns sharply to the previous sizes, however, if the pregnancy froze after 25 weeks, a colosure can be distinguished from the dairy glands.

Of course, there are such women who absolutely do not listen to the movements of their baby and cannot say for sure when the fruit moved for the last time. Fortunately, there are very few such specials. However, it should be said that another symptom of frozen pregnancy at the later date is the appearance of pain at thenime of the abdomen and lower back, nausea and vomiting. And also significantly reduced belly in volume. The last symptom is due to the fact that during the death of the fetus spindle water decreases. These symptoms can be observed from a woman a few days after the fetal death in the womb.

Of course, the fetal death is a terrible tragedy, especially for those women who have already felt well the movements of their baby, spoke to him, stroked the tummy. All this can lead to severe prolonged depression and female apathy. If such a tragedy still occurred and the doctors confirmed the death of the baby in the womb, then the question arises about the delivery. Anyway, a dead fruit cannot stay in a woman's uterus, as this can lead to the development of sepsis and fatal outcome. Depending on the period of pregnancy, when the tragedy happened, the woman can carry out surgical cleaning or cause generic activity. Sometimes doctors can extract a dead child from the uterus by small cesarean sections.

Life after tragedy

A woman should understand that, despite the depression that happened to her after the loss of the desired baby, before planning a new pregnancy, you need to know the reason for the fetus fetus. If the parents do not know what the death of the baby could occur, then both are shown a comprehensive gynecological and urological examination. This survey includes the consultation of genetics, endocrinologist and analyzes for hidden sex infections. After establishing the reason that provoked fetus fetus, and the treatment of spouses should plan a new pregnancy only 6-12 months after therapy.

It is advisable to find out the reason for fetal fret

Planning a new pregnancy

Which period you need to wait for a married couple, before planning the conception after a frozen pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist, depending on the cause of the fetal death. This period is at least six months. Until the doctor's permission to plan a new pregnancy, the spouses should be protected by a suitable method for them. Do not worry about the fact that the woman will pursue the same fate upon an occurrence. new pregnancy. Such fears are sometimes completely groundless. In most cases, a frozen pregnancy is a single case for each patient's grievillary, and does not indicate that the next time it will also be.

However, it is necessary to understand that in order not to encounter this misfortune, the married couple must carefully prepare for a new conception. For this, the spouses must be examined and, if necessary, to undergo a course of treatment.

A healthy lifestyle of spouses in front of the planned conception significantly increases the chance for a prosperous completion of pregnancy. It is very important that not only a woman is preparing for a new pregnancy, but also her husband. For this, the couple must refuse bad habits, revise your diet, engage in light exercise And there is more outdoors. It is advisable if a woman starts taking vitamins for pregnant women before pregnancy. Thus, upon the occurrence of the desired conception, the fetus significantly decreases the risk of innate malfunctions of the nervous tube.

Separately, you need to say about the moral support of the husband. A woman who survived the frasonal pregnancy becomes overclosure and anxious. For any changes in the work of their body, at the occurrence of pregnancy, she carefully listens, and is looking for signs of fruit eggs. The task of the spouse is to surround your pregnant wife care and attention, it will help a pregnant woman to distract from negative thoughts. It is necessary to surround a woman with positive emotions and maintain in every way. The successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends on the moral attitude of the woman.

Of course, survive such a tragedy, like a pregnancy fading at a later date, it is very difficult, and the depth of grief of parents just do not convey words. In this case, a woman should find strength in itself and switch all his attention to his health. If necessary, you need to undergo a course of treatment, drink vitamin preparations, go rest and gain strength before the new pregnancy.

Do not neglect these studies. Thus, the woman will save himself and the future kid from the possible repetition of the tragedy. Observing all the above tips, a woman can very soon experience the joy of motherhood!

Remember, a frozen pregnancy is not a sentence, a healthy, cured woman has no consequences for next pregnancy can not be and she has every chance to give birth healthy baby.

