Each of you uses chicken eggs in cooking, but most likely not everyone knows that you can create masterpieces from eggshells. The shell is appreciated by craftsmen who compare it with stone and marble. In terms of strength and range of colors, it is not inferior to other ornamental materials, having a good structure of a smooth surface and color shades. That is why eggshell crafts are highly valued. So let's make an original mosaic from an already unnecessary eggshell in a master class quickly and simply with our own hands!

We create a mosaic from eggshells with our own hands in a master class

Making paintings using the crackle technique has been used since ancient times in the East. Nowadays, many, having mastered this technique, create paintings or decorate the surfaces of various interior items with craquelures - creating the illusion of cracked polish.

Step-by-step instructions are presented for children, using it you can easily make an unusual picture.

To get the job done, you will need:
  • Eggshell.
  • Smooth board for the base of the picture or a thick sheet of cardboard (size - 1/2 format - A 2)
  • Two boards for crushing the shell.
  • PVA glue.
  • Flour paste.
  • Tracing paper.
  • Mascara.
  • Sheets of paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Napkin.
  • Wooden stick that you can make yourself by polishing the straight tip well.
Shell preparation:
  1. If you have accumulated a sufficient number of shells of different shades, then you can get to work. First rinse them well with warm water, then soak them in salt water for a few minutes to degrease the surface and dry well.
  2. Then, the dried shells must be crushed. How to do it correctly?

To make it convenient to work, you should glue the shell on a paper base. To do this, spread a sheet of paper on a thick board, grease it with glue and put the shells of the same color on top, with the convex side up. Then cover with a second plank and press lightly, the shell should flatten. Keep them in this position for 2 - 3 minutes so that the glue has time to dry.

  1. Remove the top board and very gently iron each piece with a stick, which will crumble into many more fragments with small cracks, these are craquelures.
  1. And now you have a finished piece of paper, from which it is now easy to cut out the fragments necessary for crafts. Do the same for the rest of the shell shades.

The technology for making this picture is quite simple.

  1. Copy the finished sketch from the photo.
  1. Attach tracing paper to it and copy the drawing, drawing well the outline of the details. Then transfer the copy to a thin board - the basis of your painting. Number each detail according to the color and tones.
  2. Next, attach the patterns of the parts to the plates with craquelures, circle them with a pencil, then apply the numbers according to the colors of the main picture and cut out the details with ordinary scissors. Then glue the finished parts on the picture with PVA glue according to the numbers.
  1. Paint over the tone with black ink, let it dry and start painting fragments of the picture. This is a very fun process.
  2. The final stage of the work is the most responsible and painstaking one, which requires special care, this is grinding and polishing the surface of the product. When working, it should be borne in mind that the shell is thin and careless movement can damage the surface of the picture. Take a block of wood, wrap it with sandpaper first, and sand the shells well. Then wrap the block with plain paper and polish the fragments to the desired result.

We study bottle decoration with craquelure and decoupage

Craquelures on a bottle, vase or glass will look original.

Degrease the shell washed with warm water with saline, dry and grind to the desired size. Try not to make them very prominent. Clean the glass surface of the vessel well from labels and dirt, degrease with detergent or alcohol, dry and get to work.

Apply PVA glue to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe glass and start spreading pieces of shell on it. The distance between the fragments must be immediately adjusted with a toothpick or pin. Continue to glue the bottle to the end in this way. When the entire surface is pasted over, prime it with acrylic paint.

Interesting DIY egg shell crafts are popular among beginners and experienced needlewomen. At exhibitions you can find many products from this material. It captivates with its naturalness and accessibility. All art lovers should try to work with this raw material, and the house will acquire an updated appearance thanks to the decorations obtained.


It is customary to associate decorating the shell with the tradition of decorating Easter eggs. And carving (carving) was popular in China in ancient times. It is believed there that the world originated from eggs. Therefore, they were given for any holidays. You can still find works of the 13-15th century in museums in this country.

Now shell carving has a completely different look, it has become more complex and well thought out. All this thanks to the tools, they work with them to create the most detailed drawing. But you can make simple crafts for children from eggshells.

What can be made from this material

As a first step, you can try decorating your eggs with mother of pearl. Add painting or decoupage on a white surface of the material.

Embroidery is gaining popularity. Moreover, they use various additional means: ribbons, beads. Such works look original and do not leave anyone indifferent.

Many needlewomen create small grass pots from this material. It turns out unusual, simple and practical.

What kind of crafts are suitable for a child?

Making Christmas decorations for the New Year with your own hands is much more interesting than just buying them in a store. You can create anything: animals, fish, cartoon characters. The rounded shape will tell your imagination what to create.

For example, making a clown is easy. Glue a cap from a stationery to the surface, make a collar out of paper and draw a face. The toy is ready.

And by cutting out the fin, tail and decorating the muzzle with paint, you will get a fish. The pig is created using a paper-cut heel, ponytail and drawn eyes.

You don't have to use specific imagery. By adding rhinestones, beads, ribbon or other auxiliary material to the shell, you will get a bright Christmas decoration. It all depends on your imagination. Focus on master classes on crafts from eggshells, and you will succeed.

