The test showed two strips - clear, bright, convincing. They confirm that a miracle happened and now you will have a child. This news causes a state of euphoria, which, however, pretty soon gives way to anxiety: what to do next? How to behave in a new status, do I need to go to the doctor, when and where to get registered for pregnancy, what tests and examinations do I have to go through? Is it necessary to collect some documents for maternity leave, how long it takes to work, what is a birth certificate, when and how to choose a maternity hospital, and whether to conclude a contract? In general, you need a clear guide to further actions, so to speak step-by-step instructions for pregnancy. This is the instruction we decided to bring to your attention.

Visit to the gynecologist and the first ultrasound.

You need to go to the doctor’s appointment without delay, as soon as you find out about pregnancy. The first appointment with the gynecologist will include an external examination, examination on a gynecological chair, ultrasound and a blood test for hCG.

Based on the results of this rapid examination, the doctor will be able to accurately confirm the fact of pregnancy (or refute it, because the tests are sometimes "wrong"), determine the period and exclude the ectopic localization of the embryo. In addition, at the first appointment you will receive information about further medical measures: visiting other doctors - this may be necessary in the presence of chronic diseases, - additional tests, the date of the next visit to the gynecologist and ultrasound.

Adjust lifestyle

Now you need to review the daily routine, work schedule and physical activity. The first weeks of pregnancy are a critical period in the development of the fetus: any overload, stress and illness of the expectant mother during this period can adversely affect the baby’s health and pregnancy. Night walks, clubs and noisy parties will have to be postponed until better times. In the first weeks of pregnancy, you should try to visit smaller crowded areas to avoid the risk of infection and injury. Try to relax more, get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air.

It is necessary to immediately abandon overtime work, business trips; if possible - to shift the start and end time of the working day to avoid crowding in transport at rush hour. You have every right to all these pleasant changes in the work schedule in accordance with the labor legislation.

In the first weeks it is worth temporarily abandoning sports; subsequently, in the normal course of pregnancy, it will be possible to return to sports - of course, adjusted for an “interesting position”.

It is useful for a newly-made expectant mother to walk and swim; but from cycling, running, skating and skiing should be abandoned as soon as it becomes known about pregnancy. Try not to make sudden movements or lift weights: the maximum recommended weight is 3 kg, evenly distributed in both hands.

You should also adjust your diet: it is important for a pregnant woman to eat right. It is necessary to abandon canned food, synthetic drinks and products with artificial food additives, do not abuse spicy, fatty and fried foods.

Take vitamins

From the first days of pregnancy, expectant mothers are advised to take folic acid - vitamin B9. This vitamin provides the necessary rate of growth and development of the baby in the early stages, is the main means of preventing non-developing pregnancy and the formation of malformations of the nervous system and heart of the fetus. In addition, folic acid provides better absorption of iron, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. The recommended daily dose of vitamin B9 tablets is 800 mcg.

Another “vitamin of the first days of pregnancy” is E; it is necessary for the body of the future mother to synthesize the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, which provides normal tone and blood supply to the uterus.

Second ultrasound

The second time an ultrasound is performed for a period of 8-12 weeks. The purpose of the study: to confirm prolongation - the successful course and development of pregnancy, to determine the conformity of the size and development of the fetus to the expected gestational age, to exclude the formation of malformations. According to the results of the second ultrasound, the expectant mother is recommended to start a regular visit to the gynecologist to monitor the course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy accounting

It is advisable to begin systematic medical monitoring of the development of pregnancy for a period not later than 12 weeks; it is better to register early - simultaneously with a second ultrasound examination.
Early registration of pregnancy and the beginning of regular medical supervision can significantly reduce the risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases and pregnancy complications. Women who register no later than 12 weeks are paid a lump-sum allowance in the amount of half the minimum wage. When registering at the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother should be presented with a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy and the results of medical examinations for the last year, including the conclusion of the first ultrasound and analysis data. In the future, the expectant mother is recommended to visit the doctor at least 12 times during pregnancy. For periods of up to 28 weeks, you should go to the doctor at least 1 time per month, from 28 to 37 weeks - at least 2 times a month, and starting from 38 weeks - every 7-10 days. In the presence of special indications, for example, if it is necessary to further examination according to the results of tests or the state of health, the doctor may recommend unscheduled visits at any of the listed dates.