Measuring pregnancy is the termination of the development of the fetus and its death on a period of up to 28 weeks. The reasons for this unpleasant and sometimes even a dangerous phenomenon can be the most different - a frozen pregnancy can be a consequence of genetic disorders in the embryo (or fetus), caused by the exacerbation of infectious diseases or even harmful habits. The frozen pregnancy is more often diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks). Measuring pregnancy causes in early time differ from later. Consider more such a phenomenon as a frozen pregnancy causes her and prevention measures.

So, in the period of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages (especially in large quantities) and smoking. Not always alcohol and smoking leads to a frozen pregnancy, but the risk of its occurrence in such women increases.

Absolutely exactly during the period of planning and pregnancy itself (in order to avoid miscarriage and frozen), it is not necessary to use drugs without appointing a doctor. And before starting their reception, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug, maybe there is a pregnancy in contraindications. In addition, many drugs have a property for a long time output from the body. The future mother may not know that the pregnancy has come and take any medicine and how the result is frozen. The embryo is very susceptible to teratogenic action. But, meanwhile, a frasonal pregnancy is unlikely to bring reception medicinal preparations In very early time - 7-10 days from the day of fertilization of the egg, as during this period there is no close connection between the future child and his mother. And after 8-10 weeks of a child from teratogenic exposure, partially protects the placenta and, accordingly, the number of measurement pregnancies in large conditions is somewhat declining. If you are working in harmful production, then you also have an increased risk of frozen pregnancy.

The reason for measuring pregnancy can be wounded in violations of the hormonal background of a woman, most often, this is a lack of progesterone - pregnancy hormone. If you have a history of a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, often happen delays in menstruation and is observed for male type, then before planning a pregnancy, you need to pass tests for hormones and if you need to undergo treatment, so you will reduce the probability of trouble pregnancy in future.

The next reason for measuring pregnancy is not only in the early, but also in late terms are all sorts of infections. It is especially dangerous not to exacerbating already available infectious diseases, but infection by them during pregnancy. Infection by some of them (for example, chickenpox and rubella) can lead not only to frozen pregnancy, but also that the most terrible, developmental anomalies of the fetus. And then will have to decide on the interruption of pregnancy ... It is precisely infections that can cause such a state as a frozen pregnancy in the later timing.

How to avoid measuring pregnancy due to exacerbation or infection infectious disease? First, you should look at your children's medical card or learn from the parents (if you yourself do not remember) whether you were transferred in childhood such diseases like rubella and windmill. If not, and also enter the risk group (working with children), then in order to avoid infection and as a result of frozen pregnancy or miscarriage, it is better 3 months before pregnancy planning to make vaccinations from them. If you have an STIs (sexually transmitted infections), then it is necessary to get rid of them and then plan a pregnancy.

But if pregnancy has come unexpectedly, the doctor can assign you an antiviral course in order to avoid frossime or miscarriage.

Everyone without exception to women to prevent frozen pregnancy and other troubles is necessary during the period of happy expectation of the baby to strengthen their immunity. There are a lot of ways, it is not necessary to drink dietary supplements and vitamins. It will be enough proper, full nutrition. During pregnancy, immunity is always reduced, this is due to the development of a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, one of whose functions is to protect the future child from immune system His mother. Without this, the mother's body perceives the fruit as a "alien" object, from which you need to get rid of, here's another possible reason froker pregnancy.

But, after all, genetic deviations of the fetus are the most common cause of frozen pregnancy. Nature itself does not give to develop a "patient" embryo and a frozen pregnancy occurs. As a rule, if this is the cause of a frozen pregnancy in a woman, that is, the high probability that it will no longer happen if the parents themselves are healthy.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy and its diagnosis

Unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy at an early term may not be given to know itself. Later, the symptoms of frozen pregnancy in a woman can become grapple-shaped pains and cargo bleeding. This usually occurs at the beginning of a detachment of a fetal egg, that is, starting miscarriage.