Mosaic products

The shell has gained its popularity among decoupage lovers. When split, it recreates the effect of cracks. To do this, attach the fragments with PVA glue to the surface with a minimum amount of space between them. When dry, cover with primer or acrylic.

After this step, you can stick your favorite images, pictures, napkins, complementing them with details. Do not forget to apply a protective layer of varnish. Such a product is durable and can withstand wet cleaning.

The technology of making mosaic crafts from the shell

For a mosaic effect, degrease the surface, apply a primer and paint. Draw a pencil sketch on the item. Paint the shell with acrylic paints and apply along the contour of the drawing. PVA glue is also suitable for this. For ease of grooming work, cover with a glossy varnish. The masterpiece is ready!

If you decide to tackle mosaics with a small child, then choose a simplified method: replace the glue with plasticine. Spread a thin layer of material on a paper or cardboard surface. Use a stick or other pointed object to draw the pattern and outline. And attach the shards to the surface by pressing into the clay.

Many items are decorated with mosaics: from paintings to interior items, vases, dishes. For inspiration, refer to the photo of egg shell crafts that other craftsmen lay out.

To understand how to correctly make a craft with your own hands, you need to know some details:

As a preparation of the material, you need to pierce holes with an awl on different sides of the egg. Blow out the contents and wash the future product. After drying, it is necessary to strengthen the structure. For this, acrylic-based varnish or glue is poured inside.


Roll the shells - the inside should be completely covered. When the egg is dry, it's ready to be creative.

Creativity for all generations

Making work from eggshells has many advantages. Children develop fine motor skills, and for middle and old age, an important plus is the availability of material. You can do this hobby for fun.

And if you have a lot of experience in decorating, then your work may well be successful among lovers of handmade and even bring money.

Photo of egg shell crafts



I hope that the works of this master will inspire you to many creative feats!

It all started with this box, which I wanted to throw away. Since the box was all broken, and on the lid there was an unsuccessful experience in translating the image, I decided to first experiment on the lid, and then throw it away if it fails to restore ...

In order to somehow "strengthen" it and hide my previous unsuccessful experience, I came up with a white material on the lid, and a white eggshell on top.

It took a little time. While everything was dry, I moved to the kitchen. There I had to part with the old Easter dyes, which have been in jars for over a month. And it's also a pity to pour everything out, but suddenly they will come in handy. And here a creative nature finally woke up in me - I decided to paint the lid with Easter dyes. Experiment, so experiment!

I did not expect such a stunning beautiful effect - the dissolved Easter dyes smoothly painted over both the fabric and the white shell. The transitions were very beautiful. I worked a lot with shells, but neither acrylic paints nor gouache will give such an effect.

I liked the lightness the most. I urgently decided to proceed further and paste over the whole box with shells. However, the white shell is over, only the dark shell remains. I don't want to take it.

And at this stage, a cardinal decision was made - to glue the shell on the contrary, so that the inner white side was up. The entire lower part of the box was glued like this. Well, I really wanted to continue the experiment.

Coloring also with dyes. Also a beautiful effect of a smooth color transition on wood is obtained, but on the fabric it was more interesting. The box, like all the works presented here, was varnished three times, each layer dried.

I also used old Easter dyes. It is advisable to glue the shell at intervals so that your material is visible. You can tilt the product so that the paint "chooses its own path" and mixes with another color. There are many options!

I specially made a close-up photo so that a beautiful and smooth paint transition was visible.

After the frame had dried, I covered it three times with wood varnish. It looks like a mosaic!

Since there were still a lot of shells in my bins of my homeland, I decided to try to make bells. The result exceeded all my expectations! So my little know-how from a sense of innate frugality!

I glued the cut bandage with an overlap, we do not regret glue! Thus strengthening our future bell. This is very important for the subsequent work!

Let it dry.

When the gauze is dry, cut out the "petals" of the bell with ordinary scissors. Then she primed it with white paint, since the dark shell was visible. If the shell is white, you do not need to prime it. I used regular wall paint. Can be painted with gouache, but not with acrylic! Otherwise, your base will stain ugly or not at all ... We are waiting for it to dry. Make a hole with a sharp object on top for the string. We glue the shell.

I try to glue the corners of the shell onto the ends of the "petals".

Painted bells with Easter dyes + watercolors. Watercolors can also be used, but it is better to mix them with dyes. Since watercolor itself paints the shell, but weakly. You can bend the bell petals. Nothing will happen to them.

The photo is not so hot, but you can see how beautifully colored the petals inside the bell.

I cannot deny myself the pleasure of doing a little photo shoot with them ...

All my bells had to be pasted over with shells, too, the other way around. Well, I have a deficit with a white shell ... But it also keeps well. All works were varnished in three layers.

I made myself another simple candlestick. She glued the shell to cheesecloth so that the light could well "seep" through it.

It seems that I have already done everything - I used almost all the shells, but inspiration was not going to lag behind me. I decided to redo my plaster heart.

You don't have to use plaster, you can just cut out the shape you like from the packaging cardboard and glue it over with material.

