The instruction that is attached to the belladonna extract in candles is laconic. After reading it, it becomes clear that these are candles that are used to treat cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids. The composition includes a plant extract of the belladonna plant. Among the effects that suppositories have are the following: analgesic effect, decreased muscle tone of the abdominal cavity and intestines, anti-inflammatory effect, as well as antispasmodic effect. The listed properties are often used by doctors to prepare a woman in labor for permission from pregnancy. The fact is that belladonna extract is able to minimize the possibility of a prolonged birth, because its use relaxes the uterus, and also positively affects the condition of the rectum, as a prevention of hemorrhoids. Thus, doctors are safe from possible complications during labor.

However, despite such positive effects of candles with belladonna, it remains unclear whether they can be used by pregnant women. Some instructions for belladonna extract do not mention any contraindications during pregnancy. In other instructions, contraindications include pregnancy and lactation. Doctors say that such contraindications in the description of drugs are usually a simple attempt by pharmaceutical companies to play safe.

It is known that the use of these suppositories in late pregnancy is safe. In later stages, belladonna extract can not affect the development of the fetus, which means that you can safely trust the medical prescriptions and facilitate future births. What is the real effect of these candles on women?

Practice shows that for many women in labor, candles really help normalize stool and relax the uterus, as stated in the instructions. Other women from candles can be greatly weakened. Side effects are also possible: impaired vision, palpitations, dry mouth and others. If such negative effects are observed, then suppositories with belladonna can be replaced with other drugs or suppositories (for example, with papaverine).

Regarding the effectiveness of this remedy, we can say the following: for some people candles really help in relaxing the uterus and its subsequent opening, for others suppositories do not bring the expected positive effect. Many women in labor do not pay attention to the appointment of an obstetrician and do not use candles.

Gynecologists also often have different attitudes to the use of this tool. In any case, if you trust your obstetrician-gynecologist, then you should follow his recommendations. If the doctor prescribes candles for you, then most likely he is confident in their positive effects. Do not forget that the body's reaction to belladonna may be different, and if you notice any negative effect from the use of candles, then you should definitely consult a doctor who is conducting your pregnancy.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Due to hormonal disruptions, strong pressure on the intestines, and the inability to move, many women suffer from hemorrhoids. Moreover, the nodes are able to jump out right before childbirth or even in the process. Then you can correct the situation only by surgery.

To prevent such a nuisance, doctors often prescribe candles with belladonna during pregnancy before giving birth. They have an antispasmodic effect, relax, help the intestines cleanse. In addition, they slightly remove unpleasant sensations (a slight analgesic effect), cope with pathogenic bacteria, and work as an antiseptic. And relieve inflammation.

Why exactly before birth give candles with belladonna?

Many women are generally alarmed by such recommendations, because we are talking about an extract of belladonna, which is known for its toxic properties. But in pharmacology in small doses, it is used precisely for treatment.

Nevertheless, for some manufacturers, in pregnancy instructions, candles with belladonna are generally forbidden to use. How then to respond to medical appointments? As the experts themselves explain, the effect of this plant on expectant mothers has not been thoroughly studied. And since we are talking about a toxin, it is not surprising that many pharmacological companies are in a hurry to ban such a tool.

However, the statistics collected show that there are fewer negative consequences for women than potential benefits. In the worst case scenario, they simply did not help a particular category.

Operating principle

About what exactly the effect of such a medicine on the body has been partially said above. But special attention deserves how the candles with belladonna act during pregnancy on the cervix. They help her open faster, while soft and natural.

That is why the medication is often prescribed to women who are at risk of having a baby, for example, at 41 weeks. However, as the doctors themselves indicate, if they were discharged to you at 38 weeks of gestation or at 39 weeks, then that's okay. Most likely, this is just about preparatory activities. Many gynecologists note that belladonna extract during pregnancy prevents cervical ruptures.

What is written in the instructions?

So, if you are going to use this tool, then the first thing is to look at the instructions. The main active ingredient is belladonna extract, which, as already mentioned, is obtained from belladonna leaves. Do not panic: the main active ingredient is in a small concentration, so there is no particular risk.

In addition, candles with belladonna are prescribed during pregnancy in the later stages, when the baby's body has already formed and is reliably protected by the placenta. Therefore, the risk of negative effects on the fetus is very small. But to use candles with belladonna in the early stages does not make much sense.

What you should pay attention to?

Belladonna extract slightly, but accelerates the heartbeat, can cause tachycardia. Therefore, with severe problems with the cardiovascular system, such a medicine should be discarded. As with increased intraocular pressure. Contraindication is also glaucoma. In general, for vision problems, additional medical consultation is required.

How to apply?