We give tests

The doctor gives the direction for the necessary laboratory tests at the first visit, i.e. when registering for pregnancy. A standard set of studies conducted at week 12 includes:

  • clinical (general) blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram - blood coagulation test;
  • determination of blood group and rhesus affiliation;
  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis;
  • investigation of torch infections: rubella, toxoplasmosis, coxsack, herpes, cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus, chlamydia, urea and mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis. These diseases proceed secretly and can pathologically affect the development of the fetus;
  • a smear of flora from the vagina;
  • at the discretion of the doctor, a screening examination for congenital diseases - a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein and hCG, may be recommended.

Despite the frightening size of the list, all tests can be taken at one time - for this you need to find out the days of blood sampling and the necessary preparation measures. For example, a biochemical blood test should be taken on an empty stomach, and on the eve of a study on RW (syphilis) you should not eat a lot of sweets: failure to follow these rules can lead to incorrect test results. In the presence of chronic diseases or as prescribed by other doctors, such as a therapist or endocrinologist, the list may expand. In the future, many tests will have to be repeated: for example, a urinalysis - at every visit to the gynecologist; general blood test - at least two times per trimester; analysis for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis - once in the second and third trimester; a smear on the flora - at least once per trimester. Repeated tests for the same infections are necessary, because theoretically, the expectant mother can get sick during pregnancy.

Related professionals

Adjacent in obstetrics are doctors of other specialties, the examination of which helps the gynecologist to choose the right pregnancy management tactics. Examination by a physician, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, dentist and ENT specialist is most relevant for monitoring the course of pregnancy, however, if you have health problems, you may need to consult other doctors, for example, a nephrologist - a specialist in kidney diseases, a neurologist, a phlebologist - a specialist in vein diseases - or a cardiologist . Bypassing related specialists should begin no later than 12 weeks and complete by 16 weeks of pregnancy. As part of the examination, the therapist needs to make an electrocardiogram. If necessary, doctors can invite the expectant mother to receive again in the second and third trimester of pregnancy or prescribe additional diagnostic tests.

Screening study

At 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended to undergo the so-called "triple test", which allows to identify the risk group for the formation of fetal malformations. For this, a pregnant woman’s venous blood is tested for the amount of alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and estriol. A change in the amount of these substances produced by the tissues of the fetus and placenta may indicate the presence of a serious abnormality in the development of the fetus, for example, Down syndrome. With positive test results, the expectant mother is sent for genetic counseling.

The third ultrasound

Another ultrasound examination is recommended for a period of 18-20 weeks; At this point, the formation of the placenta is completed, as well as the laying of the main organs and systems of the fetus. Echography at this time allows you to assess the degree of development of the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems of the fetus, the development of the baby and the size of the pregnancy, to determine the place of attachment of the placenta and the level of blood flow in its vessels, to evaluate the structure of the placenta and umbilical cord. The third ultrasound is included in the recommended volume of screening studies to identify genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations.

Physical exercise

After the 20th week of pregnancy, when the main “critical” dates have already passed, it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of playing sports that are permissible for this period. Recall that active expectant mothers who played sports before pregnancy should, at the first visit to the gynecologist, discuss the correction of habitual physical activity. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, dosed physical activity is not only allowed, but also highly recommended: a good muscle tone and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus helps to tolerate weight gain during pregnancy and the discomfort of labor pain. It is better to give preference to stretching exercises, such as yoga for pregnant women, Pilates and body flex. Pregnant women can do swimming, special aqua aerobics for expectant mothers, and even belly dancing. A necessary condition is the complete exclusion of sudden movements, pressure on the press and lifting weights; All of these exercises are best performed under the supervision of a trainer who is competent in the selection of loads for pregnant women. In the absence of specific doctor’s recommendations, you can engage in “permitted” sports for 40-60 minutes 2-3 times a week until birth.

