In a world that flies and revolves around us at tremendous speed, women forget about their original role. And here you are already for ..., there is good work, material wealth. But there is no main thing. "How to get pregnant at 40?" - the woman thinks. Despite the achievements of modern medicine, the assurances of specialists that it is now possible to get pregnant at any age, questions arise.

The body of each woman is individual. Someone has good chances of conception and bearing a child in adulthood, someone will have obstacles in this way. An important role is played by heredity, not only of the mother, but also of the father of the unborn child.
  Studies were conducted, and they showed that in a woman’s body after 30 there are irreversible changes, such as:

  • ovulation reduction
  • during the menstrual cycle, the egg does not mature;
  • there is an accumulation of a number of diseases, in particular organs of the reproductive system;
  • the appearance of chronic diseases that can affect the function of childbearing is observed;
  • there are problems of bearing a baby, threatening a miscarriage;
  • the percentage of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases.

The number of eggs in a woman’s body is not unlimited, it decreases from year to year. At 38 years old, this process accelerates sharply.

According to statistics, after 40 years, 50% of women naturally conceive of becoming pregnant, in 43 years and more the figure decreases to 10%. A few more figures: of women who are over 45, only one out of 100 can conceive a child. If a woman decides to become pregnant and give birth at 46, she is offered not a natural conception, but IVF.

Many people know that there are certain days on which there is a high probability of having a baby. However, depending on age, the number of ovulations can also vary. At 35-40 years, there can only be two to four ovulations in a whole year.

Features of late pregnancy

A woman’s eggs undergo a series of changes over the years. They are aging, their numbers are declining. Studies show that fertility in girls increases and reaches its maximum by 20-25 years. Then she starts to drop.

Plus, the diseases of the woman herself and the pathology of the eggs begin to accumulate. The hormonal background also changes, the production of the female hormone - estrogen is reduced. This creates a certain risk of fetal development, the risk of abortion.

Even if conception has occurred, safe bearing is also in question. At 40, a quarter of pregnancies ends in a miscarriage, at 42, a third, after 44, more than half. In addition, a pregnant woman, aged, often has high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. The level of abnormalities of the fetus is high.

Women who have this first pregnancy after 40 are especially worried. It is believed that the second and third pregnancy are easier than the first. This is only partially true. Repeated natural births are really faster. But in general, the risks and difficulties of bearing are approximately the same. The health status of a particular woman is more important than the pregnancy number.

That was bad news. And now the good ones. The birth of a baby is God's providence. Everything here is very individual and not completely solved by science and doctors. Yes, there are unfortunate events. But there are more happy ones! These are thousands of women who gave birth to healthy babies aged “well for ...”. So tune in to what exactly you are lucky!

Planning a pregnancy

How to get pregnant after 35? What needs to be done for this? How to plan a pregnancy, what should I do if I cannot get pregnant?

  If the desired pregnancy has not occurred, then you need to see a doctor who will consult and prescribe a set of necessary studies. As a rule, partners after a year of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child visit a doctor for infertility.

We catch ovulation

The most favorable moment for conception is the period of ovulation, that is, the moment when a new egg comes out.

  Ovulation can occur about the 14th day after the onset of menstruation, although this time can vary. In fact, many factors influence the moment of conception. For example, when your period is irregular. The condition of male sperm also matters.

The best time for conception is not only the day of ovulation, but also the period two to three days before it. Doctors have determined that sperm can live inside a woman for 3-4 days.

Many women have the problem of irregular periods at this age. They can take place every two, or even three months. Therefore, it can be very difficult to determine the time of ovulation. Then special tests for ovulation will help.

The state of his body must be monitored by the father of the unborn child. Sperm cells also have the ability to “age”. And so that they are viable, strong - not to have sexual intercourse 2-4 days before the time of X (alleged conception). Frequent PA "drain" sperm.

Another small, but rather important touch: immediately after the act, you should not take a shower, especially hot. Sperm will simply wash away. Also, soapy solution and elevated water temperature are detrimental to them.

Pros and cons

Still, late pregnancy - is it good or bad? It is already clear that after 35 years every year the probability of women becoming pregnant on their own decreases. Naturally, after 40 years, this figure is even lower, however, having overcome some obstacles, at this age there is still a chance of becoming parents.

Watch a video about which diseases late pregnancy is contraindicated.

Consider the positive and negative aspects of such a pregnancy.


  1. Both parents are already adults, psychologically balanced people. They responsibly approach their duties towards the child.
  2. Mothers who are over forty try not to eat harmful products, try to feed their children breast milk.
  3. The peculiarity of such parents is patience and wisdom, they will pay more attention to the baby, abandoning their own entertainment.