The subjective symptoms of frozen pregnancy on an early term can also be attributed to a sharp cessation of toxicosis (if it was). Also may pass the painfulness of the mammary glands and decrease the basal temperature. Usually, these symptoms of frozen pregnancy remain unattakened by women. A frozen pregnancy in the later timing is characterized by the absence of a child's movements.

You can diagnose a frozen pregnancy in three ways: to pass the blood test on hgch, go to inspection to the gynecologist or do an ultrasound.

With frozen pregnancy hCG level lower than should be on this period of pregnancy. Uzi shows the lack of fetal heartbeat. And on the gynecological examination, the doctor determines the inconsistency of the sizes of the uterus.

So, if you suspect that you have a frozen pregnancy, know that the symptoms are a sign of secondary. The main thing is medical evidence if you can put it ... With such a phenomenon, as a frozen pregnancy, the symptoms of different women May differ or even absent.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy ends with "cleaning" uterus in stationary conditions. But in the early terms it is possible to conduct a vacuum aspiration or cause miscarriage with certain medicines (under the supervision of the doctor). Sometimes, when pregnant pregnancy in the early deadlines, doctors occupy an expectant position, that is, they expect when a woman will spontaneously have miscarriage. And if this does not occur during a time-defined time or on an ultrasound, the residues of the fetal egg are diagnosed in the ultrasound in the ultrasound, they are conducted by a curethip (scraping) of the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy after frozen pregnancy

Doctors recommend planning pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy at least six months. During this time, treatment is treated for prevention in the future. There is no standard for treatment, it all depends on the cause that caused a frasonal pregnancy. But absolutely everyone is desirable to pass some tests and pass surveys.

First of all, it is worthwhile to hand over the smear to all sorts of infections transmitted by sexually by PCR, to hand over blood test to determine the level of hormones in the blood, to undergo an ultrasound examination. If necessary, determine the karyotype (its own partner), group compatibility and other analyzes and surveys, as well as undergo treatment recommended by a doctor based on the results of all surveys as prevention in the future of frozen pregnancy.

A woman who survived such a state, as a frozen pregnancy, treatment may not be required at all if all the results of the analyzes are normal. As we have already written earlier, a frozen pregnancy, most often, happens because of a genetic error, which is unlikely to once again happen ... But if a frozen pregnancy happened not for the first time, the treatment is most likely in any case Need.

Best prevention is healthy image Life and regular visit to the gynecologist, and then you are unlikely to threaten a frozen pregnancy.


If you are only planning, you will definitely pass a full examination from doctors. Take all tests on infections, be sure to do ultrasound internal organs. If health problems are revealed, then we move the planned, as long as you pass. When pregnancy has already come, it does not exempt from medical inspection. It is advisable to go to the hospital as early as possible.

Harmful habits of a woman

The probability of measuring pregnancy is greatly increased in the event that future mother Smoking a lot, drinks alcohol, and especially drugs. Women planning in the coming years to conceive a child must be afraid to get rid of bad habits as soon as possible.

Surely every woman dreams early or later to become a mother. But it does not always work out and give birth to a child. Family pregnancy is a tragic problem with a large number of women. The awareness of the loss of the kid can lead to severe depression among the couple.

A frozen pregnancy is a spontaneous death of the embryo, which most often arises in the first trimester (up to fourteen weeks). In rare cases, the fetal death in the second and third trimesters occurs. Therefore, the first three months is considered the most critical, during this period there is a high probability. Women at the same time will not immediately notice the stopping of the development of the fetus. The first signs appear only in two weeks, when the fetal egg and miscarriage of the fetched embryo occurs (note that in some cases the deceased embryo remains in).

Causes of frozen pregnancy

This pathology can provoke:
- Chronic infections from parents (or at least one of them);
- sex infections (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia);
- chronic somatic diseases;
- diseases of the female sexual system (, erosion, polycystic);
- hormonal disorders;
- poisoning poisons;
- immunological incompatibility of the mother and the future kid;
- autoimmune pathology;
- Father or mother's bad habits;
- unfavorable ecological situation.