Exchange card

This document can be considered a “pregnancy passport”: it contains all the necessary medical information about the health of the expectant mother, the features of this and previous pregnancies, the results of analyzes and examinations, the preparations received and the conclusions of specialists.

"Exchange" consists of three parts; the first is filled out by the doctor in consultation, the second is the obstetrician-gynecologist who took birth, the third is the neonatologist who observed the baby in the hospital after birth. With the help of this important document, there is a continuity in the transfer of information about the health of mothers and babies between the antenatal clinic, the maternity hospital and the children's clinic. According to Order No. 30 dated 02.10.2003, the exchange card is issued to the expectant mother in the arms by the supervising doctor of the antenatal clinic no later than the 23rd week of pregnancy. From the moment of receipt, the “pregnancy passport” must always be in the bag of the expectant mother along with a general passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy: they may be needed in case of unforeseen emergency hospitalization.

Courses for future parents

The choice of courses should be decided by the 25th week of pregnancy: the most complete and interesting lecture cycles are calculated on average for two months of visits in the mode of 1-2 lessons per week. You can start attending courses earlier: most topics will be informative and relevant even in the first weeks of pregnancy, and many classes include useful physical exercises in addition to lectures. Courses are needed for the right psychological mood for childbirth, the acquisition of self-pain control skills in labor, which include postures, massage, relaxation and breathing techniques, and caring for a newborn.

A standard set of lectures usually includes topics about the features of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, fetal development, the main aspects of medical supervision of a pregnant woman, a woman in childbirth, a woman in childbirth and a newborn in a maternity hospital, breastfeeding, feeding, development of a baby of the first year of life, an overview of maternity hospitals in your city. In most courses, in addition to lectures, practical classes are held - obstetric gymnastics and childbirth trainings, where they practice the anesthesia technique. Classes for future parents are best attended with a partner. Such courses can be found at antenatal clinics or maternity hospitals; There are also independent commercial clubs for future parents. When choosing courses, pay attention to the qualifications of teachers (usually lectures are given by specialist doctors and psychologists), gymnastics trainers, the convenience of the location of courses and class time, the ability to attend lectures with your husband and choose individual topics of interest to you.

Maternity leave

A maternity disability certificate is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy for the following periods:

with a normal pregnancy - from the 30th week to 140 calendar days (70 days before childbirth and 70 after childbirth);
   in case of multiple pregnancy - from 28 weeks to 180 calendar days;
   in complicated births, postpartum leave is increased by 16 calendar days and the total length of the decree is 156 (70 + 16 + 70) calendar days.

Generic certificate

Making maternity leave at 30 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother can get another important document. This is a birth certificate intended for additional payment for the services of doctors of antenatal clinics, maternity homes and children's clinics from the federal budget. The project for the delivery of birth certificates was launched on January 1, 2006; its goal is to improve the quality of medical care for expectant mothers and babies in state medical institutions.

The certificate consists of three coupons: the first goes to pay for antenatal services, the second to the maternity hospital and the third to medical services in the children's clinic. In consultation, a certificate is issued at 30 weeks of age, subject to registration no later than 12 weeks and at the same doctor's visit to the antenatal clinic at least 12 times during pregnancy; agreeing to take a certificate, the expectant mother shows that she is satisfied with the medical care received. In case of irregular monitoring, late registration, medical care on a commercial basis or in the case of a dissatisfaction with the pregnant level of medical services, a birth certificate is not issued in consultation. In this case, the expectant mother will receive a birth certificate already in the hospital. It should be emphasized that a maternity certificate is not a mandatory document for planned or emergency hospitalization in a maternity hospital, regardless of which maternity hospital is selected and under what insurance conditions - according to the MHI policy or on a paid basis - the expectant mother will be served.