  1. The body of a woman is aging. Consequently, the egg is aging, changes occur in it, including chromosomal ones. This may affect the health of the child. Among the "late" children, many are born with Down's disease.
  2. The uterus of a woman is also aging. The number of miscarriages and missed pregnancies is increasing.
  3. In the body there is an accumulation of diseases.
  4. At the age of 40, it's hard to be an energetic and groovy mom. Although everything is individual here.

To summarize, we can conclude that a woman who is over forty can become pregnant naturally. But there are other options. For example, IVF is in vitro fertilization. In simple terms, “a test tube baby,” when an egg is fertilized and sits in a prepared, healthy uterus of a woman in medical conditions. There are also some types of surgical interventions that later enable a woman to become pregnant.

Medicine is developing, new methods and treatment regimens appear. Now the achievements of medicine allow childless couples, for a long time not able to learn the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, to finally achieve the desired result.

Psychologist about late pregnancy

A woman who decides to experience the happiness of motherhood after 40 years old deserves respect and admiration. What actions are required from mom at the initial stage of pregnancy planning? Indeed, in order to give birth to a healthy baby and minimize risks, additional tests and examinations are necessary.

Pregnancy planning

Women should approach the planning of late pregnancy comprehensively and conduct a comprehensive examination. The first thing to do is to find a competent gynecologist who will support a woman at all stages - from planning to childbirth.

  1. Using ultrasound to examine the condition of the ovaries. This is necessary to determine how ready the eggs are for ripening.
  2. Determine the state of the reproductive organs and identify pathologies that may become an obstacle to conception and gestation. For this, a detailed analysis of hormones is carried out. In particular, Antimüller hormone, the determinant of the female reproductive system, is being investigated.
  3. Conduct colposcopy - a diagnostic examination of the vagina and cervix using an optical device.
  4. To study the history of past pregnancies and past illnesses.
  5. Visit an endocrinologist, mammologist, cardiologist, therapist, dentist.
  6. A blood test for homocysteine \u200b\u200band an infection stick.
  7. Exclude diseases of the female reproductive system.
  8. Identify patency of the fallopian tubes - the examination is performed using ultrasound or x-ray radiation.
  9. Be sure to pass a genetic test for parental compatibility and determine the Rh factor.
  10. Visit the infectious disease specialist and, in the absence of antibodies to rubella and hepatitis B, lead a vaccination.
  11. A genetic coagulation test (coagulogram) to determine the tendency to form blood clots and bleedings. If necessary, a woman will be prescribed drugs to thin the blood.

If during the study any violations and diseases are detected, they need to be cured and only after this you can begin to conceive a child. Ideally, screening should be done at least 4 months before the alleged pregnancy. But best of all in a year and a half.

Note!   In the period before menopause, a woman has a significantly increased chance of giving birth to twins.

In addition to medical prescriptions, the expectant mother needs to more than ever monitor her lifestyle:

  • Pre-start taking multivitamins and folic acid. Best of all, in this matter, trust the gynecologist - he will select the right complex and draw up a scheme for taking vitamins, taking into account the age and health of the patient.
  • In the life of a woman must be present moderate physical activity, but not too active. To bring the body into shape, such sports as swimming, yoga, Pilates are suitable. A good muscle condition will help the body cope with the upcoming birth.
  • Before conceiving, if possible, stop taking painkillers steroid antihistamines and antibiotics.

The role of the father in preparing for pregnancy

Men must first take care of the quality of the biomaterial, for this they need to adhere to the same rules as women.

In addition to a mandatory examination by a urologist, the future dad needs to undergo such examinations:

  1. Spermogram.
  2. The study of the secretion of the prostate gland.
  3. ECG, ultrasound of the genitals.
  4. Hormonal studies - the level of concentration in the blood of testosterone, prolactin, estradiol, FSH and LH.
  5. General analysis of blood and urine.

If the results of the spermogram show unsatisfactory results, the man will need to undergo additional studies to identify the cause.

After that, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. In addition, to stimulate spermatogenesis, the doctor may prescribe a complex of vitamins and various drugs to normalize the hormonal background .

How to speed up the process of conception?

From the school biology course, many remember that for the pregnancy to occur in a woman's body, the egg must mature.

When planning a pregnancy, it’s important to determine when exactly the right moment comes. For this, a woman needs to monitor the monthly cycle for a long time and maintain a conception calendar.

In the case when pregnancy does not occur for a long time, doctors p. If this does not help, there is always the opportunity to get pregnant with IVF or ICSI.