Unfortunately, even absolutely healthy parents without listed risk factors are not insured against this terrible diagnosis. The cause can be chromosomal or genetic fetal anomalies, taking antibiotics or antidepressants, severe stress. This tragedy should not look for someone's guilt, fruit in most cases with existing malformations. Nature independently stopped the development of the embryo. Its further development could lead to the suffering of the patient and their parents.

Symptoms and diagnostics of frozen pregnancy

The most reliable method for the diagnosis of frozen pregnancy is an ultrasound study that states the lack of heartbeat at the embryo, as well as the study of the level of hormones. But a woman can independently diagnose the stop of the development of the fetus within himself. Chief sign Measuring pregnancy is bleeding (at a later date - the absence). Stupid and pulling pains may appear in the lower abdomen or lower back, signs disappear sharply.

If a pregnant woman does not turn on the hospital on time, then the frozen fruit can begin to decompose. Inxication occurs, the body temperature rises, there is a sharp pain in the stomach, weakness and pallor of the skin. All this is fraught with the development of sepsis. If any ailment occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Further, the spontaneous miscarriage usually occurs if it does not happen, operational or medical interruption Pregnancy - scraping.

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Tip 4: What symptoms appear when pregnancy

Pregnancy is considered to be a pregnancy, in which the fruit ceases to develop and dies. This can happen on any period, although more characteristic the termination of the development of pregnancy for the first trimester. Independently diagnose the death of the fetus The woman, as a rule, cannot, but there are certain signs, with the appearance of which you can suspect a violation of the normal course of pregnancy.


A frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines may not be displayed and discovered for some time after the death of the fetus on the next examination of the doctor. For underdeveloped pregnancy, pain is not characterized by the abdomen or unusual discharge, but the bleeding can begin the fruit egg when the embryo has already died. Selection (watery, muddy or purulent) can be a symptom of infection that caused the termination of the development of the fetus.

An unexpected disappearance of all its signs can be given to the idea of \u200b\u200bfading pregnancy, before that manifested. It does not occur suddenly - to reduce the level of hormones in the blood takes some time. Disappearance of toxicosis, decrease basal temperature On the early period of pregnancy should be a reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor for ultrasound and clarify the level of hong hong in the blood - it decreases. The doctor may also suspect the fetal death in the inconsistency of the sizes of the uterus.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, signs of termination of the development of the fetus are usually pronounced more pronounced. First of all, it is stopping the increase in the uterus and, as a result, stop the growth of the belly. Grozny symptom - no fetal movements. As a rule, doctors advise a woman to seek emergency help if she does not celebrate movements more than a day. Reconfigure and come to the reception recommended even if the fruit does not move more than 6 hours.

It is possible to appear pain in the abdomen or bleeding - in the late period of pregnancy, such symptoms in the death of the fetus are more common than on the earliest. This may be a sign that the fruit stopped developing and died, but the beginning of the miscarriage for some reason ceased.

The inexplicable rise in temperature, deterioration of well-being, nausea, headaches, which appeared after a short period of comparative well-being and against the absence of embryo movements, should alert - such symptoms appear after a few days or even weeks after the death of the fetus and testify to the beginning of the process of its decomposition. In the blood of women fall disintegration products, they cause signs of intoxication. The situation requires immediate doctors intervention, since sepsis or peritonitis can develop.

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The disappearance of the diseases of the mammary glands and their decrease is also one of the possible signs of frozen pregnancy.

You were so happy, waiting for the appearance of your baby, but the doctor's diagnosis crossed out - you learned that pregnancy does not develop. Abortion, poor well-being, but the worst, resentment for life and fear that everything will happen. To overcome the effects of frozen pregnancy, have to work on yourself.