Fourth Ultrasound

The last ultrasound recommended for normal pregnancy is after 32 weeks. By this time, the fetus has already formed, occupies a stable position in the uterus, and the doctor can evaluate his physical development, location, presentation, estimated size by the end of pregnancy, amount of water, condition of the placenta, blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, umbilical cord and uterine arteries based on the results of the study. These data allow you to draw up a proposed birth plan, determine the degree of risk and the need for additional medical training.


This study is advisable to carry out after the 32-34th week of pregnancy. The method allows you to assess the health of the fetus by frequency and variability, i.e. changes, his heart rate. To do this, within 20–40 minutes, the baby’s heart rate is measured using an ultrasonic sensor and recorded on a paper tape in the form of a graph. In addition, on the CTG chart there are moments of baby movements and an increase in uterine tone. The changes in heart rate, the frequency of fetal movements and increased tone of the myometrium can be used to assess the risk of fetal hypoxia and premature birth.

Choose a hospital

This important process is worth starting no later than the 34–36th week of pregnancy. When choosing, one should take into account such criteria as the remoteness of the maternity hospital, the dates of preventive treatments (“washes”), the technical equipment of the maternity hospital, the level of comfort of the maternity wards, if necessary - the availability of special medical specialization, the choice of a doctor and individual management of childbirth, the presence of a partner at the birth, joint stay of mother and baby in the postpartum ward.

Meet the hospital

Having previously decided on the choice of the maternity hospital, after the 36th week it is worth going to it personally and “looking around”. It’s better to study the route options to the maternity hospital in advance, see where the entrance to the admission department is located, familiarize yourself with the rules for admission for admission to antenatal hospitalization and childbirth, find out the time of visits, conversations with doctors and receiving transfers. When planning individual management of labor at 36 weeks, you can get acquainted with the doctor and conclude a contract for childbirth.

Things and documents in the hospital

This must be done no later than 38 weeks of pregnancy in order to take everything into account, double-check and not fuss at the very last moment. A list of things that are allowed to be hospitalized in the antenatal, maternity and postpartum wards can be requested from the maternity hospital inquiries or from an insurance agent when concluding a birth contract. The requirements for clothes and personal items that you can take with you in different maternity hospitals can be very different, so do not be too lazy to find out the rules in the chosen maternity hospital in advance. It is better to collect things separately for each department, packing them in plastic bags. Of the documents for hospitalization, you will need a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate and a birth contract - if you have one; it is better to make photocopies of these documents in advance for the admission department of the hospital. You can immediately take a bag with things and documents for childbirth with you, but bags with things for the postpartum department can be handed over to the hospital only after the baby is born, so it’s better to inscribe them and provide instructions for relatives.

Everyone is talking about healthcare optimization, but so far the only result of this “optimization” has been that even more time and effort is needed to get help from a qualified specialist. So is it possible to somehow independently optimize - but already for real, not "for show" - this process?

It is clear that a person assumes, but nature has, and if you have any kind of emergency, then there is no time for advance planning.

But still, the majority of visits to the clinic are correction of the treatment of chronic diseases, receipt of prescriptions, certificates, documents, etc. Unfortunately, when planning such visits, patients are guided by their personal considerations, and not by the common sense and features of the health care facilities. And these are queues, procrastination, and nerves, nerves, nerves ... That specialist is not there, this one is on vacation, the laboratory “no longer accepts”, X-ray and ultrasound recordings - from here until the next month ... It’s familiar, right?

"Tense" days

In addition to the objective reasons associated with organizational health (the very optimization, lack of specialists, technology) and the uneven reception caused by the seasonality of diseases, there are distortions due to the patient’s psychology.

As a rule, the largest influx is observed on Monday (or the first day after the holidays) and on Friday. On Monday, everyone comes, who put off delaying the visit until the weekend, hoping “what if it passes”, also chronic patients due to diet disorders at family parties / picnics, and simply people who decided to start a new life on Monday. On Friday, those who, having remade the “more important” cases, decide: why not go to the doctor?

The result is a queue, already crowded with all kinds of “who has no turn” and those “who can only ask,” these days are especially stretched, and the reception time is limited because of this. In general, even if you go to the doctor on Friday, alas, it’s not a fact that they will help you ...