So, if you have been prescribed candles with belladonna from hemorrhoids during pregnancy, then keep in mind: the usual dosage is 2-3 candles, 1 per day after appropriate hygiene procedures or emptying. After use, you need to lie down for a while. Dilation of the pupils, slight dry mouth, as well as slight nervous excitement, are within the normal range.

Sometimes diarrhea occurs, but if it does not bother the woman too much, then doctors prefer to limit themselves to reducing the timing of the drug, and not to cancel it completely. Many also because of this effect prescribe this medication, considering it a peculiar way to prepare the body for childbirth.

Please note: in case of emergency, the number of suppositories can be increased to 10 per day. However, this is not suitable for the course. And, in any case, it is impossible to decide on such experiments independently in any case. Only with the permission of the doctor! And under strict medical supervision!

The general course, when it is not about preparing for childbirth, but about treatment or the prevention of hemorrhoids, can be 10 days. Further, the doctor makes a decision on a possible extension of treatment. But regardless of the effect, such drug therapy is suitable for pregnant women in the later stages.

Side effects

Sometimes there are problems with vision, noticeable dry mouth, thirst, tachycardia. Problems with urine may begin. With severe side effects, the drug is immediately canceled. If the patient is severely tormented by diarrhea, she can talk with the doctor about the possibility of replacing the medicine.

Nystatin and belladonna during pregnancy

Since the effect of belladonna extract on pregnant women has not been studied, it is difficult to say how this medicine in combination with nystatin will affect it. However, most doctors, prescribing such a combination, usually either simply prepare the pregnant woman with the thrush for childbirth, or try to deal with several problems at once.

In addition, hemorrhoids can weaken the body. It is often accompanied by dysbiosis, which is combined with candidiasis or threatens to lead to it. This is undesirable, since the yeast infection is able to be transmitted to the child during the passage of the mother through the birth canal. Therefore, this therapy is considered justified, especially immediately before the baby is born.

Read also:

Is it possible to put candles with codeine and belladonna during pregnancy with severe pain?

Despite the fact that a small risk is allowed, as a rule, experimenting with codeine should not be. Moreover, such a medicine does not exist. And pregnant women should not take drugs that most resemble drugs in their action and not only.

And what if hemorrhoids really hurt? Search for other options. A safe medicine in this case is heparin ointment. She painkilles pretty well, especially if you start using such a drug in a timely manner, that is, do not start the problem.

In the pharmacy market, you can find different formulations that suggest local anesthesia by the type of lidocoin. To get involved in them too much is not worth it. However, in a small amount, they can bring relief, weaken the increased sensitivity of nerve endings.

If you are not allergic to essential oils, you can try candles that contain these substances. They cool, accelerate the healing of small cracks, soothe, remove discomfort. Including they have a weak anesthetic effect.

Does it make sense to take candles with belladonna before childbirth?

The medicine itself causes a lot of controversy. Some doctors believe that it is not particularly necessary, that the tool is useless and ineffective. Therefore, they dissuade pregnant women from him or simply do not prescribe.

Others disagree with this view. In defense of their position, experts cite the collected medical statistics, when after application, the cork began to recede in women, and then the birth itself took place. And this happened even when the pregnant women could not be born.

In individual clinics, candles with belladonna are prescribed for virtually all women before childbirth. Some gynecologists refuse them, believing that this is an outdated solution that is suitable only in individual cases. Should I still use them?

The final choice should be made by the woman herself and the trustworthy doctor. If there are no contraindications to the candles, and the time is already right, then you can try. As practice shows, in most cases it does not get worse from this remedy.

However, some doctors prescribe suppositories with papaverine instead of suppositories with belladonna. They indicate that the effect is comparable, but the result is more stable and predictable.

What can replace candles with belladonna?

If the remedy for some reason does not help, do not despair. There are no direct analogues to this medicine, but you can always choose other drugs that help to cope with hemorrhoids, including during pregnancy, improve the opening of the cervix, and anesthetize.

If we talk about the first disease, then many advise sea buckthorn candles. They have a mild, pleasant effect. Hypoallergenic, plant-based, with a minimum of side effects and contraindications. However, it is most often recommended as prevention.

A pretty good option is ichthyol candles. The main component is obtained from seafood and algae. Rarely cause allergies, effectively remove itching and discomfort, prevent the appearance of cones. They are not absorbed into the blood, so there will be no harm to the child.

Analogues for cervical stimulation

Various means are used to stimulate the cervix, ranging from papaverine to candles with prostaglandin. If a woman does not succeed in getting born, they can put a dropper with a medicine that will not only cause contractions, but also provoke the cervix to open. However, all this should be done by the doctor in the hospital mode.