Interesting Facts . In the Guinness Book of Records, Dawn Brook, who was able to conceive and give birth to a child at the age of 59, was able to naturally conceive.

The intimate life of a couple can also contribute to conception. Too long abstinence, like frequent sex, is bad for sperm quality.

Therefore, it is very important that the couple have intercourse regularly, but it is preferable that the man abstain from ejaculation for several days before ovulation.

It is believed that for the onset of pregnancy, a psychological attitude is very important - during this period a woman should be calm and positive. The expectant mother also needs to abandon all sorts of horror stories that scare pregnant women. To overcome anxiety and anxiety, you can sign up for courses for mothers or visit a psychotherapist .

After the desired pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to undergo a comprehensive prenatal diagnosis. Further, a series of studies will also be required throughout pregnancy.

All these examinations will help to avoid many problems with bearing and giving birth to a baby.

So, in order to become pregnant and give birth at sunset of reproductive age, a woman needs to have perfect health and not just visit a gynecologist, but undergo a series of examinations and cure all existing diseases. Thanks to perseverance and the desire to become a mother, many women easily pass all tests and give birth to healthy babies .

You must agree that our life is amazing: it seems like a biological species, we live not so little, on average 80 years, but our youth, namely physiological, lasts for a maximum of 10-15 years. During this time, we, young and beautiful, must find our soul mate and reproduce our own kind.

But the social foundations and the modern way of life of society do not really fit into this time frame. In most cases, 20-year-old boys and girls by their nature are not far from children, they practically do not strive to build new cells of society, but prefer to get an education, to become a professional, to live for their pleasure. And it often turns out that this very physiological youth, when nature demands "to do what should be", is spent on completely different things regarding self-affirmation and the search for one's place in the world.

And this is more true for women. Getting a "tower", working and providing her bright future, being in search of that one, a woman spends these 15 years of youth not on childbearing. That is why now the urgent problem of late birth and family planning is already in adulthood. Our topic today: pregnancy at 45.

What drives women who think about late pregnancy?

Building a career and lifestyle is now in the foreground for many, but it is far from always the reason for late family planning. It turns out sometimes quite differently. For example, a woman successfully married only after 40, or after long attempts and treatment, and finally saw the long-awaited two strips. As they say, better late than never.

Parents over the age of 40 feel some devastation after the children have grown up and left their home. Parents want to take care of someone again, to feel their need and, what is already there, to feel like young parents again. And, interestingly, opinion polls show that sooner or later, the vast majority of parents of raised children will sooner or later experience a devastating sensation, a sense of an “empty nest”.

One cannot exclude such a case, which not everyone prefers to talk about: chance. Whatever the doctors say about the reproductive age of a woman of Balzac age, but for a 45-year-old female, usually with an intimate life, everything is very good. And it happens that a couple does not plan any more heirs, and the case decides everything for them. And finding themselves in such a situation, women almost always leave a “random” baby.

Features of age-related pregnancy: basic fears

But surely everyone has heard from girlfriends, doctors, sources on the network and all sorts of transfers about health, that pregnancy after 45 is dangerous and generally not good. In the modern world, this has even become a kind of horror story, they say, buuuu, a special child will be born (according to anyone), you suffer all pregnancy, you almost die during childbirth and in general, why did a mother who looks like his grandmother grow up a child. You know, in this case it remains only to laugh and feel sorry for those who adhere to this point of view. And that's why.

Modern medicine, including reproductive technologies, has reached such a level that the framework of the age of the woman in labor has moved much further than they might have imagined some 20-30 years ago. Of course, there used to be cases when they gave birth to 50 and even 60 year old women (women, forgive me for such a comparison), but it was akin to a miracle. Now a normal outcome of pregnancy is quite possible in mature women in labor, who will still give odds to 18-year-old girls.


We follow the list further. It is impossible to compare all and sweep, as they say, under one comb. Women are very different creatures, even if they are all 45. Their lifestyle, attitude to themselves, bad habits, place of residence, stress level and much, much more are different. It often happens that a woman who looks after herself in her 40s turns out to be much healthier than a younger girl, say, 25 years old.

Now let's turn to dry statistical numbers. It is believed that after the 4th decade of life, a lady has less chance of becoming pregnant. And if graphically, then at the most favorable fertile age of 20-25 years, the chance to conceive a baby is 25% per cycle, then by 45 years this chance will not be higher than a couple of percent! 2-3 percent, imagine ?! Why is that? Yes, because with age, ovulation occurs less and less, the eggs are not updated, the reproductive organs are slowly preparing for “retirement”.