By the way, the assistant physicians - nurses, laboratory assistants, nurses - and other doctors, such as radiologists ... on Friday most often have a short working day, a trip to the country house, etc. And even if you are lucky and you will pass the necessary tests on Friday or Saturday morning (many commercial laboratories work this way) - most likely no one will watch them until Monday.

So, if the visit is planned, it is better to make it in the middle of the week. Smaller people, plus the maximum likelihood that all support services are in the workplace.

Patient Game - Push-Pull

A lot has been written about how dangerous it is to delay a visit to the doctor for various diseases. I will not repeat it, it is really dangerous, and there should not be a doubt for a reasonable person.

However, this is true not only for diseases. A bunch of different certificates, medical commissions, scheduled examinations ... When do most visitors sign up for them? In the best case, a week, or even a day or two, before the deadline, the deadline for which the documents should be ready.

As a result, when you come to the clinic, you find yourself in a “warm” company of the same people as you, sufferers for pieces of paper. Which also moved the campaign to the clinic closer to the deadline. Even if your health (or the health of your child) does not raise questions at all, passing the simplest tests causes congestion and crush in the queues. And if there are questions ... There are no scandals, supplications, complaints; doctors do not have to listen to patients.

Do not want to jostle in the queues for receiving documents - do not drag out for a visit for their execution, come in advance!

Stock pocket does not pull

It is impossible to predict the time required to receive a particular person in advance, the severity of each case is different. Therefore, there must be a certain temporary backlash. It is unreasonable to hope for an electronic record, a “personal arrangement” with the doctor before the train leaves or departs abroad. Even if you are recorded at 13:30, they can accept you much later. There is nothing to be done, such specifics, just consider this when planning the day.

Do not prescribe important events for a time after the intended visit to the doctor! You may just not be in time for them!

Dolog, day to night ...

It is impolite and spoils karma to come much earlier than the start time of the doctor’s reception and demand that he start the reception immediately as soon as he crosses the threshold. The same thing is to resort to half an hour before the end of the appointment, unless you specifically agreed on such a time in advance.

Medical work consists not only of assistance, but also of many aspects that are not so obvious to visitors. A doctor sitting without a patient and “writing something there” also works. It is, of course, possible to demand that you be accepted outside the reception hours, reproaching Hippocrates and all the mediocre doctors known to you. But if everyone does this, another doctor will quit, and the waiting time for the next patients will be even longer.

If your visit is planned, follow your usual business ethics. If emergency - contact the place where emergency assistance is provided, and not to the first person you come across in a white coat.

I hope my advice will save time and effort when visiting a doctor.

Good health!

Leonid Shchebotansky


Almost all people do not like going to doctors, therefore they turn to specialists only in the most extreme cases, when something hurts. However, the expectant mother should think more about the baby’s health and her own.

It is not worth delaying a visit to the gynecologist, since during pregnancy it is necessary to closely monitor the development of the fetus. So, when is it better to go to the clinic: immediately after the delay or a little later?

How to determine that a visit to the doctor is necessary?

With a regular menstrual cycle, learning about pregnancy is simple: there will be a delay in menstruation. Even a deviation of 2-3 days may already indicate the need for a test. With an irregular cycle, determining whether conception has occurred will be more difficult. Here you can focus on several signs: a longer than usual delay, the appearance of unusual sensations in the lower abdomen and chest, and changes in appetite. If there was unprotected sexual intercourse, then you can check after 20-25 days. If there is a delay after it, then the probability of pregnancy is very high.

To answer this question exactly, you need to do an express test. Such are sold in any pharmacies. They respond to the content of hCG in a woman’s urine. ? Better in the morning, because over night the concentration of the hormone reaches its maximum level. The results obtained in the afternoon or evening may be incorrect, because the liquid you drink during the day dilutes the urine, due to which the level of hCG is greatly reduced.