The base was also pasted over with white material. When painting, I used Easter dyes + watercolor. After I made this fish, I realized that I needed not one fish, but a flock of fish ... One was already drying up. The basis is packing cardboard.

And here are some more ideas for Easter from

Eggshell mosaic. Master Class

Master Class. Working with natural material

Panel from eggshell "Amanita"

Purpose: to teach how to make an eggshell mosaic by design, to be able to design work.

Application: The material is designed for children of grade 4, making birthday gifts, decorating a room, making crafts for an exhibition.

Equipment: round board, gouache paints, brush, PVA glue, colorless varnish, gold stained-glass contour, toothpick, black marker.

Step-by-step workflow

The attractiveness of an eggshell mosaic is in its accessibility: you can achieve great results with your own hands without having any special skills or special devices. You can decorate a variety of objects, decorate any surface

1. I am using raw egg shells. For example, I'm preparing an omelet: the contents are in the pan, and the shells are in business. Before further use, they must be thoroughly rinsed in cold water, carefully remove the films from the inside and dry.

2. Take a computer-printed drawing of our future mosaic. We translate it to a ready-made basis.

3. The shell is easily glued to PVA. We smear a small section of the drawing with glue, break it off and lay it, choosing according to color and shape - as in a regular mosaic.

4. Fill all the empty spaces in the picture with the shell.

5. We spread the whole drawing with the shell.

6. Along the edges of the board we also lay out a pattern of pieces of shells.

7. We paint the shell with gouache paints. With a stained-glass golden outline, draw antennae near the spikelets, if desired, we put dots along the edges of the pattern. We outline the whole drawing with a thin black marker. The finished panel must be varnished and your work will sparkle!

* Observe safety precautions when working with varnish. Work in a well-ventilated area.

8. Finished works of pupils in this technique.

9. The product made in this technique will decorate the interior of any home; and the creative process will not cause great difficulties, it will only bring a lot of pleasure! Landscape "In the mountains".

I wish you creative success!

Easter is approaching, which means that many colored eggs will appear in every house. So it's time to master a new needlework technique: eggshell crafts.

Eggshells are a great material for creativity. And we offer you two options for using it:

Eggshell Craft Materials and Tools

  • eggshell
  • pVA glue and brush
  • thick cardboard or other surface (box, vase, etc.)
  • tweezers
  • a small wooden stick, for pressing the shells (great for a manicure stick)
  • acrylic paints if the mosaic is made of white shell
  • decoupage napkin (if necessary)

First you need to prepare the material. To do this, the collected eggshells are washed in warm water (and for better defatting, you can even dip them into boiling water with a soda solution). After that, the shell must be dried, the inner film must be removed from it and arranged in color.

Professionals use shells from raw eggs, since the shells that have been heat treated, lose their hardness, and their surface becomes looser. But for children's crafts, you can use any shell, including the one left over from boiled Easter eggs.

Eggshell Mosaic

To make a do-it-yourself eggshell mosaic, you need a template for the future pattern. If you are artistic, just draw the template on a piece of paper. If not, you can take any drawing intended for coloring by children. All contours are clearly traced there and usually a large number of colors are not required. Glue the printed sheet onto thick cardboard.

Now we begin to glue the shell. To do this, grease a small fragment of the pattern with PVA glue and put a piece of the shell on top. If the shell is too large, then you just need to press on top with a stick, the shell will crack and break into several small pieces. Make sure that there is approximately the same distance between the shells.

Having filled in one piece of the picture, move on to the next.

After filling in the entire pattern, set it aside until the glue is completely dry. If you used a white shell, then only after drying, the drawing can be painted with acrylic paints.

The finished work must be varnished. The result is a kind of eggshell application.

See what wonderful pictures of eggshells are made by real craftswomen!

If you decide to do decoupage using eggshells, then first select a blank for future crafts. It can be a box, a housekeeper, a bottle, or even a vase.

Decoupage master class on eggshells in a wooden box

This box is made of wood, so first we sand the entire surface (both internal and external) with sandpaper. If you took up decoupage of a bottle with eggshells, then the surface must first be degreased with alcohol.

It depends only on you how large the pieces of the shell will be and the distance between them.

We fill the entire surface like this.

And once again we cover everything with a layer of PVA glue.

After that, we cover the entire workpiece in several layers with white acrylic paint.

And we proceed to gluing the napkin, that is, directly to the decoupage itself.

Let me remind you that three-layer napkins are usually used for decoupage. We only need the top layer - the one on which the drawing is. We coat the working surface with PVA glue. If the surface is very large, or you are working with rounded objects (vase, bottle), then it is better to cut the napkin into two or three fragments. We apply a napkin element to the surface and immediately apply PVA glue on top. We draw a brush from the center to the edges to expel air from under the napkin.

Thus, we glue the box on all sides.

Set aside for a while to dry completely.

And then there are two options (depending on your imagination). The finished work can be simply varnished. And you can also age the box. To do this, you can ask for the shells with silver acrylic paint, and apply black pastel on the edges of the box using a foam sponge.