But if rare ovulation would be a major problem! This is not so bad. From year to year, in view of our, let's be honest, imperfect lifestyle, the body accumulates all sorts of chronic sores, injuries of various kinds. At the genetic level, mutational processes occur in genes (this is inevitable, but, nevertheless, our lifestyle directly affects the number of these same mutations). Pregnancy can cost an age woman very expensive: it is already difficult for the body to allocate resources to two organisms.

It is in view of the above reasons that there are certain risks during pregnancy after 45:

✓ O aggravation of chronic diseases during pregnancy, hence the possible constant poor health (toxicosis, diabetes of pregnant women, hypertension, etc.) and frequent hospitalization;

✓ Frequent fetal hypoxia due to increased blood coagulation, risks of thrombosis;

✓ P claims of congenital fetal pathologies, including genetic ones (for example, after 45 there is a high probability of having a baby with Down syndrome: 1 in 19 cases);

✓ The probability of rupture of internal organs and weak labor due to inelasticity of the tissues is high.

Planning a “late” baby

The aforementioned risks are not in vain called “risks”. This is the likelihood of any pathological condition based on the age characteristics of the female body and the available statistics. You can’t say what exactly in your case will be like no one will guarantee that everything will go smoothly. By the way, in the latter case, age has nothing to do. Even if you are 20 years old, no one will beat yourself in the chest and assure you that you can bear a healthy baby without problems, and in general everything will be just super.

Much younger girls give birth difficult, give birth to children with defects, with genetic abnormalities, everything happens in the world. Turning again to statistics, 80% of births of children with Down syndrome occur in women under 35 years of age (however, it is worth considering the fact that the number of deliveries in the younger age group is much larger).

Be that as it may, giving birth at 45 is a very, very common phenomenon today. Thousands of women in Russia and around the world become happy mothers for a long time already not at girlhood, therefore there is nothing to be afraid of. The only advice: take a responsible approach to the issue of planning and do not ignore the necessary procedures and being in position. It is a responsible approach, the establishment of "order" in one's own body even before the moment of conception that will help to avoid more than half of the problems from the above list. More information on planning pregnancy after 35 years.

Benefits of Late Birth

Well, now let's talk about the most pleasant. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with me that the anticipation of motherhood cannot be considered a strong positive emotion. You can and how! It is no secret that late pregnancy, as a rule, is very desirable, this is doubly pleasant from feeling like a mother. There are many examples when women became mothers for the first time at the age of 43-47 and all as one said that they are the happiest in the world!

By the way, it is worth mentioning the emotional component. Many are afraid, they say that every 10th woman in labor experienced such a destructive feeling. There are changes in mood, nothing and no one is happy, I want to howl like a wolf, but I don’t want to look at the child at all, he even annoys some. An interesting fact: scientists have proved that the phenomenon of postpartum depression is inherent in young girls who have not accepted the fact of motherhood, are not ready for it and not ready for such radical changes in life, including personal.

Note that age moms who have responsibly approached family planning issues are not in danger. If you collect all the benefits in one big list, then this is what we get.

Late pregnancy is good because:

✓ By the age of 40, parents are self-sufficient, built their careers, organized life, went through “fire and water,” so all their attention and time will be devoted not to a career or self-realization, but to a child;

The “late” child is welcome, we love it accordingly in the womb; age mothers are more restrained emotionally and approach the issue of raising a child very reasonably. Such children grow up more calm, reasonable, get a good upbringing and often have creative inclinations;

✓ K the lacteric period is postponed for some time, due to hormonal changes;

✓ F the woman is getting younger again thanks to hormones. Estrogens are the wonderful secret of female attractiveness;

✓ D children of such parents do not suffer from a lack of attention;

✓ P clothing again regains the meaning of life and becomes younger in soul.


Again, the same statistics inexorably indicate an annual increase in the number of late-born women in labor. This means that women boldly go to the hospital, have healthy children and are not afraid of late motherhood. What is stopping you?

Despite some risks, the benefits of childbirth in adulthood are obvious. But before you get pregnant at 45, you should take it seriously as never before, because it is very, very important, I think you understand why. And if a miracle happened and a new life develops in your tummy, then I hasten to sincerely rejoice with you and inspire you for a happy 40 weeks! Good luck

thursday, September 24, 2015 - 07:22

How does age affect conception? What is the best age for pregnancy? What is more important - the age of a woman or a man? Does age affect the chances of getting pregnant: is it possible to get pregnant after 35 years and what is the probability after 40?