You need to do the test strictly according to the instructions. In this case, it is necessary to check first if the packaging is damaged, because in this case the results may be distorted. To determine pregnancy in the early stages, in the first days after the delay, it is better to use a more sensitive test. A strip is either lowered for a few seconds into a container with urine or kept under a stream. After some time, strips will begin to appear. One is the control, the second is the determining one. If it is even barely noticeable, then the test gave a positive result, the pregnancy has come.

You can do the test not only with a delay, but also in the event that the menstruation went somehow unusual, for example, started too early, was very short or meager. This may also be one of the first.

The optimal time for a visit to the doctor

So, the test showed a positive result. What's next? Now you need to determine the date of the visit to the gynecologist. It’s better not to delay it. In addition, getting to the clinic at the place of residence is not always easy and does not work out right away. The optimal visit time is at the 4-6th week, but no later than the 12th. Do not believe those who say that you can get registered almost in the middle of pregnancy. It is better to go to the doctor immediately after receiving a positive result.

Such early treatment is necessary to ensure full monitoring of the course of pregnancy. The doctor will also prescribe a series of tests and examinations to find out what diseases the mother has. Using ultrasound will succeed. The study will show where the embryo is fixed - inside the uterus or beyond.

Also, early treatment is necessary in order for the gynecologist to put the woman on. This will help protect the future baby. For example, all people are required to do fluorography. However, x-ray irradiation is very harmful for the baby and it is impossible to go to it pregnant categorically. Timely accounting will avoid the passage of this life-threatening procedure.

First visit to the doctor

At the first appointment, the gynecologist will conduct a standard examination. He examines the condition of the vagina, takes a smear on the flora, palpates the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus to find out what condition it is in. This will provide the necessary information about the condition of the internal genital organs. The doctor will measure and record the height and weight of the pregnant woman, write down the size of the pelvis and waist. I’ll definitely collect pulse and pressure data.

You will also need information about lifestyle, bad habits and illnesses - past and chronic. It is advisable to prepare for the answers to these questions so that the doctor has complete information. If any medications, dietary supplements or vitamins are taken on an ongoing basis, this should also be reported to the doctor. So, many anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, nutritional supplements have a lot of side effects, etc. You may have to choose a replacement. If any medications were taken shortly after conception or after it, then it is also necessary to inform the gynecologist about this.

If this is not the first pregnancy, then the doctor needs to tell how the previous ones went. If there were dysfunctional, then this can not be withheld. It is necessary to report what happened, for how long, what measures were taken. Also, if operations or other surgical interventions were performed, especially in the genital area, this also needs to be informed. It is worth telling about hereditary diseases in the family. No need to be afraid to ask questions or seem intrusive. The more information, the better.

At the first appointment, the gynecologist fills out a pregnant card, enters all the necessary data, determines the management plan, and finds out what to expect. In the end, the doctor will write out directions for tests and ultrasound. He will also schedule the next appointment.

It seems to many that it is too early to go to the gynecologist at 4-5 weeks. These are completely vain fears - every day counts! A timely visit to the doctor will save you from many problems and ambiguities.

Pregnancy tests

To confirm the presence of pregnancy, you will need to take a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated hCG). He can be prescribed soon after a visit to the gynecologist or transferred to a later period, closer to the time when ultrasound diagnostics will be performed.

Ultrasound is done at 11-12 weeks. At this time, the fetus is already clearly visible. You can pinpoint its location. If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, then it is interrupted. At these dates it is still possible to do without surgical intervention.

In addition, after an ultrasound, you will have to donate blood for the content of certain types of proteins. This will allow in the early stages to diagnose the presence or absence of defects, abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

The expectant mother will need to visit at the beginning of pregnancy, in addition to the gynecologist, several specialists: an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, and a general practitioner. A repeat visit will be required closer to delivery. In some cases, these specialists may recommend a cesarean section (for example, the optometrist will insist on surgery when the woman has severe myopia, a problem with the fundus or the retina).

Repeatedly take tests and undergo an ultrasound at weeks 21-23 and 31-33. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then you won’t have to spend much time in hospitals; several visits to various specialists will be enough.