During pregnancy, it is always recommended to avoid taking various medications. The effect of drugs can adversely affect the development of the fetus, so even the most "harmless" pills are never prescribed without apparent need. When choosing medications, most often doctors prefer drugs that are based on natural components of plant origin. It is believed that such medicines have a minimal effect on the child.

During pregnancy, many women have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids or anal fissures occur. For the prevention and treatment of such problems, gynecologists most often prescribe candles with belladonna extract.

Belladonna extract, effect on the body

Belladonna (belladonna) in nature is a poisonous plant, but in medicine it is of great benefit. The extract of this plant has an analgesic, anticholinergic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

This drug successfully anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, and also helps to reduce muscle tone of the abdominal cavity. It is this property that is valued by gynecologists and obstetricians. Often, the drug is prescribed before childbirth in order to relax the cervix and minimize complications during labor. Belladonna extract also has a preventive effect, which allows you not to worry about the appearance of hemorrhoids and other problems of this type.

Opinions of experts regarding the action of candles with belladonna extract differ widely. Some find this drug very effective and prescribe it to almost all pregnant women before giving birth. Others, on the contrary, do not use this medicine as a prophylactic at all, considering it not so useful as to prescribe during the expectation of a child.

In practice, there are different cases, for many women this drug helps in terms of treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, normalize stool. They also have a positive effect on labor, relaxing the uterus. But for some women, the drug can act as a strong laxative, which causes significant discomfort.

Side effects of the drug

The reaction of each organism to the drug is individual, when using candles with belladonna the following symptoms may occur:

With a strong manifestation of any side effect, candles with belladonna are replaced with another drug. During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the body is increased, so side effects occur more often.

In order to avoid such consequences, pregnant women are not prescribed a course of taking the drug without urgent need. Most often, candles are used once, perhaps with some frequency, only as prescribed by the doctor. When using the drug, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed treatment, do not exceed the permissible doses.

The herbal origin of this drug does not mean its safety and the possibility of continuous use during the period of gestation.

Method of use and contraindications

Suppositories with belladonna extract are used only in a rectal way. Before using the drug, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines by natural emptying or enemas. After these manipulations, you need to carry out hygiene procedures, washing yourself thoroughly. The candle is brought to the maximum depth in the rectum, after which it is necessary to remain in a supine position for at least 30 minutes.

A drug is prescribed in a dosage of one candle several times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts from 3 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the disease. If necessary, treatment is repeated after a break. The daily dose should not exceed 10 suppositories (150 mg).

During pregnancy, the dosage and duration of admission is determined by the doctor, taking into account all individual indicators. Often suppositories with belladonna extract are prescribed at the same time as taking No-shpa.

You can not use candles with belladonna extract during breastfeeding. Also, the drug is contraindicated for those who suffer from prostate adenoma or glaucoma, intestinal atony, ulcerative colitis, tachyarrhythmia, bleeding and are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

During the expectation of a child, the drug can be used only as directed by a doctor.

People with chronic heart failure, impaired renal function, hypertension or gallstone disease should take candles with caution.

special instructions

When taking the drug, you should refuse to drive a car. Belladonna extract has an effect on the human nervous system, and can reduce attention span. Side effects can also be blurred vision, decreased physical activity and reaction.

The belladonna candles during pregnancy should be taken with caution, monitor your well-being and body reaction. All ailments after using the drug should be reported to the doctor, it may be necessary to stop taking the drug or replace it with another one.

While waiting for the child, you need to be very responsible for your health. Reception of belladonna candles during pregnancy is not contraindicated, but requires the permission of a doctor. If a medicine is prescribed for prevention, and a woman has doubts about whether to take the drug, it is best to consult with several specialists. If you refuse to take the medicine, you must inform the doctor who prescribed the candles with belladonna extract.

If a woman in a position, the doctor prescribes some kind of drug, she usually carefully studies the instructions. Often assigned candles with belladonna during pregnancy before childbirth. But they are used to treat hemorrhoids. Why are they assigned to a future mother?

What is the drug

Candles with belladonna are rectal suppositories. They are designed to treat hemorrhoidal nodes, anal fissures. The tool has the following actions:
  1. relieves pain;
  2. eliminates the inflammatory process;
  3. removes cramps.
Belladonna during pregnancy increases muscle tone in the abdomen. Therefore, the drug is used to prepare a woman for motherhood.

What is the drug for?

All components of the medicine reduce the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Belladonna before childbirth is used as a prophylaxis, since it will not allow this disease to occur.

If anal fissures appear, the drug will reduce pain, remove inflammation. It promotes smooth muscle relaxation. Doctors use this property to prepare a woman for the birth of a child. The drug is prescribed to protect a woman from complications, late birth.