Each woman’s ovaries contain between 1 and 2 million formed follicles with eggs. They have been there since birth. With each cycle, one or more eggs from this enormous supply mature and become ready for fertilization.

By the time of the first cycle, the supply of eggs is depleted to 300 thousand. If we assume that a woman has about 500 ovulations between the ages of 12 and 52, and also imagine that not all of these eggs will be healthy, we still have a limited number of viable eggs capable of fertilization. At the same time, the processes of egg maturation occur unequally in different periods of a woman's life. Therefore, the fact that age affects conception no longer requires evidence.

How much are pregnancy and age of a woman interconnected? What is the best age for pregnancy? Is it possible to get pregnant after 35 years and what are the chances of a woman to conceive a healthy child at every stage of her life? Is male age important for conception?

In this article we will try to give answers to these and other questions and consider the features that are associated with the conception process for women of different ages.

20-24 years

According to many doctors, a period of 20 to 24 years is the best age for pregnancy. In 20-25 years, 90% of the eggs are genetically normal, which increases the chances of conceiving a healthy baby. With regular sex life, the probability of having a baby during the year for women at this age is 96%.

However, young people tend to be less responsible for pregnancy and preparing for conception than older couples, and often ignore risk factors that can lead to pregnancy complications and harm the baby’s health. Stress, bad habits, malnutrition, lack of vitamins, untimely examination - all this can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and jeopardize the life and health of the unborn child.

In particular, a deficiency in the mother's body of a number of vitamins and antioxidants significantly increases the risk of preeclampsia (late toxicosis) and leads to a delay in the intrauterine development of the child.

25-29 years old

At this age, the chances of getting pregnant after a year of sexual activity are 86%. The probability that a pregnancy may be terminated by a miscarriage is not more than 10%, which only slightly exceeds the rates for younger couples.

Of course, it is necessary to carefully prepare for pregnancy, monitor weight and diet, and avoid stress. However, if you are under 30, there is no need to seek help from a reproductologist until 12 months have passed since the beginning of active attempts to conceive a child.

30-34 years

Until the age of 35, the chances of conceive during the year are still high - they reach 86%. However, the probability of a miscarriage after 30 years increases to 20%. In addition, after 30 years, many women already have chronic diseases that can affect the course of pregnancy.

Therefore, a future mother aged 30-34 years should take a closer look at preparing for conception: visit a doctor and consult with him about how chronic diseases can affect the course of pregnancy, eliminate dental problems (if any), normalize weight and diet, take special complexes for those planning a pregnancy. At this age, you should consult a reproductologist if pregnancy does not occur after 9 months of open sexual activity.

35-39 years old

Statistics show that female fertility begins to decline rapidly after 35 years. Therefore, the question "can I get pregnant after 35 years?" excites many women today. At the same time, many women today give birth to their first child later than doctors recommend. This is explained by the desire to solve numerous life problems (get an education and make a good career, acquire housing, achieve a stable high income, check the spouse’s fidelity and the strength of the family union), and only then have a child, even if it will be more difficult than in 20 years.

In fact, the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years are not so small. The probability of conception within a month for most women in this age group is 15-20%. And this, in turn, means that within a year, the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years are 78%.

By the way, women over 35 years old increase the likelihood of conception twins. The nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood.

However, after 35, female fertility begins to decrease markedly. The main reason for this is the growth of chromosomal defects, which, in turn, affect the viability of the eggs. After 35 years, the risk of miscarriage, complications during pregnancy is higher, the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities is relatively high.

In fairness, it should be noted that, according to statistics, most children with Down syndrome are born to mothers under 35 years old. This is probably due to the fact that women of mature age are more responsible for their health and pay attention to perinatal diagnosis, with which you can identify a fetus with abnormalities in early pregnancy.

One of the reasons for the manifestation of chromosomal defects is the growth of free radicals in the body and the associated oxidative stress caused by a constant excess of free radicals in the body.

Sex cells and the genetic material contained in them, DNA, are especially sensitive to oxidative stress.

The older the woman, the more free radicals accumulate in her body and the more oxidative stress. This explains the increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in children born to women of mature age.

The excessive activity of free radicals is also associated with the development of diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, mastopathy, etc.

Antioxidants will help to resist free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. If we talk about the reproductive system, such substances as vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, rutin and lycopene are especially important to maintain its health. All these antioxidants are contained in the Sinergin complex.