A woman needs to prepare first of all mentally for both pregnancy itself and future motherhood. Only such a sober and reasonable approach to business will help to avoid many problems.

If there is a negative experience, previous pregnancies were difficult, and ended successfully only after prolonged observation and / or treatment, you should immediately contact a local obstetrician, gynecologist. Quick tests for home use are sometimes wrong. Plus, the delay may be due to other reasons.

Even despite the fact that the term is only one to two weeks, it is worth visiting a specialist. In each district clinic there is a women's consultation, where obstetrician-gynecologists take care of the sites. They will provide help and support, assess the prospects, conduct additional surveys and analyzes. Recommendations will be useful, especially when previously not everything went smoothly on women's health. Assign tests for hCG, general tests, adjust the mode of the day, load. They will carry out a diagnostic ultrasound on time, make sure that there is a pregnancy, its normal development at this time. Just at the beginning - it's time to make sure that the fetus is located in the right place, in the uterus. The sooner the ectopic location of the fetus is revealed, the more likely it is to effectively respond to such a situation. Usually in these cases, the task is to maintain the ability to become pregnant in the future.

If the uterus is in good shape and there is a threat of interruption, you will need to go to hospital or take pills at home. In the interests of women, immediately after the onset of obvious delay and home testing, pay a visit to the doctor as soon as possible.

Of course, pregnancy is not a disease, it is a physiological process, but if in the past there were problems with reproductive health, it is better to play it safe.

Accounting with an obstetrician-gynecologist

When should I register for pregnancy? Doctors recommend registering for a period of 8-12 weeks, not earlier. This is explained by the fact that at the beginning of the term there is a high probability of premature miscarriages, missed pregnancy.

Optimal time for registration

When applying, you need to undergo a large physical examination, pass a package of tests, prepare certain documents. After all these actions, it becomes psychologically harder for a woman to accept the fact of failed motherhood. The doctor has his own vision of the problem associated with clerical routine and statistics. A healthy, young woman should not immediately run to the doctor after a delay of one day or one week. Better to repeat the quick test. Although consult about an ectopic pregnancy still does not hurt. So, when in this case go to a specialist, it’s up to the woman to decide.

You need to register with the ones proposed by the doctors. Fill out the "pregnant profile", in which you must indicate all your chronic diseases, undergo a physical examination. At this stage, it is shown to undergo the first screening ultrasound scan, get genetic counseling, and eliminate hereditary problems.

The gynecologist will calculate the gestational age, based on the day the last menstruation begins, determine the probable date of birth. Fill out the registration form and will observe how the pregnancy develops.

Nowadays, monitoring the health of the future mother and child will not be superfluous. Visit after visit you will come to a common goal: physiological birth and a healthy baby.

Why register?

If the fact of future motherhood was taken by surprise, but the decision was made to have a baby, you should not go into yourself with the thought "how it will be - it will be so." Such an important event cannot be left to chance.

After making a decision, taking responsibility, be consistent. Bearing a child is a very responsible process. With a frivolous attitude towards him, you can encounter troubles that could have been avoided by registering when necessary.

Do not delay the first trip to the doctor any day. As soon as you register, you can get professional help, psychological support. If you do not decide to go to the doctor for a long time, you may encounter big troubles:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathology of the "child's place", which could be corrected;
  • late fetal genetic abnormalities;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • risk of miscarriage

Upon reaching a certain period of gestation, operations to terminate pregnancy are prohibited. If a child, and even the first one, is born with developmental abnormalities, these are big problems.

Isn't it too much to pay for being irresponsible? Some women do not register at all. After making such a decision, they risk not only having administrative problems, difficulties with making payments, sick leave, but they will also give birth in the observation department.

But the most dangerous that women who are not registered can face a complicated pregnancy and a dangerous presentation of the fetus. If the fetus is transverse at the time of birth, in most cases it cannot be saved. Yes, and for a woman, everything can end with the extirpation of the uterus, the loss of the ability to give birth in the future.

Where to go to register?