Take what happened as a fact. It should not be injured even more, trying to figure out why it was with you it happened. The question is rhetorical, you will not be able to find a response to him, and there is no practical meaning in self-vacation. Immerse, post a little yourself, let yourself survive all the emotions associated with a tragic event.

Talk to the partner. He is probably not easy now. Support for a loved one you need both, be prepared to give her to each other. Now is the time to unwind against the common misfortune, and not to go down to charges, try to return the trust of relationships, do not push a close person.

Visit Future Mom Forums. There are a lot of sad stories, having familiarized themselves with them, you will see that not only your pair has suffered such a situation. However, there is there and narration about the wonderful conception, when people were on the verge of despair, but did not lose hope, (God, the Universe) gave them such long-awaited happiness. Being among like-minded people, you will receive support, and maybe you ourselves give someone a few sensitive recommendations, thereby distracting from your own concerns.

Visit the doctor. Test analyzes and do not leave attempts to get pregnant, endure and give birth to a child. The feeling that you do not sit idle, will save you from depression, will allow you to feel hope. Be purposeful and confident in a safe resolution of the situation. Your faith is something that can help you achieve success.

Get distracted, do not turn into a factor of pregnancy. Perform all the necessary procedures, but with a feeling that everything will be fine, and you only need to help nature in the emergence of a new life. There are many examples when putting the process on a samonek and relaxing, women managed to unexpectedly become pregnant and make a healthy baby, even after several frome pregnancies.

Try to maintain activity in life, eliminate negative stress as possible. You will choose with a partner in nature, in a quiet place or go to a joint trip to dispel and change the situation. Yes, pain in the soul will remain, and the memories of loss will be periodically rolling, but the way out of the usual circle of communication will have a kind of therapeutic effect.

Visit holy places if your religious worldview allows you. Pray or talk with priests, use it, as an opportunity to strengthen in faith in the best, get extra forces in the struggle for happy motherhood and paternity.

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Pregnancy is not always desirable for a woman, it can be associated with the financial position, the lack of their own housing and even with the prospects of excellent career growth. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how you can protect against unwanted pregnancy.


Of course, refuse intimate Life Not worth it, because there are many ways that unwanted pregnancy. The simplest is preservation using a condom. There are now a great set, there are even super-thin, flavored and glowing. The use of condoms can also refresh and give a piquant notch relationship.

Caps that are attached to the walls of the vagina can be called from the barrier means of protection against pregnancy and prevent the penetration of sperm in the uterus. The size of the cap is best to choose with a gynecologist who is more precisely familiar with the female anatomy. Specialist will also give practical advice By proper installation of the means of protection. A woman should remember that only a condom and cap can protect it from venereal diseases.

If only one and permanent partner, it is better to think about the use of oral contraceptives. Do not be afraid of them, because contraceptives are not only safe, but also have a cosmetic effect: normalize work song hardware The scalp and face of the head and face.

For those who forget about receiving tablets, special rings are invented. This is a soft and flexible object that is placed in the vagina, and there in certain doses produces hormones. Through the walls of the vagina, hormonal substances penetrate the bloodstream, then affect the ovaries, preventing ovulation.

But if the girl had unprotected sexual contact (at the same time she did not take pills), then in this case the risk of becoming pregnant. Therefore, there are funds in pharmacies that are intended for emergency contraception. An example is the Preinor drug. Its effectiveness is 85%, but it is still a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The girl should have time to take "Postinor" in the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. In the package of only 2 tablets that are accepted with an interval at 12 o'clock. Further, a menstruation will occur with a small delay.

In the first two months of pregnancy, all organs and tissues are laid. The slightest pathology may be fatal for the fetus. The consequences of the prevention of gestation in the early deadlines are not as serious as if it happened when a woman already feels a movement.

The reasons

Modern medicine has not yet has technologies that one hundred percent probability allows to determine the cause of the intrauterine death of the fetus. One can only more or less determine exactly what it was affected.