Vitamin E is involved in the production of sex hormones, regulates the menstrual cycle and increases the likelihood of conception. It is proved that the use of vitamin E in the complex treatment of infertility increases the chances of pregnancy. Also, this vitamin contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and prevents the development of mastopathy.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the chances of becoming pregnant during intercourse, so it is especially important for the reproductive system. Vitamin C also performs the functions of protecting the main body molecules from damage by free radicals, stimulates the body's immunity and resistance to viruses. Beta-carotene is effective in the treatment of infertility and mastopathy. Beta-carotene deficiency can lead to miscarriage and fading pregnancy.

Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone (from Lat. - "omnipresent") is found in all organs and tissues. Unlike other antioxidants, which, protecting the body from free radicals, are irreversibly oxidized, Q10 molecules can be used repeatedly. In addition, Q10 helps to slow down the aging process, is effective in the treatment of polycystic, with chronic fatigue syndrome and asthenic syndrome.

Rutin protects and strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, it has a beneficial effect on sexual function, normalizes hormonal balance and the functioning of the sex glands, and promotes the growth and maturation of eggs. The lipophilic antioxidant lycopene is especially needed by the woman's reproductive system in preparation for pregnancy. Lycopene helps prevent fetal damage during fetal development and mitigates the development of preeclampsia.

As already mentioned, most women aged 35-39 can become pregnant for a year or more. But doctors do not recommend you wait a whole year to find out if you are one of them. In this case, do not miss the time, and if you have not been able to get pregnant for 6 months, you should contact a specialist and pass a number of tests. Most cases of infertility can be corrected. But even if you conceive naturally, you won’t succeed, reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI) will help.

Finally, at this age, you can still use the opportunity to freeze viable eggs for use at an older age if you do not want to give birth to a baby right now. A woman can freeze her eggs up to 40 years, and with their help become a mother even after 44 years.

40 to 44

The older the woman, the less likely she is to get pregnant. After 40 years in a whole year, a woman can experience only a few ovulations, since the egg's vital supply and estrogen production in the body are reduced. By the age of 40-44, 90% of a woman's eggs contain abnormal chromosomes. Also, in many women, after 40 years, the endometrium becomes thinner, which lines the walls of the uterus, which complicates the process of egg implantation. Therefore, the probability of becoming pregnant after 40 in the traditional way is relatively small.

But the concept of "relatively small" does not mean that conception after 40 years is impossible. Even if you are 40 years old or older, you can safely become pregnant, bear and have a healthy baby. The main thing is to wisely and competently approach the issue of pregnancy planning.

For women at this age, the recommendations given in the section for “those over 35” remain relevant. But do not forget that conception after 40 years is associated with problems not only in the reproductive health of a woman and the quality of her eggs, but also in the genetic material of the male partner.

The age of a man for conception is no less important. In men of mature age, quantitative indicators of sperm and sperm motility are lower, while the number of spermatozoa with genetic abnormalities is higher than in young men. Accordingly, with age, the risk of genetic abnormalities in a child increases due to a violation of the morphological structure of spermatozoa.

And the same oxidative stress, which was mentioned above, is to blame for this. As a result of the destructive activity of free radicals, sperm membranes are damaged, their motility and fertilizing ability are reduced. In addition, free radicals damage the DNA of chromosomes. About half the cases of infertility in men are associated with oxidative stress. Before this form of infertility, even the latest reproductive technologies are often powerless. Indeed, if a sperm cell has damaged DNA structures, even if it successfully fertilizes an egg (thanks to the ICSI protocol), embryo development is impaired and the child either dies in the early stages of fetal development or is born with serious genetic defects.

In general, it is believed that the optimal age for a man to conceive is up to 25-40 years. But this does not mean that men over 40 are contraindicated in having children. If the future father exchanged the fourth dozen, he needs to be more attentive to his health and try to protect his sex cells from oxidative stress.

This will help the antioxidant complex "Synergin", which contains the substances necessary to maintain the health of the reproductive system and ensure the processes of spermatogenesis.

Beta-carotene, which is part of Sinergin, is necessary for the normal formation and development of male germ cells. In men, whose diet included beta-carotene, an improvement in sperm motility was recorded. In addition, beta-carotene resists exposure to harmful environmental factors and helps strengthen immunity.

Lycopene helps to improve the morphological characteristics of sperm and slows down the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Rutin strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves blood supply to the body and microcirculation in all tissues and organs, including the organs of the reproductive system. The intake of vitamin C promotes an increase in the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate and reduces the risk of damage to the free radicals of DNA chromosomes.

Vitamin E reduces the risk of damage to the genetic apparatus of sperm, improves qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm. The inclusion of vitamin E in complex therapy increases the likelihood of pregnancy in infertile couples.

Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) is vital for sperm cells to maintain energy, increases the concentration and motility of germ cells, improves their morphology, and also enhances the effect of vitamin E. The Synergin antioxidant complex will be useful to all men, regardless of age, but to those who are already crossed the 40-year milestone, antioxidants are highly recommended. "Synergin" is taken 2 capsules 1 time per day with meals. The course of admission is 1-3 months.

So, there are chances to get pregnant after 40 years. They are not as large as at a younger age, but if you and your partner carefully monitor your health, eat properly, track ovulation and take antioxidants, then with a high probability you will succeed in conception after 40 years. If, however, the traditional way of getting pregnant still fails, you can always resort to the help of reproductive technologies.

45 years and older

The probability of a woman becoming pregnant after 45 is no more than 3-4%. Hypothetically, this is possible, but assisted reproductive technologies are almost always needed. The few eggs that you have left may have chromosomal abnormalities, so it is very important to screen an egg before the in vitro fertilization procedure. In most clinics, patients who want to become pregnant at the age of 46-50 years old will be advised to use a donated egg from a young woman.

Attentive to your health, including reproductive, is necessary, regardless of age. Do not wait until the violations become irreversible and become an obstacle on your path to motherhood.
Regularly undergo medical examinations, lead a healthy lifestyle, and periodically take antioxidants. Indeed, even if you are young and healthy, you should not fully hope that nature will do everything herself. Pregnancy is stress for the body. And your health and the health of your unborn child depend on how carefully you approach the preparation for conception.

The desire of a woman to fulfill herself and achieve something in this life pushes thoughts of pregnancy and family further and further. If earlier, at 23–25 years old, the girl was considered an old maid, now even at 30 this cannot be said, because most people begin to think about marriage and children by this age.

Late pregnancy

Disputes on this issue have been ongoing for a long time and even experts in this field cannot come to a consensus. Some consider late birth a danger to women and children, while others hold positive views and support the decision of "mature" men and women to become parents again or for the first time.

Before succumbing to anxiety and anxiety about middle-aged, mature mothers are advised to understand concepts such as calendar, psychological and biological age. Each woman is an individual organism, a separate unique system that develops independently of others. Some girls ripen at a very young age, and their body, accordingly, gets older earlier, while others, the process of maturation and aging is slowed down, and a woman at 45 in the passport can feel 30 by psychological and biological age criteria. Therefore, pregnancy can be late only on the calendar, and for health and psychological readiness just right. If a woman in her 40s still feels the maternal potential in herself, then you need to use it, especially if there is zeal and desire.

Late pregnancy becomes much more dangerous if there are serious age-related disorders in the health system, which most often happens. In this case, it is necessary to study well all the pros and cons of the late conception.

Positive sides

The more positive the future parents who are no longer young, the more likely the pregnancy will be calmer and more confident. On the one hand, late pregnancy carries some advantages for both parents and the baby:

  1. Life experience behind. Those situations that seemed catastrophic in their youth and caused panic in adulthood are already perceived softer and simpler. The past years have given “adult” parents experience and knowledge, have brought up a proper attitude to life and family values. All their thoughts will be occupied with raising a child, and not with dreams of noisy parties and career development plans.
  2. A solid foundation for family life. A woman aged 40–47 who has decided to become pregnant, as a rule, already has a reliable and loyal partner next to her. By this age, the relationship of the couple has been tested more than once in different situations and life vicissitudes, which provided a strong family foundation. In addition, by the fourth or fifth decade, the family already has its own home, and the housing issue is not on the agenda. In such a family, the child will be very comfortable.
  3. Improving health status. Late birth can delay the onset of menopause. It can flow more easily and painlessly. In addition, childbirth of 40–47 years can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and stroke, and reduce the likelihood of problems with the hearing aid and genitourinary system.

Problems and dangers

When it comes to the possibility of becoming pregnant after 45–47 years, as a rule, doctors recommend that this decision be well considered, because the bearing of the fetus and the birth itself most often occur with various complications and difficulties. Pregnancy planning at this age should be consciously, deliberately and with a maximum diagnostic level. So, the main risks and problems of late pregnancy:

  1. High risk of having a baby with a mental or physical disability. At 47 years old, the chances of having a baby are small, since approximately 30 begins a gradual decrease in the number of eggs. In addition, there is no guarantee that their condition will be excellent, because there is a danger of chromosomal abnormalities that can subsequently affect the mental or physical development of the fetus. An "adult" mother urgently needs a consultation with a geneticist throughout pregnancy in order to identify pregnancy problems in time and, if possible, eliminate them.
  2. Danger of complications during childbirth. By the age of 40–47, a woman’s body has already accumulated a number of health problems, including a couple of chronic diseases. Increased blood pressure, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular disease and other unpleasant ailments can cause various complications during gestation and childbirth.
  3. What seemed simple in youth would be complex. That energy potential, characteristic of youth, in adulthood, when it is already 40–47 years old, is significantly reduced. And this fact must be taken into account before deciding to become pregnant. During the first months, a newborn baby requires increased attention — sleepless nights, moods, stomachaches, teeth, etc. Therefore, a “mature” mother must mentally and psychologically prepare herself for pleasant, but difficult.
  4. High risk of miscarriage. According to statistics, about 50–55% of “age-related” pregnancies end in miscarriages before 20 weeks.
  5. Postpartum Recovery. Women who give birth in adulthood have a higher risk of postpartum hemorrhage and infections.
  6. The risk of caesarean section is 45%. If the pregnancy is late, and besides the first, then the birth will be much more difficult than with young associates. Tissues lose their elasticity and coarsen over time. This condition becomes an obstacle to natural childbirth. A rare doctor will allow a woman to independently expel the fetus from the uterus. In this case, a cesarean section is a necessary measure so that the child and mother remain alive and healthy.
  7. Elderly parents. If the parents at the time of the birth of the child were 45 years old, then by the time he enters school, they will be 52 years old, and this is the age of grandparents. The child will need active pastime, but due to age-related changes in the body, elderly parents will not be able to give it to him in full. Given the average life expectancy of 70 years, there is a high probability of not surviving the birth of grandchildren. No matter how sad it sounds.


There is an active discussion on the topic of late birth on the Internet, and women ask a lot of questions that they want to receive a thoughtful and reliable answer. Here is a list of the most popular of them.

Question:   How long does it take for mature parents to successfully conceive a child?

Answer:   As early as 40 years old, every second woman has the opportunity to become pregnant without much effort, but after 45, only 1 out of 10 is given such a chance. If all attempts have failed for six months, then the couple can not do without the help of specialists.

Question:   Is it true that late birth rejuvenates a woman both physiologically and psychologically?

Answer:   According to doctors - this is a myth. The rejuvenation of the body does not occur at all, rather the opposite. Late pregnancy is stress for the body. It exacerbates and reveals processes that occur in a latent form. In addition, pregnancy causes a serious restructuring of the hormonal system, puts pressure on the spinal column, affects the functioning of the heart, and so on.

But the psychologically giving birth to a woman can feel like a young mother, but only in the shower and not for long, because the climax is “just around the corner”.

Question:   Where to start preparing for pregnancy for “mature” parents?

Answer: Definitely from visiting a profile doctor and passing all the necessary examinations for both a woman and a man. With age, the reproductive system of both partners reduces their capabilities and depletes reserves, hence the difficulty in conceiving. Historically, if a couple cannot get pregnant, then the problem is in the woman. This is an erroneous opinion. According to statistics, in 40% of cases of infertility, the function of childbearing is impaired precisely in men. Therefore, a future mother and father should be ready for a thorough check.

Question:   How to solve the issue of smoking if a woman smokes all her life? There is an opinion that you can’t throw. Is it so?

Answer:   Stop smoking and as soon as possible. Tobacco, drug and alcohol addiction negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the process of fetal development. The myth that at such an age you can’t come up with quit smokers themselves, so as not to limit yourself to the dependence developed over the years.

One cigarette smoked can cause a half-hour spasm of the uterine arteries, through which oxygen-enriched blood enters the fetus. As a result, its respiratory ability is suppressed, and along with it pulmonary pathologies develop, delays in physical and psychomotor development, as well as brain diseases. Women who smoke are at higher risk of having a dead baby. By quitting smoking, a woman increases the chances of enduring and giving birth to a healthy baby.

Question:   What caused a large percentage of abortions (about 70%) during pregnancy in 40–47 years?

Answer:   Most often, the cause of abortion in the "mature" age is an unplanned pregnancy. Many women believe that pregnancy after 45 years is impossible, since this is the time of menopause and are trapped in their own ignorance. As long as your period goes, pregnancy is possible.

When pregnancy happens, the woman is frightened of surprise, then she realizes her age, the presence of existing children and makes an abortion.

Women are consciously aborting, because they are not afraid in the future of its main consequence - infertility. Hence a large percentage of abortions. A similar fear is characteristic of young girls who have plans to become pregnant and have children.

Of course, all the disadvantages of late pregnancy upset and discourage, but still they do not stop the "adult" parents on the way to their desired.