You need to go where it is more convenient to observe a long period. Probably at the place of residence. You need to go to the gynecologist’s appointments often enough, so this is the best choice. Many now rent housing, study and work in other cities. At the place of registration, it is sometimes simply unrealistic to attend a antenatal clinic.

Remember the opportunity to choose a doctor: to go to a private clinic or regional state hospital - the choice is yours. After the decision is made to go to the doctor, you shift part of your problems to his professional shoulders. The specialist is protected as much as possible from unexpected problems with his health and the unborn child.

When to go to the doctor, decide for yourself. It is advisable to register up to 12 weeks: the state stimulates early registration with an additional allowance, supporting financially. But this is when everything goes without features and does not cause any concern.

It is necessary to immediately go to the doctor if, after a delay in menstruation, symptoms appear that are characteristic of the pathology of pregnancy:

  • early toxicosis;
  • dizziness
  • frequent urination
  • vaginal discharge;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • lower abdominal pain.

Physiological changes during the bearing of a child are normal and inevitable, there is a significant restructuring of the body. But if a woman is preparing for motherhood for the first time, then she may not distinguish between norm options and pathology, for this there is medical help.

Great joy for every couple - the onset of a desired pregnancy. Waiting for the treasured two stripes on the test is akin to waiting for a miracle. And this miracle has come true in your life: the first delay, the first test and a positive result.

A woman, of course, may wonder if the test can not fool? But this happens quite rarely, especially if you did not use the cheapest option. If you still have doubts, you can surrender. There certainly are no mistakes.

The next question is when to go to the doctor when pregnancy occurs? Some stubbornly believe that it is better not to rush and register in the second trimester. Like, they will make you run through hospitals in such a crucial period, collect tests and certificates. Others, at the first hint of pregnancy, are in a hurry to check their guesses. What does medicine say about when to go to a gynecologist during pregnancy?

When to go to the doctor during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, do not postpone your first visit to the gynecologist for a long time. Doctors unanimously call for registration as early as possible. This is necessary in order to make sure from the very beginning that the pregnancy is proceeding correctly. You may be wondering - how at a tiny time can you understand something about the course of pregnancy? In fact - it is possible.

First of all, you need to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine. That is, that the embryo, after its wanderings through the tubes and uterus, has attached itself in the right place. The danger is that with it all the symptoms of a pregnancy are identical to normal: there is a delay, and the test is positive, and even the breast is poured. But only with the passage of time and the growth of the embryo, the pipe may not withstand and burst. This is usually accompanied by profuse bleeding into the abdominal cavity. The condition is very dangerous for the health and life of a woman.

Another reason for pregnancy to pay a first visit to a gynecologist early is the need to exclude diseases of the genital area. Of course, if the couple really planned the child, then both future parents had to go through all the tests in advance and be cured of all kinds of chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections, if any were found. All these unpleasant diseases can adversely affect the development and health of the unborn child.

In addition, make sure that pregnancy has occurred also in order to stop drinking drugs that are prohibited in this position. And again - with proper pregnancy planning, you need to consult a doctor in advance and decide which medicines you need to refuse at the planning stage, and which ones can be replaced with less harmful ones for the unborn baby.

The first appointment with a gynecologist during pregnancy is a little tedious and time consuming procedure. They will ask you in detail to fill out certain forms and stories, write out directions for numerous analyzes, weigh them, measure your pelvis and pressure, and examine them on the armchair. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound scan.

Be prepared for this mentally and physically, be sure to have a snack before the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, take a bottle of water with you. And believe me, it is better to go through all this before the onset of toxicosis, that is, up to 5-6 weeks.

After registering, you will be required to visit your doctor every month, take all the necessary tests, such as a urine and blood test, before each visit. Ultrasound is also required at the 12th, 20th and 32nd week of pregnancy. In addition, when registering and at 30 weeks of gestation, you need to visit an optometrist and an ENT doctor. But all this will be told in more detail in the antenatal clinic. So - we are not afraid of anything and boldly go to the reception!