  1. Genetic factor. In most cases, the fruit ceases to develop due to genetic pathology at one of the stages of its development. The embryo loses vitality, the body of a woman begins to reject it. Scientists tend to believe that this is one of the mechanisms of natural selection.
  2. The infectious factor is also quite frequent sign of pregnancy fading. The pathogens of respiratory diseases, herpes, gonococcal, chlamydia, microplasma and other sexually transmitted infections disrupt the process of fetal cell division, which causes its death.
  3. The immune factor is divided into two types: the immunological incompatibility of the parents of the child and the immunological diseases of the mother (for example, the systemic red lupus, antiphospholipid syndrome, etc.).
  4. Endocrinological factor may also interfere normal development Fetal and cause a stop in its development. Most often it is insufficient hormone production, preserving pregnancy, progesterone, as well as excess synthesis of prolactin, male hormones, thyroid disease.
  5. Other factors. They usually include bad habits, elevated level Radiation in the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent residence, stress, contact with hazardous substances.

Signs of frozen pregnancy

The main and most common feature is the pain at the bottom of the abdomen. It can be a new, pulling or, on the contrary, sharp, grasp. Sometimes an increase in the tone of the uterus is added to it, the appearance of bloody discharges. In some cases, a woman practically does not experience discomfort or does not worry about anything. In addition, in the early deadline, it may not know about his pregnancy at all and even more so about the intrauterine death of the fetus.

But still, if a woman has already felt the first signs of pregnancy and they suddenly disappeared, then it is with a large share of probability testifies to the fading of gestation. These features include:

  • nausea right up to vomiting;
  • drowsiness, apathy, decay of forces;
  • the appearance of unusual taste preferences;
  • increased sensitivity to smells;
  • changes in color and shape of nipples, increasing the mammary glands.


Usually, the pregnancy of pregnancy is definable only in the study on ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. Analysis on chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is an additional diagnostic method, as well as a gynecological examination. At the ultrasound, the doctor can detect the deformation of the fetal egg, the irregularity of its contours, omission to the bottom of the uterus.

If a we are talking About 6-8 week of pregnancy, the doctor will notice the lack of a fetal heartbeat, which should be determined at this time. Far from always coincide menstrual and embryonic duration Pregnancy. Sometimes the difference between them reaches one month. It is for this reason caused by hormonal disorders, cysts in the ovaries, stress and other factors, the lack of heartbeat is not a guarantee of pregnancy fading. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound is repeated in a week. If during this time the fruit egg did not increase in size, the contours of the embryo did not become clearer, then the fetus development was fed.

With a gynecological examination, the doctor draws attention to the state of the cervix and the magnitude of the entire organ. This study is biased, because visual diagnostics is sometimes complicated. physiological features The Women itself (for example, the initially small size of the internal organs of the reproductive system).

When the embryo is developing normally, the concentration of HCG in the blood of a woman is increased daily almost twice. If the pregnancy has occurred, the blood is surrendered periodically with a small interval so that there is an obvious lack of speaking.

Measuring basal temperature is an additional method for diagnosing frozen pregnancy. The temperature is measured in the rectum immediately after awakening, without getting out of bed. Progesterone causes the temperature to rise to 37.1-37.5 degrees. If the gestration stopped, the hormone level drops, therefore, the basal temperature is reduced.

Treatment and rehabilitation

When a frozen pregnancy is confirmed, a woman is hospitalized. In early terms, one-time removal of the fetus and its shells or embryo is made. In most cases, doctors try to resort to a gentle method of vacuum aspiration under general anesthesia. In recent years, the method of medication abortion is very popular, if there are appropriate indications.

After interrupting frozen pregnancy, rehabilitation is required. A woman is appointed receiving oral contraceptives for a period of at least three months. The doctor must also try to deal with the causes of the intrauterine fetal death and eliminate them.

If the interruption of fright pregnancy was made correctly, then no harm to the reproductive health of the woman will not cause. More than 90 percent of women who survived the frasonal pregnancy will subsequently premine and enter healthy children.