Candles affect all the muscles of the abdominal region, so they affect the uterus. They remove cramps, relax, which is very useful during pregnancy. Correct will improve the elasticity of the uterus, will facilitate timely disclosure.

How to use the drug

Candles are prescribed by the doctor, and the expectant mother must adhere to all dosages, administer suppositories on time, since the composition of the product contains belladonna, which is poisonous. If you do not follow the rules, complications may occur.

The doctor determines the dosage individually with each patient. If there is any reaction, it is worth informing a specialist about it.

Often, the course of using candles is about 2 weeks, 2-3 suppositories are administered per day. But each patient is assigned a dosage. This is affected by the health of the expectant mother, her condition and other factors.

During the use of candles, you should adhere to the following sequence:

  1. the intestines are empty;
  2. genitals, anus are washed;
  3. a suppository is deeply inserted into the anus;
  4. after that it is recommended to lie down a bit.

About such medicines as candles with belladonna even their instructions for use do not report much information. After all, literally everything, in general, is understandable. Candles with belladonna are ordinary rectal suppositories with the addition of belladonna herbal extract used primarily for and, of course, cracks formed in the anus. These suppositories have both analgesic, so actually anti-inflammatory and even antispasmodic action. In addition, it is candles with belladonna that contribute to the removal of increased muscle tone as the entire abdominal cavity and in particular only the intestines.

All these properties of this drug are largely widely used by doctors in preparing pregnant women for childbirth. So most often candles with belladonna during pregnancy are prescribed immediately before childbirth. Usually this is done specifically for the prevention of hemorrhoids and also for relaxation, which can greatly facilitate the process of childbirth. In fact - this is done in order to avoid probable too prolonged childbirth and the most various complications both during and after them.

However, in spite of such simplicity and ease in description, at least two such questions remain not entirely clear. Is it possible and also necessary to use suppositories with belladonna extract during pregnancy?

As to whether it is possible to use them, it can be said that the various instructions say completely differently, or rather, some manufacturers mention this, but others do not. Sometimes, in some annotations, among contraindications to the constant use of suppositories with belladonna extract and pregnancy are listed among contraindications. However, the doctors themselves explain this incredibly simply, namely, the doctors claim that pharmacists are simply reinsured. So already in the later stages, suppositories with belladonna extract cannot have the slightest negative effect on the fetus itself, and therefore cannot be contraindicated during pregnancy.

However, is there any real reason to put such candles with belladonna directly during pregnancy? And do they really help, and what are the side effects of these suppositories?

As a rule, suppositories with belladonna extract during pregnancy can be prescribed together with a drug such as No-spa. And as previously mentioned, this is necessary to prepare a woman for childbirth. And in particular, to soften the cervix, as well as to relieve excessive muscle tone and even for the prevention of hemorrhoids. However, I must say that for different women, these candles act in completely different ways. So for someone, these candles really help to fix existing problems with the stool, which, of course, can often occur during pregnancy. But other women from such candles can greatly weaken, which causes considerable discomfort. Sometimes these candles can also cause such side effects as a sharp heartbeat, as well as visual impairment, or thirst, sometimes dry mouth, and much more. In such cases, doctors still try to replace them with some other drugs, such as candles with papaverine.

Regarding the effectiveness and the expediency of such appointments, many pregnant women try to adhere to completely different points of view. So these candles with belladonna extract really help someone, but others, on the contrary, do not observe any positive effects or relief (often the cervix can open quite tightly and even reluctantly). But some women do not even try to use these candles, skipping such medical appointments, as they say by ear.

It should also be said that gynecologists themselves are also far from being equally and ambiguously related to this issue. So in some antenatal clinics, doctors consider virtually all pregnant women to prescribe suppositories with belladonna extract before the very birth. But in other consultations, on the contrary, they are precisely sure that they are absolutely useless and not even entirely justified.

I must also say that among the reviews there are often stories about how, say, a paid presenter and a very experienced doctor will cancel candles with belladonna extract during pregnancy, which were originally prescribed in the antenatal clinic. And, of course, it can be confusing and even confusing for many pregnant women. So the question immediately arises, who should still be believed and who will need to be listened to? But to answer this difficult question is extremely difficult. Both doctors are right, as you understand.

Therefore, if you have a doctor whom you can absolutely trust, then, of course, you should listen to his point of view. In the end, really the body's reactions to these suppositories with belladonna extract during pregnancy can be very different. Moreover, there really is a probability of both their extremely positive impact, and actually their negative impact. However, it is obvious that initially candles with belladonna extract during pregnancy and immediately before childbirth should be prescribed only by a doctor. And the main thing is only in cases where each specific woman has a real indication to that, that is, if the woman, for example, is at risk for the development of acute hemorrhoids or too slowly opening the cervix itself.